I’m not entirely sure yet when
the next new episode of this show will air. What I do know is that it will
probably air against The Golden Globes when they are on. This leads me to
wonder: will I even care about The Golden Globes this year? There have been
times where I ignore all but the shows that I blog about and other times where
I try to record or watch all of the shows that I do in addition to The Golden
Globes. If the CW shows are still on hiatus, I won’t have anything to worry
about. But I might not watch the award shows at all because I’m simply losing
interest in general.
As for an update on the Missouri
senate race, this was one of the more disappointing results. And it wasn’t just
because a Republican won a seat that a Democrat had. Josh Hawley, who won, lied
a whole lot and was generally an ass in different ways. Claire McCaskill, who
lost, was one of the greatest people in the whole senate. I still hope that she
becomes president in the future. A lot of the losses that had happened in the
senate were moderate Democrats losing to Republicans. I guess that some people
just don’t want someone working with the other party when they could simply be
the other party.
В этом параграфе не будет
упоминаться журнал Time. Что-то, что я знаю, было то, что русские пытались
взломать штаб-квартиру Клэр Маккаскилл, когда она баллотировалась на
переизбрание для сената. Им не удалось попасть туда. Но Клэр проиграла переизбрание
Джошу Хоули. Означает ли это, что русские помогли ему победить? Я еще не знаю.
Я не думаю, что они сделали так, как я не думаю, что он нуждался бы в любой
помощи. Тем не менее, с темными денежными связями, которые мы не знаем, откуда
они пришли, трудно сказать наверняка, если Джош не получил незаконную помощь.
Возможно, это было не из России, как у других.
I’ve said it before and I
could say it again, but there are times when you might see paragraphs other
than Russian in a regular blog post. I don’t think that I’ll do more than one
in a single blog post. So if you see a Russian paragraph, you won’t see a
Chinese paragraph. I may yet do Spanish paragraphs. There is a possibility that
I will do Korean paragraphs in the future. And I might even do Latin, if
there’s a reason for it that I can think of and if there is an option for it in
google translate.
After I had mentioned the Indiana
senate election, I had talked about my donations to various politicians this
election cycle, the first time that I had ever done it. There were four
donations total before the main elections. There was a fifth donation for the
special senate election in Mississippi. I had hoped that Mike Espy would win.
But he did not. Since two of the donations failed by virtue of the people not
winning, this means that they will be reassigned for the future. In fact, the
same amount will be given twice. One won’t happen again until 2024, when the
class one senators are up for reelection again. The others will affect the
class two senate candidates in 2020.
Now some of you my know some
of my facebook habits. One of them is the election countdowns that I do from
time to time. How will you know if I want someone out of office? Well, starting
in 2019, I will do a rotation of sorts. If someone is up for reelection in 2020
that I want to lose, I will mention them by name. I’ll start with the main two
senate elections that I care about. I’ll then mention the governor race. Then
I’ll mention the lesser two senate elections that will only be on the list
since two of the people I supported in 2018 lost. Then I’ll mention the
presidential race before going back to the other set in the rotation again.
Note that I will certainly be
supporting two senators and will change these in the lesser races no matter
what. Also note that I’ll probably mention other elections that will be beyond
2020, but I won’t say for sure if those people have to be worried yet or not
because I don’t know if I will donate to their opponents or not. It will depend
on what happens in 2020.
You might wonder if I will
mention in here other elections than the main one. Honestly, I might want to
find an alternate blog for politically themed posts. In fact, it might work
best if they are in a blog about the show The Good Fight. I’ll only start a
blog about that for sure if I had the first season on DVD. But I could do
political posts in that blog that aren’t in here. Also, you might wonder if I’d
continue updates of politics in any blog if this show were to end.
I had thought that this show
might be able to avoid the fate that all shows in this timeslot do. But I no
longer think that that will be the case. The ratings are lower than they should
be and it could be more of a problem down the line. This show could end this
season and only network tradition could keep it alive. But network tradition
didn’t keep Scorpion alive. There are a whole list of other blogs that could be
in the future for me to create based on other TV shows. But are there any that
air on CBS or the CW that could be political enough for me to make the blog
partly that?
While the show Salvation was
political, it has been cancelled and now I won’t be blogging about it. I did
want to at one point when it was delayed to when Elementary aired, but I never
did do this and I think that it worked out for the best that it didn’t exist
after all.
Before I get any further, I
might as well talk about the child separation policy, as I think that will be
the focus of this episode somehow since I saw the name of it. And I haven’t thought
about what I should do as a limerick in this post yet, so here one is.
To separate parent and child
The affects won’t be mild
For this bad idea
You’d have to be a
Person filled with bile
This is the 100th
episode of the show and seems like it might be a two parter, at least. But I’m
annoyed that they are airing this the day before Christmas Eve. Don’t they know
that people are celebrating the holiday of Festivus today? I should air this as
a grievance on the Festivus pole. I have family over and am still taking a
gamble into hoping that I can see some of the episode on that day or the next
They could have aired this
last week. I don’t think most people would have been annoyed by the 30 minute
delay because we are used to delays during Super Bowl season. I hope to record
this or have the chance to watch it later online. But for OCD reasons, I have
to have posted or scheduled this blog for December 24th to keep this
rotation going that I have. I’ll let you know what happens and I might not post
about the whole episode, which I have done only once before in this blog.
I have the chance to check and
switch between the two games that are on FOX and CBS. The game on FOX ran
longer than they were expecting. It is the Bears and 49ers playing with the
Bears winning. The game on CBS is between the Saints and the Steelers. The
Steelers are winning. I stay with the FOX game until the end and the Bears win,
Switching back to the Steelers
game, the Saints take the lead in the game after a touchdown of sorts that
people weren’t sure of somehow. I guess that I’m not the only one confused
about how football works if even those who normally watch the game didn’t
realize it at first. The Saints wind up winning in the end after a close game
where the Steelers tried to score, but couldn’t.
Today’s episode is brought to
you by 57 minute delay. We begin with people near the Mexico border at the
state of Arizona. A mother and child arrive in the United States. They are
seeking asylum here. This is when the child and parent are separated. The woman
learns that she is under arrest instead of being taken under asylum. The child
is put on a bus with other children to a detention facility.
Elizabeth and
Henry are at a dance class and are about to renew their vows. Apparently,
Elizabeth was pregnant which changed the wedding plans. Can Hollywood stop
doing this? I’m not saying that it doesn’t happen in real life when people get
married because of that and stay together. But you shouldn’t make it seem like
nearly everybody does this. Jay calls Elizabeth about the
child separation policy, this version being implemented in Arizona by that
state’s governor. Conrad and Elizabeth talk to him. He didn’t like the foreign policy
deal that Conrad had done and wants a boarder wall. The Arizona statute might
be unconstitutional. Elizabeth wants to work with the senator from Arizona to
try to get their way. If this is based on real life, he’s going to die with a
sense of goodness gone just like John McCain.
In segment two, Jay and Blake
are at a basketball game when Jay gets accidently injured. The man who had hurt
him wants pot legalized in order to help limit the power drug cartels. I think
that I need to put a link in here that I got from confirmation bias about why
you shouldn’t do pot. In fact, I might have put this link in my blog before. There
is no preliminary injection on the issue and they have to settle it later in
court. Russell thinks that the judge has bias and the judge admits to it since
he wasn’t chosen for an appellate court. Matt goes on a rant with a possibly
random woman about Wynn, who was the election night hook-up that Daisy had two
seasons ago and the person who injured Jay in this episode. Elizabeth tries to
reason with the senator, whose name I can’t remember right now. Maybe he’s not
a caricature of any real person. He doesn’t want to go against his state.
The McCord kids talk about
different things relating to the sort of wedding. The band she had booked has
broken up at the last minute. I don’t think that I’ve been to a wedding with a
band. I’ve been to one with a wedding singer who was also a DJ. Russell learns
that the judge has real estate that is affected by Governor Barker of Arizona. Russell
is hesitant about whether or not they should bring the information forward but
Elizabeth wants to make sure that it is.
In segment three, Jay talks to
the senator about his Cuban heritage and why he is against what Conrad wants.
They both know Spanish. I don’t recall Jay being revealed to speak that before.
I don’t like it if there are just random things brought up that weren’t important
before. They talk to a different judge and seems like she’s about to side with
Russell’s side, but gets information that causes her to change her mind based
on another case that went to the court. Elizabeth talks to Mike, whoever that
is, about the renewal of vows that she’s doing. He wants it public to increase
her chances of having a run for office, but she wants it private.
The Mexican president talks
about issues. It seems like there’s no solution until Henry convinces them to
keep going for a solution. Elizabeth wants to visit one of these places to show
her support for her allies in Mexico. Russell thinks that it could hurt her
chances of running for president.
In segment four, Elizabeth
arrives with Cat at a detention facility and there are protestors outside. I am
so glad that we are seeing Cat for a change. A person tries to prevent them
from entering the place with an ambassador, but a law means that they have to
come right in and surrender their phones. Wynn then brings a gift to Daisy that
has pot in it. You know, they are doing a good job at making these people look
like weirdos. Elizabeth, Cat, and the ambassador see children in cages.
In segment five, we continue
with Elizabeth looking at the various people there. She wants a diaper to be
changed, but has issues with it. Governor Barker comes in there saying that
Elizabeth is trespassing and a sheriff is here to arrest her. He wants them to
leave peacefully. She shows up on live TV and she talks to people there about
the center. She gets arrested on live TV. This sort of thing hasn’t happened in
the US before, according to them. Sure enough, the episode is to be continued…
There are no scenes from next
time so I’ll be back when the next episode is. I should have a post for all of
the Mondays in January, regardless of if a new episode airs then there not. My Tuesday
posts are now done then for a while. I’m glad that I was able to see this and
schedule it for the next day after it had aired. For now, this is Adam Decker,
signing off.
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