Monday, November 26, 2018

Episode from 11-25-2018

Something happened way sooner than I think that it probably should have. But this post is a landmark one. This is the 100th post of this blog. Isn’t that special? I doubt that this would have happened as soon as it did were it not for the pure political posts that I did of this blog. We’ve had a strange ride. It was a long time before I started doing these updates on time. But I should be doing it that way for as long as possible until this show ends. What’s amazing and kind of dumb is how little this blog is actually about the TV show Madam Secretary.

Let’s get to the results of the Indiana senate race. I tried to donate to Joe Donnelly, but I don’t know if he actually got the money or not. He was the incumbent Democrat in the race. He is very moderate as he votes with Trump a very high amount of time for a Democrat. He is pro-life too. But that wasn’t good enough for them and now Republican Mike Braun will be in office instead of Joe starting on January 3rd of next year.

When it came to the other Republicans in the primary that ran against Mike, I was thinking that while I didn’t want Joe to lose, I wanted him to lose to Mike and not the other two radicals in the race. I think that Time Magazine even called Mike a more sensible politician or something along the lines of that. (I have not read this article in question yet, although I might bring it up later, perhaps in Latin just to keep things interesting. Of course, Google translate would need a Latin option.) Since the donation to him failed, this means that it will be reassigned. I will explain more how later.

Let’s hope that Mike isn’t bad like I think (I think he is good, if that’s not clear, although I would have still preferred Joe to win) and we will see what happens in 2024 when his seat is up for reelection again. For now, I have to get to something more important in today’s world.

Perhaps by now you have heard of Brian Kemp, the governor elect of Georgia. He made headlines for purging the voting roles of minority voters and thus misusing his power as Secretary of State of Georgia (although he resigned officially shortly after the election). There’s a reason that democracy, or whatever type of government you call our country’s, is in serious peril due to the likes of people like him. I have not done the math to see if his opponent could have won with these votes nor do I know if they were actually prevented from voting. But Brian is now such a terrible Republican that he is almost certain to run for president in the future.

There’s talk about voter fraud
But it’s often thought of as broad
We then get suppression
That causes oppression
It’s a dangerous road that is trod

Movie update: On Friday, I watched Pocahontas and that is now Vantage Point. On Saturday, I watched Ghost Town and that is now The Lion King. On Sunday, I watched some of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King and its replacement will be mentioned in the next post since I had to pause it in order to watch primetime.

I check the games before primetime at around 5:50. My main CBS affiliate is showing a game that is tied between the Pittsburg Steelers and the Denver Broncos. Didn’t they meet in post season back in 2016? FOX isn’t showing sports. I check my other CBS affiliate and they are airing the same game. I might have to work on the next political post of this blog because I will have to post one of those in place of any episode that doesn’t air that’s supposed to. I just don’t want it to be the 100th post instead of this one. But I guess that we’ll see what happens.

Sticking with the game after 6, I see the Broncos get a touchdown and then a field goal. Thus, they are now in the lead. FOX is airing The Cool Kids at 6. This has to be a rerun and I won’t care enough to watch it at this point in time.

Here is what the epg says is happening in the 60 Minutes episode tonight: Scott Pelley reports on the thousands of migrant children who were separated from their families at the U.S.-Mexico border under the Trump Administration; Lesley Stahl explores cleanup efforts after the nuclear disaster in Fukushima, Japan. I’m guessing that the border crisis will get two parts.

The Broncos end up winning the game in question due to an end zone interception. I don’t think that the shows will start at the 30 minute mark break, but I won’t be able to know for a bit whether or not it will be on that much of a break or not. I decide to watch Bob’s Burgers at 6:30, even though I have seen the episode in question before.

Today’s episode is brought to you by 33 minute delay. We begin with a person listening to music as he enters the office. This person is Blake. He gets a reminder that he’s getting fired in three days. We then get to Elizabeth talking to Henry. She talks about an upcoming trip to Haiti. There is some other issue that I miss a bit of. The person who lost the election in Haiti thinks that there were issues with it that effectively robbed him of it. Blake and Jay talk about what should be done in the future. Blake does not know what to do.

The diplomat arrives at the office. One of his workers talks to Matt about his speeches that he writes for Elizabeth. She then talks to him about various issues that they want solved. He wants to usher in a new day for the future of his country. He is turning down assistance. This opponent then talks about stuff and is then bringing in the crisis of the week.

In segment two, Conrad talks about what they should do now that the dictator of Haiti lost reelection and won’t step down. Blake can’t figure out what to do with finding a new job and talks to Jay about it. Elizabeth is worried about a burial place. Matt wants to get rid of Danny, the speechwriter of the newly elected president of Haiti. Elizabeth and Jay talk more about the situation while Blake has issues talking for some reason. Conrad orders an invasion of Haiti. She talks to Conrad about this, since she did not know about it in advance. Jabar being installed could be an issue since he might not be seen as official in a way. That’s why they have to trend carefully.

In segment three, Elizabeth wonders what the best way to handle the situation at hand is. Talking to an official over Skype, she tries to figure out a solution. Matt has to deal with issues and learns about the father of Danny and issues with him. I think that it relates to something like blacklisting. The McCords then talk about whether or not they should be buried in Arlington. Not much can be gained from that part of the conversation at this point in time. Elizabeth talks to the dictator who won’t accept any deals and thinks that his fighters are better.

In segment four, Blake then wonders more about his job and he talks to Bob, the janitor, about what he should be doing. I wish that I didn’t get Blake and Jay confused so much as I find them hard to tell from one another. Which one has curly hair? Elizabeth tries to talk about what’s going on to him. Blake is the right person that I’m thinking about and he is the straight haired person. While in the situation room, he reveals the leverage that they have is in the form of possibly illegal banks in that country. Elizabeth then tells Jabal about this, which causes the military to back him. But the dictator still won’t back down and he barricades himself in a place with some loyal followers.

In segment five, Jabal tries to work out a deal and has to accept a deal in order to get him to walk away from the deal. The US is helping Haiti because of a deal that was made that helped both of the countries in question. Matt seems to make amends with what is going on with the Haitian speechwriter. It is then that Elizabeth talks to Blake about how he is now her assistant policy adviser. What was his job before? I get confused. Elizabeth talks about how she has never been to her parent’s graves since they were put there. That seems weird to me. She finally goes there with the rest of her family. There is then a CBS cares update about skin cancer. They barely mentioned it in this episode, though.

There are no scenes from next time so I don’t think that there will be a new episode next week. It makes sense since they are promoting some concert special or something like that. We’ll see when the next update is and if it will be about an episode of this show or something political. I don’t know yet what blog could wind up with a low number in the end causing an update of a different blog. But I will say that I hope that I can have something written about it when the time comes. I don’t think that you should have much to worry about. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Episode from 11-18-2018

Here’s an update on the show watching that I’ve done that I’m actually telling you about on time. I have finished watching NCIS season two and am switching to NCIS season three as a result. I really don’t think that I’ll be able to finish watching anything else this year in terms of changing the list of things to watch. I am taking a longer time with these watchings than I was wanting to.

В выпуске «Время от 31 июля 2017 года» он рассказывает о «Тайной истории» в рассказе, начиная со страницы 32. Россия стремилась подорвать президентские выборы 2016 года. Мы еще не знаем, действительно ли они на самом деле преуспели или если Трамп имел к этому какое-то отношение. Но мы знаем, что Обама пытался остановить это. На стр. 39 в нем упоминается, как на системы повлияли 39, показывающие доказательства сканирования, 20 из них были скомпрометированы, менее 12 пытались удалить или изменить информацию для голосования, а менее 12 пытались загрузить информацию.

Главный хак, который был подтвержден, был в округе Риверсайд в Калифорнии. Это подтвердили русские. В Иллинойсе произошел еще один взлом. Насколько нам известно, ни одно из их влияний на изменение чего-либо не было успешным. В то же время в Аризоне был подобный хак. Зловещая цитата об этом была на стр. 34: «После 2014 года вы найдете их в сетях, и они останутся, как будто они насмехались над нами».

Catching up on the results of the Illinois attorney general race, I’m not sure that I’m upset by the results even though the person that I wanted to win didn’t actually win. Erika Harold, the Republican, lost to Democrat Kwame Raoul. I don’t know if he can actually be impartial like he should be, but it might be good to have someone who won’t try to advance Trump’s agenda in office. A Republican hasn’t held this office in this state since 2003. That’s when Lisa Madigan first won the office and now only the second person after her will be taken it.

I’m not always as up to date as I should be on current events. Well, I keep track of them in this blog, but I don’t always mention all of them that I should. I guess that I don’t always know what is and isn’t worth keeping track of. Something that seems true to the Trump hypocritical form is the doctored video that he spread in order to ban a CNN reporter from White House briefings. He is supposedly against fake news, but most of us realize that he only calls things fake news when it is real news that makes him look bad. He really hates CNN despite the fact that they aired live and unedited coverage of his rallies instead of actual news. No network or affiliate should be airing complete footage of those ever.

If you are supposedly against fake news
Because of their misleading views
One can’t help wonder why
You spread lie after lie
With so many words that you spew

On Saturday, November 17, 2018, I rolled the number 5 and got to watch the next episode of the first season of Survivor called Old and New Bonds. I am probably closest to finishing watching this than any other show on DVD that I’m watching right now.

Movie update: This weekend didn’t go entirely as planned, although I don’t think that I was too messed up as a result. On Friday, I watched Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day and replaced it on the list with Night at the Museum. On Saturday, I wound up not giving myself enough time to watch the movie so I started it on that day, but didn’t finish watching it until Sunday. The movie Titanic was watched and replaced by a tape recording of the play The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood, which has never been on one of my rolling lists of movies to watch before. Everything else has been.

At around 5:30, I turn on the TV to see what is on. My main CBS affiliate is not showing football. They start by showing the CBS Weekend News. I watch some of it before checking for other things. I then see what is on FOX. They are airing a game of the Eagles versus the Saints. The Saints are winning by a lot. It makes sense because I root for the Eagles and not the Saints. My other CBS affiliate is also not showing a game so I’ll stick with FOX for now and check the game from time to time. I doubt that it can end with victory for the Eagles since there’s a 30 point gap they’d have to fill.

Something that I realize that I might want to keep track of is what 60 Minutes is showing and whether or not it is on delay. The Trump interview aired with a 30 minute delay and was a ratings disaster. As for the interview with Stormy Daniels, that also aired on a delay, but it got strong ratings. I might have to keep track of what the epg mentions as the plot for each episode when it airs.

Here is the epg for this week’s 60 Minutes: Lesley Stahl reports on how the drug Naloxone could prove to be a boon towards dealing with America’s opioid crisis as it helps overdose victims; Steve Kroft meets a former professional football player and best-selling author who suffers from ALS.

A CBS sports update proves that the Saints did win. I want to check to see what is on FOX and they are on commercial. It turns out that they are airing The OT now. I’ve never understood what OT stands for or why my computer is doing autocorrect on it. I’d understand if it were in lowercase letters. I guess that I will have to avoid calling it that. Ducking auto cucumber is pile of shirt.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with a person waiting to land to see his baby girl. But he arrives home and sees a situation at a place. They lie and say they are at the wrong place in order to get away. But they notice that the baby is there. Elizabeth is once again the voice of reason in the Conrad administration. Why doesn’t Trump have one of those? Laos is the place that has the issue of the week and the pregnant women is confirmed to be a surrogate mother. There are a lot of issues with the crisis in question. The vice president talks to Elizabeth. She explains that the woman who has issues with the surrogate mother is her daughter, meaning that her grandchild is at risk.

Others on the team go through things that Matt seems to find somewhat important, but largely not. A garden is part of an issue. It costs a lot of money for some reason. Elizabeth wants to ensure that all of the surrogates are safe. Elony is the name of the surrogate in question that is the focus of the episode. An agent of Henry thinks that the sister of Dmitri is working with Russian agents.

In segment two, a person shows up about the garden, I think. It is hard to keep track of things in this show a lot. Elizabeth then talks about the various issues with the pregnancies in Laos. Elizabeth thinks that she has a solution. But the vice president isn’t okay with it. Talia is then interrogated by Henry on why she was with Stevie. But it seems like nothing weird is going on, yet at least. We then hear via Ally that the report of Elony is that she is a sex slave, breaking the news of the potential scandal that could affect the vice president.

In segment three, we talk about the issue that Teresa, the vice-president, is affected by. Please tell me that baby mills are not a real thing. It’s bad enough that puppy mills exist. I do know that there is a huge problem of human trafficking going on throughout the world.

It doesn’t seem like Elizabeth is getting her way on this issue. Elizabeth had plans for a coalition and Henry thinks that Teresa leaked her own story to get Conrad involved. A watch seemed to have cursed Blake. But he still seeks a way of working with a strange man who I don’t think was important before about the peace garden. But he doesn’t want to make a donation since his name won’t be all around on the garden. My mother thinks that he’s a turd. She is right in this thought. Elizabeth talks on Skype to a person from Laos in order to solve this situation. I don’t think that these women would the same as victims of human trafficking. I’m going to have to look up more about this online sometime.

In segment four, Stevie talks to Henry about something bad because of a breakfast in some way. We then learn that Dmitri sent his sister Talia to make sure that Stevie was safe after the bombing at the White House. It almost cost him his deal of safety that he has. But Stevie is glad to learn this, even if she still can’t ever see him again. Elizabeth talks to Jay about the Laos situation. We then get back to the whole garden that is in Washington. There is a plaque there that the person wanted. Elizabeth then sees Teresa about the situation and how to best deal with it.

In segment five, we get to the happy reunification of Elony to Teresa’s daughter and her husband. We then get to Teresa talking about the issue. People like her now when they didn’t use to. Why did they pick her to work with if they didn’t like her? I guess they didn’t know her well enough. Stevie then opens a letter of some sort that brings her to tears. There is a summit on surrogacy that will happen now. We then get to Dmitri in Moscow and Stevie gets to write a letter to him which he reads.

On the next Madam Secretary, can Elizabeth stop a military strike? The country in focus will be Haiti. Are they making it seem like that is a country that would strike others or be worth striking? I guess that we will see what this fictitious show thinks about some current event in some way. I’ll be back here as usual sometime next week. I don’t know yet if there will be any other oddly timed posts just yet. It will all be based on seemingly random things. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Episode from 11-11-2018

I don’t talk that much about the TV show list of things that I watch because there isn’t much change that happens in it. Now there has been a change with it that happened a bit ago. I just now got to telling you about it. You see, Invader Zim has been removed from the list until I can watch a Valentine’s Day related episode when it is that time of year. Thus, its replacement will be the fourth season of Farscape that I have borrowed from a friend.

В выпуске «Время» 24 июля 2017 года есть две статьи, представляющие интерес. Один начинается на стр. 7 и рассказывает обо всех усилиях, которые неправильно делает, чтобы люди не голосовали. Они делают это под видом предотвращения мошенничества с избирателями. В исследовании, посвященном этому, упоминается на стр. 8, что «он может остановить 200 законных избирателей за каждое двойное голосование, которое он предотвращает». В нем упоминается, что государство «Канзас было особенно агрессивно» при прохождении ограничений избирателей на той же странице.

В более поздней статье на странице 24 упоминается Дональд Трамп-младший и его попытки помочь россиянам вмешиваться в выборы. Он признается в этом по электронной почте под названием «Россия - Клинтон - конфиденциальная и конфиденциальная». Об этом говорится в статье. Важными для этого людьми являются Роб Голдстоун, Эмин Агаларов, Наталья Веселницкая, Пол Манафорт и Джаред Кушнер. Важные даты, которые он упоминает в 2016 году, - 5-3, 6-3, 6-7, 6-8, 6-9, 6-14, 6-15, 7-24 и 7-27. То, как начинается статья, довольно зловещее: «Самым насущным вопросом нашего времени может быть: насколько это плохо?»

I know that is two paragraphs in Russian, but I’m going to count that as just one. I might do some posts in Spanish in the future when it relates to some of the current relations between the US and Mexico. You should also know that another language will appear from time to time in the future. I mentioned that in a Russian paragraph and I’ll do more than just what I talked about in it after all.

There is a good example of how it seems that there is one controversy after another with Trump, yet he keeps staying in despite what has happened. He is like the black knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It doesn’t matter if he keeps losing limb after limb (figuratively), he keeps fighting.

Today, as in the day when this episode airs, is Veteran’s Day. This makes me hope that there weren’t any controversies at all of the football games, but that’s not what the point is about. I couldn’t be a part of the military, even if I wanted to. But you have to admire what these people do.

My grandfather was drafted into the army and a cousin of mine volunteered for it. Remember those that fought for all that this country is, even if it could be better. While some of us sit on the sofa writing blogs, there are others who fight for what we need.

Today we remember the military
Often doing fights that are scary
But I give thanks to their way
And the prices they pay
To keep us out of situations quite hairy

When the 2010 Tonight Show conflict was happening, I think that very few people realized how Jimmy Fallon benefited from it. In politics today, I don’t think most people realize that Mike Pence if often in a similar situation where he is largely silent on the controversies of things. Sometimes he does speak up, but he will benefit from being largely silent on most issues today.

I’m not going to do a talk on all of the election results as some of them aren’t even certain yet. There is a special election in Mississippi which is going to a run-off. Seats flipped from blue to red and from red to blue in the US senate with Republicans gaining seats. The Democrats gained seats in the US House of Representatives and gained enough to retake a majority. Something that surprisingly hasn’t been talked about that much is how many governor seats went from red to blue and not one went from blue to red, although one went from Independent to Republican.

To me, it would seem odd if Republicans were upset over Brett Kavanaugh. Why do I think that? Well, they got their way and he is now on the Supreme Court for life. They have nothing to be upset about. They would have a right to be upset if he didn’t actually get on the court. But I do wonder now if there was enough outrage at all of the moderate Democrats who voted against him that they lost their races to hardcore deep Republicans. If I have to make a prediction already about the next race, it is that the next senate election will have him be important in it. It could even affect the class 3 elections.

While I do think that I will get to all of the election results of races that I’ve covered in this blog all at the same time like I could, I have decided to do just one at a time. This will start in this blog post and then continue for others until I’m done. Then, I’ll start looking ahead at the next race I care about: the 2019 gubernatorial election in Kentucky. While I might start talking about the 2020 presidential race ahead of any others, I won’t talk about the rest of the 2020 elections I care about until after November 5, 2019, when that general election is.

I did predictions in the last post so I might as well do more in this post. 1- At least one of the Democratic senators who lost reelection will run for president. 2- Josh Hawley will not complete his first term as a senator due to his dark money links or some other scandal. 3- There will be more than one person who winds up running for the next Republican presidential nomination. 4- Democrats will regain control of the senate after the 2020 elections.

Now I should get to the results of the Illinois governor race. To little surprise, J. B. Pritzker won the race and Bruce Rauner will be a one term governor. I guess that Bruce shouldn’t have betrayed the values that conservatives had or he would have won. I might post later on who should join him on a vacation that he should take now that he won’t be in office anymore.

It has been a while since I got to the Rams versus Chargers update that I promised that I would do more in the future. The Rams have 1 loss while the Chargers have 2 losses, one of them being to the Rams. Now there is a bye affecting things as the Rams have played one more game than the Chargers. Once the total game count has evened out again, I’ll be sure to post something here about it.

Movie update: On Friday, I watched Courageous and it is replaced by Avatar. On Saturday, Finding Nemo was watched and replaced by Finding Dory. On Sunday, Celtic Woman: Songs from the Heart was what I watched and it was replaced by Celtic Woman: Believe.

I check the games before primetime. FOX isn’t airing any games. Both of my CBS affiliates are airing a game of the Rams versus the Seattle Seahawks. The Seahawks have 31 points to the 36 points that the Rams have. Less than two minutes of game remain. FOX is airing Last Man Standing. I do not like that show, although I used to watch it. A lot of what they put in it became too stupid.

Some weird things do happen in the game, although I try to stick with it until the end. Attempts by the Seahawks to win are ultimately unsuccessful and the Rams win. I join Bob’s Burgers after the second act, having missed the first by sticking with the game.

Today’s episode is brought to you by 40 minute delay. We begin with people near the border of two counties, one of them being Turkey, I think. There is then a conference about this in Qatar that Elizabeth is at with the rest of her team. Some gross looking food is being made there. That was an omelet? Some in her team want to get people to help, but they are having none of it. The team then talks about their options of what they should do. Elizabeth talks to Ming, the strange Chinese man that we see from time to time. I’ve never understood his character.

Ming talks about how China is advancing on different things. He is distracted by playing his VR game. It would seem that something weird is going on with Alison. Henry thinks that she was doing a booty call last night. I wouldn’t think that of her, but it could be it. I just hope that they do it well as often, when TV does the topic of teen sexuality, they don’t do it well at all. Elizabeth butts heads with a diplomat that works for Turkey and an issue happens with violence only happening. We then get to the team wind up in Iceland after their plane needs to be refueled. Issues with a volcano keep the team there and it would seem that they are stuck with other diplomats as well.

In segment two, we see something with Matt, who appears to be apart from the rest of the team, but he might not be. We learn some of the things with the team with what they can do. Elizabeth tries to talk to the person over refugees. He calls them terrorists and she thinks that it relates more to dead babies. Of course, some may only get to the whole abortion debate where both sides can be extreme over one side being baby killers and the other side not recognizing that fetuses are babies. Elizabeth wants to take up all the outlets over what is going on. Well, that’s what it could be.

Matt is in the US and talks with Henry and Alison about various things. He is not with the rest of the team. Iceland wouldn’t have the same type of outlets that the rest of us would have. But I guess that they would all have the adapters that they need. This is her way of fighting back against threats.

In segment three, a woman approaches Jay and she talks about how hungry she is. She wants to take over the bathrooms and make it Dutch territory. Despite claiming to be good at chess, Jay still agrees to play for it. Elizabeth thinks that there might be thaws in negotiations. Jay loses to her in the game. Henry tries to get more information out of this sort of relationship that Alison is in. She is using big words in order to make her point. Henry talks to Elizabeth about this.

Cat works on trying to get a visa for a hippo. “Can hippos get visas?” I’d ask that if they didn’t already. Jay plays the woman again and he once again loses. She thinks that people have cheated when playing chess against her. Elizabeth tries to work with more people. Jay is doing karaoke. Despite being quiet in a nice enough manner, he is still criticized by other people. I am not familiar with this strawberry fence song that people are singing. But it might actually bring people together.

In segment four, Elizabeth’s team learns that planes can leave the airport. He kisses the woman that he was with and is upset over what he deems was unfair treatment of her. Henry then talks with people over something that I’m not sure was that important before. Matt wants time off. Elizabeth then sees what could be cheating and works to try to figure out how to prove that it might be happening. Henry thinks that Russia cheats too much. He doesn’t have to be that upset as this show takes place in another reality than our worlds (most of the time, at least).

Elizabeth talks to Ming about the cheater at chess and Elizabeth seeks to find a way to bring the two counties together in order to expose the cheater in question. This is in order for him to think that China is the smartest country in the world.

In segment five, we get to the chess game in question that the Chinese and Russian are playing. We then see the person arrested for violations of the bylaws and he loses the tournament as a result. While there are issues with the deficient in question, they still go through with something. Jay continues to stay in contact with the woman and plays words with friends with her. Elizabeth talks about how they had to rely on some dumb luck in order for this to happen.

Alison tried to have the define the relationship talk with Gunner and they aren’t together anymore.  She then wants to move out. Turkey opens the borders of their country and they welcome refugees in. And open borders are bad?

On the next Madam Secretary, someone who has issues with Elizabeth could become an ally of hers due to reasons that we’ll have to wait until the next episode in order to see what will happen. I will be back sometime with the next post. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Episode from 11-4-2018

There have been times that I have told you about shows that I like. It hasn’t been much, but I thought that I would tell you about one call Law and Order: SVU. Its longer name is Special Victims Unit. It is a great show, even if it has grim plots and stupid twists a lot. But I suggest that you watch it if you have the chance too as it is quite good a show.

You might wonder why I’m bringing it up in this blog. Well, sometimes a story that happened in real life is the inspiration for a story that appears on the show. I hope that they do something relating to Brett Kavanaugh in the future. I also hope that they can do a better ending than what we got in reality. I’m so annoyed that people are convinced that NOT supporting him is a bad thing.

Вопрос от Time 3 июля 2017 года был назван детектором лжи и о расследовании, которое Боб Мюллер делает в качестве специального адвоката. Основная статья, которая начинается на странице 24, называется «Исследователь», и она рассказывает об этом очень подробно. Важными датами в 2016 и 2017 годах, которые были упомянуты как важные, являются 12-9, 12-29, 1-27, 2-11, 2-13, 2-14, 3-2, 3-30, 4-11, 5- 9, 5-17 и 6-16. Мне, возможно, придется делать небольшие рекламные ролики здесь и там для тех, кто заботится о том, что произошло в эти даты, связанные с расследованием вмешательства России на выборах. Хорошая идея Трампа говорит: «Первый закон дыр, если вы в одном, прекратите копать». Это суммирует столько проблем Трампа.

Different ads are annoying me on TV and when I was on YouTube for a bit like I often am and they put an ad before a lot of them. Even though they were airing six second ads, it is annoying that I would still have to watch them. Because of them making me watch more of the stupid vote Republicans ads where they basically just say that Democrats will cause problems if they have a majority and continue a world in which fear mongering is the norm. I don’t know why that ad was picked for me, but they often have many videos suggested that I have no interest in.

You see a political ad
It can be good, but is often bad
Some can spread fear
But the end is near
Although the journey there was quite sad

I want to take this moment to talk about Elizabeth Warren and DNA test results that she did. The last time that Trump was certain of a certain heritage, he was proven to be wrong when Obama released his birth certificate. Sadly, people on the wrong saw this is a victory for Trump and not for common decency of mankind. As for Elizabeth Warren, her test proves that she does have Native American heritage. And once again, the wrong is trying to hijack the story.

They immediately went from her not being Native American at all to her not being enough of one. But Trump shouldn’t make adversaries out of people since he will face at least one opponent in the general election and is likely to face a primary challenge. Then again, we don’t know what will happen.

If any of you read my TV blog, then you will notice that once a year, I do the Golden Huckleberry Awards which I give to the worst of television. It is inspired by the Golden Raspberry Awards that happen with movies. I’m thinking that I need to come up with some equivalent of it for the world of politics.

The main reason that I’m bringing this up is that I have done a worst commercial award for a while now. I have decided that in future years, I’m going to keep a worst commercial award, but do a worst political commercial as well.

What could possibly win this worst political commercial award? Well, just since June (which is when the awards for the next season become eligible), we’ve seen at least Josh Hawley and then the rest of the Republican’ts complain that the Democrats would block conservative judges, among other actually quite reasonable things. Well, Bruce Rauner is once again at it with bad commercials. Actually, it doesn’t have his approval, but it might as well be from him.

In it, a marriage is happening between J B Pritzker and Mike Madigan. It is presented as an unholy union. You’d think that they should know better than to do an allegory like that, involving a marriage between two men as bad due to the changing world. And as terrible as Mike Madigan is, the smart people in Illinois know that you should work with him if you want anything to happen in this state. Bruce Rauner has spent a lot of money in ads against Mike Madigan in an area that already doesn’t like Mike and can’t do anything to get him out of office.

Movie update: I watched Monsters Inc on Friday and replaced that with Miss Petigrew Lives for a Day. On Saturday, I watched The Land before Time so that is now Ghost Town. On Sunday, Raiders of the Lost Ark was watched and is now The Last Crusade. I thought about watching Celtic Woman: Songs from the Heart, but decided to delay it a week due to me being upset at YouTube. I always watch it with two videos on YouTube that are not in the DVD but were filmed for the concert and are somehow able to be on YouTube in question.

At 5:30, I check to see what is on TV. Nothing important is on CBS, as far as I can tell. I tune into FOX and they are airing a game of the Rams versus the Saints. For once this season, the Rams are actually losing. I did not catch the score that well.

With CBS not airing football, I’m going to stick with the game on FOX. This is largely because I don’t want to hear as much about politics for a while, especially if Republicans keep the house and senate. Here is the score: Rams- 24 and Saints- 35.

The Rams later get 27 points as they still trail in the game. I wonder if I curse teams that I like simply by watching the games that they play. I don’t know if this is true or not. But I seem to always bless all of the teams I hate when I watch those games. That might be the real curse.

Sticking with the game sees the Rams have a touchdown then a two point conversion, tying the game at 35-35. It is at this point that I switch to 60 Minutes to watch it. I will check the score as often as possible in breaks in the program. I know that it should be covered in sports updates on CBS if the game ends on time. If it doesn’t end by the time of the update, they can only tell us what the current score is.

Checking the score later, the Saints are winning again with 38 points to the Rams 35. I don’t know if the Rams will win this or not. But it is possible. I don’t know if the current Rams are known for touchdowns or if they still have a reputation for scoring in other ways.

During the next break, the score has the Saints with 45 points while the Rams still have 35 points. The game does the countdown where they agree to stop playing or whatever it is that happens. I still do not know who controls who gets possession outside of fumbles and interceptions. I especially don’t get the whole automatic countdown things that end the game. I guess that the Rams couldn’t always keep with their wins. But maybe now the Chargers will be in reach of being the better team this season.

With not much else to say until the show starts, I might as much mention my predictions for the election that will happen the day this is posted. I don’t know what will happen in the house, but I think that the Democrats will take control of it. As for the senate, I predict both switches from red to blue and blue to red. It could be very chaotic. Bruce Rauner will lose in Illinois. I also will tell you who I donated money to and who won that I care about. I’ll even give you an update about the Iowa governor race that I don’t quite care about right now. The senate will be like tic tac drop or like a well played game of Othello. Actually, I'm not sure that I remember tic tac drop that well. Let’s get to the episode now.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with Elizabeth talking about various different rules that Thailand has in preparation for a trip that Henry is doing. Rulers should never be treated like they are a god. Well, that’s how I feel about it, at least. Elizabeth needs to tell her kids that she wants to run for office. They agree to do it when Henry gets back. Jason has various offers from different colleges and has to decide which one to go to.

Elizabeth then goes into work. She talks to the random guy from the last episode whose name escapes me as usual. I would hate it if a candidate was already announced in the presidential race shortly after midterms. At least wait until July of 2019. Henry then talks to someone when he gets to Thailand. I do not think that we’ve seen her before. Elizabeth then talks to another woman that I’m not familiar at all with. Who is she? She has an odd request for the book. Maybe she is using a ghostwriter.

I don’t think that this woman with Henry has the best of intentions. Blake tries to remove thoughts that Elizabeth is running for the White House when talking to Matt. We then get to a woman speaking English in Thailand because they probably learn English instead of just their native language. She wants to get rid of the leader of Thailand. Was this the same woman from earlier?

In segment two, we get to the woman who was arrested again via a discussion that Elizabeth and Henry have over the phone. Marsha is the name of this woman, I think. Jason is still having issues and he talks to Alison about it. Stevie then sees an ad called Run Bess Run that she shows to her siblings. I don’t think that Jason takes it well while his sisters are thrilled by the potential run. Henry talks through a translator and the king decides to pardon her.

Elizabeth’s brother shows up again. She and him talk about what is going on with the ghostwriter and the closest thing she can think of as a leadership role originally was when she did something with her sports team in high school. He thinks a good example is how he helped raise her. Marsha didn’t want out of jail as she might be seen as a heretic now.

In segment three, Henry talks to Marsha about why she would want what she wanted. She wanted to do something with her life. This is an ex of his. Jason didn’t do the scholarships. He didn’t actually want to go to college after all. He was upset over the ad in question. She didn’t know about it. He says, “I will fully support you from an avocado farm in Tel Aviv.”

Elizabeth talks more with her ghostwriter who is named Loraine. Elizabeth talks to the hype guy again. She doesn’t want to do a book anymore. I’m really surprised that she didn’t fire him then and there. Marsha, or whoever this person is, gets arrested and so does Henry. The king died, or so they say.

In segment four, Stevie talks to Jason about some of what is going on. He doesn’t want to damage his mother’s reputation since he often fails at things. You’d think that would motivate a person to not keep failing at things. They learn in America about the unrest in Thailand. Who did they sentence to death? And has the sentence been carried out yet? The people talk about what they should do and they think that they should extract Henry as soon as possible. They seek to get Marsha out too as well. As usual, we have to resort to characters going to extreme measures when they are caught.

In segment five, we get to the people being reunited after what happened. All they had was a short scene that explained what happened. But I’m okay with that. At least Marsha is okay. There is not much in the news about how Henry was taken in the process. Matt was worried about losing his job, but he is now okay after talking with Elizabeth. She talks later with Henry about things. Jason talks about how he is wanting to fix the whole scholarship problems. Elizabeth then talks to her kids about wanting to run for office. Henry missed things while he was away.

On the next Madam Secretary, there wasn’t much to the promo outside of money issues and hearing that the job of president comes with a chef. That’s it? I don’t know if I can gather much outside of that. Maybe I should do a post on how little Trump has been doing in the White House right now while he is out campaigning for various candidates. Or I can ignore politics outside of the episode recap. I do not know what else there is to talk about so I’ll end the post. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.