Sunday, October 2, 2016

Episode from 11-22-2015

Well, this is the day that a new Madam Secretary episode has aired. But, I'm not posting that episode yet. As most of you know, I am very behind on posting this blog, although most of that was by personal design. It's a flawed way of doing things, I know. So whenever an old episode will be posted on a day when a new one aired, this means that I will have to post an episode the next Sunday and keep doing this until there is not a new episode that month. This will work until the next month until the cycle starts all over again. Another way of catching up on blog posts could be posting something exactly a year after it first aired. I might do that later too. So unless I die sometime before the show is over, I do promise that you will see every blog post I did on every episode of this show from when I started blogging. I will post today's episode sometime in the future, but I honestly haven't watched it yet. More on that later. For now, here's an old episode:

I’m always coming up with new ways of introducing this blog. I don’t know why I don’t just get to the point, but I’ve somehow come to believe that it is physically impossible for me to do such a thing. I don’t have any updates about the TV shows on DVD that I’m watching as nothing has changed which is sad. When will I get more watched? I am a bit backlogged on VHS tapes so I have to get caught up on them. Plus, December means watching Christmas specials and this year I’d include some regular shows not related to Christmas such as Farscape and the recorded shows on VHS.

I turn on my TV and check the game on FOX. The game is between the Green Bay Packers and the Minnesota Vikings. Where is Green Bay anyways? Were it not for their football team, most people probably wouldn’t know about that city.  I usual, I can’t tell who is winning. I flip to my secondary CBS affiliate and they are airing a game of Kansas City against South Dakota. Kansas City is winning by a lot. I find out through this network that the Packers are winning the game on FOX. I check my primary CBS affiliate and they are showing the news which means that they will be airing shows on time. I guess that shows from one CBS affiliate to another will be off again this week. Meanwhile, The American Music Awards means that I don’t have to worry about shows on ABC messing with shows today. This would be ideal for my CSI: Cyber blog if only they weren’t showing sports on one of my CBS affiliates. L

60 Minutes starts on time so I won’t be isolating CBS shows to VHS since they won’t be airing late on one of my two affiliates. The Chiefs from Kansas City officially win the game on the other CBS affiliate of mine which will give shows on that network a small delay. The game continues on FOX and I still have no way of knowing any possible changes in the score unless I can somehow catch it when watching the game. Only I won’t be watching that game if 60 Minutes is airing on time. I really should have a blog about that show, but I don’t and I’m not sure if I ever will. Besides CSI: Cyber, the only other blog I have an interest in creating right now is one about Bob’s Burgers.

It’s probably good that I don’t and probably never will get a blog about 60 Minutes. It’s complicated enough blogging about all the other shows Sundays on CBS and with tape delay regularly messing with their shows on that night, having a blog about 60 Minutes would just cause more problems. Plus, it wouldn’t fit in with my other blogs about CBS Sunday shows. If I had only created it before creating a blog about Madam Secretary, then it would have worked out, sort of. But I think that it works best for me not to have a blog about that, possibly ever.

The game is still on FOX. The Packers are still winning. Meanwhile, I still have to see if I can figure out the delay on my other CBS affiliate. I just know that it isn’t too much of a delay there. The game is still going on the FOX network when I check it again. I’ll have to check the score later online just to see if it is actually the Packers winning. I ultimately learn through sports updates on CBS that the Packers did actually win the game on FOX as they switch to the OC. Also, The Chiefs were playing a team from San Diego and not South Dakota. I didn’t know what SD stood for. It could stand for a lot of things. Anyways, I’m done talking about sports for today and hope that I can catch what the delay is on the other CBS affiliate that I watch.

Well, once again there were problems with my TV tuner. I should talk to my brother about this. You’d think that something that I got valued at $10 would be better quality than that. So once again, I’ll be an episode behind as I put the episode on VHS instead of my laptop. Thank you glitchiness. Anyways, The Good Wife recorded well on my TV tuner so this is pretty weird indeed.

Today’s episode is brought to you by either 7 minute or no delay. We begin with exercise advice given to that one guy named Jay? He doesn’t seem to be good at exercising. There seem to be some sort of computer type of problems. Elizabeth gathers with people to discuss military options for something or another. I don’t fully understand what is going on. The thing seems to be an extraction in Cambodia, or that is what they are trying to authorize, at least. Henry talks to Demitri about their plans for the future. Demitri prepares to go off on his mission.

In segment two, Elizabeth wants someone to resign. Important stuff happens at a Moscow airport. A CIA capture team comes to breech a place to rescue someone, I think. A possible cyber war with Russia could happen in the future. Demitri is missing. Henry and Elizabeth talk about their lives or the lack of what they can talk about. A bunch of stuff happens and doo doo da dee. Demitri is found by people who look like they are helping him infiltrate the Russian side. Sorry if I’m not putting as much as I should be in this post. Maybe Demitri’s mission is a success after all. He finds a phone to use. Henry learns that Demitri is okay after all. A random guy from earlier is brought up. It looks like they caught the guy they were after from earlier. They confirm that Russia was responsible for something.

In the next segment, they have plans to blackout the country of Russia. Henry has more information from Demitri about what is going on with Russia. The blackout of Russia happens. This is after Elizabeth talks about the hack of Air Force One.

On the next Madam Secretary, the promo is vague, but I can remember what happens as I’ve already seen that episode. Now, for the moment, there are no other VHS episodes for me to watch, although I know that this probably won’t stay the same due to March Madness and the Masters. But will I isolate these episodes to VHS? That I don’t know yet. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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