there have been a lot less political commercials lately at least where I live,
I realize that there could be drinking games that one could play with them. I
recommend against games like this if you are not careful with drinking and I
also recommend not doing it if you have to drive or have otherwise use for a
brain that isn’t impaired in any way. Thus, one plays drinking games at one’s
own risk. Don’t play it if you are pregnant or taking drugs that could
negatively affect it. Now I believe that this is when you should drink at
political commercials:
- Take a shot if someone approves the message.
- Take two shots if no one approves the message.
- Take three shots if a group like a PAC, Super PAC, Committee, or something other than a specific candidate says they are responsible for the contact of the advertising.
- Take a shot if the ad is purely positive.
- Take two shots if the ad is purely negative.
- Take four shots if the ad is both positive and negative.
- Take a shot if the negative ad never mentions who you should vote for instead.
- Take a shot every time you see an ad for the very first time.
- Take a shot for any new race covered in an ad that you didn't know was happening before since it is bringing up new things.
- Take a shot for every news source mentioned in an ad.
- Take five shots if ad mentions no news source.
- Take three shots if ad airs footage from an opponent's ad or some other ad.
- Take two shots every time a person is compared to another person, be it good or bad.
- Take six shots if ad is only negative comparisons.
- Take a shot if fear mongering is used.
- Take a shot if outdated information is used.
- Take three shots if person is proven to have lied or mislead in an ad.
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