Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Episode from 5-20-2018

This episode is the season finale. I’ll find out more about where and when it will be in the schedule in the near future. I also won’t know for sure when this blog will be updated next season. But you don’t have to worry about too much with this blog. I’ll also do updates during the summer that are politically related in a way. I’ll get to the when of things at the end of this post.

A lot of things will be happening to Eric Greitens while this show is on hiatus. Maybe he’ll stay in office despite the scandals against him. They did drop some of the charges against him, but can apparently refill it? What? We’ll see whether or not he stays in office. But I can’t make sense of all of it. What I do know after doing some research is that Bruce Rauner, Illinois’s governor, was an ally to him at one point. Only Bruce wants Eric to resign. Of course, Bruce may only want to cut ties because he would suffer from further association with Eric.

Voter remorse is something that I think should happen more often. I want to hear someone say that they voted for someone that they shouldn’t have. To do otherwise would be like staying on the sinking Titanic and saying that it is a great ship still. That’s what I want to hear from people who voted for Trump. I want them to admit to their mistake and own it. Just like how I never should have voted for Bruce. Both are terrible people. Well, Bruce might be a nice person, but he's a terrible leader.

You still don’t know what the second mystery choice was that was added to the list of other choices that I watch from. I tell the readers of my Good Wife blog about one of the choices for now. Well, I finished watching mystery choice #2 and will replace it with mystery choice #3. As usual, you’ll have to read my Good Wife to know what was gone and is replaced by now. But the point is now that Survivor: Borneo is number 5 of what to be rolled from.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with Elizabeth, Henry, and the rest of their family doing some DC sightseeing for the first time. Stevie cares about other things instead of the trip because of waiting for news from Russell. All of the kids are being phone addicts. I don’t understand why Stevie would be one as an adult. Then again, my mother is more addicted to her phone than I am. Still, why feel the need to insult millennials every chance you get? They are part of the 18-34 demographics that you need.

We see a lot of various people in the main cast doing different things. Conrad and Russell are on the golf course. Elizabeth and Henry have more of a good time at a family fun place then the people that it seems to be designed for. Cat and Blake talk some. We then see a person with the president who sees a problem with the nukes. The Russian deaths in Aleppo seem to be something they are retaliating for. Every sign shows that they could be under attack. But it could be clouds they are seeing and not missiles. Look it up. Jay and Matt are at a tennis court and Jay leaves upon getting an alert. Conrad needs to decide whether or not to strike back at Russia. Cue commercial.

In segment two, we go back to earlier in the day. I saw seemingly random people of some sort. This seems to be the general guy person from earlier, whoever that is. There are tons of reports about the possible strike. You know, if America were ever attacked, we might not have any idea who did it at first. There are tons of possibilities. The divorce is brought up and Conrad has to reenter the code with a new person as the other was relieved of command. This is tense. People are inserting launch keys. Elizabeth is pulled out and hears of the potential attack. She goes back in with her family. What will happen next? And are things really as they seem?

In segment three, we go back to earlier again. Is this like Vantage Point? I like that movie, even if it was a bit confusing. A person comes in to abort the launch. The McCords are worried before they get the all clear option. Elizabeth freaks out over everything. What happened? It was a simulation that had ended up mistaken the order for what the real thing was.

I wonder if the Hawaii missile threat inspired this. Elizabeth wants to change the way things are done. Will things be more rational in the future? Russell takes the side of Elizabeth. It’s a good thing that this fake out that happened was under President Carter because tons of people after him would have made the mistake and gone through with it. There is no way that this would end well under Trump. There is a reason that the bible says “Blessed are the peacekeepers.”

In segment four, I still don’t know what Stevie is upset about. Who is getting married? Elizabeth and Henry talk about what they know that the others don’t. Conrad goes to their house. He tries to explain why he thinks that the Russians would have attacked us. Things that don’t make sense is what drove his decision to strike back. He wants to make a decision that could lead to peace between Russia and them. Matt thinks that there is a special list and that Jay is on it. But Jay probably doesn’t want to be on this supposed list.

Elizabeth has made it all the way to the Cayman Islands to talk to a Russian diplomat. I’m glad that this show is trying to make us working with the Russians a good thing. Dealerting is the idea that Elizabeth wants to give to the Russians. She makes it back to the US rather quickly.

What is the friend card? Do you know what it is? Only a general who is different than the one from earlier thinks that it is a bad idea. Alison worries too much about people who read blogs of hers. I’d like to read a supposed blog by a made up character. Well, if I had time for it, that is. One by Kathrine Herzer and her experiences on the show would be nice too. I don’t care much about who reads what blogs of mine. Elizabeth wants to publicize all the false alarms to the public.

In segment five, Conrad is ready to address the people. He is open about the crisis that had happened. We then switch to a month later. This does lead to a new treaty. But what were the protests about? Were they related in any way to what happened? Or do they relate to other important things that had happened in the last month that we didn’t see? I can’t keep track that much of Daisy’s dog and plot of this episode. What did Blake mean when he said that he wanted more? Things then go back to how they normally were at the start of this episode. Elizabeth is reminded of civic duty. At least a historic thing is done. She wants to run for president in the future. Of course she does.

That’s it for this season. I’m pretty sure that this show will be on at the same time next season during the fall as usual. It is hard to tell for sure since I haven’t been able to look up the information that I want to. At least I have an alternate place or to. Why would I suddenly not be able to access a website? Does anyone know if www.tvseriesfinale.com is still a website? I can’t access it if it is.

If you come here off of the link that I post on facebook, know that when I do the political posts this summer, you won’t be seeing links to them on facebook. For all intents and purposes, the only things that I share on facebook are about episodes of this blog. When will you see political posts? Well, you should see them on Tuesdays, but be on the lookout for other days. You could see them on Saturdays or other days entirely. It all depends on what happens. There will be at least one of them a month. And I will post about any usual changes with them if and when they happen.

While I want to do follow-up posts regarding the Iowa primaries in June and the Missouri and Wisconsin ones in August, you may not see them in this blog. I may put them in the Elementary blog under the spoiler tag sections and will do that for at least Iowa’s primary for governor. I don’t know if that show will still be airing as late as August. The only other possible place to put them would be my Survivor blog which will only happen if I’m blogging about Survivor: Gabon, Survivor: Blood versus Water, or another old season on Sundays or some other day entirely. Those, too, would be in spoiler posts. Since I’m talking about political things, enjoy this election calendar for events that I care about and maybe you should too.

Election calendar (all are on Tuesdays)

June 5th, 2018- Iowa primary for governor

August 7th, 2018- Missouri primary for senator

August 14th, 2018- Wisconsin primary for governor and senator

November 6th, 2018- midterm elections, class one senate elections, two class 2 special senate elections, governor elections in Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin, senate elections in Indiana, Missouri, and Wisconsin

November 5th, 2019- Kentucky gubernatorial general election

November 3rd, 2020- presidential election, class two senate elections, governor elections in Indiana and Missouri, senate elections in Illinois, Kentucky, and Iowa

November 8th, 2022- midterm elections, class three senate elections, governor elections in Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin, senate elections in Illinois, Missouri, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Kentucky

I’m not sure what else there is to say in this post as I close out the normal posts for the summer. A lot will happen in this summer politically. I don’t know how much of it will be worth keeping track of. You should see the regular posts appear the Tuesday after the new episode aired, but things could change in the future. Keep an eye out for various things and this blog should be normal in the future. Things could change a lot with me subject to rolling Survivor on random days. If I currently roll it on a Saturday, you will see either a political post of this blog or a post of some sort of my CSI: Cyber blog. I’ll see you a long time in the future. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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