Sunday, March 26, 2017

Episode from 11-13-2016

In all of the shows on the list of stuff to roll from, none of them have Thanksgiving episodes in the future. Well, it is possible that Gilmore Girls does, but since it is borrowed from someone else, I will not wait for it in the future if there is one. Also, no shows on tape can be holiday locked, as I call it. There is a show I was watching called 8 Simple Rules that has a Thanksgiving episode to watch next. I decided to wait until after the election to watch it. It is immediately followed by a Christmas episode, so I will probably watch that sometime in December.

The election is over and, like many people, I’m trying to wrap my head around the results of the election. Maybe I shouldn’t be too surprised that people wanted an outsider, but it doesn’t make much sense to me. The polling was also off. Looking at other election results compared to polls, you do have to wonder why polls are still used as much as they are. Other polls were wrong too, is what I’m saying. I wasn’t that thrilled with the thought of Hilary Clinton possibly becoming president. It might be good that some other woman will be the first female president (second, actually, after Edith Bolling Galt). Some people who might be a good female president include, but are not limited to: Claire McCaskill, Amy Klobuchar, Lisa Madigan, Barbara Boxer, Michelle Obama, Condoleezza Rice, and Elizabeth Warren.

In my mind, the main choice of the election was bad (Clinton) or worse (Trump). Why would anyone pick worse over bad? I know that Clinton had flaws and controversies, but doesn’t no political or even military experience seem like a huge red flag to people? You’d pick that over someone who has been a senator for eight years? Hopefully the Democrats or even the Republicans can pick a better candidate in 2020 and we can get a good president then. Of course, while I’m sounding like a major bummer about Trump, he could defy expectations and be a good president. And I honestly hope that Clinton doesn’t run again. She’s had her chance.

Before I finish the election talk, here’s some interesting trivia regarding it. Hilary Clinton is the fifth person to win the popular vote but lose the Electoral College and, thus, the election with it. The first was Andrew Jackson in 1824 who had a plurality of the electoral college, but still lost when it went to the House of Representatives since no one had enough of it. The 1876 election was controversial and lost by Samuel Tilden by one electoral vote. Many saw the election as rigged and there could have been another civil war over it, but this didn’t end up happening due to a compromise the next year. Sadly, racism may have continued in the south due to this. Grover Cleveland lost in 1888. Like Jackson, he ran four years later and won. And, of course, Al Gore controversially lost in 2000 after a Supreme Court decision. The date of that decision (December 12th), is what I now deem as opposite day. An interesting fact about these people is that all five are Democrats.

While you’ve probably seen a lot of updates before I’m able to post this one, I thought that I might as well do more of an explanation as to when this blog will be updated as an added bonus to the dedicated readers of this blog who have put up with these delays time and time again. I’m currently updating it every Sunday following the first Saturday of the month. If there was a new episode of the show that day, then I’d update the next Sunday until there is no new episode. It will reset at the beginning of every new month should the updates stop.

The fact that it is on Sundays can be a bit of a problem. I have other blogs that could potentially be updated on Sundays, like my Survivor, TV, or Elementary blogs. With the TV blog being updated on Saturdays, there was a potential problem regarding a cheat I used to use to update the blog. Well, I might as well move that cheat to this blog. The cheat involves unused offering envelopes from church services that I was not able to go to. A year later, I’m supposed to update this blog. Since I was not at my church for Thanksgiving last year, that would make it a Saturday to update that blog. Since I’m moving the cheat here, I’ll skip that planned Saturday post in my TV blog and make it an update here instead. I still might move the cheat back at some point or use a special way to share it.

I will tell you one more potential blog related info. Since during Advent and Lent, I will be updating my Survivor blog a day later than the episode airs, this means that I won’t be able to post any of my Elementary blog on Thursdays. This could potentially mean that I would alternate Sundays between posting that blog and this blog. Ultimately, the same rule as to when I would stop posting this blog would still be the same. And I would probably stop posting that on Sundays when I have Thursdays available again for updates. I will explain more during the random introduction to these new posts.

After 5:30, I check what is on what TV channels. Both of my CBS affiliates are airing the news (different news), but they will be airing shows on time. I check FOX and they are airing a game, but I can’t exactly tell who is playing just yet. It is the Cowboys and the Steelers who are playing each other and I think that the Cowboys are winning. They plan on airing football until 7. You know, the Steelers were almost a back-up team for me to root for, but they didn’t end up making my potential list of replacements. Of course, that post was probably already published by now. I’m thinking of reinstating them as a possible choice among the other teams. I’ll mention more after the Super Bowl airs.

I start watching the special post election episode of 60 Minutes #notmypresident (when is the election in 2020?). I have to remember not to get thrown off by certain Black Friday commercials and know that these are not Christmas commercials. I do a count of them each year before Advent starts. But Black Friday commercials are not really Christmas commercials so they don’t count on my list. I also notice during the first commercial break of 60 Minutes that the Cowboys are still winning. I’m fairly certain that the next election for president is on November 3rd. I’ll have to figure out how far away that is. From today, 11-13-2016, there are 1,441 days until the next election, if I have my numbers right.

The score and winning team changes while I watch 60 Minutes, but it is back to a Cowboys win by the time I tune in. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to catch the final score of it or not. It was the Cowboys that ended up winning the game. They are on an eight game winning streak which makes me wonder if they will be in the Super Bowl this year.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with a suicide bombing in Illinois. This person went to the same mosque that Matt has donated to in the past. Matt is annoyed by these comparisons, especially considering how he considers himself to be agnostic. I don’t understand the agnostic belief. Why would God make himself unknowable? I know him. Dmitri finally shows up again. He destroys a TV at the place where he lives now. This gets him in jail as it is filed under destruction of property. Henry is informed of this situation and goes to investigate it. Alison is working on a project, but doesn’t seem to be doing what she should be with it.

In segment two, we get more of the campaign for president. I’m a bit confused as to why the show is behind in the timeframe of the present. Why hasn’t the election happened on the show yet? They show some of another candidate with clear parallels to Trump. Dmitri feels that he is not doing as much as he could be in the world anymore. Matt speaks with Russell about what to do with the bombing situation and it appears that the situation only gets worse because of it.

In segment three, I lose track of the show for a bit. Sorry about that. Anyways, Nadine wants Jay to take Matt out in order to help him. Elizabeth talks with a person who lost someone when they show up at the white house tour. Henry and Elizabeth talk about possibly using Dmitri, but feel that it is in their and his best interest not to make him an asset again. After being called a jihadist, Matt and Jay get into a fight at the bar they went to.

In segment four, Matt gives a good speech about why Muslims shouldn’t be jumbled in with terrorists. He says that his donation to the mosque was only about a playground there, which is what they got. He then requests a week off of work in order to be with his mom.

In segment five, Elizabeth and the woman from earlier who lost her daughter seem to ambush a foreign dignitary. With the work done, it appears that they were able to blame the mosque specifically from any blame. Dmitri’s sister appears to be brought over on a visa to be with him. It turns out that Alison’s essay, which kind of got short shafted, is better than the parents thought it would be. Lastly, Matt takes his mother to mosque.

On the next Madam Secretary, there is a crisis going on, but Elizabeth’s brother wants to ignore the risks and go into a country he might not be able to safely be in. What will happen? I guess that we will have to wait until next time to see. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Episode from 11-6-2016

I never did finish watching enough Power Rangers episodes to see the Halloween one in time. Now that it is November, this month means that I should watch any Thanksgiving episodes that I have not yet watched that are in line with what I was watching. I also wonder what other Thanksgiving episodes are in line with what I will watch, but I don’t think that there are any future ones for the moment. I’ll tell you about the Thanksgiving thing for me to watch later.

There will be a lot of elections on Tuesday and one of them will be for president. I really hope that Hillary Clinton wins the election. Whether she or Trump wins, I just hope that they can prove the haters wrong and they can be good presidents. I just hope that the Trump nightmare is over. Whether or not this show really does exist just to get her elected won’t matter in terms of whether or not it will be renewed for next season since most third season shows do not have this many episodes going into a fourth season and not get renewed. If this show isn’t around for season four, then something very strange and unusual is happening. Here’s a link to my new blog about the TV show Elementary. Even though it was only a slightly different tape delay (one that affected the actual game on one affiliate), I’m still obeying the same rules that created my blogs about The Good Wife and then CSI: Cyber. The next potential new blog would be Bob’s Burgers, but I’m honestly not sure if I’ll ever create that one or not. I would if a show I blog about it dead to me or under the weird rules that created this blog (a strange rule I don’t think I can apply again as it involves no one reading a post on the then newest blog post). It also might be difficult for me to blog about a show that I normally don’t always watch or record and since my TV tuner is having problems recording any FOX shows with good playback, I might have to put it on tape all the time. But sometimes the TV tuner works well.

After 5:30, I look at FOX and they are not airing football tonight. I look at ABC and it is coming in. But I have a potential problem that might prevent me from watching shows tonight. I check my secondary CBS affiliate and they are airing a Colts versus Packers game. The Colts are winning. I check my primary CBS affiliate and they are airing a different game: Titans versus Chargers. Aren’t these both potential teams that I’m rooting for? The Chargers are winning, but with the way football is scored, I know that the score is too close. It is a doubleheader on CBS tonight. This means at least a 30 minute delay. But I know that it is probably going to be more stupid than that.

I decide to watch what is probably a Son of Zorn rerun at 6. Hopefully, I can catch the final results of each game, but I know how to look up the score later so I might as well do that if I can’t catch what ends up happening in each game. At the first commercial break, I check the score on one channel and the Colts are still winning. I check the score on the other and the Chargers are still winning.

It is past the point where the planned delay was and many people will shout curses to their DVR over this. Both channels are now airing the Titans versus Chargers game, which probably means that the Colts won their game. The Chargers are still winning. I just wonder when the game will end. Well, I don’t have to wonder for long as the Chargers do win the game and the obligatory four minutes of commercials that they air afterwards. They never screw advertisers although they do screw viewers a lot. I will also deduct a point from each of these teams for contributing to the delay.

Today’s episode is brought to you by 50 minute delay. We begin with the missing asset from earlier. They find out more information related to what just happened. The McCord kids are worried about their dad. Elizabeth goes into work to deal with the crisis of the week. The ongoing election is brought up again. Russell talks with people about Conrad. A woman visits the house and tells Henry and Elizabeth about some of the problems going on. Someone has vandalized Elizabeth’s office.

In segment two, Elizabeth considers quitting, due to the message someone left as part of the vandalism.  Of course, she’s not going to quit. It might be possible at a season finale cliffhanger, but I really don’t think that it will happen ever. And that’s not just because I’ve seen future episodes. Elizabeth talks about the French Revolution, although I lose track of where she is. She has a problem talking to a diplomat there who seems to be avoiding her. A scene afterwards with Russell and Elizabeth makes me think that this show is becoming more like The Good Wife. However, this seems like a lesser version of it, to be honest. That is, only when they seem similar. I don’t really understand a lot of what happens this act.

In segment three, the important diplomats are suddenly “sick” with possibly made up maladies (hence the quotation marks around sick). Alison doesn’t like being around body guards as they don’t make her feel safe as they are supposed to. Elizabeth talks with a French diplomat about US-French relations. Once again, I don’t understand/know how to summarize the act.

In segment four, stuff happens at the situation room and it is a good situation as usual. The FBI is after the stalker of the family. They get the stalker, or, at least, a man who might be the stalker. Did they get him or not? I guess that we will find out soon.

In segment five, the same French person talks more to Elizabeth. It appears that he was responsible for the stalker. Maybe he’s not a French diplomat, but he’s someone important. I seem to have gotten lost to a lot of what happens in this episode. Sorry. Guess I dropped the ball on this one.

On the next Madam Secretary, can Elizabeth defend one of her own? Are people associated with Islam always going to be considered terrorists? I honestly had no idea that terrorists existed until September 11th, 2001. And I had no idea that Muslims were blamed for the attack until much later. I always thought it was terrorists and I still think that. Anyways, I’ll be back later with the next episode. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Episode from 10-30-2016

Well, it’s unlikely that you see the episodes posted in a different order than the one they aired (unless there is another holiday specific episode, i.e. a Thanksgiving episode), but I have not yet seen the previous episode when I watched this the first time. At least the delay last time means that I will be starting a blog about the show Elementary. I’ll post the link here when the first post has been added. I just hope that there’s some of the show still on by the time this is posted. There was once a reason why this blog was so behind with posts. I should fix that and hope that I will soon.

In a year where two cursed teams made the World Series, it makes you wonder about curses. Whether or not curses actually exist makes you think that curses can and will be broken. Look at the 20 year presidential curse. It used to be that if a president was elected in a year that ended in 0, they were doomed to die during their term in office. This happened with William Henry Harrison, Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, Warren G Harding, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and John F Kennedy. In some way, Ronald Reagan was able to break the curse. But, there is another presidential curse that not even google knows about (last I checked).

In the book, the Complete Book of US Presidents, it mentions a 50 Year Presidential Scandal Curse where every 50 years, a major scandal affects a president. First there was Ulysses S Grant who had various scandals during his terrible presidency. Then we had the worst president, Warren G Harding, whose administration could have been torn apart by the Teapot Dome Scandal had he not died of causes unknown to this very day. The next president in the curse was Richard M Nixon who had to resign after the Watergate scandal and cursed us again with having scandals end with gate from that point forward. The book then includes the warning: brace yourself for the early 2020s. This means that it’s possible that the curse continues with the next person elected president.

After 5:30 on Sunday, I look to see what is on. I check my secondary CBS affiliate and they are airing local news. This means that shows will be on time on that network. I check FOX and they are airing a game of the Green Bay Packers versus some other team. They are wearing red, but I can’t tell for sure who they are. They will be airing game 5 of the World Series. I expect the Indians to win the game, and thus, the series tonight. Will it happen? We’ll see. I can’t tell the score yet in this football game. I learn that the Falcons are the other team that they are playing, but I can’t yet tell who is winning.

My primary CBS affiliate is airing national news so they will have shows on time. This means that, officially, I will be able to start my new blog about Elementary soon. I just have to remember which formats/backgrounds I have used for my existing blogs so I don’t repeat them. Although I can repeat any if I want to, I’d rather have a new background to signify the differences between the blogs. I would probably use the same format for the spin-off of the Good Wife that I do for the Good Wife.

Today there was a game between the Chiefs and the Colts. Long story short, the Chiefs beat the Colts so the Chiefs will rank higher than the Colts. Of course, I will need a huge ranking of the potential football teams to root for, which I will probably reveal after the end of football season. I finally catch the score of the game and the Falcons are just barely winning. I’ll have to check the score later. Well, CBS sports update tells me that the Falcons did win by one single point.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with a very long first act. It might be hard to catch everything, but here goes: they are having trouble getting Conrad in the ballot in certain key states. Part of the problem relates to the sore loser law. They are talking about potentially changing the law. There are also potential problems in Uganda (I think) regarding a possible rigged election.

In segment two, Elizabeth talks with sportscaster James Brown about the third party run that the president is doing. Stevie shows up again and I honestly forget what happens with her. She’s engaged? I guess that I don’t remember as well as I should what all is happening with her. I honestly don’t like that character that much. There is more discussion about the people in Africa.

In segment three, there is more political wrangling with the African person about what is going on. It appears that Elizabeth might have won, although she suspects something more sinister is going on. Henry works with people learning information about something of importance somehow.

In segment four, Elizabeth has some sort of idea as to how she will get what she needs to do in order to solve the crisis of the week. She talks more to people about how she can get the world to change for the better once again. Brexit is mentioned and it seems that they are working that into the show. Stevie wonders if she knows her fiancée at all.

In segment five, the foreign election is resolved without the need for a trial of Bush versus Gore proportions. It seems that either nothing was rigged against the good guy or if it was, it didn’t wind up working anyways. Stevie’s fiancée is possibly going to be disinherited if he stays with her and Henry tells her that it should work out if love is okay. One of Henry’s agents goes missing at the end.

On the next Madam Secretary, they are after the stalker of the family some more and there may or may not be some dramatic twist to the whole thing. I guess, as usual, we will have to wait and see what happens for sure during the next episode. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Episode from 10-23-2016

I tune in to the TV on my primary CBS affiliate and they are airing a game of the Pittsburg Steelers versus the New England Patriots. Since I hate the Patriots, then it is clear as to which team I’m rooting for. I miss the score at first. My FOX affiliate is not airing football this late. My secondary CBS affiliate is also airing the same game. Unfortunately, the Patriots are winning.

Earlier today, they aired a game of the Colts versus the Titans. This was one of those important games to track, although I might have to do more of them. I’ll mention in a blog post after football season is over how I would rank the potential teams. The Colts beat the Titans.

I know that by the time that I post this, the election will have been long over. But in the present, I just can’t wait for the crap of the whole election to be done and over with. How did Donald Trump even make it this far into the process? How did he beat out a bunch of actual Republican and politicians to get the nomination? And how is him even getting the nomination not rigged? If Hillary Clinton doesn’t win the election, then something is seriously wrong with the world. More wrong then the fact that he even made it this far.

If all goes well (knock on wood), ABC will come in good so I’ll be able to watch Once Upon a Time and Quantico. I’ve missed so freaking much of the first show and it’s really confusing even if you do see every episode. Likewise, I don’t know some of what is happening on that show. Will Jafar show up as a villain? Will they reference what should have happened to him since Once Upon a Time in Wonderland? Do those shows even relate anymore? I mean, they kind of ruined the story the one character had on the spin-off when he was briefly featured on the original show.

Since CBS is airing a doubleheader today, that means for sure that there will be a delay of 30 minutes, although it could be an even longer delay. Now if Elementary gets preempted tonight or the delay on both channels is different (which might actually happen this time, even though they are airing the same game), then that means that I will start a blog about Elementary starting from the episode when it airs on time again. But we don’t know what the delay will be just yet. Meanwhile, at six, I’m flipping to FOX to watch actual shows that are airing on time.

The score of the game when I check during a break is Steelers: 16, Patriots: 27. It is around this time that Bob’s Burgers starts, although I don’t know if the game ended as the scheduled time or not. I catch a CBS money watch update, which is typically what they air after the first 60 Minutes segment when I check CBS during a commercial for Bob’s Burgers. The next break reveals that 60 Minutes is on. I’m guessing that the Patriots won. I don’t see how the Steelers could have turned it around. I guess that I’ll just have to figure out what the delay is. I just know that it was slightly different on the two different affiliates. One is slightly behind the other. It might not even show up as different.

Today’s episode brought to you by 35 minute delay. We begin with people talking about a reef in the ocean. But the people are arrested for trespassing. We get back to Elizabeth and Henry talking about their family’s stalker. The team addresses the whole Chinese thing that I don’t fully understand as of yet. Henry goes after more of the potential stalker that he thinks that he may know the identity of. But does he? I guess that we’ll see.

Elizabeth has a planned trip to Vietnam, but it appears that the China situation might complicate it. Conrad tells a story about how he almost killed an innocent person. The Chinese diplomat talks about consequences as I realize we still haven’t gotten to the title screen yet. Creepy things start happening on their own at the McCord house.

In segment two, Henry is upset that people hacked the house somehow. While it may seem unlikely, I do think that nowadays, such a thing would be possible. While the house is considered safe, Henry doesn’t think so due to the security breach. Elizabeth learns about this back at the white house. They discuss the ocean relief members that were taken by the Chinese people. They learn that ocean relief was hacked. They also look into getting videos that were posted.

In segment three, Elizabeth and Henry talk more about what’s going on with them. Russell is adamant about keeping the pandas at the zoo. The Chinese wants the pandas back. You know, times like this make me think that Russell is a lot like Eli Gold. They are able to find something on the recovered camera files that shows a missile facility.

In segment four, Elizabeth talks again to the Chinese diplomat, whoever he is, about the missiles that they found. They aren’t giving the pandas back to China. There might be some sort of war that could happen, but I think that they are trying to avoid war. Don’t the really good people avoid wars whenever possible? To me, that seems like the far better option.

In segment five, the person that Henry was after was not the person who was after their family. I guess that the stalker is still a problem then. Conrad talks about how he helped Lee (the Chinese president) about how he helped defuse the situation. This is broadcast live. The team thinks that this might be saving face in a way. Henry and Elizabeth are still worried about their stalker.

On the next Madam Secretary, the secretary of state has to have all the right moves during an election year and there is football talk. I have already seen and written about this episode in a blog post that you will see later. I don’t know yet if I can get caught up on tapes before I’d have to go out of order with the blog or not. We’ll see what happens. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.