Monday, August 24, 2020

Politics: Which Side Really Cares about Fixing Racism?

I just spend a good long while writing the wrong post that didn’t need written right away. Now I don’t have much time for writing a post so I will write this one. Seeing all the lies right now that are going on with the Republican National Convention, I might as well straighten stuff out since among the two parties, it is clear that Republicans don’t care about fixing racism as they only want to get outraged over the idea that they can be racist.

Let’s see: remember when Trump talked about how after white supremacists did a rally and it lead to violence and a death when he called them very fine people? How are racist people fine people? Let’s think about this for a moment. They are not. Yet people on the right, instead of making outcry over what Trump said were instead upset over what they felt was unfair treatment of the guy in the White House. How dare you insist that these neo Nazis are called what they themselves call themselves? Why would you think that Trump would ever be a racist?

Well, let’s see. When he announced that he was running for president, he called people from Mexico rapists. He has sought to build a wall on just that boarder and has only succeeded in getting three miles built in all his time in office. Mexico did not pay for the wall as there was a government shutdown longer than any in US history in order to secure funding. Even if you don’t think that Trump was ever called or considered a racist before he became president, you would be forgetting what he said about the Central Park Five. There have been plenty of other things that he has said before he was president too. And his role as president seems to be trying to get rid of all of the progress that the first black president did including, for some reason, the great economic turnaround that had taken place before Trump took over.

If Republicans want to be known as the party that cares more about racism and fixing it, then they have a whole lot of work ahead of them. They don’t seem to care how many more people who aren’t as well off have been dying in greater numbers because of coronavirus. It has done more harm to black communities than others. But they aren’t interested in fixing it. They are only interested in making sure that Trump voters can vote, but not anyone else.

The irony is already widespread. I mean, they had two black people at the RNC tonight say that Trump isn’t racist. Also tonight, Trump once again used a racist slur to refer to coronavirus more than once. He doesn’t care about minority voters unless they vote for him. He certainly doesn’t mind if they don’t vote as this story that was revealed not even a week ago was made known.

Democrats are wanting more people to vote and there is a reason that most minority races that aren’t white support them in much higher numbers than they do Republicans. It is because of the two parties, Democrats actually care without wanting something in return. They want people to have everything especially if they can’t afford it. They want people to have health care since they know that minorities are more likely to die without proper health care. Republicans can lie and say that they aren’t racist. Indeed, some of them like their voters or politicians in that party actually do want to help minorities and aren’t racist at all. But since those considered minorities are way more common in the Democratic Party than the other side, I would say that it is clearly the liberals who care about ending racism since they don’t get racist voters anymore.

What else is there to say? I should do a post on all the honest politicians of today and why I do believe that you’ll find more honesty in the Democratic Party than the other side. But that is not worthy of talking about here. Try to honestly tell me that Democrats are the racist ones and that there is no racism at all in the Republican Party. And be prepared to defend such a ridiculously wrong and false belief.

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