Saturday, November 20, 2021

Madam Secretary Season 1 Review

In the first of any of these (and there should be another one of these on Monday), I am going to post a review of a whole season of the show as a random post. I have no idea just how few and far between this type of random post might be. Still, I hope that you like it nonetheless.

Season 1 overview: As we learn about the characters in this show, we also delve more into what had happened to the old secretary of state with Elizabeth keeping the old people from it. We never saw much of anything of the old one, not even in flashbacks. But that wasn’t the story being told. We saw some of a recurring storyline with Iran and also saw more of Stevie. She might not have even been part of the story originally as she wasn’t in the pilot. Although, I never really liked much of what they did with her character and she was overused some.

How this season was different from others: We saw less recurring storylines this time around and there was less of Conrad than in any other season save for the final one. He wasn’t even part of the cast yet, although he was clearly recurring. There wasn’t much seen to most of the mains, although we did see Henry a lot, which I liked.

What made it good: It was pretty fun to see the characters develop in a pretty interesting way. We did see a more crisis of the week format with it being more simple than it would later be. I like how we saw some of the family’s adjustments to their mother’s new lives and their own.

What made it bad: It wasn’t as interesting as it could have been starting out. Too much of Stevie’s time on the show was wasted on romantic plots that ultimately went nowhere at the end. We didn’t see much of the main cast outside of just three of the five main family members.

More thoughts on it: This was the only season of the show that I didn’t blog about all of the episodes. I could have started the blog better as in updating it more on time. But that didn’t wind up happening at this point in time. It wouldn’t happen for quite a long time. As for the season of the show itself, I liked it as a starting point. We would see more of the characters later and we didn’t waste too much time with it. I am glad that I started blogging about this show, even if it wound up covering way more than this show ever was about.

That’s about it for this post. I can’t think of what else to say, but still feel a need to do this last paragraph to be a closing of sorts to it. At least you’ll see something in this blog that you might have been missing and haven’t seen in a while. I hope that you enjoyed the first random post of this blog in months. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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