Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Episode from 10-30-2016

Well, it’s unlikely that you see the episodes posted in a different order than the one they aired (unless there is another holiday specific episode, i.e. a Thanksgiving episode), but I have not yet seen the previous episode when I watched this the first time. At least the delay last time means that I will be starting a blog about the show Elementary. I’ll post the link here when the first post has been added. I just hope that there’s some of the show still on by the time this is posted. There was once a reason why this blog was so behind with posts. I should fix that and hope that I will soon.

In a year where two cursed teams made the World Series, it makes you wonder about curses. Whether or not curses actually exist makes you think that curses can and will be broken. Look at the 20 year presidential curse. It used to be that if a president was elected in a year that ended in 0, they were doomed to die during their term in office. This happened with William Henry Harrison, Abraham Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, Warren G Harding, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and John F Kennedy. In some way, Ronald Reagan was able to break the curse. But, there is another presidential curse that not even google knows about (last I checked).

In the book, the Complete Book of US Presidents, it mentions a 50 Year Presidential Scandal Curse where every 50 years, a major scandal affects a president. First there was Ulysses S Grant who had various scandals during his terrible presidency. Then we had the worst president, Warren G Harding, whose administration could have been torn apart by the Teapot Dome Scandal had he not died of causes unknown to this very day. The next president in the curse was Richard M Nixon who had to resign after the Watergate scandal and cursed us again with having scandals end with gate from that point forward. The book then includes the warning: brace yourself for the early 2020s. This means that it’s possible that the curse continues with the next person elected president.

After 5:30 on Sunday, I look to see what is on. I check my secondary CBS affiliate and they are airing local news. This means that shows will be on time on that network. I check FOX and they are airing a game of the Green Bay Packers versus some other team. They are wearing red, but I can’t tell for sure who they are. They will be airing game 5 of the World Series. I expect the Indians to win the game, and thus, the series tonight. Will it happen? We’ll see. I can’t tell the score yet in this football game. I learn that the Falcons are the other team that they are playing, but I can’t yet tell who is winning.

My primary CBS affiliate is airing national news so they will have shows on time. This means that, officially, I will be able to start my new blog about Elementary soon. I just have to remember which formats/backgrounds I have used for my existing blogs so I don’t repeat them. Although I can repeat any if I want to, I’d rather have a new background to signify the differences between the blogs. I would probably use the same format for the spin-off of the Good Wife that I do for the Good Wife.

Today there was a game between the Chiefs and the Colts. Long story short, the Chiefs beat the Colts so the Chiefs will rank higher than the Colts. Of course, I will need a huge ranking of the potential football teams to root for, which I will probably reveal after the end of football season. I finally catch the score of the game and the Falcons are just barely winning. I’ll have to check the score later. Well, CBS sports update tells me that the Falcons did win by one single point.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with a very long first act. It might be hard to catch everything, but here goes: they are having trouble getting Conrad in the ballot in certain key states. Part of the problem relates to the sore loser law. They are talking about potentially changing the law. There are also potential problems in Uganda (I think) regarding a possible rigged election.

In segment two, Elizabeth talks with sportscaster James Brown about the third party run that the president is doing. Stevie shows up again and I honestly forget what happens with her. She’s engaged? I guess that I don’t remember as well as I should what all is happening with her. I honestly don’t like that character that much. There is more discussion about the people in Africa.

In segment three, there is more political wrangling with the African person about what is going on. It appears that Elizabeth might have won, although she suspects something more sinister is going on. Henry works with people learning information about something of importance somehow.

In segment four, Elizabeth has some sort of idea as to how she will get what she needs to do in order to solve the crisis of the week. She talks more to people about how she can get the world to change for the better once again. Brexit is mentioned and it seems that they are working that into the show. Stevie wonders if she knows her fiancée at all.

In segment five, the foreign election is resolved without the need for a trial of Bush versus Gore proportions. It seems that either nothing was rigged against the good guy or if it was, it didn’t wind up working anyways. Stevie’s fiancée is possibly going to be disinherited if he stays with her and Henry tells her that it should work out if love is okay. One of Henry’s agents goes missing at the end.

On the next Madam Secretary, they are after the stalker of the family some more and there may or may not be some dramatic twist to the whole thing. I guess, as usual, we will have to wait and see what happens for sure during the next episode. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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