While I have talked some about coronavirus in some other blogs, I actually try to avoid it at times since I don’t want to get views based on that alone. But I have to do this post as I feel that it makes the most sense to address this while I can since it is something that needs address. Not just the first part, but tons of other parts about it as well. I don’t know if I’ll cover all that I want to, but I might as well start trying.
Honestly, I shouldn’t even have to write some of this post, such as the mask wearing. It is such a simple thing to do that it makes no sense not to. If you don’t want the government to infringe on your rights, that’s fine. But if you don’t care if you make others or yourself sick, they you are just an asshole. I wear a mask so people know that I am not an asshole. They may not all think that. But that’s what I do. I feel that when they became required in some places, that was the change for me. I was going to wear a mask most of the time.
Still, I may not always wear a mask when I’m supposed to. If I leave the home and am around others, then I have to either wear a mask or remain six feet apart from them unless I’m eating or drinking. I shouldn’t be going to gatherings as they shouldn’t be happening at all. We are supposed to stay at home and not go anywhere that’s not essential, even as places are opening again. But people don’t care about some of the common sense protocols.
It doesn’t help that the guy in the White House doesn’t fucking care about anyone. He tried to make people sign a waiver when doing a rally during a pandemic not to sue if they get the virus. Some bozos actually showed up and did get the virus. Whether or not they won’t be able to sue because of the waivers, I’m not entirely sure yet. They could be legal binding like I think that they are, but just as easily might not be. Trump has also attacked masks saying such dumb things like that people who don’t like him wear masks or that wearing one makes him look weak. He also changed where the Republican National Convention would be since they wouldn’t do it without the common sense social distancing measures. Meanwhile, the DNC is largely having a virtual reunion.
This is a problem. There are some people who still believe that coronavirus is a hoax. As in, not real. As in, all of these people who have died because of the virus are, what? Liars? Flu victims? Misclassified? Somehow wrong about what happened to them? So many people are concerned that they are over counting when they should be concerned of the opposite. So if there was a person who died of a car accident and had coronavirus, in their mind, they didn’t die of coronavirus. But what if breathing problems from the virus lead to the accident that caused their deaths? I don’t see why they are so concerned that the hype is overblown when over 100,000 people in just the US died. Do they think that there is some magic way of making that number lower due to the already unlikely idea that there is over counting?
Sadly, Trump doesn’t have the balls to issue a nationwide shutdown, so he passes the buck to the governors. This would serve as a loyalty test to all the Republican’t governors and a reason to attack all of the Democratic ones. A lot of them (The Democratic ones, obviously) did what they needed to by shutting down and staying shutdown for as long as it took. Not all of them did what was right, even if they were Democrats. Some had too loose restrictions and others didn’t make as much, if any, effort to work together.
Some people felt that the shutdowns went against their constitutional rights, feeling too upset by their lack of freedoms to be grateful for the fact that they were still alive and not infected with anything. At Trump’s urging, there were protests against the shutdowns that took place in what tended to only be where Democratic governors were in charge. They didn’t care about doing any of the social distancing efforts and the ones in Michigan even blocked hospital access as they could have easily taken illegal control of that capital.
Other issues related with the fact that primaries still had to happen in various states and there is still the general election that is happening later too. Some governors did what they felt was needed to do by delaying the planned primaries. This was despite the fact that it wasn’t something that they could do legally. That was why the Illinois primary didn’t change at all.
Still, Wisconsin became a notable state when Republican’ts, convinced that the other party would do terribly if the election went forward, convinced various judges all the way up to the US Supreme Court that the election should move forward. This actually backfired on them as many people were more determined to cast a vote and the Democrats got a new seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court as a result. Various states have had other issues with the voting process. Most of them handled it better than you’d think they would, like Kentucky, whose parties worked together to make sure that the elections would take place in a good way despite the circumstances against them.
We already have to wonder how this could affect the general election, other in obvious ways like who would win as a result. Trump has threatened to cancel or postpone the election, something he doesn’t have the constitutional authority to do (although that hasn’t stopped him before). It is likely that the election will go on as relatively normal as possible, but we still have a lot to worry about before it is over.
This has increased the idea of voting by mail to the point of some suggesting there be mail only elections in the future. It seems that some might be trying to do away with the Post Office entirely, but the prospect that it might end or be in danger could be overblown. Trump doesn’t want others to vote by mail as he is convinced that Republican’ts would lose if that were to happen. He’s not entirely wrong, but does have to realize that a lot of people who vote that way could actually be part of his party and base. Plus, he votes by mail himself. If he does something, why doesn’t he think that others can do it too? Does he feel that he can do anything he wants to, but others shouldn’t be able to do those same things too?
Something that is quite clear is that there is division and attacking during the process by the guy in the White House. He attacks the governors who do things better than him. He gives them nicknames instead of trying to work together with them. What’s weird is that coronavirus could have been how Trump turned things around and won himself a second term. Instead, much like Jeff Varner in Survivor: Game Changers, he took what little chance he had of staying around and destroyed it. Outside of any potential October surprise, I don’t think that Trump can win and will not believe what anyone of any party would say as to why he would stay around.
Because of the pandemic, some governors formed an alliance. Some of these, such as the one in the Midwest, are bipartisan as they consist of governors of both parties, even as most of them just happen to be Democrats with a few Republicans sprinkled in there as well. As much as I like the idea of this, I worry that some of this is just for show and doesn’t actually have the states coordinating as much together as they could otherwise be.
Other countries have had better responses at handling things than the US has. China has kept their death count lower than ours despite having way more people in it. Vietnam has managed to (if not currently, than at least at the time) keep their number of deaths at zero because of the intense lockdown orders they enacted early into the pandemic and kept doing even as much of the world were doing things better.
Most countries have their people’s support going up for their leaders due to the rally around the flag affect. This is true of a lot of the governors of this country. It is not true of dear leader as he has fucked things up that badly to the point of his never high approval deteriorating even more and ensuring that Joe Biden will be the next president starting January 20, 2021.
It can be hard not to stop listing Trump’s failures on handling the virus. While not responsible for it himself, he made things a whole lot worse, causing more infections and deaths. He has even caused the deaths of those who probably would have voted for them. I can even imagine his supporters making sure his tombstones say “Died of Trump’s poor coronavirus response, but still support him.” What’s sad is that many black people have died and it is possible that Trump is hoping that Biden voters are the ones dying and not his own.
Continuing his racist attacks, Trump loves to blame China for it to the point that racist attacks against those who are of that decent or look that way are blamed and attacked as a result. There is too much racism in this world and worth addressing in other blog posts. People don’t seem to realize just how dangerous it is to blame China from the virus. So what if it started there? If a pandemic started here, would we want to be blamed for something that is outside of our control that was a freak viral infection that no one caused intentionally? This is the problem that exists with blaming China for it. Any news source that insists everything is China’s fault in regards to this virus should not be trusted as they are only stoking their base by fueling lots of racist attacks. There is no reason to blame it on China or name covid19 after China.
People still after all the deaths still don’t understand just how big a deal this is. They think that if they only know three people who had it and none of them died, that all of these lockdowns are making things overblown. If you wanted me to believe that lockdowns were doing no good, then you would have to provide some sort of evidence that lockdown either did nothing or made things worse in terms of controlling the virus. I don’t think that such data exists, but you are more than free to comment on this post and try to get me to change my mind.
I’m going to end this post here as I’ve already talked for long enough and think that I have all of the bases that I wanted to have covered. I was going to include a paragraph on Pence including details as to him heading the coronavirus task force and another on the attack of Dr. Fauci, but I don’t feel that they are worth going into here. I have to stop myself here since I’m under a bit of a time crunch to get this post done by today. Maybe more will be in a new post at some point in the future as there is a lot for me to talk about in the future. But I will leave it here for now.
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