Monday, January 21, 2019

Politics: The Top Ten Democrats Who Should Run for President in 2020

I have decided to do another brief, recurring theme for posts for this blog so I hope that you like this one. I came up with a list of ten Democrats who I think should run for president in 2020. Now this doesn’t include people that I’d like to see run that probably aren’t going to. Otherwise, I would have someone like Tim Kaine on this list. If you are a Democrat and want to run for this high office, know that even if you aren’t on the list, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t run. I was also going to make a note that if people were already in the race that would have otherwise been on this list, they wouldn’t be on it, but when it comes to those currently officially in the race for president, no one mentioned in here is yet on the list. Anyways, here goes:

#10 Terry McAuliffe: The former governor of Virginia, I am largely putting him on the list just to have a governor on this list. Everyone else on this list is or was a senator. I’ll admit that I do not know much about how outside of the fact that he might want to run for president. But I don’t think that there are any issues with him and he could be a good person, even if he’s not notable enough to me to rank higher than number 10 on this list.

#9 Michael Bennet: He’s currently a senator from Colorado. I said that I might wind up caring more about that state in the future. I’m not entirely sure if he can run for president, although I’m pretty sure that he can. He is slightly moderate which could help him with independents, but not to the point of alienating his own base. He might work, although he might not do as well since some of us wouldn’t know who he is.

#8 Cory Booker: A senator from New Jersey, he could be everything that more Democrats would want from a candidate. Something he did that helped me like him was attacking part of the ridiculousness of the Kavanaugh hearings and he went out of the way to make sure that his points were heard and got across easily. Him being a black man might also help him do better in the primary at least since I think some of us wouldn’t want a white man to challenge Trump.

#7 Kristen Gillibrand: While she is more or less already in the race, I felt that I should include her anyways to encourage her to run if she had any doubts about if she should or not. I do not think that there is anything that could ruin her chances of winning. There are other candidates who might not have a better chance without there being something they are constantly attacked about over and over again.

#6 Heidi Heitkemp: Since she doesn’t have any job currently that I know of, she’ll have all the more time to run for office if she wants to. Her being a moderate might attract some badly needed independents in the race, although it could hurt her chances of winning the primary. I do want to see a future for her politically and depending on the type of justice Brett Kavanaugh winds up being, she may have every reason to run and prove that she was right in not voting for him. She can stand up for women who can’t stand up for themselves.

#5 Bernie Sanders: He may not enter the race and some may feel that he already had his chance or is too old to run. Another problem is that he might not actually be considered a liberal since he is largely an independent. Someone even thought that he’d be a worse president than Trump, although the support Trump so what do they know? Still, if he’s able to energize the voters and do anywhere near as good as last time, then maybe he could win this time around.

#4 Joe Donnelly: Another former politician who lost reelection in the midterms last year, I do not think that he should end his political future just yet. Now there are things that could be against him that might make him unable to stand a chance at winning. He voted with Trump 75% of the time and I don’t think that a white man is who people are looking for this time around. Still, he has a secret advantage that other Democrats shouldn’t ignore: he’s pro-life. While they may not think that a pro-life candidate should be in the race and he might not have a chance with a record like that, I do know that a lot of people only vote on that issue while flat out ignoring all the others. They won’t be able to stay, “but, abortion!” as a reason to vote for whatever terrible Republican is in the race if another candidate is pro-life. Thus, a favorite talking point becomes moot and he stands a good chance of winning.

#3 Elizabeth Warren: I do fear that she might be too polarizing a figure to do well with some of the voters who can’t see past real or largely imagined issues with her. We have had far too many polarizing presidents in the recent past. Still, if the only thing that they have against her is her age or the stupid “Pocahontas” jab, then her path to victory may be easier than we think that it is. Many want to see her as president and she would be seen as a great challenge to the racism and sexism that Trump has to offer. While I don’t know if she could win over many on the right or in the middle, she may be just what those on her side might want to win.

#2 Claire McCaskill: The former senator from Missouri is one that largely on this list because I personally like her and want to see her as president. She’s enough of a moderate that she could win over people who aren’t sure about either side while also being enough of a Democrat that she wouldn’t lose any support from her own base when trying to win office. I’ll admit that she has some issues like the plane controversy that seems dumb but could easily be overblown like nearly all controversies are nowadays. Still, I don’t want her political future to be over and I want her in some office like, maybe, Missouri governor, or doing some sort of good in some other way since her not being able to help anyone anymore would be quite a bad thing.

#1 Amy Klobuchar: She, in my mind, might be the best person to run for many reasons. I do not think that she has angered her own base in any way. Nor do I think that she has any baggage or reason why she wouldn’t do well in the race outside of other candidates being more well known that she is. I’m pretty sure that she might want to run or at least hasn’t ruled out running. And all these are the reasons why I think that she should run for office.

Well, that’s about it for this post. I would have put Lisa Madigan on this list, but I don’t think that most people would know who she is nor would she be able to get over the stigma of her well hated stepfather. Kamala Harris maybe should have been on this list, but I thought that I would go with others instead. Now in case for one reason or another, you can’t think of what would be a good Democrat to vote for as you’d want to vote for a Republican instead, I should have a list of the top ten Republicans to run coming at you later in a future post. Stay tuned!

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