Sunday, April 23, 2017

Episode from 4-23-2017

I’m skipping to this episode due to problems with my laptop at the moment. I’ll be back to catching up on the older episodes and should hopefully have the gap filled before the fourth season of this show starts. We’ll see what ends up happening. Now, to the newest episode from tonight:

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with Elizabeth in her laptop in bed. I would never use my laptop in my bed. She and Henry discuss their kids for a bit. She then discusses the next international issue that’s going on. Whoever this Anton person is (has he been mentioned recently? There are two episodes I haven’t yet seen) becomes important again.

Elizabeth talks with the senate majority leader. I hope that he’s better than Mitch McConnell, who I honestly hate more than Trump (and I despise Trump). This person wants something in order to help Elizabeth. Henry tries to talk to people related to the ongoing terrorist plot. Alison is concerned about getting into college. Stevie is present in the episode and that’s notable since we normally don’t see her. There are then shootings between the two sides that Elizabeth was trying to avoid.

In segment two, there is more discussion between Elizabeth and Alison about what is going on in their lives. Henry is taken off of his current case. A person went in to try to make a truce. Elizabeth and her team try to work on a solution of some sort.

In segment three, there are things discussed to try to work out different things. Elizabeth goes to a foreign country to figure out what to do. Alison waits for her application news. Elizabeth has to go to get the information relating to her daughter in the middle of her conversation. Alison got in. There might be some sort of important deal going down.

In segment four, Henry receives information relating to the ongoing case he was let go of. Russell tries to work out the situation that’s going on. Elizabeth gets mad and not telling her about Stevie and law school, but it turns out that he didn’t know himself. She didn’t get into her main law school. There is a ceasefire and it seems to have been resolved as it if didn’t matter in the first place. There is a tense situation in the situation room as always.

In segment five, it turns out things are okay in the end. This reminds me of how they would resolve the cliffhangers that lead you into commercials on The Amazing Race: far too quickly. Henry has more of a theory over what’s going on with the suspected terrorist. He thinks that they are trying to get two sides to fight over false pretenses. Sadly, a lot of real wars were like that. Remember the Maine? Stevie discusses her not getting into law school. Alison doesn’t want to go into her college after all. She is picking a different college to get into. Elizabeth then discusses the next crisis that might be one that is ongoing already in the first place. People could be anywhere with weapons for a war. There is also a helpful thing at the end regarding the real, ongoing food crisis in Somali.

On the next Madam Secretary, an American diplomat is kidnapped. The US might have to negotiate with terrorists in order to do something important. I really hope that the US would negotiate with terrorists should push come to shove. If we wouldn’t, that gives them more power. I should hopefully be back sometime next week with an older episode. I don’t think that I will alternate between episodes like I did before, but I might at some point. Hopefully things will be back to normal soon. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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