Sunday, May 7, 2017

Episode from 1-8-2017

I honestly don’t know what I’ll do when Survivor: Borneo winds up on my rolling list again. I am working on a recap of a player from that season and won’t do much until it appears on this list. I don’t know when or where I’ll tell people about the progress I’m making with it. I will say that I don’t think that it is worthwhile for me to tell them in that blog, although I might. Meanwhile, it would be weird to tell people in this blog, although that might be the best option. I just know that I’m going to have a lot of shows to watch on DVD now that this new year has started that I had watched last year.

I’ve decided that any progress that I make with watching Survivor: Borneo, such as when I roll what episode, will be included in this blog since I won’t want to bog down readers of my Survivor blog with a bunch of unnecessary information again. Why give you the unnecessary information instead? Well, I feel the need to say it and don’t know where else to put it. I know that this blog isn’t about Survivor, but I keep that one as up to date as possible, while I’m trying to get this one caught up somehow. People will probably not want to know about past season watching that I’m doing unless I end up doing a whole look back at a past season through different posts instead of a single contestant look back at the game. Does that make sense? Man, I sure hope so.

I don’t know yet if this will become more of a political blog in either random posts outside of talking about the episodes in question or in the introduction to these posts like they are now. It might be better if I don’t talk about it, but I might be unable to do things like that in the future. If you know this blog through facebook, be warned that I will not share any purely political posts on facebook. I will share them in this blog, but not on social media. I get into enough trouble with whatever political things I post there. Yet I don’t ever stop… Only, I will sort of stop in some future posts.

Since I’m already talking about politics, I really hope that Obamacare stays around. I don’t understand all this opposition to it. It seems to come from people who have health care coverage and don’t seem to want others to have it for whatever reason. I guess these people weren’t like me and denied coverage because of a preexisting condition. Should the politicians who have universal health care because they were elected to office really be telling us that we shouldn’t have health care coverage? Also, if you are against socialism, whether you realize it or not, you are also against schools, the military, fire fighters, cops, museums, and libraries. Someone like Trump, who is against socialism presumably, might not like the fact that his election means that another example of socialism is going to be made in his honor. Should someone with narcissism like him really be president? As for Obamacare, it is among three other things that you’re never taking away from me. They are Jesus, VCRs, and the oxford comma.

Merrick Garland is both a Centrist and the most qualified person to ever be nominated to the Supreme Court in history. In a blatant act of partisanship, the Republicans refused to hold hearings on him. This is unprecedented the amount of disrespect Obama had to put up with while in office. God forbid there be more Supreme Court justices nominated by Democrats than Republicans. (If God really did forbid it, why was the death during his administration still?) This is among the worst things that Republicans have ever done. I’m honestly not sure what else could be worse. But we don’t need worse decisions than Citizens United and it will be bad enough ensuring that Republicans justices will have the continued majority so I hope that there are no more vacancies on the court besides the current one until a Democrat is in office again. We’ll be missing out on a great justice with Merrick Garland and the next time the Democrats get a chance to nominate someone, it probably won’t be a Centrist.

I’ve decided that when I tell you about what Survivor: Borneo episodes I watch in this blog, I will use the Garamond font to do so. That way, it will be kept in its own special part of this blog post, away from anything else that I write about. Why would I use that instead of Courier New? Well, since I’m not putting the same paragraph in multiple blogs, I won’t use that font this time. There may be times in the future where I put the same thing in multiple blogs again or have multiple lists of things going at the same time, but I’m not sure if that will happen and I like having only one list of shows to roll from.

With all of the shows that I watched from last year and all the crazy rules that I have for adding new shows to the list that I roll from, starting this year, there will be a bunch of shows for me to watch again. That’s not counting the two that I never finished watching and the one that I’m now borrowing out on a possibly permanent basis. Those shows are, in the order that I could have added them (but not the order that I will): Thomas the Tank Engine, Flashpoint (earlier seasons only as I’m not finished with watching the third season yet), Power Rangers: Megaforce DVD (select episodes), and Dollhouse (first season only, in French subtitles). It will take a long while before these are all added again.

There may be times that I get an old Survivor season on DVD and blog about said old season on my Survivor blog. If this happens, I will tell you on that blog for a while which shows I’m watching on DVD and replacing with other shows. Also, a new Survivor season on DVD for me to watch would probably be the first thing for me to replace on the list instead of waiting to watch it later. Plus, there’s always the possibility of me going back to multiple rolling lists again. I should probably still be doing that, but I didn’t really like it and I could switch back to this format, so I did. I know want to get Survivor: Gabon to watch again and I’m still waiting for Survivor: Blood versus Water to be released. Either of those are other Survivor seasons that I would want to watch on DVD.

A lot of family visits happen today and, were it not for a last minute Skype call with my sister that lasted until 7:05, I could have started this on time. I have no idea what happened in terms of sports. There was some after show? basketball thing that was airing instead of 5:30 news on CBS. There was a football game on FOX but I didn’t catch much of it and seemed to only make out that the Packers were one of the teams that was playing.

I caught something on NBC about people wanting more guns at airports. Seriously? You have to be kidding me! There’s a terrible shooting at an airport and your solution is more guns? Gun free zones exist for a reason: that way, you’ll know that unless there is a cop present, that whoever has a gun shouldn’t be having a gun. Can you imagine how terrible mass shootings would be with would be heroes getting confused with the actual bad people? I swear that Republican’ts (which is what I’ll be calling them from now on) don’t know the difference between common sense gun laws and repealing the second amendment! But enough of that.

I watch The Golden Globes starting out around the time the teleprompter failed for the host, Jimmy Fallon. FOX is airing The Simpsons now so I have no idea what happened with the football game that they were airing earlier. Their shows are delayed tonight due to the game running long, which is rare for FOX. This last happened again a year ago. Also, family issues affecting shows may be more common in the future, especially with my sister being pregnant.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with a court approving Sam Evan’s case against the election results. Elizabeth is concerned since she was singled out in the lawsuit. There are gifts pouring into the White House. Elizabeth thinks that they should offer Sam a position in the White House in order to appease him. I don’t think that’s the best idea. Stevie is now officially an intern under Russell since she saved his life. He doesn’t seem too keen on having help around. There is a horse that’s around that Elizabeth wants to send back, but probably won’t be able to.

In segment two, there are more issues with the horse, including a car being vandalized by people who don’t want bad things happening to the horse. Okay, I’m just going to say it: this sort of plot is dumb and best avoided. A horse shouldn’t be central to a story about a secretary of state. Sam is told that he could be secretary of commerce, but he only wants to be secretary of state, an offer that’s refused. The person Stevie is helping with abandons her and seems generally confusing.

In segment three, Stevie calls her fiancé, Jared, in order to help with the person she’s with. I’m a bit confused as to where they all are right now. I also have to remember his name for the future. The people found out about the horse through a hack. Henry is also talking about something important of some sort that I can’t remember as well.

In segment four, Stevie and Jared handle the weird problem with the guy who has passed out or something and Elizabeth gets wind that something strange is going on with them. Russell learns important information about Sam which he discusses with Sam himself. What could prevent Sam from being president? It seems to relate to mental health issues. Also, since I haven’t mentioned it before, the horse thing relates to some ongoing diplomatic agreement that is undecided and accepting it may be seen as taking sides.

In segment five, Sam officially drops the lawsuit due to the unknown thing that Russell had brought up. Will we know what it was in the future? I’ll go with a maybe on that. Elizabeth rejects a flowery dress that Alison tried to give her. Alison is relieved, actually, over this decision. Mr. Hobbs, the person who was being escorted around by Stevie, ultimately feels better, has a cup of coffee, and finishes his speech in time for the inauguration today. They find a home for the horse in Cuba as Mongolia decides to remain independent.

Okay, since I was confused by something before, here is an explanation. I hadn’t seen the previous episode at the time I wrote this one so I didn’t understand the issue regarding Sam and what could prevent him from taking office. It is due to having a gene that could cause Alzheimer’s disease. Now the rest of Conrad’s administration knew about this but didn’t want to use it against him. Russell didn’t know so he did use it. It could still be an important thing later, but we don’t know yet as of this time.

On the next Madam Secretary, China and Nigeria (I think) have issues. Someone is trying to betray the secretary of state, but if they are, then they better prepare for a fight. Could be interesting, but might not be more interesting than usual. We’ll see. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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