Sunday, November 27, 2016

Episode from 4-10-2016

While I can get interested in football since nothing else good is on while I’m waiting for my show to begin since I need to do something to figure out the tape delay and I find the concept of March Madness to be interesting because I like the ideas of tournaments, I will never get used to the stupid Masters being part of the schedule nor will I care what happens in it. Last year, it aired for 12 more minutes than it should have since they had a winner before 6 Central, but they decided that pointless shit regarding it was worth having tape delay in our schedule one last time. This is why I wonder what the tape delay will be this time around since they have to give the winner a coat and do other worthless things followed by four minutes of commercials before our shows start. The Masters are tonight.

In case you were wanting an update on March Madness, the only team I had left to root for, Oklahoma, lost in the final four to Villanova, the team that won the championship game. None of my possible teams to root for actually won this time around. Oh, well. There’s always next year. Although, now I have even more possible teams to root for and they could change it so that I have no one new to root for. I guess you’ll see me again in the future with sports updates when the season premieres. I can’t think of anything interesting to say about the Masters so that’s why I won’t mention it at all. Meanwhile, I will probably root for Oklahoma in future years of March Madness.

Knowing that I have to roll a choice this month of the TV shows on DVD that I watch is actually a good thing since it means that I don’t have to be stuck with shows recorded on VHS for a while. Of course, since rolls are just random chance and I’m not guaranteed to roll what I want, I have yet another cheat for updating my TV blog. And I have to update the TV blog because that means that I can then update other blogs, such as this one. So the point is: I’m not really sure. But I will be watching shows on DVD for a change. I just hope that the list can actually change in the near future.

Today’s episode is brought to you by 30 minute delay. We begin with a bad man who kidnapped girls. This is definitely like current events we hear about. There is an issue at the state department and it seems that someone feel unconscious for some odd reason. Now, will Elizabeth and her team help the Boko Haram people with medicine?

In segment two, Elizabeth brings her team into her house due to the whatever situation they have going on at the state department. I don’t fully understand what is going on, but she is out to solve yet another international crisis. They sure have a lot of those, don’t they? There is a bomb someplace.

In segment three, Boko Haram takes responsibility for the suicide attack that happened. Most people overseas are infected with this virus thingy. It appears that they might have found a cure for it here. Elizabeth considers giving it to the people overseas, even if that means going through the evil person who is leading the bad guys.

In segment four, the decision seems to be made to save the evil person in order for a bunch of innocent people to survive this disease or whatever. This makes an interesting philosophical question: should an evil person be saved if it will also save thousands of innocent people? I would have to say yes in this instance. Meanwhile, it appears that the McCords are actually okay with Stevie’s choice in boyfriend for a change which can actually lead to problems.

In segment five, the kidnapped girls are sent back home. There was something from earlier that I was confused about on a missed opportunity to kill someone. I’m not sure what that was about. The US is able to rescue someone who must be important in some way. Meanwhile, it appears that Elizabeth and Henry are getting used to their daughter’s new boyfriend.

On the next Madam Secretary, Elizabeth and Henry are going to have issues of some sort. It looks interesting. But will it be as terrible as the promos (sort of, but not really) make it out to be? It’s hard to tell for sure. This is Adam Decker, signing off.

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