Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Politics: George Bush I Presidential Analysis

I thought that I would add on an introduction explaining the reintroduction of the section of this blog’s political posts which is more of a potpourri section. I wasn’t going to do that right away, but I thought that I would since I wanted to address the death of the 41st president of the United States and tell you about him in the best way that I hope that I’m doing.

Let’s start with some facts about him. He is the most recent one term president and most recent president to have lost reelection. He was president when I was born. He helped start a tradition of leaving letters for his successor, even if his predecessor technically did it first. He is one of four people to go directly from the vice-presidency to the presidency via direct election. He is the most recent president who faced no impeachment attempts against him. There might be other facts besides that that I can’t remember right now.

Something that people aren’t lying or overblown about when they are talking about George is how he might have been the most qualified person who was elected president. (Whether or not he was the most experienced person to ever run for president is a bit debated.) He served in the military at the youngest age possible, being one of the youngest pilots ever in the navy. He was then a representative in Congress, an ambassador to the United Nations, a chairman of the Republican National Committee, and Director of the CIA.

After becoming vice-president, he was careful not to set a precedent by avoiding to land at the office the way a president would. He was the first acting president for 8 hours on 7-13-1985. He seemingly made it seem that vice-presidential debates mean absolutely nothing in politics after his poor performance in one in 1984 did little but make himself feel displeased in the campaign. He was the first person since Hoover to succeed his own party via direct election.

A remarkable feat happened during his term. The collapse of Communism, quite a good thing, had happened. Whether it just happened under his term or because of others before him, it was quite a good thing to happen to the world, outside of the few remaining countries that still have it in the end. Another good thing that happened was him helping to pass the Americans with Disabilities Act.

While president, he was able to put two different people on the Supreme Court. The first was a man named David Souter. This nomination was not want George actually wanted in the end as David wound up being more liberal leaning than George was looking for. David has since left the court during the Obama administration and is still alive as of this post.

The other person he put on the court was Clarence Thomas, only the second black justice on the court who was replacing the first black justice on the court. His was a contentious fight and left him with 48 negative votes, the most negative votes ever, a record later tied by the newest justice on the court. Clarence is now the longest serving of all of the justices still on the court.

There were some controversies with his time as president and elsewhere in life. The way I see it, there were three main issues that had happened with him over the course of his time on this planet. One of them was that he nominated a man to the Supreme Court who was accused of sexual harassment. That person still got through onto the court, but it might have been a bad precedent to set.

When he was a lame duck, he pardoned people relating to the Iran-Contra Affair and thus became investigated for it himself. He was also accused of sexual harassment himself later in life, although this might have been due to misunderstandings, old man problems, or him simply wanting to put his arms around someone, but forgetting that you can’t do that when you are in a wheelchair due to their lack of reach to places arms normally could reach.

Still, I would say that George was a pretty good person and a good leader too. He might have been the most recent Republican president to be a good president when he was in office. I do not think that he had many failures, other than what I just mentioned about. I will miss him and hope that he rests in peace. I leave you with this quote from him that people need to keep in mind today if they want to be regarded well in this world.

“I’m a conservative, but I’m not a nut about it.”

(Information gathered from Wikipedia and The Complete Book of U.S. Presidents by William A. Degregorio.)

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