Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Episode from 10-6-2019

If you hadn’t heard this by now, it is time that I tell you. This show is ending this season and will be over as a result. I have no idea where a lot of the random things that I put in this blog might end up, should they be put in other blogs or if I just won’t talk about them at all anymore. I should hopefully know more by the end of this season when the show is over for sure.

В выпуске «Время» от 28 мая 2018 года была опубликована статья о среднесрочных показателях 2018 года, озаглавленная «Трамп планирует агрессивное возвращение к следам кампании». Я признаю, что не был настолько уверен, что хотел, чтобы Майк Браун победил на выборах. Я просто хотел, чтобы теперь сенатор из Индианы победил худших противников, которые у него есть в первичных выборах. Ему все еще нужно беспокоиться, смогу ли я сделать пожертвование его оппоненту в 2024 году. В статье говорится о том, как иногда президент может проводить кампанию за кандидатов, которых он хочет выиграть.

Третий абзац статьи, который начинается на странице 8, рассказывает о предполагаемых смешанных результатах, которые Трамп проводил для республиканцев, но упоминает только два провала. Сенатор в то время в 2018 году, Джо Доннелли, столкнулся с серьезным противодействием в гонке, хотя в статье указывается, что он «голосовал с Трампом более половины времени, что необычно для демократа». В статье не указывается что он был одним из трех демократов, проголосовавших за Нила Горсуха. Несмотря на то, что он умеренный, Джо Доннелли проиграл бы Майку Брауну, потому что ложная идея, что Джо не поддерживал Трампа, должна была выиграть день.

As usual with the season premiere posts, there is going to be a really long post ahead. I will tell you in all caps when the important part of this blog post begins. There is a lot to talk about. And if you don’t like Daily Kos, you might as well just skip to that part of the blog now. In fact, stop reading this blog of mine if you don’t like Daily Kos or just can’t ignore all my links to it.

Now I could have written a lot more in this blog post than I could have. But now I have another blog that I will putting various political things in whenever I can. That blog is largely about the TV blog The Good Fight. It had aired season 1 during the summer and I could randomly wind up blogging about it during other times if I get other seasons of it on DVD. When I’m not blogging about the show, I will do political posts of it at least once a month. This could wind up being my go to political blog when this show ends. For now, though, I have no idea when I’ll blog about another episode of it. But if you want my thoughts on various elections, that will be what I talk about there.

You may or may not remember the flipping back and forth that I’m doing in this blog between the talk on the Republican Party and the talk on the Democratic Party. This post will cover a lot of the Republican Party and I’ll get to the Republican presidential primary as I go along.

Speaking of flipping back and forth between things, here is a link to an Elementary blog post that I was going to share after the last one two regular posts ago. There was a lot that I talked about in the post. I pointed out that I was watching it live and point out that there would be spoiler tags where instead of me talking about the show in question, I was actually talking about elections in 2018. I think that I had made some errors in posts like this one and others. I question Sherlock’s theory that sane people are judgmental idiots. I point out the flaws of knowing if one is investigated. I also talk about The Last Man on Earth TV show that I watched.

There is a lot to talk about regarding the Republicans. But I might not put it all in this post. Know that there are alternatives to Trump in the Republican primary for president. The first one who wasn’t Trump who entered the race was Bill Weld. He was a libertarian not too long ago. He seems to have none of the good of Republicans and a lot of the bad of Democrats in terms of what he believes in terms of policy. I would say that he might not be the best person in the race, especially for people looking for someone more in line with real Republican values. (Yes, there are some Republican values.)

It is important to remember that there are 3 governor elections in 2019. I might have wanted to donate to at least one of them. But I’m not sure that I can afford to. Now this article might be outdated from when it was first published. But it contains important election information for this year that I might as well keep track of, although I’ll post more of it later.

A lot of people still seem to think that the once great economy that Trump has almost destroyed is all due to things that he had done. Well, when you look at the numbers on the economy, all you have to do is ask yourself one simple question: when did Trump take office?

We’ll see what happens in the future with election security in the future, if anything happens with it at all. All I know is that Mitch McConnell is doing quite terribly at it. He refuses to protect our elections from potential foreign interference in 2020. He’s also up for reelection in 2020. Coincidence? I think not. We all know now that he has connections to Russia. What we’ll wonder is if he’ll suffer any negative effects from it in the future.

This is largely outdated as it talks about something from before the Ukraine scandal happened. I may not talk about that scandal until a future post to avoid this one becoming too long. But at least know that at one point in time, a Republican wanted Trump impeached.

One thing that I might always love about some of what crazy things go on in this world is the huge power of irony. Remember: without reversals, you don’t have irony. I don’t yet know the end results of this case. But I do know that something that Trump did is going to Merrick Garland’s court. He could have been on the Supreme Court, Garland, but he might be better needed where he is at least for this one, important case.

The idea of Republicans standing up to Trump just doesn’t seem to happen as much nowadays as they all leave, cowards one and all. Some are not that way, but most either split or are so loyal that they run the risk of coming off as cult followers. Here is an example of one person quitting the battle.

What some people need to do with Trump is just give him a nice dose of reality. He’s not as great as he thinks he is. His supporters will never realize that unless or until they have the sense to abandon their support of him. Here’s an example of Trump thinking that he’s greater than he could ever actually be in reality. Does he actually do good things?

I honestly won’t remember what all of these articles are about, but do know that I feel like sharing them now. Sometimes Trump says something is treason that isn’t. Other times, he does things that could be considered treason that are excused among the ignorant right.

The tax bill that passed at the end of 2017 was a very bad thing. But it turns out that it wasn’t even able to help those that they were wanting it to. Corporations were supposed to be doing well, as were tons of rich people. But they aren’t doing well because of the bill.

This show will be on at the same time as it has been over the last two seasons. It is weird that it was on at the earliest Sunday slot not given to 60 Minutes and slowly got pushed back an hour and then one more in future seasons. That was in addition to all the various sports delays that would cause it to air late from time to time. It will be airing against The Rookie on ABC that I liked to watch last season. I do plan to get back into The Rookie after this show is over. Also note that this blog will be on Tuesdays for the near future as Mondays are now when I post my TV blog.

Now if you were here last season, you might remember political poems that I wrote in a certain style. I will be doing political poetry this season, but will use a different style. I made sure that I learned what the name was before I started using it. I will be writing acrostic poems. This type of poem has no rhyme scheme or set beat. But the first letter of each line will spell out something. Let’s get to the new poem that I will be writing this time.

Really not caring what they do wrong
Every conservative doesn’t care how bad Trump really is
Plenty is wrong with him for sure, but they are
Useless at standing up to him
Blink if you have been brainwashed by him
Liberals have too much to worry about with Trump in charge
I don’t think that there’s much hope for this party
Conservatives are ruining this country
America might be lucky to survive this presidency since they are
Not doing any good at getting rid of this poisonous man

Sometimes I wonder about the resistance that is inside the Trump cabinet. I haven’t forgotten about it and can only hope that it still exists. I’m waiting to see if they’ll enact the 25th Amendment if the current impeachment inquiry fails. I honestly think it would mean more coming from his cabinet. There was once a time that Mike Pence made a last minute cancellation. I’m wondering if it was part of a failed vote as to whether they should enact the 25th Amendment or not.

I’m going to keep track of everyone outside of Trump that might have connections to Russia. In fact, I do not even know if Trump is guilty of working with the Russians. But Mitch McConnell, a more powerful and dangerous man than possibly any president could hope to be, certainly did his part in trying to get rid of the dangers Russia posed. He’s up for reelection next year, so it is no surprise to me that he won’t try to prevent another hack from happening. Some now dub him Moscow Mitch. I won’t call him that. I do wonder if he or Trump is more in control of what goes on in this country.

Trump continues to be racist and the idea that he isn’t racist would be funny if people weren’t just so convinced that he couldn’t possibly be that way. You may not like that part about him, but trying to say that Trump isn’t racist would be like saying the sky isn’t blue.

I don’t get why some people like Trump. I might never get it. I will talk about good things that he did or times that he was right. I might even do it without sarcasm or caveats. But the idea that he’s good at communicating when his basic communication skills are lacking are quite unintelligent.

Honestly, the Republican Party is running amuck and it is hard to tell when or if their madness will end. They could be working on doing all the great things that the House keeps passing, but they tend to just ignore it. Will there even be a government we know left when all is said and done?

Of course, one of the main things that needs to be done with them as soon as possible is them being held accountable for all the things that they have done wrong. It might be hard since they are not all up at reelection at one time. But the media can do their part as they do here.

Maybe they don’t realize that they are causing issues that either are or could be illegal. There is a reason that hate crimes are a thing. If they don’t stop the hate, it only gets them more voters. There is a reason that it was a Sith Lord who said, “Good. Let the hate flow through you,” when convincing the good guys why he should be joined.

If you know about the squad right now, they were accused of saying anti-American things. While I don’t think that what they said was anti-American, what is undoubtedly that way is the phrase “Make America Great Again.” What, America isn’t great? And saying that this country isn’t great isn’t anti-American? I think that Trump is deluded into thinking that the only wrong doers in the world are those who say that he does wrong. Can he do no wrong? Well, everyone can do wrong.

Trump and his cronies love to hate. And that is a huge problem. Part of the way that it is a problem is that it causes the rest of us who don’t like him to hate him back as there isn’t much else we can do. Now I don’t think that these Republicans remember what the Democratic reaction was to Rod Blagojevich. His party knew better than to go along with his horrible policies.

The reactions to Trump’s continued hatred of others is more worrisome than what he says. A lot of the people like what he says and are willing to accept it. Trump vindicates the worst in people. They see what all he says and does and like it.

If there is one reason why I can’t get behind the Republican Party nowadays, it is that they don’t care about people’s health care. I don’t know why they don’t care about such things. They act as if no one could be negatively affected by not having health care. But this isn’t socialism: This is people’s lives.

Sadly, the press doesn’t seem to be doing as well nowadays as they could be in terms of holding the people in office who do wrong accountable. They should be doing everything they can to make sure that the journalists of today are as good as they were during Watergate. Of course, there was a bad part that no one remembers where the press was afraid of backlash from Nixon. Still, if the #metoo movement taught us anything thus far, it is that powerful men can be taken down.

If you don’t know much about The Squad yet, then it would be good to learn the reason why it was called that in the first place. Apparently, the state that I’m from called the four women that were told to go back to where they came from (three of them born in the US) the Jihad squad. The women dropped the Jihad part and went to calling themselves just the squad.

Trump rallies or any gathering of him in front of a large crowd tends to just be him speaking in a largely incoherent way, going on huge ramblings, and have him talking about just how great he thinks that he is. If he is never held accountable for wrongdoing in this life, one can always hope that he’s gets to be held accountable in the next life.

At least there might be hope for some people in the community as they are coming to their senses and willing to turn from Trump. Well, at least I think that’s what this article is about. I just remember when I read these the first time that I wanted to share them. So read away if you want to.

Whether people believe it or not, Russia interfered in the 2016 election. They tried to interfere again in 2018 and might have succeeded, although this isn’t known for sure yet. They are effective at hacking our countries databases and doing whatever they can to affect our elections. You’d think that everyone of either party would be against this, but Mitch McConnell is not. Geez, I thought he was bad when Obama was in office. Now that Trump’s in charge, he’s somehow worse.

Mitch is doing everything he can to get his agenda across and block any other agenda from happening. If he never faces negative consequences for this, I might as well try to find a job and life in Canada until he is finally gone from office. He doesn’t even seem to care what people think of him. He isn’t trying to hide his ties with Russia, which are or should be illegal.

Back to Trump, it seems like he might be about ready to face negative consequences for all of the racist things that he has said and done. Will he finally get his just deserts? One can only hope. I don’t see him as winning the next election. That’s not a possibility that can happen in my mind.

Switching to Wisconsin politics for a bit, they are doing bad things to a special needs person. Why does the GOP have to be a bunch of bullies? What does GOP even stand for? Got Oppressive Power? This is not the same party that was against slavery, if the Civil Rights era (when they were against Civil Rights) is any indication of how they’ve switched sides.

If you don’t believe that Trump is a criminal or could be one, those at Trump Tower sure seem to be into all sorts of criminal activity. I’ll admit that it may not be as bad to do White Collar crimes as there are so many other worse crimes out there. But crimes are still crimes.

While it might be possible that Trump won’t be the Republican nominee in 2020, if he is, he might do quite terribly due to something that’s not biting the hand that feeds you but gnawing it off and eating it while still expecting them to use what’s left to support you again. Farmers helped Trump win. He has done a lot to negatively affect them. We could have very blue states like we’ve never seen before if all of these people think better of supporting Trump again.

If you remember the very first thing that Trump did after winning office, he went to hold rallies at all the places that voted for him. As for those that didn’t vote for him? Fuck them. If he didn’t get their votes the first time, he’s not going to try the second time to get them. He’ll just continue to insult them and then not get their votes.

While I’ll never like racist people, at least some have the decency to admit that they are that way. They do not have the sense to complain or deny about the claim. They don’t think that the only racist ones are those who say that others are racist. Then there are those that don’t like being called what they are. If you don’t want to be called racist, the solution is simple: don’t be that way.

Some call the Republican Party the party of Reagan. Now they are the party of zombie Trump supporters or spineless cowards who flee from office. But Reagan was a whole lot worse than people think that he was. He and his policies helped ruin this country.

Words can sometimes just be words. But they can lead to worse things happening as well. There is a lot of domestic terrorism committed by white supremacists. They might be doing worse to us that ISIS has. We don’t need hate crimes in this world. And stocking the worst in people won’t help.

Then there are bright spots in what I like from some conservatives. Some are wise and don’t support Trump. If George Will is abandoning the Republican Party, then maybe there is hope for it. Will it come right away? I have no idea. But there is no excuse for supporting Trump as this writer says.

There is a California rule on releasing tax returns that they are trying to make a law saying that it must be done in order to be on the ballot for president in that state. Trump doesn’t want to obey this law. But he stands no chance of winning California in the general election. It won’t help him in the primary, but he should just ignore it and lose the state like we all know he’s going to. He’d have a better chance at winning Illinois than he would California.

One of the key differences that I noticed about Obama and mass shootings compared to Trump is that Obama was never told not to go to a place where a mass shooting happened. He was never told that he wasn’t welcome to visit the survivors there. He didn’t do or say things that inspired the shootings. And he didn’t have ads that lied about what was going on.

It seems that the only thing that the Republican Party is honest about anymore is the horrible things that they will do if they win. I really hope that I have a good job so I can donate to various Democrats in this upcoming election in 2020. I don’t think I’ve have the funds for any 2019 elections. If you want to run on replacing the affordable care act, at least offer as replacement. After all this time to have nothing in terms of a better plan, well, that’s on you.

If only we could have nicer people in the world. Well, we do. Switching to a much better topic, we get to Lutherans protesting the terrors of ICE and negative immigration rhetoric. This makes me glad that I am a Lutheran. I hope that other people are like this too.

Photos ops are not a bad thing if one is not doing something terrible for all the wrong reasons. But since Trump lacks common sense, he thinks that it’s a good idea when he inspires a shooting to pose with one of the now orphans caused by the shooting for a picture.

Now for a quick break in politics, you might know that I like to, at times, keep track of some of the wins and losses of the two LA football teams. It is kind of like a speedrun race in a way. Here is one that works as this one has just two runners.

After the mass shootings happened, we should be enacting new gun laws in order to prevent this sort of thing from happening again. But Mitch McConnell isn’t doing anything to help and his party goes with him most of the time. Make sure you know your facts when you hear stories like that.

We want migrants to be safe in the end. Well, people who are nice and have hearts want that to happen to them. And I like hearing about churches in a good light as we often hear about religion in a way that makes them look negative. But real, good churches, make good news like this.

If Trump doesn’t want to be racist, it shouldn’t be too hard for him to learn what he is doing wrong and know what it is he should change. But he doesn’t want to change. He wants to continue his long way of being racist and not do anything to change what he does.

We may yet see Trump and Mitch McConnell turn on each other. I don’t know yet if that will happen or not. In the present, the beginning signs of this are happening. I do think that they have been working together better than tons of famous villainous duos, either real or made up.

Didn’t people refuse to support Hillary Clinton because she lied a lot? Why do they support Trump? He is lying so much, you could make it a drinking game if it weren’t certain to kill you of alcohol poisoning. He lies so much that Nixon would even say it is excessive.

At this point, movie updates are returning to this blog from where I last told you in my Elementary blog. Sunday’s list is Bambi, Decker Family DVD, Ice Age, The Lion King 1 ½, Pleasantville, and Shrek 2. Friday’s list is Adventures in Babysitting, Beauty and the Beast, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Lilo and Stitch, Rat Race, and Titanic. Saturday’s list is Bean: the Movie, the crossover tape that I have, Nature Documentaries, The Omega Code, The Princess Bride, and The Sound of Music. There are also two movie choices from a list that’s being dissolved that will move here eventually.

While writing this, I realized that I didn’t have enough time to finish this post and have had written too many pages already. Thus, I’m going to move what I care about to another post and I’ll be back with the rest of this post as things go along. I’ll talk about one thing at least and move the rest until later.

The NRA can be quite ridiculous in some ways. How do we know this? Well, most of us do not want the 2nd Amendment to be repealed. Even those of us against mass shootings don’t want to get rid of the right to bear arms, even if it might solve the problem. You’d think that most people who are lawful gun owners wouldn’t want mass shootings to happen. But they don’t care about supporting that idea and just seem to think that we only want to get rid of them.

On Tuesday, August 20, 2019, I rolled Survivor: Borneo and got to watch the episode Death of an Alliance. Now I had rolled a Survivor movie on Tuesday and was updating my TV blog on that day of the week as a result. This means that I updated this blog on that day instead. We’ll see how this will affect other blogs on Tuesdays or other days of the week.

On Wednesday, I used a scab list to watch Bambi. I replaced that Sunday movie with Copacabana from the dissolved list. On Thursday, I watched Lilo and Stitch. I replaced that with Madagascar from the one list that was dissolved. There is now nothing left on the dissolved list to move elsewhere.

I don’t know when or how they did this, but The Simpsons came up with a great parody of the squad and Trump’s reaction to it. I don’t know if this is part of a future episode or a standalone bit. Whatever it is, it is quite great.

On Friday, I watched The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey. That was replaced with the next hobbit movie called The Desolation of Smaug. On Saturday, I watched the crossover tape again. That remains on the list as I have not finished watching it. On Sunday, I watched Ice Age. I replaced that with Ice Age: The Meltdown. On Tuesday, I watched Beauty and the Beast. That dissolves Friday’s list.

Joe Walsh is in the Republican presidential primary. He was a US Representative from Illinois. He has been known for controversial statements like when he said that if Trump doesn’t win in 2016, he would grab his musket on the next day. While he’s largely on talk radio, the fact that he has political experience is a plus. Also, since he no longer supports Trump, that proves that you can break away from the whole set of brainwashing that seems to happen in the party. He might be the best Republican running for president right now, although he’s not good enough for me to vote in the Republican primary.

Before you wonder if you should ignore the Democratic primary in favor of the Republican one, make sure that you know your state’s election laws for primaries. You might not be able to vote for who you want to in the general election if you abandon your registered party in the primary. You might not be able to change at all. Or you might live in Illinois which has an open primary. I have voted in both of my state’s primaries in different elections (of course). I won’t face any plenty for switching parties. But you should know what to do if you are interested in switching.

Now back to links from Daily Kos. There is still a problem at the border. But the problem isn’t all of the people who come in. It is the separation policy. We don’t want the children to have little to know rights based on what they should have. Well, that’s the problem, really. We don’t want that.

Now for a long awaited update at last: I finally was able to change something from the list of shows that I watch. NCIS has been taken off the list so that I can watch it with someone else outside of the normal list that I have. I am replacing it with The Walking Dead season 1 that I’m borrowing from a friend in order to review it for my Good Wife blog. This makes Survivor number 4 in the roll instead of 5.

I do have important news that’s not political. I will always be on the side of vaccinations. And I believe that is what this link is about. I don’t know what else it would be. The person who thought that autism was caused by vaccines, Andrew Wakefield, lost his medical license over his fraudulent study.

Now as for the immigrant rhetoric, we have problems that are leading to US citizens to be facing the hatred of it simply because they aren’t white. This could even affect military veterans too. What’s kind of funny is that some Hispanics were born in what is now American where as no white person was from this country originally.

On Monday, I used a scab list to watch The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. While that is on Friday’s list, it is still replaced by the next movie in the series which is The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. On Sunday, I watched a Decker Family DVD that my sister had made. That was replaced by the Friday choice of The Hobbit.

On Monday, September 9, 2019, I rolled the season finale on Survivor: Borneo, watching the last episode and the reunion show that goes with it. This not only means that I’ll get to update my TV blog that day, but since no blog is currently updated then, it will be updated on every Monday for the near future. Now as for my Survivor blog, that will change as well. This blog will too.

Since I am done with this Survivor season, I am replacing it with Survivor: Gabon on DVD. Thus, the updates of what I watch on DVD will be moved to that blog instead. The choices are currently Charmed season 4, Farscape season 4, Moonlight: The Complete series, Survivor: Gabon, The Walking Dead season 1, and recorded shows on tape.

Mark Sanford is also in the Republican race for president. He is the most recent person that I know of who entered the race. He was a Congressman and governor before being a Congressman again. He is known for leaving the country and having an affair, dubbing him one of now two love governors. He went back to Congress and voted with Trump 89% of the time. Despite this, he wound up as persona non grada due to criticizing Trump at least once. He lost his seat as a result. Now is his run just about revenge? Maybe. He’s immoral and shouldn’t be voted for.

Once again, I mention more of the point that Mitch McConnell is working with Russia. He did so much wrong that even Trump might not be guilty of any wrongdoing with Russia, but we all know for sure that if Mitch isn’t, he sure did a lot of questionable stuff relating to them.

On Tuesday, I watched Madagascar from a scab list and replaced it with Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa. I do plan to watch Madagascar again with commentary. On Thursday, I watched The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. I replaced that with Rat Race. On Saturday, I watched Bean: the Movie. I replaced that with Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa. That wasn’t on a list, really, in case you are confused. On Sunday, I watched Ice Age the Meltdown. I replaced that with Titanic.

I do plan to post a link about which Republican senators voted against the emergency declaration that Trump made on the border wall. Money comes from somewhere and has to do something. But what he is doing might actually be making things worse instead of better.

Something that is worth noting now is me telling you about another weird thing that Trump did. He went through a lot of weird things and called his own vice president Mike Pounce. I might start calling him that at various times as a result.

On Tuesday, I watched a Nature Documentary. That remains on the list for me to watch again sometime later. On Saturday, I watched The Princess Bride. That was replaced by Adventures in Babysitting from Friday’s list. I am now done moving stuff from that list to other lists. On Sunday, I watched Pleasantville. I replaced that with Our Lips are Sealed.

I don’t understand why Republicans don’t care about the environment. Is there some back-up planet to live on in case they ruin ours? If there is, I’d like to know about it. If not, I want to know why they are doing all sorts of terrible things and ignoring the terrible weather that we’ve never had before as if there is some other explanation other than climate change being real.

On the last weekend before this show premiered, I watched Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa and replaced it with the first Madagascar with commentary. That was my Saturday and my Sunday left me too busy to watch a movie during lunch as I did something else instead.

If you are like me and have had the misfortune of seeing the first political ad of the 2020 election, you would know that it has such terrible lies in it or hopefully not believe it anymore. Does Trump even say a true thing anymore? It’s hard to tell for sure.

Well, I can honestly say that I might be done with politics for the rest of this post. I need to get on to more important issues in this post to cover. Before I get too far, I might as well mention the last of the movie updates. On Saturday, I watched The Omega Code. I replaced that with The Omega Code 2. In case you are confused by the lists since there were too many changes to it, I will get to what the lists are like now in the next post. I was once again too busy on Sunday for a movie. I’m on page 13 of this post and there’s still more to go before we get to the episode in question.

I’ve heard a lot about what might be happening this season on Madam Secretary. SPOILER. A lot of the cast that we have known thus far is gone or going to be gone. Promos make it seem like we will skip the election and go straight to Elizabeth being president. I don’t know what else there is to say about the show since I can just watch it. END SPOILER.

Since I haven’t done a real post on the episode in a while as a lot of the political posts I was doing were not posted on my facebook page, this will be on facebook so people will know that it has returned. Now if you want to see more of these posts on facebook, you will have to let me know in some way as I am not planning to put most of my blogs on facebook anymore. This is to test a cousin’s theory to see if there are really people who care about my blog or not. I care and people besides me read the blog. But I still thought that I would see if he is right and it wouldn’t be missed.

At around 5:36, I check the games before primetime. One of my CBS affiliates is not airing sports at all. They are airing the news. I try to watch only one of my CBS affiliates and plan to explain why in a special post in this blog. My other CBS affiliate is airing news as well. I tune into FOX and they are airing a game of the Packers versus the Cowboys. The Packers are winning. Remember: mamma, don’t let your babies grow up to be cowboys. Actually, I have no problem with that team. I prefer them to at least the team they played today, although I don’t hate The Packers either.

At 6, I switch to watching 60 Minutes. I don’t see much of what happens on FOX, but their shows are on a bit of a delay due to how long the game lasts. The Packers do win the game, even though the Cowboys had it within a bit of a worrisome range.

THE IMPORTANT PART OF THE POST STARTS NOW! Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with Elizabeth talking about her shoes. Why? Just why? A woman named Roxanne is there. We then get to Elizabeth in a car with Daisy and Blake talking about Henry and his night to shine. We get to where Henry, Stevie, and Jason are waiting. This is day 97 of the McCord presidency. She talks to a man who is going through all sorts of things before we wind up at a chocolate fondue fountain with Elizabeth talking to a man from Alabama about what to do. What is with her accent? Elizabeth and this man seem to come to an agreement.

Henry gets to talk in front of the group. He talks about poetry. He couldn’t be who is he without poems, in his mind at least. He is certain that nothing helps creativity like the arts and we wouldn’t have what we need without the arts in question. Elizabeth says that you can’t work technology in a dream. I think that she might actually be right about that. You can’t do in a dream what you have to do awake. Henry is suddenly talking to someone in a wheelchair about some of what he’s doing. He talks to Roxanne. We then get to Mike talking with Elizabeth. Mike is the chief of staff and doesn’t want to stay that way as he wants to do something else instead.

Elizabeth is briefed on an issue in Iran. There was a peace deal in Iran that she was able to do, but she is worried that things are not going her way anymore. Did they try to tank her opponent’s chances of winning and thus threaten the legitimacy of her presidency?

In segment two, we get to 112 days before the election. She is behind Hubbard in the polls still, but at the point where she is catching up. There were others in the race. Mike reveals a story that could be the reason why someone else could lose the election.

We then get Henry talking to Stephen Colbert on The Late Show. They must have filmed this when the actor who played Henry was on the show. This is now back in the present, in case we got confused. What’s going on? They must not have had a real studio audience for this episode. It doesn’t sound real or they forced certain laughter at times. Stephen gives Henry a beer helmet as a gift.

Elizabeth wants three different options all executed at once regarding the possible war. Elizabeth is told to get out on top of a story. Elizabeth then talks to the press about something being leaked about the guy before the campaign that we got little information about thus far.

In segment three, we are at 109 days before the election in Kansas City, Missouri. Miller wasn’t hurt by the scandal in the polls. Elizabeth talks to Mike about hurting a potential vice presidential pick. It seems that back in the present, Elizabeth is accused of colluding with the Iranians. It is always one president who is accused of working with a foreign power, right? Elizabeth talks with Henry their lack of sex life. He mentioned this by accident on The Late Show. There is now an investigation into Elizabeth. She talks to Mike and Miller, the senator she beat, calls her election illegitimate.

In segment four, we go back to 107 days before the election. Elizabeth meets with her best frienemy and wants to prevent this man, Carlos, from being on the ticket. She wants to be on the same ticket as him. Despite the differences in their beliefs, she wants to work together with him. What does any of this have to do with the Iran scandal? Elizabeth is able to get an important vote to happen. Well, it might still be in danger of falling, but she’s able to do what she needs to in order to fix it.

In segment five, we are in the present as Elizabeth meets with Miller. He is vulgar in private just like he is in public. She says that the Iran scandal isn’t true. He wants his reputation back while wanting other good favors too. Elizabeth listens to Mike talk some about his life. He still doesn’t want to be the chief of staff and Elizabeth thinks that she found his replacement. She talks to Russell. She wants him to be her chief of staff. She leaves before he gives her an answer. She thanks Miller for his vote on the bill. The people then toast on the bill while Russell takes his job. Various people who work with Elizabeth are given subpoenas in the present. In the past, Elizabeth announces her running mate: Carlos.

On the next Madam Secretary, Elizabeth plays baseball in the White House. That seems like quite a dumb thing to do. I can admire a baseball game played between both parties, but in today’s climate, that can lead to a person getting shot. Elizabeth’s team is worried about what is going on. They have quite an interesting story thus far for this season. I should be back with all of the episodes this season. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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