Monday, July 22, 2019

Politics: Delay- Republican’ts and their Best Friend

There has been a lot of this happening throughout the whole history of the Republican’t Party. They always seem to want things to happen later so it will benefit them. The Democrats are the ones considered lazy but Republican’ts are bigger procrastinators than most procrastinators are or could ever hope to be. And yet, there is a reason for this.

I’m not entirely sure when this idea of delaying things started for Republican’ts. I want to say that it was around the time of the Nixon administration and the end of the Lyndon Johnson one that we first encountered problems like this. Nixon wanted to make sure that the Vietnam War was still going on at the start of his administration to further ensure unrest among those that would have otherwise voted for Democrats. Plus, due to a delay of a possible seat change on the Supreme Court to be filled under him administration was important as well.

Why the needless delays? Well, they aren’t needless to this party. If stuff isn’t done right away, they get to do it later on their terms. And, suddenly, the very idea of delaying things further is beyond ridiculous. This is what makes this hypocritical. They insisted that a Supreme Court seat be filled before the midterm elections after keeping a different seat open for more than a year. But one shouldn’t be surprised that their delay paid off and then they suddenly want to do the work that should have been done earlier.

After the 1980 presidential election, a conspiracy theory emerged called the October Surprise conspiracy theory. The idea behind this one is that Ronald Reagan intentionally caused the delay of the freedom of the Iran hostages in order to win the presidency. I feel that this is not the case of what happened. Sure, Reagan gets all the credit for their freedom when he didn’t lift a finger to help them. But he didn’t cause the delay. The hostage people waited until the exact moment his term started until the rest of them were free. It was the final blow to Jimmy Carter. But the delay of their freedom, even after Carter had lost the election, was very helpful to the opposing party.

Merrick Garland wasn’t the only judge who was borked towards the end of Obama’s time in office. But when these judicial vacancies were ultimately filled, Republican’ts acted like it was such a huge accomplishment that they were finally doing their job now that they were doing completely different people, potentially ruining our court system in the process. The main problem with it nowadays is bias based on whoever has the majority and has it since the 1970s. And this wouldn’t have happened if delays didn’t happen.

Everyone seems to think that it is possible that Roe versus Wade would be overturned. I am actually all for this, if only if it will get people to stop bitching about why there can’t be liberal judges. Everyone knows that different laws have only recently been formed that could get rid of the infamous decision, since there will just now only be court cases that people will file that will be certain to get to a court that could get rid of it forever or until the next legal challenge.

Another example of delays being a benefit to one party is the most recent government shutdown that happened during a lame duck session. With an incoming group of Democrats taking control of the House, they would then be the ones to blame for the shutdown instead of the previous Republican’t house that had helped cause it. Ultimately, this was more of a temper tantrum than it was anything else. Millions worked without pay and some never got pay for their work. All I hope is that these people remember that Trump caused this when he’s up for reelection.

This party will continue to cause delays as long as it continues to benefit them. Then, like when Elizabeth Warren released a DNA test, they’ll do a complete 180 when they can get their way and demand that things be done immediately. We don’t need these people in office. Not now or ever. Otherwise, their most terrible yet best tactic will keep working.

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