Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Episode from 10-21-2018

I do not know what all to post in this introduction of mine right now. I’m writing this in advance so I will not know for sure what all there is to say even in a mostly worthless introduction. All I know is that there is a lot for me to talk about, but not much potential time to write it all.

В вопросе «Времени» с 2 октября 2017 года обсуждаются многие вопросы. Они задаются вопросом, кто должен возглавлять демократов в будущем. Именами являются Джо Байден, Берни Сандерс, Элизабет Уоррен, Камала Харрис, Джулиан Кастро, Эрик Гаркетти, Кирстен Гиллибранд, Эми Клобучар, Джефф Меркли, Джейсон Кандер, Сет Моултон и Пит Буттиг. Писатель ведущей истории считает, что демократы находятся в беде, когда он опубликовал ее, но в будущем многое выиграл.

There’s actually an update to tell you about the shows on DVD (or other formats) that I watch. You see, mystery choice #4 is now gone and has been replaced with recorded shows on tape. Be lucky if you read this blog because my Good Wife blog isn’t going to mention that the choice is gone. It will return at some point so we’ll see if it is mentioned in this blog in the future or not. This does mean that Survivor: Borneo is now the fifth thing that I roll instead of the sixth.

It was on Saturday, October 20, 2018 that I rolled a five and got to watch the show again. It wasn’t long after the list change that I rolled the choice. I don’t know what else might change with the lists so we’ll have to wait and see what changes could and might hopefully come soon.

One of the senators that we’ve had the longest is Iowa senator Chuck Grassley. He may not know this, but I, a strong liberal, actually like him and admire him a lot. I even told him this when I emailed him about a subject. I don’t know if he knows that I actually feel this way. I wasn’t just saying that in order to try to sway his opinion, especially when it wasn’t likely to change anyways. But I do like how he was able to do the hearings as well as he could have despite all the hardships with protestors and the like. I have a lot of respect for someone who could keep things as civil as possible.

Something that you might have heard about this year is the idea of blue wave 2018 happening. We will not know for sure if it will become a reality or not. Hopefully, it will and the latest atrocity that Trump did to the Supreme Court will be his last accomplishment as president. In fact, that may be the reason why Democrats could win big. They did well in 2012 due to a lot of dumb people being in the races. Now there could be outrage over an accused sexual predator being given a job for life.

One of the things that could jeopardize this is that Joe Manchin, a Democrat up for reelection this year, voted in favor of Brett. It makes me think of a meme where he’s seen casting the vote in favor of him and Kylo Ren shouts out: traitor! Of course, if Democrats don’t vote for him and his seat turns red, this could change the whole process of taking control of the senate and make it more difficult for us to win the seats that we need. It’s a catch 22 really. They have to vote for him or they are hoping that we can lose that seat while gaining three others instead of just two.

I have been making some donations to various politicians this year. And I plan to make more in 2020 and 2022. I do not yet know if I will donate to anyone is 2024 yet. But there was a test people didn’t know that they took. There are only three solutions to it: I don’t care, they passed it, or they failed it.

With Mitch McConnell in control of way too much, he seems to be adopting a strategy typically seen by dumb college students of doing things at the last minute. He seems to want to put forth anything that Trump does as good and won’t let people read bills they are voting on, see documents of people that they are trying to confirm, and is now getting annoyed at any possible thing that could delay anything. He is so gung ho about doing any dangerous thing nowadays, he reminds me of this scene from Rogue One of just how bullheaded he can get.

I do not understand why people thought that what Jeff Flake did over the Brett Kavanaugh hearings was a good thing. Sure, he voted to do a background check to move things forward. But if Jeff hadn’t done that, then people wouldn’t have voted for him and Brett wouldn’t be on the Supreme Court right now. We all knew that he is leaving the senate on January 3rd of 2019 so there’s no reason why he couldn’t have stood up against such dangerous ideas and voted against Brett. What he did seems far more like a cowardly person to me. His retirement alone was already like that. It makes me think of this scene from the movie The Wizard of Oz.

Even though Jeff Flake is retiring
The Supreme Court was hiring
And just like a dope
He cast a yay vote
With common decency left crying

Movie update: I was too busy on Friday and Saturday to have watched any movies, but I did see what I wanted to on Sunday. I saw Celtic Woman: A New Journey and will replace it with Celtic Woman: Songs from the Heart. Hopefully, I can have normal movie watching times in the future.

At 5:40, I checked to see what was on TV. My main CBS affiliate was showing a game of the Washington Redskins versus the Dallas Cowboys. The Redskins are winning. There will be a double header on this network tonight so this is certain to start late tonight. FOX isn’t airing a game when I check.

When I turn into my other CBS affiliate, they are airing a game of the Rams versus the San Francisco 49ers. The Rams are winning 32 to 10. Since the Rams are still undefeated and the Chargers are not, I have thus not kept track of which team is doing better.

Apparently, since the Rams game was too boring, both affiliates are now airing the same game that the Redskins are winning since the score is closer and more likely to change who is winning. But then the score changes as the Redskins increase their lead.

While I’m still kind of upset that I won’t see what will happen with the Rams game, I know that when they are airing a game that could run long of two west coast teams, I would understand why you would not want to air it on the east coast. If games run late on the west coast, they normally wouldn’t get any delay that would annoy people like here on the east coast (or Central Standard Time for me). I will have to check the final score later unless I hear it on TV.

The score changed again and now the Cowboys have less of a gap between themselves and the Redskins even if the Redskins are still winning. An update at the bottom of the screen shows that the Rams now have 39 points in their game while the 49ers haven’t changed at all. A last second attempt to tie the game at the end of 4th quarter fails and the Redskins win. In an eerie coincidence that the announcers are able to predict, it is the same score when the two teams last played in this location in the 90s. This almost makes me think things are rigged, but I doubt that it is.

I switch to watching an episode of Bob’s Burgers since they are probably just going to air not much of what could be on elsewhere. It is probably an old episode. It is Halloween related so it might have aired sometime last year. I doubt that they would air a new one at 6:30. I see a commercial during the first break when I check CBS and see 60 Minutes when I check during the second one. I’m able to get an eye alert and see for sure when the show starts.

Today’s episode is brought to you by 37 minute delay. We begin in Italy. Maybe I should put in an Italian paragraph at some point. Elizabeth is showing up at jury duty and someone doesn’t know that she is the secretary of state, mistaking her for a real housewife. She calls Blake despite the fact that cell phones are not allowed in most courthouses and especially not in courtrooms as you so often see on television. Henry is starting a new job. She talks to a person named Mike about what’s going on.

She gets excused from serving. While someone wanted her to wait for some reason, we might not see why. The judge has some minor issues with passport problems his wife was having. She talks to a person named Caitlyn who winds up getting advice from her. There are issues with factories of some sort. We then see Elizabeth wanting to go to fashion week since it will help in some way.

In segment two, Elizabeth is talking to an Italian person via Skype. We never would have had a show like this before Skype. She talks about what is going on with the president. They might be picking a fight with China as a result. Alison is thrilled that she is going to fashion week. Henry had funny password issues where he had to create a password just to get rid of it. He phrased in better. We do get to more of the random Chinese guy that shows up from time to time. I should really remember his name. China has announced tariffs. I’m always amazed by how they can do current events on this show despite it being much different people in power. Elizabeth is told to think better in the future.

In segment three, Conrad might want to do retaliatory tariffs against China. Conrad is smart by realizing that he shouldn’t do any trade wars. Someone shows up to Daisy’s office and a nun shows up. I do not really get all of this. Daisy is too worried because of the attack that happened. She doesn’t want to kill someone’s dreams. Why was the foreign person talking in English to his child? You know, we are mean usually with other languages. Many people from non English speaking countries learn English and when we see others speaking other languages, we just tell them to speak ours instead of us learning theirs. No wonder they are so much smarter than us. Elizabeth learns that the Chinese secretary is on the short list to becoming president of his country.

In segment four, we get back to Caitlyn from earlier. Mike is the defense counsel. He is able to make a good case for her. She gets a good deal out of it. She didn’t quite understand all of it. Elizabeth wants to help with the mostly unseen message and solve the barely focused upon issue as usual. Daisy gives a tour of the 7th floor to the nun’s students. While they don’t meet Elizabeth, they get to meet Conrad who is visiting there. I do wonder who there would have preferred Elizabeth to Conrad. I do remember that Obama met the members of Celtic Woman in 2009 and I was very jealous of him. Elizabeth tells people about the factory issues that she wants to address while trying to possibly pander to the fashion issues while still getting her point across. Elizabeth criticizes China for not being there at the meeting place.

In segment five, it turns out that the Chinese president is naming himself as his own successor. That does not make that much sense. The diplomat wants to make sure that no other stunts are done in this whole tit for tat that goes on. She is sorry that he might have missed out on what is going on. Elizabeth does not think that she is actually solving problems. I do not get the rake metaphor. Perhaps it went over my head. Then again, nothing goes over my head. I’m far too swift. This does make Elizabeth doubt whether or not she should run for president since she can’t do as much good as she would like. But we did see that with Obama. Of course, that was largely due to the obstruction from the wrong.

Elizabeth tells Mike that she does in fact want to run for president. She wants to run on criminal justice reform. That’s a good campaign slogan. Well, that’s not actually a slogan of some sort. But if you run on a good issue, you want it to work. Don’t promise things that you can’t grant. Look at term limits. So many people run to enforce them and make no efforts to do it. Something odd seems to be going on in China and I wonder if this recurring character is up to evilness. But this largely seems like a memorial of some kind that I don’t quite get. The episode ends next.

On the next Madam Secretary, a war debt or warrior of some sort appears to be being held for ransom for some reason. A soldier would make more sense. I do not get it yet. I guess that we will see what happens with this show when it happens. Let’s just hope that it starts happening at 9 instead of later. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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