Monday, November 20, 2017

Episode from 11-19-2017

Too much has changed with my life regarding Thanksgiving. It used to be that most Thanksgivings, we would enjoy a meal made by my grandmother. Only she died this year, long after her great meals were never made again. We have done other things with other family members. My other grandmother is past the age of making great meals (on her own at least). My brother hosted Thanksgiving before. I don’t know if I’d like that to always happen, but it might be good some times. We’ll see what happens, but we are doing a lesser thing for the third time yet it might be the best choice.

I do have a special post ready regarding the Illinois governor election next year which is why I haven’t talked that much about it here yet. That’s one of the reasons why I’m doing these shorter blurbs now as I’m not sure that I care enough to do special posts just yet. Maybe I’ll mention something during the summer if worst comes to worst.

Now let’s get to the Indiana race for Senate. The incumbent senator running for reelection is Democrat Joe Donnelly. He is notable for being one of three Democrats to vote for Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court. I don’t think that he had done anything wrong while in office and I admire him for the vote I just mentioned even though I disagree with it. (The process was too messed up at that point.) He is facing a primary challenge from Martin Del Rio, who is a veteran. Martin has not held office before so if you are voting in the Democratic primary, vote for Joe. The primary is on May 8, 2017.

Let’s get to the Republican side of the election. There are five people currently in the race. One is Mark Hurt, an attorney and former congressional aide. Another is Andrew Takami, who is the director of one of the Purdue Institutes. I wouldn’t support either of them since they don’t seem to have much political experience. They might have some, but not enough having not held elective office before. The other three Republicans in the race have had or still have elective office.

I couldn’t find much about Mike Braun, who is not currently in office, except that he resigned from office to focus on this senate race. What’s interesting about a different candidate, Luke Messer, is that he hold Mike Pence’s old seat in the House of Representatives. He has moved to Washington DC so I don’t even know why he is allowed to run for office back in Indiana. Plus, I can’t support someone who is against Obamacare like he is. Plus, he supported Trump’s travel ban. I find out information about Todd Rokita and he has the same bad views as Luke, with even worse views like denying the reality of climate change being caused by humans. He also might be owned by the NRA, based on what I could tell about it. I’d recommend voting for Mike in the primaries.

Who is doing better between the Rams and the Chargers? Well, I was concerned at first that the Rams weren’t winning any home games since their only losses so far this season were at home. Well, they won a game at home and are now 7-2. The Chargers are 3-6 since they only won three games in mid October. They went from a losing streak to a brief winning streak to another losing streak.

If you are following the Alabama Senate election and have heard stories about women being paid to say that they were harassed by Roy Moore, you should know that these are fake news stories made by Russians. How do I know this? Well, they can’t seem to figure out that the dollar sign goes before the amount of money and not after it. While there might have been a chance that the women were lying, the fact that only fake news sources say this seem to prove that they are telling the truth. Think about it. It wouldn’t be too hard to find out whether or not they made it up. Why make up that they made it up if they had actually made it up?

After the hurricanes earlier this year, it made me wonder if I should add other football teams to root for. The areas hit were Houston, who has the Texans, and Miami, who has the Dolphins. I might add them, but they are not playing each other this season and I’m not sure that I would care enough about last season to add them should they have played each other. Besides, I’d make them a tier two set of teams where I don’t root for any of them outside the nine I already do, putting on a lower set of things to root for. I’d add Florida’s other two teams, the Jacksonville Jaguars and Tampa Bay Buccaneers, to the list this time around and I might come up with other teams in future football seasons.

Как и было обещано в более раннем посте, вот еще один абзац на русском языке. Это происходит из статьи Time Magazine, которая была напечатана 8 августа 2016 года. В данной статье спрашивается: «Есть ли у Путина стороны?» Этот абзац начинается с напоминания об Уотергейте и вступлении в штаб-квартиру Демократической партии. Русские хаки DNC - хорошее сравнение с ужасным событием, известным как Уотергейт. Мне нужно будет сделать пост позже, чтобы обучить некоторых из вас на Уотергейт. Это было 20 000 писем, и это беспокоит то, что республиканцам все равно, что это происходит, и не сделает ничего, чтобы это не повторилось. Статья заканчивается этим предупреждением: «Если кто-то хочет нанести большой ущерб США, это способ, которым они могут это сделать». И это то, что сделали русские.

You might be confused by the previous paragraph. You see, I have decided to put random paragraphs in Russian whenever I want to in this blog. You will see one in the next post as well. So get used to me doing such as thing from time to time and hopefully you can translate it if you want to.

I have time to watch games today before primetime. CBS is annoying me with a doubleheader. Okay, that doesn’t annoy me as much right now as the fact that it is a Patriots game and the Patriots are beating the Raiders. There are no games on FOX and both of my CBS affiliates are airing the same game. Only it changes. The game changes into a Broncos versus Bengals game with the Bengals winning. This is the more interesting game.

I’m mainly watching what I think is the season finale of The Toy Box. I wonder if its timeslot will go to America’s “Funniest” Home Videos. Weren’t they originally going to air To Tell the Truth earlier? That’s concerning that they didn’t even bring it in when 10 Days in the Valley was pulled from the schedule and they doubled up on Shark Tank, another concern for it. Keep track of every show that is needlessly delayed because they don’t tend to be back on the next season.

The Bengals end up winning the game against the Broncos. This will mean less of a delay, although it will be later than the 30 minutes they planned it to be. I can only assume that the fucking Patriots won the game that they cut off the end of in my region. But I don’t need to see them win. This just gets to my show sooner than it otherwise would be.

Today’s episode is brought to you by 35 minute delay. We begin with Elizabeth talking about Jason’s new girlfriend. He is different and nicer around her. Elizabeth is summoned to the white house where she talks with the president and Conrad. They recap the abducted agent and bombing of the one place from earlier. Elizabeth talks to Henry about the dinner and the attack in Afghanistan. This girlfriend of Jason was from Kenya. This is an awkward dinner. Watch the movie Popeye and you’ll see another awkward dinner like that. We get to Cat finally. What is with the weird haircut? I hope that was what the actress already looked like when they cashed her.

Elizabeth has a weird dream about the whole retiring on a farm thing. This isn’t the same type of dream as one you have when you are asleep. Henry meets with that shady, evil senator guy whose name I’m not sure I know. I’m bad at names, but a lot of shows don’t mention names as often as they should have. Elizabeth wants to meet with Cat and hopefully I’m spelling it right. It could be with a k instead of a c. A person wound up with small pox and they think that Russia did it. They made Russia evil already before.

In segment two, people are updated as to the small pox situation. I miss watching some of the opening credits due to a local alert telling us when the news starts. Elizabeth and Henry talk by the phone about how to raise Jason best. Once again, Elizabeth butts head with a foreign national person. #takeashot. This person (a foreign minister) doesn’t have an idea of what went on. Henry and Jason have a talk about his girlfriend and his grades (mostly his grades).

Elizabeth is with her group when Cat comes to the white house. They have a nice talk about things and Cat talks about an oil spill that happened in Siberia about the possible zombie small pox that happened. Henry talks to his students about whatever his lesson was about. There is then this random guy who he talks to and as usual, I don’t understand. Elizabeth thinks that permafrost might be causing the small pox problem due to global warming happening. But can they fight this? And is Russia at fault?

In segment three, Elizabeth talks again to this person and apologizes for thinking that he caused the problem, only they don’t seem to want to look for a solution. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think that only politicians in the US deny the reality of climate change. Elizabeth talks to the person in quarantine about what has happened. Elizabeth and Henry talk more about Jason and what to do about him. Why is he the only child known to be troublesome? I guess it means having less of Stevie’s dumb love life or Alison’s perfectness. The person with small pox died.

In segment four, Elizabeth thinks that there is more that they can do after what has happened. Matt (I think) comes up with an idea that could work. Cat randomly comes in and helps with the situation. Cat thinks that the problem comes from the extinction of the wholly mammoth. This makes me want to watch Ice Age again. Scientists are wanting to clone and thus reintroduce the wholly mammoth. I’ve seen Jurassic Park. That’s not a good idea. But Elizabeth does have some sort of solution to the problem that will hopefully work.

They still don’t know how to give Jason the sex talk. I don’t think that I ever got the sex talk, but I’m still a virgin so I’m not sure that I need one like others do. They want to give the talk together and Jason does a facepalm when that happens. He explains how due to a spiritual connection of some sort that they are not having sex and they think that her parents already got to her with the talk.

In segment five, Elizabeth hunts down Cat again and mentions her terrible haircut. At least it isn’t a Mohawk. That’s the worst hairstyle I’ve ever seen. Elizabeth wants to know how to work with Russia in order to stop a potential pandemic. There is potential solution, it seems. Only it doesn’t seem like there is a good solution to everything. They come up with a deal of some sort that will protect everything. Only there are still problems with the diplomats and other issues.

Cat wants to talk to Elizabeth and wants to keep working with her. Since she is already in the main cast in her debut episode (which does not happen a lot), this does not come as a surprise, since she is already announced as part of the cast anyways. We also talk about the furniture throwing that made her famous or infamous, as it would seem. Henry thinks that only people in the president’s cabinet or this gang of eight in Congress could have known and tipped them off. If they have already introduced this character, then it is probably obvious who they are.

On the next Madam Secretary, they talk more about the opioid crisis and that’s about all of it that I got from the promo. You don’t have to be vague with promos to the extent that we are not that interested in the next new episode. Give us something to get us back. A promo like that gives nothing to anyone except maybe those who care about the opioid crisis. May I never know someone affected by it. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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