Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Politics: The National Anthem and Football Protests

I'm going to add on this introduction to this post so that you'll know a good update about it and be prepared for things in the future. You see, from this point forward, this blog is going to be updated on Tuesdays after the newest episode aired instead of Mondays. That also means that potential special posts like this one near the beginning of a month will be on Tuesdays instead. If you don't see something on a Tuesday like you think that you should, then it should appear a day or two later. I still don't have a set time to do these special posts that are political so you'll continue seeing them whenever. Now let's get to this post.

Sometimes things for me are considered controversial when they shouldn’t be. This whole NFL protest is over something way blown out of proportion. Why can’t they kneel? We live in a democracy. Yet some people seem to think that they can’t protest even though it is explicated laid out in our constitution. The NFL wants to get people back on their side by having players do commercials where they talk about their love of the country. Well, let’s get through all of this that I think is worth mentioning.

It all started with a man named Colin Kapernick. He made a good point by taking a metaphorical stand against racial injustice. He didn’t stand for the national anthem, being made to kneel soon instead. This is a pretty decent way to protest. They could burn flags against a country, but they don’t. They do a pretty respectful thing. But not everyone sees it that way.

The disconnect that I see related to this comes from people thinking that this disrespects the flag and veterans. How does not standing for the national anthem do this? I don’t follow. The anthem has so little to do with this that I don’t even know why that’s the go to response of people who don’t like this. But this country has a right to free speech where one can and can’t do something within reason if they don’t want to. How is this different from that?

Trump’s opinion on the matter seemed to make things worse for people like him. Before the games were played on Sunday, he tweeted that he hoped that people wouldn’t protest and felt that anyone who did should be fired for having an opinion different from his own. If he hadn’t said anything before the games, it’s possible and very likely that nobody would have protested. Instead, there were protests at every game played that day. If you go asking for trouble, you will get it. That’s how we got Trump in the first place.

A sadly important thing in all this is ratings. You might have seen commercials where NFL stars talk about their love of the military and of this country. While I’m sure that wasn’t entirely just a way to save face, you know that them wanting to salvage their failing ratings has something to do with these ads. People are dumb enough to give up something they love (watching football) just so that they feel they are doing something good in the world. But it is really those who would risk their careers by protesting the anthem who are making their message heard.

Something that I wanted to add was that some people may think that what these players are doing is un-American in some way. People have a right to not stand for the anthem. Why would they not be able to do this? Maybe you don’t like the direction of the country. But I don’t think that people want to leave this country just because of it. They want to make their voices heard and this is the way that they do it. If there were something un-American about making voices of yours heard by not liking what is going on with how things are run where you live, then this country probably wouldn’t exist.

I don’t know what else there is to say about this topic. Maybe there is more to this that I could say that is important in one way or another. But I think that I covered pretty much everything that I could think of that’s important to this post. My point is that people should be able to protest the national anthem. It is in our Constitution, that right. People can be dumb for getting upset at it, but that is their right as well. I think that the NFL players have the right to protest it and I, for one, will keep watching it for as long as the issue remains.