While this post may not focus much on politics, it is something that I felt was worth posting in this theme that I do. I have issues with racism sometimes. I genuinely do care about all races and don’t think that I have been blatantly racist at times, although maybe I have been. I think that it would be good to post any and all things that are worth confessing about racists issues that I might have had in the past.
When it comes to the horrible truth of the coronavirus pandemic, one of the lesser known affects of it are the hate crimes that Asian-Americans have been suffering in this country. But it isn’t just those of Chinese descent that are getting beaten or affected by this. Anyone who simply looks like they could be that are affected. This is one of my own problems. If you put a Chinese man and a Japanese man next to each other, I probably couldn’t guess who is who. If you add in someone from Korea, that’s another person I couldn’t identify. Only if they were well known would I have any chance of knowing. A common complaint is that they all look alike. But I feel bad about this as I want to know the difference between them.
Another issue that I have is often not caring about international news like I should. While this does affect every foreign country most of the time, this is still an issue, right? Shouldn’t I care about what goes on in other countries, outside of how it affects the US? I should. While you may not think that this is too bad, as it would affect other countries that seem white versus all of those that aren’t, it is still bad. It’s like when I might have briefly had a bias against those that aren’t Christian like me. Isn’t that bad?
The only other thing that is worth noting is what comes in my own mind. When I got into a great YouTube channel called The Birdman (with a 3 replacing the e), I kept imagining a white man as the person who did the voice on the channel. Then, I saw him do a video where he physically appeared. And he is a black man. How could I not know that? I should have heard that this was clearly a black voice and not a white one. Yet I kept imaging him as white simply because I am white. I’ve done that with books too. Even when they tell me that a character is black, I didn’t imagine them in my mind that way, even though I should be.
I might have more issues, but these are the only ones that I feel is worth mentioning in this post. Why one like me is (hopefully) not racist, I have to try to get rid of the racial biases that I have, even though I doubt I’m the only one who has it. If you can’t fix your own problems, then why try to fix other peoples?
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