Monday, January 28, 2019

Episode from 1-27-2019

Let’s go more into the updates of football post season. The Rams beat the Saints and are in the Super Bowl. As for the other team, the Patriots beat the Chiefs and are also in the Super Bowl. These are the same two teams that played in the 2002 Super Bowl. Know that I hate the Patriots and am pretty sure that every time they win a game, a baby cries.

Before I get any further, know that I have not given myself enough time to write this post so I might just have to put a lot of what I want to in the next regular post instead of this one. I was busy and sick this past weekend. But let’s get to the rest of this post if I can.

After Bruce Rauner enlisted the help of Eric Grietens, Scott Walker, and Eric Holcomb to try to blame all of his problems on someone else, I wondered what would be a good name to call these four people. Well, I’m dubbing them the four horsemen. It might not be an accurate way of describing them. But it does seem that they want to wreck havoc. Unlike the actual four horsemen, instead of bringing about the end of the world as we know it, they only brought forth their own end.

Eric Grietens left first after many scandals were brought forward and he resigned within hours of a judge declaring his dark money ties fair game to investigate. Scott Walker lost reelection after a long time in such big power and is out of office now. Bruce Rauner, more unpopular than Trump somehow, was out of office just a week later, having also lost reelection. This leaves Eric Holcomb as the only person to be concerned about his political future.

I should update you again on when certain governors started their time in office since there are now new ones added to the mix. Matt Bevin of Kentucky started on December 8, 2015. Eric Holcomb of Indiana started on January 9, 2017. Kim Reynolds of Iowa started on May 24, 2017. Mike Parsons of Missouri started on June 1, 2018. Tony Evers of Wisconsin started on January 7, 2019. J. B. Pritzker of Illinois started on January 14, 2019.

By now, you should know that the government shutdown is over. That’s awesome, actually. I don’t know why it took this long. Well, apparently there were issues at airports due to lots of people not showing up to work and there were too many issues because of it. It took too long. And, making this as ridiculous as the whole thing ever was in the first place, this was the same deal that he could have had before there even was a government shutdown. This “master dealer” known as Trump basically refused to even let the slightest form of compromise happen unless he got what he wanted, which, needless to say, is not how compromise works.

The author of The Art of the Deal
Made people work without money for meals
The right leaning news
Offered terrible views
And that’s why Trump wouldn’t heel

Now going back to the movie watching that I’ve been doing, I have multiple updates about it to tell you about. For the first time ever, I’m now at five movie lists. I now have a Tuesday list of movies to watch that were added to my list in this order: The Great Race, True to the Game, Back to the Future, The Fugitive, The Land before Time, and Rogue One.

Now starting back when it was Monday two weeks ago, I watched Rush Hour and replaced it with Rush Hour 2. True to the Game was then watched and replaced by Taken. There’s actually a bit of a story behind why I own True to the Game. I would have at one point wanted to rent it, but I couldn’t so I bought it as it was Nelsen Ellis’s last movie. I wrote a review about it for my Elementary blog since he was in the cast of that show. I made some mistakes with the review as I thought that Nelsen played the main character instead of a side one that wasn’t as important. Also, the main character is Quad and not King as mentioned in the blog. Still, enjoy the review.

On Friday, January 18, 2019, I finally got to see the next Survivor: Borneo episode called Crack in the Alliance. Considering how Rich’s butt crack was featured in the previous episode, it is a bit odd that we are only now getting to an episode named after a crack. Since I have to update my TV blog at least once a month and I now have to roll an episode to do so, I’ll have to go to extreme lengths in order to make sure that I can always see at least one episode of this show a month when I don’t have cheats to use to update the blog on its own. I’m glad that the roll worked. But you might see me randomly not rolling for movies in order to see an episode of this show during time normally spent on that instead of on this. Hopefully, this isn’t too confusing to you.

More movie update: The Emperor’s New Groove was watched and replaced by Blast from the Past. No movie from a list was watched on Saturday. The Bourne Legacy was watched and replaced by The Best Years of our Lives. No movie from a list was watched on Monday. Back to the Future was watched and replaced by Back to the Future Part 2. No movie was watched on Friday as I was at a film score live event and correctly thought that I wouldn’t have time for one. No movie was watched on Saturday. Hancock was watched and not yet replaced as I haven’t finished watching it yet. I will tell you about more about that later in the next post.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with a bomb that went off internationally that might have been supplied by the US, but Elizabeth’s team has to make sure of this first. Russell is met by a protestor outside the White House and people film what is going on. Don’t piss him off. Haven’t you seen what his character did in The Bourne Legacy? Russell goes on a rant when he arrives at the White House and people explain more of what happens.

There are potential issues with Russia, Israel, and Syria because of all this. Stevie shows the footage that was filmed of Russell to him. He gets a phone call from someone and yells that he doesn’t have an anger management problem. It’s like how I like to prove that I’m calm by yelling, “I AM CALM!” Alison is having issues with the internet and needs to put a paper online right away. I can’t make sense of some of what is going on, but I think that the main issue is with Russia as usual.

People are shown footage of a plane that was Syrian that took off from Russia with a cluster bomb from the US. This is highly complicated. Yet I have the feeling that a lot of international politics is or could be. Elizabeth seeks to find some sort of solution to the problem.

In segment two, Elizabeth talks with someone who isn’t sure that the footage is conclusive. It is a person from Syria that she is talking to. Conrad’s BFF helped make the bomb, according to Henry. There is more revealed about the internet problems as Jason was doing things with cybo currency. He explains some of what he has done. But he might be able to fix it. Stevie wants to fix the problems that Russell is having that he is getting more irritated by. Henry thinks that a knock-off was used, but that official plans of the bomb might have revealed what had happened. The issue might actually be friendly fire.

In segment three, Elizabeth talks between different diplomats. A plane that was shot down had killed Russian soldiers. Henry thinks that this was gross negligence. Russell thinks that people want to taunt the president and the secretary of state. Who even is the secretary of state in reality? I lost track. Some of the people in Elizabeth’s team realize that they are going back to the drawing board.

Stevie tries to defuse the situation with the strange woman from earlier who had gone after Russell and she seems irritated at first only to calm down when she gets a book in her hand. Books are not always a way to calm down. But I guess they can be. Jason gets into more trouble with his crypto currency. We then get a phone call from Russell to Elizabeth and she has to figure out a problem right away.

In segment four, there is a navy presence that Elizabeth and her team needs to get to stand down. We then get to Henry talking to Russell again about various things that are going on. Elizabeth then brings back the two people from the previous segment about what happened with Russia and Israel. It seemed that Syria caused the death of children and Israel caused the destruction of a Russian airplane.

In segment five, Henry talks to Conrad about doing a ban on cluster bombs. Henry then talks about some of what he doesn’t want to do with his role in office. I think that this relates to what had happened in the previous episode with the suspicious people that I can’t quite remember as well. Elizabeth then talks about wanting others to sign a ban on cluster bombs. Why not get rid of nuclear weapons while we are at it? Seriously. We should get rid of them, but I know that won’t ever happen. Cat talks about some sort of issue relating to people who lost people due to one of the attacks in this episode.

Stevie shows that Maggie, the protestor, is still having issues despite whatever had possibly worked at an earlier point. Russell talks to this person one on one. So maybe some sort of issues are resolved? We then get to Jason talking about the failure of his currency after the crisis died down. But he does have a job now that he can use to pay his parents back and briefly talks about another currency that could be used to fix problems, but it seems unlikely that it would work and his parents leave upon hearing more about what it is. There are no scenes from next time so we’ll see what happens or if there’ll even be a new episode next month. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Politics: The Top Ten Democrats Who Should Run for President in 2020

I have decided to do another brief, recurring theme for posts for this blog so I hope that you like this one. I came up with a list of ten Democrats who I think should run for president in 2020. Now this doesn’t include people that I’d like to see run that probably aren’t going to. Otherwise, I would have someone like Tim Kaine on this list. If you are a Democrat and want to run for this high office, know that even if you aren’t on the list, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t run. I was also going to make a note that if people were already in the race that would have otherwise been on this list, they wouldn’t be on it, but when it comes to those currently officially in the race for president, no one mentioned in here is yet on the list. Anyways, here goes:

#10 Terry McAuliffe: The former governor of Virginia, I am largely putting him on the list just to have a governor on this list. Everyone else on this list is or was a senator. I’ll admit that I do not know much about how outside of the fact that he might want to run for president. But I don’t think that there are any issues with him and he could be a good person, even if he’s not notable enough to me to rank higher than number 10 on this list.

#9 Michael Bennet: He’s currently a senator from Colorado. I said that I might wind up caring more about that state in the future. I’m not entirely sure if he can run for president, although I’m pretty sure that he can. He is slightly moderate which could help him with independents, but not to the point of alienating his own base. He might work, although he might not do as well since some of us wouldn’t know who he is.

#8 Cory Booker: A senator from New Jersey, he could be everything that more Democrats would want from a candidate. Something he did that helped me like him was attacking part of the ridiculousness of the Kavanaugh hearings and he went out of the way to make sure that his points were heard and got across easily. Him being a black man might also help him do better in the primary at least since I think some of us wouldn’t want a white man to challenge Trump.

#7 Kristen Gillibrand: While she is more or less already in the race, I felt that I should include her anyways to encourage her to run if she had any doubts about if she should or not. I do not think that there is anything that could ruin her chances of winning. There are other candidates who might not have a better chance without there being something they are constantly attacked about over and over again.

#6 Heidi Heitkemp: Since she doesn’t have any job currently that I know of, she’ll have all the more time to run for office if she wants to. Her being a moderate might attract some badly needed independents in the race, although it could hurt her chances of winning the primary. I do want to see a future for her politically and depending on the type of justice Brett Kavanaugh winds up being, she may have every reason to run and prove that she was right in not voting for him. She can stand up for women who can’t stand up for themselves.

#5 Bernie Sanders: He may not enter the race and some may feel that he already had his chance or is too old to run. Another problem is that he might not actually be considered a liberal since he is largely an independent. Someone even thought that he’d be a worse president than Trump, although the support Trump so what do they know? Still, if he’s able to energize the voters and do anywhere near as good as last time, then maybe he could win this time around.

#4 Joe Donnelly: Another former politician who lost reelection in the midterms last year, I do not think that he should end his political future just yet. Now there are things that could be against him that might make him unable to stand a chance at winning. He voted with Trump 75% of the time and I don’t think that a white man is who people are looking for this time around. Still, he has a secret advantage that other Democrats shouldn’t ignore: he’s pro-life. While they may not think that a pro-life candidate should be in the race and he might not have a chance with a record like that, I do know that a lot of people only vote on that issue while flat out ignoring all the others. They won’t be able to stay, “but, abortion!” as a reason to vote for whatever terrible Republican is in the race if another candidate is pro-life. Thus, a favorite talking point becomes moot and he stands a good chance of winning.

#3 Elizabeth Warren: I do fear that she might be too polarizing a figure to do well with some of the voters who can’t see past real or largely imagined issues with her. We have had far too many polarizing presidents in the recent past. Still, if the only thing that they have against her is her age or the stupid “Pocahontas” jab, then her path to victory may be easier than we think that it is. Many want to see her as president and she would be seen as a great challenge to the racism and sexism that Trump has to offer. While I don’t know if she could win over many on the right or in the middle, she may be just what those on her side might want to win.

#2 Claire McCaskill: The former senator from Missouri is one that largely on this list because I personally like her and want to see her as president. She’s enough of a moderate that she could win over people who aren’t sure about either side while also being enough of a Democrat that she wouldn’t lose any support from her own base when trying to win office. I’ll admit that she has some issues like the plane controversy that seems dumb but could easily be overblown like nearly all controversies are nowadays. Still, I don’t want her political future to be over and I want her in some office like, maybe, Missouri governor, or doing some sort of good in some other way since her not being able to help anyone anymore would be quite a bad thing.

#1 Amy Klobuchar: She, in my mind, might be the best person to run for many reasons. I do not think that she has angered her own base in any way. Nor do I think that she has any baggage or reason why she wouldn’t do well in the race outside of other candidates being more well known that she is. I’m pretty sure that she might want to run or at least hasn’t ruled out running. And all these are the reasons why I think that she should run for office.

Well, that’s about it for this post. I would have put Lisa Madigan on this list, but I don’t think that most people would know who she is nor would she be able to get over the stigma of her well hated stepfather. Kamala Harris maybe should have been on this list, but I thought that I would go with others instead. Now in case for one reason or another, you can’t think of what would be a good Democrat to vote for as you’d want to vote for a Republican instead, I should have a list of the top ten Republicans to run coming at you later in a future post. Stay tuned!

Monday, January 14, 2019

Episode from 1-13-2019

With Survivor gone until later in February, you might be wondering what I’ll be watching in that timeslot until its return. I can watch up to three different things at the same time. In fact, I could watch a fourth if the newly acquired VCR of mine is used for that purpose. But I’ve lost interest in Chicago Med. It isn’t a bad show, but it is boring enough that I don’t feel I care about it anymore.

So what am I watching then, or planning to? I plan to see Riverdale on the CW. I’ll watch the ABC shows of The Goldbergs and Schooled. I will be keeping the third slot open to watch The World’s Best, but I may not actually see it long term should I not like it for one reason or another. It might not be the type of show that I like anyways, so we’ll see what becomes of it.

Sometimes I mess up with posts and I never change these after the fact. Why am I saying this? Well, I had posted the wrong date of the previous episode’s airing. It should have said 2019 and not 2018. I do think that a lot of people get used to the new year in terms of writing it right away.

There is a potential link to my Good Wife blog that I should do or should have done in previous posts this season. You see, ever since I put the link to an episode here from the third episode of the show that I had blogged about here, I should have also included a link to other episodes or mentioned things from those blog posts in this blog. But I didn’t. Still, I might do that here in future posts.

I have created a new movie watching list on Monday. That list is: Despicable Me, Toy Story, Run Fatboy Run, Back to the Secret Garden, Free Willy, and The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. This is not going to be the only new list I create this year, but I’ll get to the next one that I’m creating in the next post when it will be created.

Now to the political stuff again. There’s one last election of which I need to update you about. Let’s talk about the Wisconsin senate race. In this race, Democrat Tammy Baldwin beat Republican Leah Vukmir and won reelection as a result.

This leads to all the results from all the senate races from 2018. As already revealed in previous posts, the Democrats in Missouri and Indiana lost reelection to Republicans. Florida and North Dakota also had gains by Republicans. Arizona and Nevada had gains by Democrats. No other state had seats flip outside of those six. But with the net gain of the senate being two for the Republicans, this leads to something that few on the left seem to admit or realize: blue wave 2018 never happened. Democrats would have had to have a net gain of just one senate seat for the wave to be real. Instead, they lost seats. Thus, it was not a wave. Sure, they did well in tons of areas. But it wasn’t a wave for them and it certainly wasn’t a wave for the other party either. Why do people think Republicans did good?

You might want a note on the next set of elections. The class two senators will be up in 2020, but I’m not going to get to them yet. Since I care about Kentucky elections and they will be electing a governor in 2019. Thus, the only races I will tell you about will be that election in Kentucky or the presidential race. After the Kentucky race is over, then I’ll be certain to talk about 2020 elections that I care about.

Speaking of the next presidential race, you might have heard rumors that Elizabeth Warren is in the race right now. She might be, but I think that she was just thinking about running and wasn’t actually for sure in the race right now. Still, I want her to run and maybe even win, depending on what else happens and who else is in the race. My own fear is that she might be too polarizing for some people and you’d think that we should have learned our lesson after the last time.

When I think about Elizabeth Warren
The pundits will offer their own spin
They may not like her
But it may not occur
Come 2020, she might win

Before I finish talking about Elizabeth, I thought that I’d point out that some people like to use the one Pocahontas slur in order to talk about her or otherwise insult her. If I were her, I’d start embracing that slur because an insult loses all power if you don’t take it that way and use it yourself.

Movie update: On Monday, I watched Run Fatboy Run and that is now Rush Hour. On Friday, I watched Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian and that is now Tower Heist. On Saturday, I watched The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood, which is a play recording, and that is now Thomas and the Magic Railroad. No movie from a list was watched on Sunday as I instead watched a home video that has my late grandmother and her family in it.

I check for games before primetime and see an Eagles versus Saints game. The Saints are barely winning by only three points. That is what is on FOX. CBS must have already aired any game that they would be showing as their shows are on time. I’ll be sticking with that for now and checking the score between breaks. I hope that I can see other postseason scores to keep you updated about them in later posts as I don’t think that I can always stay updated like I should be.

Checking the score later, I notice that the Saints have extended their lead over the Eagles. I would want the Eagles to win this round, but I’m not sure if they will be facing the Rams or a different team, not yet knowing the scores of the other three games that had already happened. Basically, if a team that I root for beats the Rams in postseason, they will then be the lowest rated of the teams that I root for unless they are the Panthers, the already lowest team that I root for, which would then be removed from the list of teams that I root for. If I do not root for this team, they would then be the next level anti-team of which I would root against under all cases unless they play a different anti-team added to the list before. Still, I’d rather not get into complicated things unless I have to.

My last check of the game reveals that the Saints won their game. A sports update shows me that the Chiefs are still in postseason while the Chargers have been eliminated. I have no idea what happened with the Rams game from earlier so we’ll see if they are still in the postseason or if I have a new anti-team to root against.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with a fighter pilot in the sky. Teletubbies say goodbye. Oh, wait… (Can you believe that I just referenced that?) A Congressman is there and helps with some sort of ceremony of sorts. Henry is there and seems like he will use a plane. A possibly random guy who I think we’ve seen before but I can’t remember who he is talks about funding issues with the planes in question. Elizabeth has to convince Taiwan to buy one of the planes. It always has to relate to another country most of the time.

Daisy has a dog in a cone for some reason. She pawns the dog off on Matt possibly like how an older sibling would pawn off a job on a younger sibling. If that’s the case, then this could only end badly. We then see Elizabeth talking to different people about what to do. I’m sure that there will probably be a solution before the hour ends. Elizabeth talks to her husband after his joyride? What? Lee from China is butting his head in things again. He doesn’t want the deal to happen. People have to figure out how the leak happened and he figured this out. There are always repercussions, it seems.

In segment two, Blake is brought in to talk to people. Was he the leak? Matt talks to himself or someone or the dog. I’m not sure. I think that he got the meaning of therapy dog confused. The dog leaves, but Daisy catches it and brings it back.

Blake talks more about Gary, the person who they think was the one who leaked the info to the Chinese. Blake takes Gary out for a drink, but he seems to see through some of the trick. His place is investigated during the meantime. Gary’s sister named Megan might have been responsible for the leak in question. It turns out that they want these people to go through with the sale in a way of tricking them somehow. I’m not entirely sure what is going on.

In segment three, they talk about Foster who is what exactly? It is a company that they need to hold accountable in some way. Conrad terminates the contract. Jay informs Blake about what’s going on. It seems like Gary might be in serious trouble for brining classified information home on his laptop. We then get to Canada where Lee and Elizabeth meet with some other person. I don’t think that it was a Canadian since they didn’t say aboot right. Someone might have been taking pictures of some of the meeting in question.

Jay has to mediate in the discussion about Waffles the dog that Daisy and Matt are having. Daisy gets emotional about it. Congressman Grant has a speech about it where he lies about what’s going on. I don’t think that these are intentional lies, but maybe they are. The picture is what he sees as proof that they had some sort of cozy relationship of sorts. He doesn’t realize that they initially wanted to do the deal.

In segment four, Russell doesn’t know how things will work out. They meet with Congress and others to try to figure out how to deal with the situation going forward. Elizabeth explains about the spying that they were doing. A person explains how they don’t want the jets, although I’m not sure that he does a good job explaining it. The vote might still go forward. Gary complains about what’s going on over his dumb mistake. He talks to Blake again at the same bar as before. It seems that the vote might still move forward with a veto proof majority.

In segment five, Elizabeth explains how the deal is terrible but they don’t know what to do. All of this has some sort of link to Dwight Eisenhower. They wonder how far the corruption with Foster goes. We see a guy named James arrested at a golf game. This brings forth the end of the deal. There will be a deal of custody ownership with Waffles. Henry talks to someone that I can’t remember clearly about what had gone on and he (not Henry) might have been the person who tipped off the DOJ about the whole Foster. Elizabeth is upset that they have wound up with some of the planes that she felt that they did not need. But the episode suddenly ends there.

On the next Madam Secretary in two weeks, it turns out that actions of some sort lead to people being on the brink of war. You will see a political post of this blog next week. Will the issues of this episode be the reason for problems in the next one? I guess that we’ll see for sure later, hopefully, or maybe not. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Episode from 1-6-2018

Welcome to the first update of the year. I’m not sure if anyone other than me could have even have kept track of the alternating posts between this and the TV blog given the fact that the TV blog would have random updates outside of the Mondays it was on and this blog was updated on Tuesdays after the newest episode aired if the TV blog were on Mondays and then random posts would be updated of this blog whenever not many posts were read in the other blog after a certain amount of updates. But I have good news. There will be a post of this blog every Monday this month, regardless of if there was a new episode or not. There shouldn’t be any unusually timed updates until February.

I don’t know if I should apologize for not getting into the Rams versus Chargers updates that I should be more into the season. At least my facebook group Still a Rams fan has updates onto that on occasion. Going into postseason, The Rams are 13-3. The Chargers are 12-4. Both are in the postseason so I might want to explain more on postseason outside of just those two teams.

Remember how last season, the Rams lost half of their games at home? At a fan from the St. Louis area, this made me a bit happy inside. Well, the Chargers might have gotten that curse this season as all four of their losses during the regular season were in LA. This makes me curious how they will fare in their first postseason game against the Baltimore Ravens that will happen in Baltimore. The Chargers did not get a first round bye like the Rams so they will have to win one more game than the Rams in order to make it to the end. This could potentially mess up the whole tally of who is doing better. The Rams can win the same number of postseason games and make it farther into postseason while the Chargers can get more wins postseason and finish at the same place.

As for more of the postseason, The Colts will play the Texans, the Eagles will play the Bears, and the Seahawks will play the Cowboys. I want the Colts and Eagles to win their games. I’m not sure that I care that much about the other games. Besides the Rams, the other teams that got first round byes are the Saints, Patriots, and Chiefs. We’ll see what happens with all of the games.

Before I get to the updates of how movies have changed, I should remind you of what they will be like at the start of 2019: Friday’s list is Avatar, The Emperor’s New Groove, Fireproof, Lilo and Stitch, Night at the Museum, and Vantage Point. Saturday’s list is Absolute Power, Finding Dory, The Lion King, Minions, Power Rangers: Lightspeed Rescue tape, and The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood. Sunday’s list is The Bourne Legacy, Celtic Woman: Believe, Hancock, Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade, The Muppets Take Manhattan, and The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.

Going back to the Iowa governor race, the incumbent Republican Kim Reynolds became the first woman of her state to win election to the governor’s office in her own right. She beat Democrat Fred Hubbell and Libertarian Jake Porter, among others. I’m not upset that she won. I don’t know if I should be or not. What I do know is that her opponents didn’t have the experience that she did. That’s why I’m fine with her winning and someone who is more familiar with Iowa politics could inform me what they think.

When it comes to the 2018 governor elections in general, I’m a bit curious as to why we didn’t hear as much about it as we otherwise could. While we did hear in some places about Georgia’s election, we did not hear about the fact that seven seats were flipped from red to blue and none went from blue to red (although Alaska went from Independent to red). This should have been focused on more, but I guess that it wasn’t as it wasn’t a national issue. I was surprised that CBS was surprised that Scott Walker had lost when no poll that I know of had him winning.

I hope that they go back to the bombing on this show in the future. I don’t know why it was focused on in the first episode of this season, but barely mentioned ever since then. You’d think that it would be more important, it being such a major event. Hopefully, they’ll focus on it more in the future instead of some weird international situation or crisis of the week.

I’ve decided to do awards for bad politics called the Golden Gooseberry Awards. I’m going to start with the nominees of it in this post. This will be for the year 2018. I don’t yet know when the winners will be mentioned, but it will be in another regular post of this blog before the season finale. The final award will list who I believe are the ten worst politicians of the previous year.

The brainless award: Donald Trump, Jeff Flake, Susan Collins, Paul Ryan, Lindsey Graham

The heartless award: Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, Bret Kavanaugh

The cowardly lion award: Paul Ryan, Jeff Flake, Orin Hatch, Bob Corker

Worst Supreme Court decision: Trump versus Hawaii, Janus versus AFSCME, Husted versus Randolph Institute, Epic Systems Corp. versus Lewis

Hall of shame: Wisconsin’s lame duck session, the confirmation of Bret Kavanaugh, the shutdown over border wall funding, Brian Kemp’s voter suppression

Sadly didn’t win: Stacy Abrams, Beto O Rork, Claire McCaskill, Joe Donnelly, Heidi Heitcamp

Sadly left office: Claire McCaskill, Joe Donnelly, John McCain, Heidi Heitcamp, Anthony Kennedy

Worst election winner: Josh Hawley, Brian Kemp, Michael Madigan

The sore loser award: Scott Walker

Worst Congressman: Paul Ryan

Worst senator: Mitch McConnell, Jeff Flake, Orin Hatch, Ted Cruz, Susan Collins, Bob Corker, Lindsey Graham

Worst governor: Bruce Rauner, Eric Greitens, Scott Walker, Eric Holcomb

The good riddance award: Eric Greitens, Scott Walker, Bruce Rauner, Paul Ryan, Orin Hatch, Jeff Flake, Bob Corker

The dead to me award: Anthony Kennedy, Jeff Flake, Susan Collins

Worst politician: Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, Michael Madigan, Eric Holcomb, Bruce Rauner, Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Eric Grietens, Brian Kemp

The government has shut down because Trump is having a temper tantrum on a border wall that for some dumb reason, he can’t fund himself. Does he not have the money to fund this himself? I do have to wonder, if you polled people, just how little of them would support a wall along the Mexican border. I guess it would depend on where you live would affect your thoughts on it.

Illegals come from all sorts of places. You know that some come from the Philippines, right? That island country isn’t going to be kept out by a wall with Mexico. Plus, of the four states that border Mexico, while Arizona, Texas, and New Mexico might all be in favor of a wall, there is no way that California would be. If he doesn’t want funding for a wall, then you’d think a rationally minded person would give up the quest of it.

There’s far too much talk of a wall
And no one is having a ball
There’s a crisis on the border
With so much disorder
Because of a problem far from small

There was a lot of talk about the migrant caravan while it was coming, but nearly none after it had made it here. Meanwhile, the child separation policy that Trump had implemented and then instantly blamed on the Democrats when it was rightfully criticized, continues to cause issues such as at least two deaths of children who were separated. Just know that Obama never did this when he was in charge.

I also promised that I would share this link again due to the pro pot crowd onto why they are wrong. I think that I have probably shared this before, but am not sure. I do know what confirmation bias is now and did get here this way. But if you want to join my side against pot, then share this link with anyone and everyone who irritates you with their pro pot views.

Movie update: On Friday, I watched Night at the Museum and that will be replaced with its sequel: Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian. On Saturday, I watched Minions. That actually creates a bit of an interesting situation that was bound to happen anyways. I will be creating a new list on Mondays. I’ll explain more in the next post. Minions was replaced by Oliver and Company.  On Sunday, I ended up seeing Celtic Woman: Believe and will be replacing it with Celtic Woman: Destiny. I was originally going to put Destiny on a different list which would have caused some weird things to happen, but it will be better if it happens this way in the end.

I check CBS to see if they are airing any football games. They are airing not football. Both of them aren’t airing it. There is no football on FOX. NBC is airing football. They are airing an Eagles versus Bears game. Go Eagles! The Eagles, sadly, are losing, but neither team is above 10 points. The Eagles get a touchdown then a field goal and are now winning. We’ll see if the network’s reception stays good or not.

After turning into 60 Minutes and missing some of it that I would have liked to see, I want to see what the rest of the game is like with the score so close. It turns out that icing the kicker is successful this time around and the Bears lose as a result. They would have won had there not been a timeout. This is like when you are outbid out The Price is Right by one dollar and they win instead of you even though you had the better price first. It’s a rule of the game that gets upsetting. The Eagle’s season continues.

I wonder whether or not to watch the Golden Globes, but decide to since the Wild Card game is over at a good time. This means that today’s episode will be put on my laptop. All I can hope is that the quality of the post doesn’t suffer as a result. This might be the only time this season this happens.

That was the original plan, but NBC wasn’t coming in well where I live for the umpteenth time in my life. So I will be live watching this as usual since I’m not sure that I should be risking watching it. I guess that I will find out later what notable things happened that I would have missed anyways.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with Elizabeth arriving at a jail. There is a priest there for some reason. Elizabeth unintentionally breaks the Second Commandment (or Third if you are Catholic) in front of him. Elizabeth gets her mug shot taken. Russell is upset about this and talks to Henry and Conrad about this. I can’t believe they actually did a look her up like thing on this show. They need to trend carefully and not give the Arizona governor the attention that he wants. You shouldn’t take a picture and put words on it. That’s often meme.

Stevie is still upset over a band cancelling and talks to Daisy about what’s going on with the renewal of vows. Stevie hadn’t told these people that it was the Secretary of State that they were doing things for. Cat talks to someone over the phone, worried about something and wanting to talk to someone. Mike then talks about her options about what to do and how to get out of it. She talks to Henry about what she should do. She pleads innocent and wants to stay in jail until the children are reunited with their parents. She has a plea to the people about what to do regarding the crisis at the border.

In segment two, Russell is upset as usual. He doesn’t care that Jay is on crutches. Jay wants to make sure that Elizabeth has support and it seems that everyone hates Governor Barker. A guard from one of the places leaks footage of the place and shows support for Elizabeth. Conrad talks to Governor Barker over Skype as usual and the governor refuses to change anything over a policy that Conrad had signed. Some random guy who is there wants to charge Governor Barker with kidnapping.

In segment three, Stevie makes food while booking a band. You know, I don’t think that I’ve ever been to a wedding that lacked a DJ. I went to one with a wedding singer. But he knew how to DJ too so he did that as well. Why are wedding bands a thing? It seems so weird to me. Jay talks to Daisy on the phone and then gets weird talking about a video of some sort. Elizabeth calls him from jail and talks about her special accommodations. Is Jay high? He might be high on painkillers.

Elizabeth doesn’t want there to be a showdown between president and governor. Cat hasn’t seen her father in a couple of years. Jay then talks to that one senator again. Wynn talks about legalizing pot to this senator. Will this strengthen the borders like Wynn thinks? We don’t know the position yet as the show cuts to commercial before he answers.

In segment four, Cat talks with her father who is more Hispanic than I realized. Is Sara Ramirez Hispanic? I guess I never noticed that before if she was. Cat wants to protect her father. From what, exactly? I get confused easily. Lo cento. Henry visits his wife in jail and the Arizona legislature want to pass a bill that would end the policy. The McCord family and a priest visit her. But we don’t see much yet.

In segment five, Elizabeth is in her wedding dress and the person wants photos, even though she wants it to be private. Hopefully, it will stay that way. She couldn’t remember anything in time so lets him go first in the vows. She’s then able to think of something later. Afterwards, they learn that the bill had passed and Governor Barker admitted defeat. The McCords get their official party after all, I think. And Elizabeth was freed from jail, if I didn’t make that clear before. There is a live song that Elizabeth hears from the actual singer who is there. Was she drunk?

On the next Madam Secretary, what? I did not get that. Blake might be under investigation for some sort of something or another. There is a spy of some sort. Something, something, something, dark side. Something, something, something complete. I guess that we’ll find out more about the episode later in the future, when it airs. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.