Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Episode from 3-18-2018

While I said that I would get into the tier two teams of football that I will be rooting for in the future, I have not been able to do any research and don’t think that I’ll have time this week. Just know that the four new teams that I’ll be rooting for are the Texans, Dolphins, Jaguars, and Buccaneers. Hopefully, I’ll be able to rank them.

For now, I need to get into March Madness. There is a complicated and possible convoluted process that I have for rooting for various different teams in the tournament. I’ll only point out the ones that are in the tournament and not ones that I’d root for if they weren’t. Also, any team from North Carolina will not get its separate root for section this year since they aren’t banned from hosting.

Let’s start with the oldest team first. Wichita State is in this so I will root for them. Duke is in this, so I will root for them. Since they have won in the past, I won’t care too much if they are eliminated. I also care about Oklahoma in the tournament. Kansas is another team that I care about. North Carolina is in this as well. And, while it has yet to qualify by certain rules, I’m putting in Butler as well.

I hope that I can see the game that aired before primetime on CBS. I knew that I would have to work on Sunday. But I am able to see some of the game. It is North Carolina against Texas A & M. North Carolina is losing by around twenty points. Even if they lose this, I will be rooting for the winning team of this game. I doubt that the defending champs would want to lose to a seventh seeded team when they are a second seeded team. But I learned of a far more humiliating loss that has happened in the tournament with the type of upset that has never happened before.

While I didn’t have time to look up the scores of games online so I know who all that I care about is still in the tournament, I can look it up in a newspaper that I have. This will not contain all of what has been played on Sunday, but that can always be covered later. That is the procrastinator’s motto: Do it later! And if you’ve read this blog before this season, you’ll know just how late these posts have come.

Wichita State lost to Marshall, the lower seeded team. Duke won round one and round two so they will be in the sweet sixteen. Oklahoma lost to Rhode Island. Rhode Island was later eliminated from the tournament. Kansas won round one and two so they will be in the sweet sixteen. Butler won round one and while they played a game earlier today, I don’t yet know the result of the game. Maybe it will air as a result with the game on CBS.

At six, I largely switch to watching Bob’s Burgers and checking up on the score of the game during the breaks of Bob’s Burgers. Texas A & M is still winning the game, which is to be expected. I do promise to check the final score later online if I miss it and can’t figure out for sure who won.

60 Minutes has started around 6:38. I don’t know who won for sure yet. What I do know for sure is that Butler lost their game to Purdue. This means that there is only one game result that I need to check at some point in time. Also, prepare to be confused by this post.

A final result of the game has the winner being Texas A & M. Now last year had a match-up between a team that I cared about and a team that I didn’t that aired at the right time that ensured that even if the team that I liked was beaten, I’d still be rooting for the winning team in the end. Now that didn’t happen as the team that won was a team of interest. But it wouldn’t have been that way earlier were it not for the anti-boycott that I was doing then. That basically means that it gets to stay this year.

To make everything even more interesting, North Carolina was that team and it won the whole entire tournament last year anyways. Next week’s post will tell you which teams I’m still into and if I’m adding any more to my teams of interest thing or not. Besides, only one team can win and they are bound to fight each other at some point in time.

Today’s episode is brought to you by 37 minute delay. We begin in Abkhazia. Where is that? I think that it is a real place because it isn’t underlined in red on this computer of mine. There is a woman who is walking through the street. She seems to be going to this safe house or something like that. It seems that police come and beat up people there. It might have been a club and not a safe house. The team talks about the issue at hand. Elizabeth threatens to cut off aid to the leader of this country for not doing the right human rights stuff that they should be doing. Henry might be doing shadowy stuff. Matt wants to rope someone into doing trivia night with him. They see a video of someone who was tortured and this leads them to wanting to help these people find asylum.

In segment two, the team works with Bulgaria to try to resolve this situation. Jason is called into the office and people oooo at him, even though this doesn’t actually happen. Matt still wants to work on the whole trivia night thing. Jason doesn’t want to talk about what happened although we don’t know what it is yet. I’ve already seen other parts of this episode so I already know what has happened. Kat talks about someone who is dealing with a threenager. So is my cousin, who is a mother.

Kat says that she is bi-sexual or pan-sexual, even though there is a difference between the two of them. (Since they are doing all these different types of sexual orientation, perhaps they should have a person who is hetroflexible.) Isn’t some guy on this show bi-sexual? I think that Blake is, but I think that Kat is talking to Jay. Although I’m going to get confused about this later in part of this that was already written. A person has closed the borders and the refugees are stuck.

It is at this point around the 10:00 mark that I start watching. I believe that it is now the start of the third act of the show. Kat tries to figure out the solution to the problem of human trafficking or refugee problem that she is talking to Blake (I think) about. And this relates once again to LGBT people. I can’t make sense of this just yet as I haven’t yet seen the first part of this episode. Some people in the team are at a trivia night. Maybe it is because I haven’t ever been to one that makes me wonder if they are as weird as they seem here.

It seems that the people are getting drunk. Who is this red haired woman? And why must they always be so weird? My ex-girlfriend has red hair. Let’s not talk about her again. Jason doesn’t want to talk about some sort of situation that’s affecting him. I have the feeling that it might relate to concussions. Or, perhaps, he is merely doing poorly in school. But who is this random doctor person that he is talking to? Wait, he got a perfect score on something and is worried? Why, exactly?

Blake tells Kat about the situation at hand that is going on. We then see people being taken from a vehicle of some sort. They seem to be afraid of something although they might be being rescued. And I need to do more research into this Ted Kennedy incident that seems to have left a person dead. Speaking of the Kennedys, Chris Kennedy, the son of Robert Kennedy, will find out today whether or not he won the primary for governor of the state of Illinois. How distracted am I being?

In the next segment, people on the team are talking about winning, but it seems like they are talking about the trivia night and not the whatever thingy is going on internationally. Blake thinks that Matt should date the one lady. I don’t know if that’s a good idea. But I know nothing about her just yet. People talk more about what is going on. Where the heck is Elizabeth in this episode? Speaking of her, she shows up again.

Elizabeth talks about what has happened internationally that I don’t understand yet, but may write more about later after I see the beginning of this episode. It seems that the team agreed to work with people that they probably shouldn’t have. Elizabeth ends up doing a tough speech on her two people and I’m not sure that I know the difference between Jay and Blake. Jay was the person working with Kat and Blake was probably the person at the trivia night place. I don’t think that the same person was doing both things. I got really distracted by an iphone commercial about unlocking with a look. I think that Prue Hallowell can do that.

In the next segment, Henry and Jason talk about his perfect score on the PSAT. Jason was talking to his doctor uncle. I need a child at some point so he or she can have an uncle who is a doctor. Good thing he’s not a doctor yet. Henry had found out about the score because of an email that the principal had sent him. Will, this uncle, wasn’t that good at talking to Jason, but Henry talks better about the whole thing.

Elizabeth and Henry talk more about the various things going on in each other’s lives. Henry gets some sort of medal, possibly. That’s yet another thing that I don’t yet get because I can’t even watch this episode in the right order. This problem might happen again twice more this year. It seems that the refugee situation was resolved. There is a problem because of the way they went about saving the people. There are now some sort of lasting issues because of this.

On the next Madam Secretary, there is a country (presumably this one), that is at a crossroads of some sort. This might be lingering issues because of this episode and that could be what all the problems are about. I should be back next week. I don’t know what will be happening on Easter, but if you read other blogs of mine, you’d be glad if there is a new episode of this on Easter.

Palm Sunday is next week. It seems like Lent just started and is now almost over again. But don’t worry about this blog. If I ever miss a new episode of this show, I have at least two days to watch it before I have to blog about it. I might even have more if things change with when things are updated. I should see you next Tuesday. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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