I’m far too behind on all the
tapes that I have to watch. This problem is made worse by many other factors,
among them being that I can only watch some tapes after my mother who never
seems to make time to watch shows I record for her watches them and if I dream
about a show on tape, I get a free watch, but only if I’m not far enough behind
on them. This means that if I’m too far behind, I have to keep moving these
otherwise planned free passes into the next planned tape to watch.
I still haven’t seen the
episode that aired the Sunday after Thanksgiving and I really do need to watch
that before I get too caught up on these long delayed posts because I can’t
blog about an episode I haven’t seen yet and I don’t want to go out of order on
this blog again. Hopefully they’ll be time for us to watch the next show on
tape at some point because this is just getting ridiculous. At least I’ll be
scaling back when I post this blog, but the change also means that I’ll be
posting this every other Sunday at least until I can move Elementary’s blog
posts back to Thursdays.
Let’s quickly (hopefully)
mention the political part of this post. Did anyone get their bet right when
they said that it would be less than a month into the Trump administration
before he would fire someone? I don’t do bets (well, almost never), but people
certainly would have thought that it would be longer or even shorter than it
was. Certainly, those in his administration are allowed to criticize him,
right? I hope that he wouldn’t fire just anyone for doing that, but the end of
his time in office could wind up being a long way off. Let’s hope that by at
least 2021, we can have a better president. If we can get one sooner, I
actually wouldn’t mind Mike Pence as president. Let’s hope that I feel that way
should he actually win the office of president. I do wish that he weren’t so
bull headed against Obamacare.
Before I forget, I have to get
to and figure out a potential ranking of various football teams to root for. I
should have mentioned why this was the case for each team in previous posts,
although I can do that later as well. Coming up with a ranking among them will
help me should these teams ever play each other. The teams that I’m ranking are
the Los Angeles Rams, the Pittsburg Steelers, the Denver Broncos, the San
Francisco 49ers, the Los Angeles Chargers, the Oakland Raiders, the Chicago
Bears *, the Kansas City Chiefs, the Indianapolis Colts, and the Tennessee
* The Bears are included for
comparison, but will not be a team that I root for.
Now how do I rank them? I
figure that the best way to do this is to take the games they played against
each other and have the winner of the game get a point above the other team.
This could get really confusing. But there are other factors to consider as
well besides that. I’ll get to deductions soon. Both preseason and postseason
games count for the total points. I will only include the first game that each
of the teams played against each other and only use other games they played
against the same team again in case of potential tie-breakers. Let’s get to the
Los Angeles Rams beat the
Chiefs, lost to the Broncos, and lost to the 49ers. This gives them 1 out of 3
points. The Pittsburgh Steelers beat the Chiefs and beat the Colts. This gives
them 2 out of 2 points. The Denver Broncos beat the Bears, lost to the 49ers,
beat the Rams, beat the Colts, lost to the Chargers, lost to the Raiders, lost
to the Chiefs, and lost to the Titans. This gives them 3 out of 8 points. The
San Francisco 49ers beat the Broncos, beat the Chargers, beat the Rams, and
lost to the Bears. This gives them 3 out of 4 points. However, they are rivals
with the Rams so I might not actually root for them in the long term after all.
But, if people can root for both the Cardinals and the Cubs, then I might have
to make them a team I root for. But I’m not going to put them above the Rams
under this realization when I look up information about the season.
Continuing on, let’s go with
the San Diego Chargers who will now be the Los Angeles Chargers in future
seasons. Might this become a cross town rivalry? If the Mets and Yankees really
have a rivalry, then there will certainly be another potential one. Anyways,
the Chargers lost to the Titans, lost to the 49ers, lost to the Chiefs, lost to
the Colts, lost to the Raiders, and beat the Broncos. There is a bit of a
confusion on my part based on rules regarding the preseason game of the Titans.
They won in the regular season against the Titans, but I’m mentioning only the
preseason win in their favor. We’ll see what I end up doing with that later.
They ultimately get 1 out of 6 points.
The Oakland Raiders are next.
They lost to the Titans in preseason, but won in regular season, beat the
Chargers, lost to the Chiefs, beat the Broncos, and beat the Colts. This gives
them 3 out of 5 points. The Bears lost to the Broncos, lost to the Chiefs, lost
to the Colts, lost to the Titans, and beat the 49ers. This gives them 1 out of
5 points. The Kansas City Chiefs lost to the Rams, beat the Bears, beat the
Chargers, beat the Raiders, beat the Colts, beat the Broncos, lost to the
Titans, and lost to the Steelers. This gives them 5 out of 8 points. The
Indianapolis Colts lost to the Broncos, beat the Chargers, beat the Bears, beat
the Titans, lost to the Chiefs, lost to the Steelers, and lost the Raiders. This
gives them 3 out of 7 points. Lastly, we have the Tennessee Titans. They beat
the Chargers, beat the Raiders, lost to both of these teams in the regular
season, lost to the Colts, beat the Bears, beat the Broncos, and beat the
Chiefs. This gives them 5 out of 6 points.
Since I want to be loyal to
the Rams in a way, they will rank higher automatically than their rivals, the
49ers. They will also rank higher than the Chargers, who will both be playing
in Los Angeles next season. If there are any ties in the ultimate rankings, the
Rams will win any that it is part of. I have to figure out a fair way of doing
this and I’m not sure if there is one. There isn’t if the Rams automatically
beat two of the teams regardless of where they rank. If there are 10 teams, how
do I deal with the missing points? I may just have to wait until all of the ten
teams have played each other.
Let’s see if I can do this
well. Rams 1/3 becomes 1/9, Steelers 2/2 becomes 2/9, Broncos 3/8 becomes 3/9,
49ers ¾ become 3/9, the Chargers 1/6 becomes 1/9, the Raiders 3/5 becomes 3/9,
the Bears 1/5 becomes 1/9, the Chiefs 5/8 become 5/9, the Colts 3/7 become 3/9,
and the Titans 5/6 become 5/9. I might have to wait until future seasons fill
the gap of unplayed games against each other. The Steelers do the best in the
versus, but with the least amount of games played against the other teams.
Let’s see what I can do next. Rams are tied with Chargers and the Bears. The
Broncos are tied with the 49ers, Raiders, and Colts. The Chiefs and the Titans
are tied. I say that the Titans beat the Chiefs in terms of the tie. The Bears
will beat the Chargers. As for the four way tie, the ranking will be the 49ers,
Raiders, Colts, and Broncos in terms of highest to lowest as that’s the way I
think it will best work in terms of how many games were played.
Here is what the ultimate
ranking should be: Titans, Chiefs, Rams, 49ers, Raiders, Colts, Broncos,
Steelers, Bears, and Chargers. I don’t know if it is fair to have the Rams rank
immediately above the 49ers or not, but it is my rankings and my rules that I
don’t have to follow. This ranks them 3rd among the 10 teams. I will
probably do another reminder of potential rankings in the potential fourth
season premiere of this show. Hopefully other games that weren’t played between
the teams can be played in the future. I was going to mention potential
deductions that any of the teams could have gotten, but I won’t do that as I
don’t know how to based off of my own point system. It would have mostly just
been for tape delay anyways. I will update this at the end of future football
seasons until every team in contention has played every other team. Otherwise,
I’m not sure how to break this up well. If they didn’t rank automatically
higher than one of two teams, they would be put between the Steelers and the
Bears. I will see if any future changes in future football seasons can break
any of these ties.
Sadly, I am going to get back
to posting about politics in this blog again. The thing is that with Neil
Gorsuch being nominated to the Supreme Court, I did some research into who he is.
I wouldn’t say that I don’t like him exactly, but I do feel that his biggest
flaw may be when he criticized judicial review, the very thing the Supreme
Court is supposed to do.
Of course, the main thing
regarding that story is that he mostly criticizes liberals, which is why it
could come back and bite him in the ass as he will need some of them to vote
for him if he wants to actually serve on the court. He is nominated to the
court because Republican’ts decided not to act on when Merrick Garland was
nominated to the court. Much earlier, there was previous deadlock on Merrick
when he was nominated to a lesser judgeship. Neil spoke out on why he felt that
Merrick should be confirmed. Sometimes, I love irony.
I’m really behind on shows on
tape and am even blocked on what I can watch potentially. This is especially
bad since this is one of the shows that I’m blocked on. Hopefully, I can somehow
get caught up, but it seems so unlikely at the moment. And caught up won’t even
mean that I’d be done watching all the tapes. It would just mean that I’m at a
more reasonable/less number.
When it comes to the football
season next year and how it could affect potential rankings of teams, here are
the games that would need to be played between teams that didn’t happen this
last season. The Rams need to play the Steelers, Chargers, Raiders, Bears,
Chiefs, Colts, and Titans. The Steelers would need to play the Rams, Broncos,
49ers, Chargers, Raiders, Bears, and Titans. The Broncos would need to play the
Steelers. The 49ers would need to play the Steelers, Raiders, Chiefs, Colts,
and Titans. The Chargers would need to play the Rams, Steelers, and Bears. The
Raiders would need to play the Rams, Steelers, 49ers, and Bears. The Bears
would need to play the Rams, Steelers, Chargers, and Raiders. The Chiefs would
need to play the 49ers. The Colts would need to play the Rams and 49ers.
Lastly, the Titans would have to play the Rams, Steelers, and 49ers.
Valentine’s Day is coming and
going pretty soon. This relates to the shows that I’m watching on DVD or
planning to watch. I know that Flashpoint did one at one point, but I don’t
know is if it will be one in the fourth season or if it was a fifth season
episode. There might be one in Gilmore Girls, but I’m not going to wait to
watch it if it does. Charmed had one, but I already watch that and am waiting
to add it back to the list which will happen the next time that something else
is removed from it. Future list addition, Power Rangers season 3, might have a
Valentine’s Day episode, but I don’t think that it really does. I don’t know if
the first season of Without a Trace has one or not. I know that The Big Bang
Theory will have one, but it won’t be the next potential block. The next block
for Invader Zim will be the first season finale, a Valentine’s Day episode. 8
Simple Rules has one in the second season, but I’d have to get past that
season’s Thanksgiving episode first. The first season of Community might have
one, but I won’t know for sure until I’m able to watch it.
It seems like it has been far
too long without a new episode. I remember when they did this back in 2015. I
was so confused. I wanted to update this blog on time, yet I also wanted to
keep potential posts open for if people still weren’t reading posts of my TV
blog. This confusion started the process of me only updating this blog once a
month. Only when The Good Wife ended and I realized that I’d be posting old
blog posts on days a new episode aired did I finally start deciding to get
caught up on this blog. If I get caught up, I hope to never be behind again,
but this might not be a promise that I can make. I’m really sorry for doing
that in the first place and applaud the few people who actually read the long
delayed posts.
I should actually be caught up
on the older episodes from this season before this episode airs after all. This
means that March Madness is the next potential thing to get this blog out of
order for me again. We’ll see what ends up happening then for sure. I’m just
glad to finally be getting to a point where I’m more caught up on all these
tapes of shows that I recorded for myself. I was on practically a two month
hiatus from not watching anything but things on tape. Hopefully, this won’t be
a problem soon.
Well, a lot of new shows
started the same night that this aired and I got really delayed with
potentially watching it. Of course, with shows on my laptop, I can never really
get too far behind. Meanwhile, I have to work on my other blogs a lot. Sorry
for all the ramblings; now to the episode!
Today’s episode is brought to
you by no delay. We begin with an incredibly, ridiculously long intro. There
are people who are engaged to each other regarding a conflict between their two
countries. The plot from earlier this season where an earthquake brought in a
new president is brought up. People try to work out a new agreement between
countries. Jay is upset over something. And that’s all that I can pretty much
tell from that. Boy I suck at these summaries.
In segment two, one of the
love birds went missing, but Stevie found her. After Conrad’s speech about
things or whatever, she is having second thoughts about marriage. What isn’t
clear is if she will back out or not. Daisy thinks that a man might have died.
This is the man who either is or looks like the actor who plays Rafael on Jane
the Virgin.
In segment three, a bunch of
stuff happens that I don’t really understand that well, if at all. Daisy’s
boyfriend is the man she found dead even though they weren’t that seriously
dating, it seems. Jay is upset about things and possibly beats up some guy. There’s
something about a date that went wrong and possibly burner phones or something
weird like that. If you can remember this episode, I hope that you can remember
what happened in it better than I can write it.
In segment four, there is
discussion among the lovers about what they should do to bring peace to their
countries. As for Jay, his former love or whatever is dating his best friend or
something like that. Blake always delivers bad news with a coffee. And that’s
all I can understand from that act.
In segment five, there is an
agreement between the two lovers’ parents regarding a peace deal. Henry has an
asset that is in a dangerous place. Daisy’s apartment is searched by the FBI.
They learn that her dead boyfriend was part of the CIA and was on an undercover
mission they don’t know about. He was also killed by poisoning of some sort and
didn’t die of a natural heart attack as they once thought. Boy was that a
confusing episode.
On the next Madam Secretary, something
happened to Elizabeth that she might have to come forward about. She also
appears to punch a foreign diplomat for currently unknown reasons. Hopefully,
the episode will make more sense. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.