Monday, December 18, 2017

Episode from 12-17-2017

Sometimes, but not often, I use the next blog option to find what other blogs are there. I found one called Silent Mouse or something similar to that. I might have to check out this blog more often in the future as it is a political one and it seems that we might agree on a lot of important things.

В статье «Время в журнале», опубликованной 24 октября 2016 года, Массимо Калабреси рассказывает об ухудшающихся отношениях между США и Россией. Печально то, что хаки были лишь частью проблем, которые происходили в то время. Джо Клейн упоминает позже в том же выпуске, что он рад, что мы узнали всевозможную информацию об Хилари Клинтон из-за взломанных писем, которые раскрывают много хороших вещей о ней. Может быть, я когда-нибудь прочитаю их, если найду их.

Now for the next and currently last election that I care about telling you about: the Wisconsin senate election. The incumbent is Democrat Tammy Baldwin. The only Democrat running against her is Mary Walters, who never held office before. I would vote for Tammy in the primary. The primary is August 14th of next year.

Let’s get to the Republican candidates, shall we? There is a name of John Schiess who I know nothing about. If he were important, he’d have a Wikipedia page now, right? Kevin Nicholson is another person in the race, but it appears that he has not held any office before. This leaves Leah Vukmir as the only candidate from this side worth voting for.

I think that since this is the last post of the year that this will thus be the last Rams versus Chargers update of the year. The next post should be the last update of the season until next time. Anyways, the Rams are now 9-4. The Chargers are now 7-6. I wonder if the Rams will lose the rest and the Chargers will win the rest of their games. I guess that we’ll see what happens.

Let’s get to the Alabama election results. Doug Jones won! Yay! Now I hope that this means he is way less annoying in his emails. He would always send repetitive emails over and over again. Sadly, Roy Moore doesn’t know when to admit defeat and thinks that God will change the result of the election. I know that I prayed over the election. I prayed that Doug Jones would win. So I can only hope that God answered my prayer with a yes because this doesn’t always happen with prayers.

Now there could be an issue with the election: when does Doug Jones get to serve on the Senate? It would be a real dick move if the Republican’ts wait to seat him until January 3, 2019. Even if they waited until after the tax bill is voted on, it might be considered too late. This points out more of the hypocrisy of the Republican’ts. When the Democrats lost Ted Kennedy and Republican’t Scott Brown replaced him, Mitch McConnell insisted that they wait with the vote on health care reform until Scott was seated. The Democrats were nice and let him on the Senate before the vote happens. Now the Republican’ts are wanting to do the important vote now before Doug is seated on the Senate. At least they are consistent with always wanting a delay in something if it will benefit them. I will never forgive them over the fact that Merrick Garland isn’t on the Supreme Court right now.

Some of you may not know much about the tax bill before the Senate. What I know is that a tax that only affects people who have more than $5,000,000 is something that people want repealed. This estate tax also affects less than 1,000 people in this country. If you repeal it, where would the extra money come from? The tax cut for the rich has never helped anyone but the rich and it is worth reminding people that George H W Bush I accurately described it as voodoo economics. People don’t seem to know just how terrible our country’s debt became due to Ronald Reagan. Why is he loved? Is it because his administration tried selling arms to the people of Iran?

I tune into football earlier than usual tonight. Since FOX is airing a special and ABC is airing a movie, I’ll only be watching CBS tonight. Both of my CBS affiliates are showing the same game: Patriots versus Steelers. The Steelers are winning. My FOX affiliate is showing a Rams versus Seahawks game and the Rams are winning 34 to 0. While I like the score, I shouldn’t get my hopes up as last season, they shut out a team for three quarters and had lost by the end of the fourth. (I just lost the game.)

I switch between the games as I see the Rams increase their lead to 40 to 0. The Steelers are still in the lead in their game, but their lead is shrinking. I stay primarily into the Rams game should both be on commercial at the same time. The Seahawks get a touchdown and an additional point with a field goal. This puts the score at 40 to 7. I also see that the Steelers have increased their lead thanks to an update on FOX. As long as the Patriots lose, I won’t care about the final score.

The Rams are now 42 to 7. Where do you get 2 points in football? I don’t know so much about football as most of the things that the referees say just boil down to this is what’s happening although I don’t really understand why all the time. What’s all these downs and stuff? I should look up more info on this sport, but I’d probably just be confused by everything.

I see that the Patriots are winning their game now through an update on the other channel. And what is a two point conversion and can you get it without having just got a touchdown? I switch to the game on CBS and the Steelers get a touchdown and are winning. I’ve decided to stay with this game until it is over and not just so I know when shows will start on CBS. I can’t tell if the touchdown is valid, but I can only hope that the fucking Patriots don’t get ahead again. Well, the points are taken away. But they could still score again, though, right?

Well the fucking Patriots intercepted the ball after the touchdown was taken away so they look like they might be the winners. And they are. All this happens because a ball slipped at the touchdown line? It was a pretty stupid call. The announcers think that the Steelers should have gone for a field goal and overtime and that would have been a good idea or it could have meant no change in who won. At least this means that the show probably won’t be preempted. Only it switches to a different game.

The Titans are playing the 49ers. The 49ers are winning by a small margin. I have the Titans ranked as a higher team for me right now, although rankings can and will change after the conclusion of each new football season. (Due to my rules, I have the Titans ranked higher than the Rams even.) But both are teams that I like a root for. Only that is what made the Steelers game more interesting as I don’t like the fucking Patriots. There is a field goal and the Titans are now winning. I do wonder if I should go back and check the Rams game again.

What does it mean to spike a ball, anyways? I think that it might relate to field goals, but like I already admitted, I don’t know much about football terminology. At the buzzer, the 49ers end up winning the game for the third time in a row this season. I’m okay with either outcome. Plus, since I know that the 49ers sucked last season, they could use wins this season. The 49ers aren’t in playoff contention so I guess that a win is nice even if it hurts the other team’s chances. Also, I don’t know for sure who won the Rams game, but it couldn’t have been the Seahawks with the huge difference in the score. The game has probably been over for a while now and I didn’t realize it. I see an update later that proves that the Rams won with the score last mentioned.

Today’s episode is brought to you by 38 minute delay. We begin with Daisy’s official return to the show, after the unofficial one last week. There is a special woman’s conference. Daisy needs to tell more of the family of the baby about what happen. This is probably the worst way they’d written a pregnancy onto a show that I can remember. But at least it wasn’t like it Reba where the actress who played Barbara Jean was pregnant and the character got fat. THAT is the worst way I know it has been done.

Elizabeth and others talk in the situation room. Molly, who works with Henry, talks to his team about what all happened since Bo has been arrested. Alex wants to reveal himself to an asset to try to get him on the side of the US. Alex and Stevie exchange text messages. Daisy wants to tell family about what is going on. She then has to ask Elizabeth for more time off. Elizabeth then talks to Henry. She is worried about him and his upcoming trip.

In segment two, Alex thinks of how his life would be different if he hadn’t taken Henry’s class. Daisy then goes to meet her baby daddy’s mother. (I feel that there should be a better term than baby daddy, but I don’t know what a good one would be.) Alex talks to his old friend, the one who might not know him as Alex. Elizabeth then talks to a random person, it seems, although it might not be. Henry then talks more about what had happened so far on his trip.

In segment three, it is decided that Henry has to stay in Afghanistan for now. Daisy talks more to this woman. I need a good name for her, whether it is her real name or not. It could be a mother in law under ideal circumstances. We get more of the normal “the US does not engage with terrorists” cliché that we see so often from time to time. Please tell me that we would actually do that because it seems like a dumb thing to give them more power. Stevie and Alex continue their weird flirty relationship thing that seems weird yet is her best romance thus far and the only one they seemed to have gotten right in the show thus far. Alex notices that a car is following him.

In segment four, the contact didn’t meet up with the people in Henry’s team. When did he see Stevie and leave Afghanistan? There might be some issues there with when things were happening. Elizabeth talks more to the one woman, whoever that is, about whatever the issues are that they are ignoring while trying like now to talk about. Alex says that he was followed. Henry works to get to the bottom of this issue. Elizabeth mentions how to work with the Taliban. I don’t get all this.

In segment five, Conrad has to talk and appease people in the oval office. The people of Afghanistan do not want to give women all the power, but Elizabeth might have a solution even if it might not be the right one for everyone. The people of the CIA were the ones who were following Alex. It was because he was in rehab. But they don’t talk about how Alex and Stevie are dating. Surely they know, right? They meet again and talk to each other. Alex still won’t tell Stevie the full story about himself. This could only end badly, but probably for just part of an episode.

The compromise of the Afghanistan situation has it so that women can have basic rights, but can’t run for office. Elizabeth then does a speech about this guest woman, whoever she is. There are no scenes from next time so I’ll be back whenever with the next new episode, probably sometime next year. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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