Sunday, May 28, 2017

Episode from 3-5-2017

I’m far too behind on all the tapes that I have to watch. This problem is made worse by many other factors, among them being that I can only watch some tapes after my mother who never seems to make time to watch shows I record for her watches them and if I dream about a show on tape, I get a free watch, but only if I’m not far enough behind on them. This means that if I’m too far behind, I have to keep moving these otherwise planned free passes into the next planned tape to watch.

I still haven’t seen the episode that aired the Sunday after Thanksgiving and I really do need to watch that before I get too caught up on these long delayed posts because I can’t blog about an episode I haven’t seen yet and I don’t want to go out of order on this blog again. Hopefully they’ll be time for us to watch the next show on tape at some point because this is just getting ridiculous. At least I’ll be scaling back when I post this blog, but the change also means that I’ll be posting this every other Sunday at least until I can move Elementary’s blog posts back to Thursdays.

Let’s quickly (hopefully) mention the political part of this post. Did anyone get their bet right when they said that it would be less than a month into the Trump administration before he would fire someone? I don’t do bets (well, almost never), but people certainly would have thought that it would be longer or even shorter than it was. Certainly, those in his administration are allowed to criticize him, right? I hope that he wouldn’t fire just anyone for doing that, but the end of his time in office could wind up being a long way off. Let’s hope that by at least 2021, we can have a better president. If we can get one sooner, I actually wouldn’t mind Mike Pence as president. Let’s hope that I feel that way should he actually win the office of president. I do wish that he weren’t so bull headed against Obamacare.

Before I forget, I have to get to and figure out a potential ranking of various football teams to root for. I should have mentioned why this was the case for each team in previous posts, although I can do that later as well. Coming up with a ranking among them will help me should these teams ever play each other. The teams that I’m ranking are the Los Angeles Rams, the Pittsburg Steelers, the Denver Broncos, the San Francisco 49ers, the Los Angeles Chargers, the Oakland Raiders, the Chicago Bears *, the Kansas City Chiefs, the Indianapolis Colts, and the Tennessee Titans.

* The Bears are included for comparison, but will not be a team that I root for.

Now how do I rank them? I figure that the best way to do this is to take the games they played against each other and have the winner of the game get a point above the other team. This could get really confusing. But there are other factors to consider as well besides that. I’ll get to deductions soon. Both preseason and postseason games count for the total points. I will only include the first game that each of the teams played against each other and only use other games they played against the same team again in case of potential tie-breakers. Let’s get to the ranking.

Los Angeles Rams beat the Chiefs, lost to the Broncos, and lost to the 49ers. This gives them 1 out of 3 points. The Pittsburgh Steelers beat the Chiefs and beat the Colts. This gives them 2 out of 2 points. The Denver Broncos beat the Bears, lost to the 49ers, beat the Rams, beat the Colts, lost to the Chargers, lost to the Raiders, lost to the Chiefs, and lost to the Titans. This gives them 3 out of 8 points. The San Francisco 49ers beat the Broncos, beat the Chargers, beat the Rams, and lost to the Bears. This gives them 3 out of 4 points. However, they are rivals with the Rams so I might not actually root for them in the long term after all. But, if people can root for both the Cardinals and the Cubs, then I might have to make them a team I root for. But I’m not going to put them above the Rams under this realization when I look up information about the season.

Continuing on, let’s go with the San Diego Chargers who will now be the Los Angeles Chargers in future seasons. Might this become a cross town rivalry? If the Mets and Yankees really have a rivalry, then there will certainly be another potential one. Anyways, the Chargers lost to the Titans, lost to the 49ers, lost to the Chiefs, lost to the Colts, lost to the Raiders, and beat the Broncos. There is a bit of a confusion on my part based on rules regarding the preseason game of the Titans. They won in the regular season against the Titans, but I’m mentioning only the preseason win in their favor. We’ll see what I end up doing with that later. They ultimately get 1 out of 6 points.

The Oakland Raiders are next. They lost to the Titans in preseason, but won in regular season, beat the Chargers, lost to the Chiefs, beat the Broncos, and beat the Colts. This gives them 3 out of 5 points. The Bears lost to the Broncos, lost to the Chiefs, lost to the Colts, lost to the Titans, and beat the 49ers. This gives them 1 out of 5 points. The Kansas City Chiefs lost to the Rams, beat the Bears, beat the Chargers, beat the Raiders, beat the Colts, beat the Broncos, lost to the Titans, and lost to the Steelers. This gives them 5 out of 8 points. The Indianapolis Colts lost to the Broncos, beat the Chargers, beat the Bears, beat the Titans, lost to the Chiefs, lost to the Steelers, and lost the Raiders. This gives them 3 out of 7 points. Lastly, we have the Tennessee Titans. They beat the Chargers, beat the Raiders, lost to both of these teams in the regular season, lost to the Colts, beat the Bears, beat the Broncos, and beat the Chiefs. This gives them 5 out of 6 points.

Since I want to be loyal to the Rams in a way, they will rank higher automatically than their rivals, the 49ers. They will also rank higher than the Chargers, who will both be playing in Los Angeles next season. If there are any ties in the ultimate rankings, the Rams will win any that it is part of. I have to figure out a fair way of doing this and I’m not sure if there is one. There isn’t if the Rams automatically beat two of the teams regardless of where they rank. If there are 10 teams, how do I deal with the missing points? I may just have to wait until all of the ten teams have played each other.

Let’s see if I can do this well. Rams 1/3 becomes 1/9, Steelers 2/2 becomes 2/9, Broncos 3/8 becomes 3/9, 49ers ¾ become 3/9, the Chargers 1/6 becomes 1/9, the Raiders 3/5 becomes 3/9, the Bears 1/5 becomes 1/9, the Chiefs 5/8 become 5/9, the Colts 3/7 become 3/9, and the Titans 5/6 become 5/9. I might have to wait until future seasons fill the gap of unplayed games against each other. The Steelers do the best in the versus, but with the least amount of games played against the other teams. Let’s see what I can do next. Rams are tied with Chargers and the Bears. The Broncos are tied with the 49ers, Raiders, and Colts. The Chiefs and the Titans are tied. I say that the Titans beat the Chiefs in terms of the tie. The Bears will beat the Chargers. As for the four way tie, the ranking will be the 49ers, Raiders, Colts, and Broncos in terms of highest to lowest as that’s the way I think it will best work in terms of how many games were played.

Here is what the ultimate ranking should be: Titans, Chiefs, Rams, 49ers, Raiders, Colts, Broncos, Steelers, Bears, and Chargers. I don’t know if it is fair to have the Rams rank immediately above the 49ers or not, but it is my rankings and my rules that I don’t have to follow. This ranks them 3rd among the 10 teams. I will probably do another reminder of potential rankings in the potential fourth season premiere of this show. Hopefully other games that weren’t played between the teams can be played in the future. I was going to mention potential deductions that any of the teams could have gotten, but I won’t do that as I don’t know how to based off of my own point system. It would have mostly just been for tape delay anyways. I will update this at the end of future football seasons until every team in contention has played every other team. Otherwise, I’m not sure how to break this up well. If they didn’t rank automatically higher than one of two teams, they would be put between the Steelers and the Bears. I will see if any future changes in future football seasons can break any of these ties.

Sadly, I am going to get back to posting about politics in this blog again. The thing is that with Neil Gorsuch being nominated to the Supreme Court, I did some research into who he is. I wouldn’t say that I don’t like him exactly, but I do feel that his biggest flaw may be when he criticized judicial review, the very thing the Supreme Court is supposed to do.

Of course, the main thing regarding that story is that he mostly criticizes liberals, which is why it could come back and bite him in the ass as he will need some of them to vote for him if he wants to actually serve on the court. He is nominated to the court because Republican’ts decided not to act on when Merrick Garland was nominated to the court. Much earlier, there was previous deadlock on Merrick when he was nominated to a lesser judgeship. Neil spoke out on why he felt that Merrick should be confirmed. Sometimes, I love irony.

I’m really behind on shows on tape and am even blocked on what I can watch potentially. This is especially bad since this is one of the shows that I’m blocked on. Hopefully, I can somehow get caught up, but it seems so unlikely at the moment. And caught up won’t even mean that I’d be done watching all the tapes. It would just mean that I’m at a more reasonable/less number.

When it comes to the football season next year and how it could affect potential rankings of teams, here are the games that would need to be played between teams that didn’t happen this last season. The Rams need to play the Steelers, Chargers, Raiders, Bears, Chiefs, Colts, and Titans. The Steelers would need to play the Rams, Broncos, 49ers, Chargers, Raiders, Bears, and Titans. The Broncos would need to play the Steelers. The 49ers would need to play the Steelers, Raiders, Chiefs, Colts, and Titans. The Chargers would need to play the Rams, Steelers, and Bears. The Raiders would need to play the Rams, Steelers, 49ers, and Bears. The Bears would need to play the Rams, Steelers, Chargers, and Raiders. The Chiefs would need to play the 49ers. The Colts would need to play the Rams and 49ers. Lastly, the Titans would have to play the Rams, Steelers, and 49ers.

Valentine’s Day is coming and going pretty soon. This relates to the shows that I’m watching on DVD or planning to watch. I know that Flashpoint did one at one point, but I don’t know is if it will be one in the fourth season or if it was a fifth season episode. There might be one in Gilmore Girls, but I’m not going to wait to watch it if it does. Charmed had one, but I already watch that and am waiting to add it back to the list which will happen the next time that something else is removed from it. Future list addition, Power Rangers season 3, might have a Valentine’s Day episode, but I don’t think that it really does. I don’t know if the first season of Without a Trace has one or not. I know that The Big Bang Theory will have one, but it won’t be the next potential block. The next block for Invader Zim will be the first season finale, a Valentine’s Day episode. 8 Simple Rules has one in the second season, but I’d have to get past that season’s Thanksgiving episode first. The first season of Community might have one, but I won’t know for sure until I’m able to watch it.

It seems like it has been far too long without a new episode. I remember when they did this back in 2015. I was so confused. I wanted to update this blog on time, yet I also wanted to keep potential posts open for if people still weren’t reading posts of my TV blog. This confusion started the process of me only updating this blog once a month. Only when The Good Wife ended and I realized that I’d be posting old blog posts on days a new episode aired did I finally start deciding to get caught up on this blog. If I get caught up, I hope to never be behind again, but this might not be a promise that I can make. I’m really sorry for doing that in the first place and applaud the few people who actually read the long delayed posts.

I should actually be caught up on the older episodes from this season before this episode airs after all. This means that March Madness is the next potential thing to get this blog out of order for me again. We’ll see what ends up happening then for sure. I’m just glad to finally be getting to a point where I’m more caught up on all these tapes of shows that I recorded for myself. I was on practically a two month hiatus from not watching anything but things on tape. Hopefully, this won’t be a problem soon.

Well, a lot of new shows started the same night that this aired and I got really delayed with potentially watching it. Of course, with shows on my laptop, I can never really get too far behind. Meanwhile, I have to work on my other blogs a lot. Sorry for all the ramblings; now to the episode!

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with an incredibly, ridiculously long intro. There are people who are engaged to each other regarding a conflict between their two countries. The plot from earlier this season where an earthquake brought in a new president is brought up. People try to work out a new agreement between countries. Jay is upset over something. And that’s all that I can pretty much tell from that. Boy I suck at these summaries.

In segment two, one of the love birds went missing, but Stevie found her. After Conrad’s speech about things or whatever, she is having second thoughts about marriage. What isn’t clear is if she will back out or not. Daisy thinks that a man might have died. This is the man who either is or looks like the actor who plays Rafael on Jane the Virgin.

In segment three, a bunch of stuff happens that I don’t really understand that well, if at all. Daisy’s boyfriend is the man she found dead even though they weren’t that seriously dating, it seems. Jay is upset about things and possibly beats up some guy. There’s something about a date that went wrong and possibly burner phones or something weird like that. If you can remember this episode, I hope that you can remember what happened in it better than I can write it.

In segment four, there is discussion among the lovers about what they should do to bring peace to their countries. As for Jay, his former love or whatever is dating his best friend or something like that. Blake always delivers bad news with a coffee. And that’s all I can understand from that act.

In segment five, there is an agreement between the two lovers’ parents regarding a peace deal. Henry has an asset that is in a dangerous place. Daisy’s apartment is searched by the FBI. They learn that her dead boyfriend was part of the CIA and was on an undercover mission they don’t know about. He was also killed by poisoning of some sort and didn’t die of a natural heart attack as they once thought. Boy was that a confusing episode.

On the next Madam Secretary, something happened to Elizabeth that she might have to come forward about. She also appears to punch a foreign diplomat for currently unknown reasons. Hopefully, the episode will make more sense. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Episode from 1-29-2017

It is possible and very likely that we are done with tape delays relating to football for the rest of this season. I have heard of rating problems for this show, but this show still seems likely to have a fourth season. I’ll let you know if anything ever happens regarding that. The fourth season of this show is when I hope to actually be more updated with this blog.

Something that you may or may not know about is the League of Nations. I feel that the league was a huge missed opportunity. I’m bringing it up because it reminds me of what they could be doing with Obamacare: getting rid of something great so close to when we first got it. When the US didn’t join the league, we made a huge mistake and the world paid the price with World War II. I don’t think that something that bad could happen by getting rid of Obamacare, but 45,000 people died prematurely each year due to a lack of health care coverage before it was law. That’s a lot of people. That’s way more than the four that died due to Benghazi. Of course, regardless of how you die, you can't vote, and that could be beneficial to either party in the end.

Instead of them, Republican’ts would rather have you believe that people don’t keep their doctors under this plan. Yet they never mention one single person who this happened to. It makes me wonder if it has, in fact, happened. Their efforts to repeal universal health care would mean more if they didn’t have their own version of it due to being elected to office. I used to update a political blog at Obama’s website. I think that they got rid of all of my posts for some odd reason. I’m not sure if I should ever do a purely political one again, but I might have to. I just don’t know if it should be through this account with my real name. Of course, the last one was under this same name, so maybe it should be.

Let’s switch to talking about sports instead. It is official that the Rams will have company in LA next season as the Chargers are joining them. If you are from San Diego, let me know how you feel about the move. I may keep track of both of their seasons next year and see which of them becomes LA’s better team next year. It could be as interesting as a competitive speedrun. (I should post a link here to one so you know what I’m talking about and a regular speedrun as well.) Which team will have the better winning record next season? Meanwhile, I know that the AFC championship game will determine my stance in the Super Bowl. If the Steelers win, I’ll be rooting for them. If the Patriots win, I’ll be rooting against them. I wonder how people in LA like the fact that they have two teams now. I heard that it hasn’t gone over well. Meanwhile, I think that I need to find someone other than Jimmy Kimmel to get opinions on the matter.

While the Super Bowl won’t matter to me as it’s the Falcons playing the Patriots (pah). I doubt that I’ll be watching (due to unrelated things happening) but when I learned that the Falcons would be in the Super Bowl, the moment the Patriots won the AFC championship, I decided that I would root for the Falcons faster than you can say deflategate. I’ll still mention the potential football rankings of the select teams that I care about in the next post. I’ll mention those teams later. I feel that I have already given reasons as to why I would root for any of these teams, although I could circle through them again around the start of next season of this show, when I hopefully have a better long term day of the week to put these posts on. Hopefully I can get caught up during the summer.

I found out information about Tim Daly, who plays Henry on the show, that he broke both of his legs in a skiing accident. This could affect the show. If you see him in a wheelchair for a while, then I guess that you’ll know why.

That Trump guy is going to be in the news until the day he dies. And that speaks for the further degradation of society as a whole. Here’s what I mean: he wants to investigate possible voting fraud into the election. This is the guy who won and tried to block recounts in different states. Well, if he’s right, then maybe he didn’t actually win the presidency after all, although if that actually happened, that won’t go over well in any way. Plus, why is he so insecure about small sizes? So what if not that many people showed up to his inauguration compared to just one other candidate? Why is he so bull headed that he can’t stand being beneath anyone?

Plus, he talked all the time about getting ready of Obama’s executive orders and here he is making his own before his first day in office is over. (Interest fact: only William Henry Harrison never made an executive order as president.) Then there’s even more confusing things going on. How is his cabinet not confirmed yet? That seems unusual. Plus, we should have at least one nominee for Supreme Court from him by now, but this hasn’t happened yet either. Thanks in part to Mitch McConnell, he got a free nominee in a silver platter. Why not tell us who the nominee is? Certainly you have to have one by now, right? Or maybe the court should go back to seven justices like it used to be. Now would be a good time to do it too. Of course, they tried doing that before.

When Andrew Johnson was president and there was a vacancy in the court, he nominated someone, only that person was never confirmed. Poor Andrew Johnson is the only president to have nominated someone to the Supreme Court but not have anyone confirmed to the Court. (He’s not the only president to have never had a Supreme Court justice confirmed during his time in office, but out of the other three: William Henry Harrison, Zachery Taylor, and Jimmy Carter, he’s the only one where a vacancy occurred in the first place.) It must have especially sucked for him when, upon the arrival of the Grant administration, they decided that nine was, in fact, the right number of justices.

Trump’s lack of liking immigrants may mean more if he were Native American instead of one of those stupid white people. (Full discloser: I’m white.) Also, his wife is an immigrant so why is he banning so many from coming to the country? He thought that Obama’s executive orders were unconstitutional, but his most certainly are. He can’t ban a religion. Plus, people can lie about what religion they are. It’s also interesting that his travel bans only apply to those countries without his businesses in them. I wonder if he wants to ensure that ISIS attacks us in the next four years. No one looks forward to the next terrorist attack and he’s practically ensuring that one will happen. Also, a wall along the US/Mexico border isn’t going to solve the illegal immigration problem when many of them aren’t from Mexico and 48% of them come by airplane anyways. Airplanes fly over walls every day.

It is after 5:30 when I check what is on. NBC hasn’t started anything interesting on it yet, which I’m guessing that they would the moment hockey season is over. Since there isn’t much football season left, I learn that CBS shows will be on a usual schedule. FOX will not be airing any of their shows today since they are doing the Miss Universe Pageant with Steve Harvey as the host. Is there some rule that says those who fuck up hosting a live award show must host it again? Just look at Ricky Gervais and the Golden Globes. He did a terrible job once and they brought him right back again. I just hope that his offensive self can stay away from hosting any show.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with Elizabeth waking up five minutes early. Her husband gets home and mentions that she was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. I wonder if any US secretary of states actually won the award in reality. Henry learns of his next case which I don’t fully understand at the moment. Elizabeth feels that a peace deal might be falling apart. What else is new? Jay freaks out about a table for some odd reason. But the main focus appears to be problems that the article has been causing.

I think that I recognize a guest star, but I thought that he was a regular on a current show. It can be hard to tell these things for sure. I’m not sure what the problem is regarding the deal. I do wonder if this could inspire an actual, real life solution to these problems. There appears to be a bombing of some sort in Israel. (You can tell that place exists because it isn’t called Isfake.) Elizabeth learns about the bombing and insists on going forward with the talks. But it seems that someone related to Iran doesn’t want to go forward with the plan over the right to exist that Israel has.

In segment two, Henry discusses the bombing with a man who is not responsible, but believes that everyone thinks he would be anyways. Elizabeth goes after a plan of someone who was wanting to leave right away. He wants to serve his people, so it seems that the deal won’t go through. Or will it? Guess that I will have to watch more to find out for sure.

In segment three, they talk about the assassination caused by the bombing. They discuss who was against the right to exist clause of Israel. Elizabeth goes to a dinner related to the possible nomination she got for the Nobel Prize. She seems to get tipsy at this event for reasons that I don’t understand. There are further problems with the magazine article that I don’t understand. Why is this episode so hard for me to understand? There is a soccer game that Elizabeth wants to do between two teams that was almost cancelled due to the ongoing concerns. This makes me think of what Nelson Mandela did with rugby. What’s the difference between rugby and soccer? Soccer is a gentleman’s game played by ruffians and rugby is a ruffian game played by gentleman.

In segment four, everyone is looking for a way to do the soccer game. I still don’t know who that guest star is, although he seems to have a fairly minor role in this episode anyways. Doesn’t this guy play Rafael in Jane the Virgin? Am I right or wrong about this? I guess that I’ll have to look somewhere to find out for sure. Henry meets with someone in a strange place with possible parallels to Deep Throat.  Once again, I didn’t understand this part. There were possible budget problems.

In segment five, both teams of kids come out to play. They did a mostly good job of casting these extras to make it seem like they would actually be from Iran and Israel. There are people going over the potential new deal as the game continues. I can’t tell if this is going well or not. I also have no idea what happened with the game and if it was any good or not. They said that they didn’t know who to root for. Jay attends to other problems then has a meal with his wife named Abby. There might be some marital problems going on. Daisy talks with the strange guy. I’m not sure if he’s familiar or not. Elizabeth makes amends with her younger daughter over possible problems they had. I can’t tell what happened with the Nobel Prize just yet. There are no scenes from next time, so I’ll be back whenever with the next episode. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Episode from 4-30-2017

Ever since I had to go out of order on this blog due to when my laptop's power cord wasn't working and needed replaced, I wondered when I would go back to posting the episodes after the one that I did. Well, I can't start alternating between them yet as I had a problem recording the one after this and haven't yet seen it as a result. But, I can still give you a more recent episode than the one that I blogged about yesterday. If all goes well, I'll be done writing new episodes from this season and during the summer, I should have to rest of this season's episodes published before the new season starts. Anyways, let's get to the blog post at hand as I continue with these long delayed updates.

After this whole year has happened, I can finally add a change into the whole TV show on DVD watching that I’m doing. It isn’t that major a change, but after all the long time without being able to change anything, I went from watching NCIS season 7 to NCIS season 8. At least the summer is coming up when I know that I’ll be able to watch a lot more shows.

Now this is the next episode in line after the one where I had a bunch of major computer problems and found it easier to just update you on the most recent episode at the time. Hopefully things can be normal now in the future, but things could also get really messed up in the future. For one, this episode could start a new alternation between blog posts like I was doing before after the second season Christmas episode. I really hope that I’m to a more normal posting time in the fourth season and aren’t so behind like I am now. The next paragraph should explain more.

Here’s a paragraph that I’m putting in multiple blogs. I had problems with my laptop’s power cord and had to get a new one to use it again long term. In the event that there are problems with my laptop, this would be one of the blogs that I would try to keep updating blogs of shows that are still on, like this one. If not, then I would stop updating the blog until I have a new computer to do so with. For now, the issue is resolved and hopefully there won’t be any other problems with this for a while.

I will be busy on Easter, but will probably be back in time to watch whatever might be airing on TV that day. I don’t know if there will be any potential busy days for me or not outside of possibly Mother’s Day. It all depends on what happens or doesn’t happen in the future.

I should probably mention what all I could wind up doing with this blog in the future. At the moment, I am updating it on Sundays. I don’t think that will last forever. For one, there are two other blogs that could wind up with Sunday updates. For another, I don’t think that I could do these updates the day of the newest episode so that would mean that Sundays are not a good time to be updating them after all. I plan to finish the rest of this season’s posts on Sundays unless something changes. What I do need is a good other day to post them on.

If I didn’t post this on Sundays, when would I post it? That partly depends on when else the other blogs I write could be. The TV blog is currently on Saturdays. It could wind up on Sundays or Mondays at the moment and could wind up on any day. The Survivor blog is on Wednesdays. If I post about an old season, it would be on Sundays. If I have two old seasons to blog about, the second one would be on Fridays. I’m not sure if I should tell you more than that since at the moment, only two old seasons at once would be something to worry about. The Survivor blog is also posted on Thursdays during Advent and Lent since I’m at church when the episode airs and don’t see it until the next day. My Elementary blog is updated on Thursdays, although it was alternating Sundays with this blog. If I came up with a new time to do this blog, Friday would be the most ideal time, but I don’t know if it would last or not.

I’ve decided that I will start mentioning political things again starting with the next episode’s blog post. I won’t do it yet as of this blog post. As for what could happen next and if I wind up switching between two different timelines when to post could relate to both when I get caught up on the two episodes of this season that I have on tape and what could end up happening with my Elementary blog. Should I not be able to get caught up on my Elementary blog, then I’d have to post the later episodes of this blog or this post onward. This has to be the second most confusing blog I have. (The most confusing one is on a different account, meaning, not from Screening.)

I check to see what is on TV before primetime. They are airing a golf event of some sort. They are supposed to be airing some sort of news instead. I worry that this might delay shows again, but they decide to finish airing it on the golf channel instead of the CBS network. Glad that I don’t normally like sports or I would be annoyed by what might be considered a Heidi moment.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with people looking for a terrorist suspect. He seems to have gotten away for now. Conrad wants this person alive, but approves killing him if that is the only option left. Jay from Elizabeth’s team winds up kidnapped in some foreign country he is trying to help in.

In segment two, Elizabeth learns about Jay’s kidnapping. The team seems largely unsure of what to do regarding this. There is some sort of issue with a calculator and Jason that I don’t quite understand. I that’s all I got from this act.

In segment three, Henry confronts Jason about why he wanted a lot of money. It turns out that he was trying to impress a girl of some sort. Jay tries to plead for a chance of some sort which leads to his captor calling Elizabeth, but it doesn’t seem like things go well.

In segment four, Jay is rescued. Elizabeth doesn’t want to target the captor for some reason. I think that he’s no longer a threat or something like that. Jay reunites with his wife, briefly, before going back to work. Someone, maybe the terrorist, gets into a shootout at the hotel room he is staying at.

In segment five, people keep apologizing for bringing Jay into work, which he says that he was happy to do. The shootout seemed to be unauthorized by anyone and were just rogue people doing things. Jason’s potential girlfriend got grounded too, yet is still allowed to Skype with him. I’ve never been grounded, but I don’t think that would be allowed. I don’t think anything else important happens.

On the next Madam Secretary, Matt winds up with writer’s block when he’s supposed to do this important speech at a moment’s notice. Will things work out well regarding that? I guess that we’ll see sometime in the future. For now, this is Adam Decker, singing off.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Episode from 1-15-2017

With football in postseason now, there will be only a few more games left before the Super Bowl and the season ends. It will be then that I finally work on a ranking of all my teams of interest to root for in upcoming seasons. Hopefully, there aren’t any ties, but if there are, then I guess I’ll just have to wait until the next football season to break them. I’ll mention more about this later.

The only game that’s on tonight is on FOX. It is a Packers versus Cowboys game. Since we actually have a high definition TV now (which likes speaking in Spanish for no good reason, despite the fact that I keep changing it back to English), I can actually learn that the Packers are winning. But since I switch back to a standard definition TV, I’m not able to see the score at all. I’m guessing that the Packers are still winning, but I have no idea for sure if they really are.

Also, am I the only one who is disappointed that the Cubs win at game seven of the World Series last year didn’t bring forth the end of the world? I mean, with Trump (phooey) becoming president on Friday, you would hope that the world would end by Thursday at the very latest. Of course, if you are reading this, the world hasn’t ended yet. Sadly, that’s actually a disappointment.

I decide to switch to CBS around 5:55, before 60 Minutes starts. I’m not entirely sure what is going on with football right now. I know that it is postseason football. I’m just wondering if it is the divisional playoffs now, followed by the AFC and NFC championships, then the Super Bowl later. Maybe I’m just a bit confused by some of how football works, despite me watching it all this time.

I learn that the game is tied via announcement by a commentator, or whoever he was, when I check it during a commercial. I’m not sure if I’ll know the actual end score until the end of the game or unless it is shown via CBS sports updates. Of course, I should just check the score upstairs where I’ll be able to see it. I just wish that they could be like CBS and put the score in the middle where everyone can see it. What gives, FOX? I want to see the score on a regular definition TV.

Speaking of FOX, due to their strange schedule, I’m not sure if I’ll be watching it from 8-9 today. I probably won’t since I don’t want to watch The Mick, unless I have no other options available. I don’t know why they are airing it at 8 anyways. As for what they are airing at 8:30, it is Family Guy, and even if it is one I haven’t seen, I won’t care as much because it has been a poorer quality show from quite a time now. Plus, if the game isn’t over soon, FOX will be screwing itself over by doing tape delay, in which case I won’t care about any shows they are airing this time. I would if I blogged about any of them, but I could care a lot less about TV than I do. What’s sad is that when I’m dead, I’ll be sure to ask those that come after me what happened on shows that I watched.

I’m not sure if I’ll be able to see what happens on the football game. I get really confused by what happens on the game and start watching NCIS: Los Angeles. I’m going to be really confused by what’s happening in the episode as I’ve missed last week’s. I almost want to recap it here, in this blog, but I know that I won’t be doing that. As for the football game, a good kick which would have gotten points is counteracted by a time out right before it. That’s gotta suck. I am officially not watching anything on FOX tonight. I’ll have to make sure that ABC is coming in so I can watch Conviction. I learn that the Packers ended up winning the game. Guess this means that I will be live watching this.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with the FBI preparing to storm a location for some, unknown reason. There is an explosion that knocks some of them out. They capture a guy that seems a bit crazy. It’s always a crazy person, isn’t it? The team prepares for their first trip of the administration. Daisy wonders if Africa is the right place for them to go to. Henry wants to eat with his two, younger children, but they are distracted by their phones. Henry receives a call on his phone about the bomb that was in Illinois earlier. A man named Mayfield is the suspect. Who is Mayfield? Is he new to this episode, or someone that I don’t remember?

Elizabeth talks to girls in Africa and inspires them to stay into education. The girls like the talk. I forget where in Africa she is. She then works on figuring out a problem caused by a potential bad agreement that Senegal has with China. When Elizabeth and various other people are on a plane, the plane has problems before it has to have an emergency landing in Togo.

In segment two, Henry is talking to people about the case at hand with the crazy person and it relates to, what else? the apocalypse. Elizabeth tries to get on a commercial flight, but gets distracted by people at the terminal. They can’t get replacement parts for the plane. Having missed the first flight, they have a new option for going towards Nigeria in a quick time, although it isn’t the best option. You know, there could be a great movie idea in the plot of this episode, if you change certain details. There’s not much to be gathered from this act. I will say that I missed some of the beginning of this act and I’m still eating supper as I’m writing this. We’ll see if this is a problem or not. I normally eat something while watching these blog posts anyways.

In segment three, Matt and Nadine talk about the airplane problems that they find to be ridiculous. But Nadine has some sort of authority that she uses to help progress the plane problems. Elizabeth has problems that she learns of when she arrives in Nigeria. Daisy has problems with whoever she is with when they get into the embassy where they are staying in Togo. Rex Mayfield is the person who they suspect used a bomb from earlier. They talk to his wife (is she his wife?) about the case. Elizabeth talks to the Chinese diplomat we’ve seen before about this oil deal that she thinks is bad. The diplomat is suspicious about the trip to Togo that they took. This gives her the idea to head back to Togo.

In segment four, Elizabeth is back in Togo and talking to the diplomats there. Since China apparently wants to outspend the US in Africa, Elizabeth talks about a deal that could benefit all of them. Henry talks more to the possibly crazy person. He learns that the suspect isn’t a Muslim like he said that he was. I’m not sure that I can make out what’s going on with him for sure. I’m more amused by the scene than I probably should be. Daisy visits somewhere and feels the suffering of it. I wish that I knew for sure who she’s talking to. Mr. Chen, the Chinese diplomat, arrives in Togo. They seem to have a nice back and forth that seems pretty awesome, yet civil. Why can’t modern day debates be that way? If they are, they certainly aren’t for president. Maybe I'll see some like that on PBS for the midterms.

In segment five, Elizabeth tells them all the plan of what’s going on. There are problems with the plane again, but, by the looks of it, all get to go back home. Elizabeth reunites with her family after her plan appears to have worked. There is a random scene with a guy named Thompson, that I’m guessing we’ll see more about later. I don’t fully understand what is going on here, but I’m guessing that it is danger, Will Robinson. There are no scenes from next time, so I guess that I’ll be back whenever with the next episode. What will happen? We will see. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Episode from 1-8-2017

I honestly don’t know what I’ll do when Survivor: Borneo winds up on my rolling list again. I am working on a recap of a player from that season and won’t do much until it appears on this list. I don’t know when or where I’ll tell people about the progress I’m making with it. I will say that I don’t think that it is worthwhile for me to tell them in that blog, although I might. Meanwhile, it would be weird to tell people in this blog, although that might be the best option. I just know that I’m going to have a lot of shows to watch on DVD now that this new year has started that I had watched last year.

I’ve decided that any progress that I make with watching Survivor: Borneo, such as when I roll what episode, will be included in this blog since I won’t want to bog down readers of my Survivor blog with a bunch of unnecessary information again. Why give you the unnecessary information instead? Well, I feel the need to say it and don’t know where else to put it. I know that this blog isn’t about Survivor, but I keep that one as up to date as possible, while I’m trying to get this one caught up somehow. People will probably not want to know about past season watching that I’m doing unless I end up doing a whole look back at a past season through different posts instead of a single contestant look back at the game. Does that make sense? Man, I sure hope so.

I don’t know yet if this will become more of a political blog in either random posts outside of talking about the episodes in question or in the introduction to these posts like they are now. It might be better if I don’t talk about it, but I might be unable to do things like that in the future. If you know this blog through facebook, be warned that I will not share any purely political posts on facebook. I will share them in this blog, but not on social media. I get into enough trouble with whatever political things I post there. Yet I don’t ever stop… Only, I will sort of stop in some future posts.

Since I’m already talking about politics, I really hope that Obamacare stays around. I don’t understand all this opposition to it. It seems to come from people who have health care coverage and don’t seem to want others to have it for whatever reason. I guess these people weren’t like me and denied coverage because of a preexisting condition. Should the politicians who have universal health care because they were elected to office really be telling us that we shouldn’t have health care coverage? Also, if you are against socialism, whether you realize it or not, you are also against schools, the military, fire fighters, cops, museums, and libraries. Someone like Trump, who is against socialism presumably, might not like the fact that his election means that another example of socialism is going to be made in his honor. Should someone with narcissism like him really be president? As for Obamacare, it is among three other things that you’re never taking away from me. They are Jesus, VCRs, and the oxford comma.

Merrick Garland is both a Centrist and the most qualified person to ever be nominated to the Supreme Court in history. In a blatant act of partisanship, the Republicans refused to hold hearings on him. This is unprecedented the amount of disrespect Obama had to put up with while in office. God forbid there be more Supreme Court justices nominated by Democrats than Republicans. (If God really did forbid it, why was the death during his administration still?) This is among the worst things that Republicans have ever done. I’m honestly not sure what else could be worse. But we don’t need worse decisions than Citizens United and it will be bad enough ensuring that Republicans justices will have the continued majority so I hope that there are no more vacancies on the court besides the current one until a Democrat is in office again. We’ll be missing out on a great justice with Merrick Garland and the next time the Democrats get a chance to nominate someone, it probably won’t be a Centrist.

I’ve decided that when I tell you about what Survivor: Borneo episodes I watch in this blog, I will use the Garamond font to do so. That way, it will be kept in its own special part of this blog post, away from anything else that I write about. Why would I use that instead of Courier New? Well, since I’m not putting the same paragraph in multiple blogs, I won’t use that font this time. There may be times in the future where I put the same thing in multiple blogs again or have multiple lists of things going at the same time, but I’m not sure if that will happen and I like having only one list of shows to roll from.

With all of the shows that I watched from last year and all the crazy rules that I have for adding new shows to the list that I roll from, starting this year, there will be a bunch of shows for me to watch again. That’s not counting the two that I never finished watching and the one that I’m now borrowing out on a possibly permanent basis. Those shows are, in the order that I could have added them (but not the order that I will): Thomas the Tank Engine, Flashpoint (earlier seasons only as I’m not finished with watching the third season yet), Power Rangers: Megaforce DVD (select episodes), and Dollhouse (first season only, in French subtitles). It will take a long while before these are all added again.

There may be times that I get an old Survivor season on DVD and blog about said old season on my Survivor blog. If this happens, I will tell you on that blog for a while which shows I’m watching on DVD and replacing with other shows. Also, a new Survivor season on DVD for me to watch would probably be the first thing for me to replace on the list instead of waiting to watch it later. Plus, there’s always the possibility of me going back to multiple rolling lists again. I should probably still be doing that, but I didn’t really like it and I could switch back to this format, so I did. I know want to get Survivor: Gabon to watch again and I’m still waiting for Survivor: Blood versus Water to be released. Either of those are other Survivor seasons that I would want to watch on DVD.

A lot of family visits happen today and, were it not for a last minute Skype call with my sister that lasted until 7:05, I could have started this on time. I have no idea what happened in terms of sports. There was some after show? basketball thing that was airing instead of 5:30 news on CBS. There was a football game on FOX but I didn’t catch much of it and seemed to only make out that the Packers were one of the teams that was playing.

I caught something on NBC about people wanting more guns at airports. Seriously? You have to be kidding me! There’s a terrible shooting at an airport and your solution is more guns? Gun free zones exist for a reason: that way, you’ll know that unless there is a cop present, that whoever has a gun shouldn’t be having a gun. Can you imagine how terrible mass shootings would be with would be heroes getting confused with the actual bad people? I swear that Republican’ts (which is what I’ll be calling them from now on) don’t know the difference between common sense gun laws and repealing the second amendment! But enough of that.

I watch The Golden Globes starting out around the time the teleprompter failed for the host, Jimmy Fallon. FOX is airing The Simpsons now so I have no idea what happened with the football game that they were airing earlier. Their shows are delayed tonight due to the game running long, which is rare for FOX. This last happened again a year ago. Also, family issues affecting shows may be more common in the future, especially with my sister being pregnant.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with a court approving Sam Evan’s case against the election results. Elizabeth is concerned since she was singled out in the lawsuit. There are gifts pouring into the White House. Elizabeth thinks that they should offer Sam a position in the White House in order to appease him. I don’t think that’s the best idea. Stevie is now officially an intern under Russell since she saved his life. He doesn’t seem too keen on having help around. There is a horse that’s around that Elizabeth wants to send back, but probably won’t be able to.

In segment two, there are more issues with the horse, including a car being vandalized by people who don’t want bad things happening to the horse. Okay, I’m just going to say it: this sort of plot is dumb and best avoided. A horse shouldn’t be central to a story about a secretary of state. Sam is told that he could be secretary of commerce, but he only wants to be secretary of state, an offer that’s refused. The person Stevie is helping with abandons her and seems generally confusing.

In segment three, Stevie calls her fiancĂ©, Jared, in order to help with the person she’s with. I’m a bit confused as to where they all are right now. I also have to remember his name for the future. The people found out about the horse through a hack. Henry is also talking about something important of some sort that I can’t remember as well.

In segment four, Stevie and Jared handle the weird problem with the guy who has passed out or something and Elizabeth gets wind that something strange is going on with them. Russell learns important information about Sam which he discusses with Sam himself. What could prevent Sam from being president? It seems to relate to mental health issues. Also, since I haven’t mentioned it before, the horse thing relates to some ongoing diplomatic agreement that is undecided and accepting it may be seen as taking sides.

In segment five, Sam officially drops the lawsuit due to the unknown thing that Russell had brought up. Will we know what it was in the future? I’ll go with a maybe on that. Elizabeth rejects a flowery dress that Alison tried to give her. Alison is relieved, actually, over this decision. Mr. Hobbs, the person who was being escorted around by Stevie, ultimately feels better, has a cup of coffee, and finishes his speech in time for the inauguration today. They find a home for the horse in Cuba as Mongolia decides to remain independent.

Okay, since I was confused by something before, here is an explanation. I hadn’t seen the previous episode at the time I wrote this one so I didn’t understand the issue regarding Sam and what could prevent him from taking office. It is due to having a gene that could cause Alzheimer’s disease. Now the rest of Conrad’s administration knew about this but didn’t want to use it against him. Russell didn’t know so he did use it. It could still be an important thing later, but we don’t know yet as of this time.

On the next Madam Secretary, China and Nigeria (I think) have issues. Someone is trying to betray the secretary of state, but if they are, then they better prepare for a fight. Could be interesting, but might not be more interesting than usual. We’ll see. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.