Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Politics: The Horror of Coronavirus Caused Racism

Well, I didn’t have this post planned for long, but it is much needed and I think that it needs to be addressed in many ways. Too much of this has been overshadowed by other racism that was linked back to the George Floyd protests. But it is worth addressing. People who look like Asians because they are descendants of that as they are Asian Americans or here for some other reason have become victims of hate crimes because of coronavirus. And this post is here to talk about some of that issue. 


Edit: I wasn't sure that I liked the title of this post as it seemed to focus on the wrong name possibly. I will keep it the way that it is now, but might change it more than I have if deemed needed in the end. If you have any issues with it, please let me know in as a respectful way as possible.

There were some flaws with the early news reporting on the pandemic as they kept mentioning China despite an official WHO policy that they should not name pandemics after locations. This was after numerous pandemics of the past that did this. Still, respectable news sources like Time and CNN added the word Chinese to this new virus based on an old one.

Some were corrected, but there was still a sad minority of people who were not calling it coronavirus in the end or adding parts of it that they didn’t need to in its description. The most notorious of these people would undoubtedly have to be Trump. In retaliation, some refer to it as the Trump virus instead of his slurs for it. Just look at all the Republicans who keep getting it.

The Republicans have made coronavirus worse. The xenophobia from the pandemic might be in part due to their blame China narrative. This makes me wish more and more that I could live in one day in a hypothetical world where Hillary Clinton was elected president. I know that she would be blamed for it in that world. They still like blaming her for anything and everything they want to. But I read online that it might be more the fault of the Chinese Community Party than with just general Chinese people that the virus wasn’t as well contained in the beginning. But a post both on whether or not China is a problem or how the GOP failed miserably with handling the pandemic are worth covering in other blogs later.

As for all of the horrible racism, there are some minor changes as to who is affected worldwide as in some people from America would be blamed more for it if they are able to travel to other countries that view ours as getting it wrong.

Now, people were killed at a massage parlor based on the color of their skin. While the shooter tries to blame this on a sex addition, the rest of us see right through his crap. This is what is quite horrible about this world today. One can only hope that justice is served over this hate crime and that people can see and fix what is wrong with this world.

There’s not much else to say in this post. I know that racism can’t be fixed, but we can’t go around blaming a race on a virus that our own country couldn’t control. We shouldn’t let one side blame a country when they have handled coronavirus poorly themselves. And we should not let this racism take over when we can better ourselves and the world by being better people who don’t let other’s races give us reason to hate them.

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