Sunday, August 27, 2023

Politics: The WHO’s Policy on Pandemics’ Names

This is kind of outdated by now, but the moto of my blogs might as well be better late than never which includes the occasional post that should have been up sooner than it really was (this isn’t one of them).


Anyways, after covid happened, it became apparent to some the outright racism going on. But even long before that, the WHO wanted to make sure that pandemics were not named by the location that they came from. They corrected that mistake early with this one. But they did still cause issues with naming varients at one point from their location and not just a Greek letter instead. I’m glad that the policy is in effect and can only hope that it stays and is better enforced in the future.

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Politics: Why the Argument that Trump is Being Politically Persecuted Doesn’t Work

As the supposedly liberal media (something I can’t believe for various reasons I might get into should I ever blog about either liberals again or the news in general) continues to promote the belief that Trump is being politically persecuted by his supporters and never once showing the other side of things on this issue (although they oddly will with plenty of other things as they love to create false equalivancies with other issues that often benefit the Republican line of belief), I need to explain for those of you who somehow believe this how it is complete and utter bullshit. There are plenty of reasons why.


Let’s look at something that a party that often refuses to let any wrongdoing of the liberals go in order to do way worse things can’t seem to remember like all of their own transgressions: lock her up. Remember this? Remember when they wanted their political rival, Hillary Clinton, to be jailed over the email scandal? They chanted “lock her up” a whole lot that the 2016 Republican National Convention. There is plenty of footage of this. Trump himself wanted to hire someone to investigate her and send her to jail. Like many of his promises, it never happened.


Of course, you’ll also have to remember the at least six investigations into the Benghantzi attack that Republicans even admitted was to make Hillary Clinton look bad. And there is the ongoing investigations conservatives are doing into Hunter Biden which I’m guessing isn’t politically motivated to go after the president’s own son because the conspiracy theories and other bashing just needed to escalate for whatever reason?


People act as if you can’t investigate a criminal just because that person is Trump or a former president. That’s bullshit for so many reasons as I explained above. Do we really think that he was just going to fade into obscurity? There is no fucking way he would let that happen. The damn guy can’t shut up. It doesn’t help that the supposedly liberal media keeps airing all of his grievences over and over again. People think that they wouldn’t let up on him, but he is the person who always changes the narrative, not them. Are we really supposed to let a criminal walk just because it gives them the infamy they already had in the first place? Please. I’m tired of hearing the same fucking nonsense about how the media or liberals are trying to renominate Trump. I am annoyed by how they keep reporting how this keeps getting him money that can be used for any purpose that he wants.


I’m probably about as sick and tired of hearing about Trump as the next person. But if they don’t like what’s going on with him, what good does ranting and venting do anyone? Even if you are somehow convinced despite everything that he’s going to be the nominee, remember, this is polling that is often widely mocked nowadays all the time. Polling can change a lot. And, last I checked, it wasn’t even Trump who was raising the most money in the Republican primary.


Trump even knows that he’s losing the primary. He didn’t sign the pledge to support whoever the nominee is from that party. Why would he do that if he had any chance of winning? He isn’t as short sighted as people think that he is. Why else would he claim that losing the presidency in 2020 would mean that it was rigged long before the election happened? Why would he sue so much about the election long before it happened? Why say that he’s taking the as of yet unknown results to the Supreme Court the night of the election if he knows that he’s just going to win anyways?


Let’s pretend for a moment that it is Trump’s own party that is prosecuting him for his many crimes that are obvious and matter to tons of people who aren’t his warped followers. Couldn’t this also be claimed as political persecuation? This makes you wonder, why didn’t people believe Rod Blagojevich when he said that and went to jail for his many crimes? Why didn’t Michael Madigan even try to claim this when his own party ousted him from office? Why wasn’t Andrew Cuomo complaining about that before he just resigned? Even though it was the liberals all holding one of their own accountable, they could have claimed politically motivated attacks by their own party. But then that wouldn’t be something we could focus on.


In summary, I want this all to be over with sooner rather than later. Trump shouldn’t even be allowed on the ballot and his party would be bigger fools to nominate him now than they ever were before. While there aren’t a lot of potential good picks in the Republican primary, there are some for sure. Trump himself is going to get himself a sooner and sooner trial the way that he bashes a judge who just told him not to do that. (Seriously, why the fuck do people immediately do what they are just told not to do?) Trump will be in jail before the Republican National Convention when, I guarantee you, that whoever the nominee is will be saying the Trump should be pardoned while not at all telling you the part where THAT MEANS HE’S GUILTY! Honestly, I’m more upset that people think that he shouldn’t be targeted than anything else because he belonged in jail years ago.


I’m going to end with just a quick way of noting things for sure. No matter what happens with the many Trump indictments, Trump knows that he is guilty and is trying to get out of any trial ever happening. That’s why he keeps wanting to delay the trials to ensure that they never happen at all. Unless he pulls a Jeffrey Epstein and kills himself, which I don’t want by any means, he is going to jail and will stay there for the rest of his life.

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Politics: On Biracial People

Did you know that Obama is only half black? I have no idea why this is such a big deal to some people. They act as if the fact that he is half white counteracts the fact that he was the first black president or that he doesn’t really count as black. Of course, these idiots are white and don’t really know much about just how black a white person is.


I never fully understood just how much the whole biracial thing matters to people until I watched the only episode of Black-ish that I ever watched. I found the show to be horrible and unfunny. It was trying to make a point that a white person was questioning how black a man is. And this is one of the reasons why I didn’t like the show.


But the point of this blog post is this: how big of a deal is it to be biracial? I don’t quite get it myself. I never would have thought that someone with a white parent is any less black than a black person with two black parents. They are going to seem as black to anyone who doesn’t seek to belittle someone’s race or try to talk about how black someone outside of their race is. I mean, come on, people: you are white and don’t get to say people aren’t black just because there are blacker people in the world.


What can make this more relevant nowadays is vice-president Kamala Harris. She is black and other races too. But you can’t say that she isn’t black as if the parts of her that aren’t black someone cancel out her blackness.


I may be white myself and not really have that much knowledge on what makes a race, but I do know that people are the race that they are and unless they are somehow lying for whatever moronic reason they have, then they are that race.


I’m not even sure what else I can mention in this blog post about the other scores of biracial people that aren’t part black. I know I should say something about this, although I really only wanted to cover this one topic for sure. They are important too and aren’t any more or less of one race just because they encompass all sorts of races besides just one. That’s my thoughts on the subject of biracial people.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Politics: How Much Money did Trump and His Administration Waste?

I have no idea just how much to put into this blog post. I can tell you that Trump has wasted a whole lot of money throughout his time as president and even now. He is one of the biggest grifters in world history. People are still giving this already rich person even more money which can be spent however he wants.


Trump is the biggest loser of a presidency in US history. You’d think the fact that Biden got more people voting for him than any other president in the history of this country would be the main reason why. Maybe the fact that he won only one of the dozens of election lawsuits would be another fact too.


Here is the proof that Trump is the biggest loser of a presidency in US history: from The Week issue dated 2-19-2021 page 16 quoting The Washington Post: “[The Insurrectionist’s] insistence that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him has cost taxpayers at least $519 million. That tally includes the costs of sending National Guard troops to Washington, D.C., defending against lawsuits, security for poll workers who faced death threats, and repairing damage to the Capitol after the January 6 insurrection.”


But that’s not all the money that he has wasted. While I don’t have the final totals, I remember reading that Trump was on track to spend more on vacations in just his first year in office than Obama did in 8. He continues to make money on the false belief that the election was stolen despite no poll showing him beating either generic Democrat or Biden in the poll (save 1 in 4 years’ time) or ever having a majority of the country approve of him while not even trying to win the state of Arizonia then constantly bitching that he didn’t win that state.


He is likely wasting that money on his many lawyers that he constantly shuffles through or his many rallies that caused at least 70 covid deaths. He spent a lot on the convention that violated many laws. There are many things that his administration wasted money on as well. But I think that I talked about this enough for this post.

Sunday, August 13, 2023

Politics: The All Lives Matter Fallacy

Apparently people still can’t figure out how the phrase “all lives matter” is offensive. They think that saying black lives matter is offensive. Yet if they want to “correct” the statement that black lives matter by saying that all lives matter, then what is wrong with saying black lives matter? You really shouldn’t have a problem saying that in the end, should you? If black lives matter, and they do, then why point out that all lives matter? Would you really tell your kid if he asked if you love him that you love all kids?


It’s not like they are saying that black lives matter more or white lives matter less. It is sad that they even have to point out that their lives matter at all. That should already be a given. But they are dismissed when people just point out that all lives matter. It’s sad that we even hear this from other black people. At least people aren’t saying that white lives matter, which isn’t so much inaccurate as it is inappropriate, even more so that all lives matter.


While it is obvious that all lives matter, people need to stop saying that as if that’s something that should be sad. You seem to only belittle the lives of black people by saying that and trying to act as if you aren’t saying something racist when you are.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Politics: Do They Really Want Trump’s Supporters?

Most of the people running against Trump in the Republican primary for president don’t really want to attack him too much. Well, they didn’t at one point. We’ll see if they still do as time goes by. It is actually quite easy to figure out why this would be: they want Trump’s supporters in case something happens to him and he won’t be the nominee again. This leads to the obvious question of the blog post and thesis if this were a research paper: do they really want Trump’s supporters? Are they people that they want on their side?


There are a lot of people who could support candidates in the Republican primary that are not Trump supporters. And Trump supporters are typically despicable human beings or, at the very least, misguided. While there are a whole assortment of them throughout the country, it is hard to think of reasons why Republicans would really want these voters.


These people stormed the capitol to overturn an election they didn’t like and couldn’t even stick with the conspiracy theory that antifa did it because they hated not getting credit that much. We do not need balant displays of facism going on in this country. We don’t want people trying to destroy the very fabric of this country continuing to vote for other candidates out there. While I don’t think that they can or should have their votes taken away, I have a hard time thinking that these are votes that one would want to have to get elected to office themselves. There are plenty of other ways, such as being, I don’t know, a good politician, perhaps, that could get a person elected to office. They should never want Trump’s supporters.

Friday, August 4, 2023

Cast Update 8-4-2023

I’m going to mention this here in this one blog and not mention it anywhere else. You see, I have started this occasional habit of cheating by saying that a blog post went up sooner than it really did. I don’t like doing this and will avoid this whenever possible. But I thought that I would be honest about it. I also want to state that something about ads might affect any and all of my blogs, but you won’t find out more about that until I write a certain post in my CSI: Cyber blog first and it becomes relevant here too. Speaking of that blog, since it mentions why I was on hiatus so long, enjoy this post.


Here’s a paragraph worth posting in multiple blogs. You see, since there is a writer’s strike that has affected production in television and movies, I might as well keep you informed about the fact that there is a strike going on, that it is affecting various productions, and different things can change about that. Since it will, I might as well cover it and post another update when the strike ends in the future. The writer’s strike even lead to an actor’s strike that is also affecting things as well.


Tea Leoni: She will be in a project called Endangered, which will be a movie. There are no other things that I see her in right now besides that. I don’t know when they finished filming the show, but you’d think that those who are still doing projects will have stuff right now to do (if that makes sense).


Endangered: This is a movie about the lives of threatened species. We’ll see what role she has in it. The website I’m checking makes it seem like she’ll be lending her voice to it so maybe it will be some sort of documentary. The release date is unknown now.


Bebe Neuwirth: She’s had a recurring bit on Blue Bloods and may show up on it from time to time. There are other minor things that she has done. It appears that she will be in a new show called Julia. Two more things that she is in are Frasier: Revival and Captian Fall. It is nice to see her doing things.


Julia: This is a show about Julia Child, the chef. It is available now on HBO Max. It first became available on 3-31-2022. There is a trailer for this that I will talk about. I might not care about missing the show even if I’m coming to like some cooking shows.


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: This looks way more interesting than I ever would have thought that it might be. Who would have thought that a woman would need to overcome cooking stereotypes? It seems like there is a lot more going on here than might need to be, but there isn’t much else to say about this. I doubt that I’ll be able to see it without borrowing this from my sister’s family for a moment, but it could be fine regardless of it I wind up seeing it in the future or not.


Frasier: Revival: This is best described as a revival of the show Frasier which I never saw for no good reason (lack of interest, I guess?). It is set to air in 2023. I don’t know what else there is to say about it yet and am unsure how or if I’ll see the original.


Captian Fall: This is currently airing on Netflix. While there is a trailer for it, I don’t have time to talk about it in this month’s cast update. I hope to next month. It is about a person who becames unwittingly part of a cartel and will be the fall guy in case something goes wrong. There’s a trailer for this that I will talk about now:


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: This looks really dumb. I think that I will be glad to not be seeing this show at all. Am I supposed to be rooting for the hero? I can’t think of any redeeming characteristics that he might have. What else would I watch this show for?


Geoffrey Arend: He will be in a project called Physical, a TV show. Another thing that he is in now is a TV movie called Office Race. That’s all that I see him doing for now. I guess that I’ll see what else he might be into at times.


Physical: This is a TV show, but too much about this is unknown at this point in time. It is out now on Apple TV. It also has a trailer that I will be talking some about. It is a very new thing and imdb isn’t revealing much about it now as a result. But we’ll find out more about this over time.


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: I’m not entirely sure what to make of this. It doesn’t seem that bad, but it doesn’t seem anywhere close to good either. It is going for something maybe a bit different, but I can’t really get behind it that much. I was never one for the 80s as I wasn't even born yet and really only get stuff out of it from when I see The Goldbergs. It doesn’t seem all that interesting to me really.


Office Race: This is set for release on September 4, 2023. The plot of it sounds dumb. An employee is going to great lengths to one up his excercised obsessed boss. This doesn’t even sound that original, although I have no idea what it could be ripping off. There is no trailer for this just yet.


Kathrine Herzer: She hasn’t been doing much since the show ended or now, it seems. Maybe she is going back to a more normal life. Not all the child actors or actresses continue into the field when they get older as they want to do other things in life. Remember the people from Shining Time Station?


Evan Roe: Again, this person has not been doing much after the show ended. I guess it hasn’t been over long enough or a lot of these people just haven’t found a new job yet, at least in the Hollywood industry. You’d think that the filming would have ended long enough ago, but maybe not. While he is mentioned as in the cast for A Man in Full, which also stars Jon Michael Hill from my Elementary blog and William Jackson Harper from my CSI: Cyber blog, all three of those people are mentioned as only appearing in one episode thus far.


A Man in Full: There is no release date or trailer for this yet. It is about a mogul who has to defend his failing empire from those seeking to gain from his failure. This is set to be a miniseries. I’ll find out where later. It could be good, but the plot seems overused.


Tim Daly: The time has come to say what this man is finally doing after Madam Secretary as he finally has something new in the works now. He is set to be in The Game, a TV show. He is also now in Finestkind. That’s it for now.


The Game: This is a TV series about black culture and how it regards to football. It could be good and is a continuation of CW show from a while ago that also aired on BET. This is available now on Paramount+. I am not currently planning on watching it.


Finestkind: I’m guessing that this is a movie or supposed to be. It has a release time frame of September of 2023. It is about two brothers finding themselves trapped in issues with organized crime people. There is no trailer yet.


Zeljko Ivanek: He is finally set to be in something called Now and Then, which is a TV show. Maybe we’ll see more of his acting in the future or maybe we won’t. Another thing that he will be in is Let the Right One in. He’s also in The Walking Dead: Dead City.


Now and Then: This is a TV series about a group of Hispanic friends meeting again years after one of them is found dead. It is available now. It is on Apple TV+. It could be good, but it doesn’t sound original. There is a trailer for this now:


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: Well, this looks like it could be interesting and also complicated in different ways. It seems to focus too much on clichés, although I couldn’t guess who might be guilty in the end of anything (it might be all of them). I don’t think that I’ll miss much by not being able to see it, even if some of this could be good.


Let the Right One in: This doesn’t have a trailer yet. This is out now. This is a vampire drama that I believe is based on an existing movie that was also already remade into a movie before, albeit much earlier and too soon after the old one was just out from what I understand of it. Here’s another one. There is a trailer for this now:


Trailer link:


Thoughts on trailer: Well, I’m fine without this. While there have been a few horror movies that I have liked to an extent, this doesn’t look like one of them, although it is a TV show and not a movie. But that’s not the point exactly. It seems obvious and dumb so I’ll be better off without it.


The Walking Dead: Dead City: This is a continuation of The Walking Dead focusing on the character of Negan. I’m going to include some overlap with my blogs on Madam Secretary and The Good Wife as they both have actors in this show. It is currently available.


Erich Bergen: He’s also not doing much yet as of the show ending. After appearing in some episodes of the final season of Bull, I’ll have to wait to see what else he is up to in the future after this. I can only hope that he does more in the future.


Patina Miller: She is the narrator of a show called Word Party. That’s all that she’s doing for now. I think that she’s a mother so that may affect how much work she’ll be able to do. We’ll see what goes on in her life and I hope she can do something I can watch. She’s also set to be in the upcoming project of Into the Woods. That’s about it.


Word Party: This is a Netflix kids show that is available now. Patina is the narrator of it. I don’t know much about it. I doubt that I will be able to see it in the future. This show is about teaching others how to talk and learning simple things like that.


Into the Woods: This has no plot yet. What I’m unsure of is if this is a remake of the movie Into the Woods or, perhaps, a live musical version of this. It would seem kind of early in my mind to remake the movie. Anyways, it has no release date or trailer yet.


Wallis Currie-Wood: She has done very little outside of the show. Maybe she will do something more in Hollywood or maybe not. It will be hard to understand some of why I’m not seeing much in terms of what the cast is doing in the future unless or until more time passes.


Keith Carradine: He has two projects in the works. One is called Sallywood. The other one is called The Daylong Brothers. We’ll see what happens between those and anything else that he does. I look forward to hopefully seeing these films at some point in time. Maybe more will happen in the future. He’s also in the new season of Fear the Walking Dead. He is in is the TV show Accused. Two more things that he is in are They Listen and Rabbit Ears: Annie Oakley.


Sallywood: This movie romantic in some way, but I don’t know if it’s a comedy or not. It is about a man who moves to Hollywood and becomes a woman’s personal assistant. There will be more to it than that. It has an unknown release date at this time.


The Daylong Brothers: This has an unknown release date at this time. It is about three brothers who try to get revenge on their father for selling their souls. This could be interesting, even if I don’t really like to watch horror films. But this could just be normal supernatural.


Fear the Walking Dead: This is an AMC show that is a spin-off of the original Walking Dead. At first, it was a prequel set at the start of the zombie outbreak. Now, it is set sometime later during the same time frame as the original. I don’t know when or if I’ll be able to see this, but will include this in the updates for as long as Keith is in it.


Accused: I can’t quite tell what this is about, although I hope to have more explained in the future. It is a FOX show that is on hiatus. I don’t know how much there is to mention in something like this since a lot has changed about it in the present by now.


Review: Accused: Status- Currently on hiatus. Why I’ve seen it- I tend to watch a new FOX show at least once. Description- If I understand the premise of this correctly, we see the story of someone on trial, the events leading up to it, and what the end result is. Notable People- It might at some point star Keith Carradine from Madam Secretary. He might only appear in one episode. Pros- It is different from the usual courtroom drama. Cons- This show is all kinds of terrible in many ways. It doesn’t spend enough time in the courtroom, which is not a problem on its own, but seeks to take away why we are there in the end. It also seems to support the idea of vigilante justice instead of, you know, calling the police to make sure that a crime does not happen. Note to Parents- Don’t let your kids watch this show. Recommendation- Don’t waste your time with this. My Viewing Habits- I watched the first episode of this show and will never see it ever again. Prediction- I have no idea if this will last right now or not, but I would say that it might for now. We’ll see if it keeps the ratings that it has or if it gets lower ones in the future. Reception: positive. Grade: F.


They Listen: This currently has an unknown release date. It is unknown what plot is has right now to the general public as that is being kept under wrap. We’ll see how soon they will reveal information about it.


Rabbit Ears: Annie Oakley: This is based on the true story of this woman. It seems to be animated, I guess. It is a short and for the family. It has an unknown release date at this point in time. I wish that I knew who Annie Oakley is, but I guess that I’ll find out when I see this.


Sebastian Arcelus: He is set to be in the movie Into the Woods. That’s all that I can see for him at this point in time. But I’m going to talk about something. I want to say whatever dumb things I feel that I have to in order to make these paragraphs a certain length after all.


Into the Woods: This has no plot yet. What I’m unsure of is if this is a remake of the movie Into the Woods or, perhaps, a live musical version of this. It would seem kind of early in my mind to remake the movie. Anyways, it has no release date or trailer yet.


Sara Ramirez: We’ll see what else she might do in the future. It could be a lot or not much at all. One source is now saying that her show, And Just Like That, is returning for a season 2 after all. Other than that role, I don’t see anything mentioned of hers for now.


Kevin Rahm: There isn’t much to talk about for him right now. Maybe I’ll see more of him in the future or maybe not. It is hard to tell for sure what all might be covered in these blogs of mine or what all what stay there whether it is outdated or not.


Barbara Hall: I will see what future, if any, she might have in the TV or movie industry. You’d think that she’d be doing something at some point or another, but maybe she won’t be at least for a while. I guess that I’ll keep her in the updates since only death would get rid of someone.




Available now- Word Party (on Netflix), Physical (on Apple TV), The Game (on Paramount+), Fear the Walking Dead (on AMC), Julia (on HBO Max), Now and Then, Let the Right One in, The Walking Dead: Dead City, Captian Fall (on Netflix)


Currently on hiatus: Accused


September 4, 2023- Office Race


Unknown September of 2023- Finestkind


Unknown 2023- Frasier: Revival


Unknown year- Endangered, Sallywood, The Daylong Brothers, Into the Woods, A Man in Full, Rabbit Ears: Annie Oakley, They Listen