Sunday, May 14, 2017

Episode from 1-15-2017

With football in postseason now, there will be only a few more games left before the Super Bowl and the season ends. It will be then that I finally work on a ranking of all my teams of interest to root for in upcoming seasons. Hopefully, there aren’t any ties, but if there are, then I guess I’ll just have to wait until the next football season to break them. I’ll mention more about this later.

The only game that’s on tonight is on FOX. It is a Packers versus Cowboys game. Since we actually have a high definition TV now (which likes speaking in Spanish for no good reason, despite the fact that I keep changing it back to English), I can actually learn that the Packers are winning. But since I switch back to a standard definition TV, I’m not able to see the score at all. I’m guessing that the Packers are still winning, but I have no idea for sure if they really are.

Also, am I the only one who is disappointed that the Cubs win at game seven of the World Series last year didn’t bring forth the end of the world? I mean, with Trump (phooey) becoming president on Friday, you would hope that the world would end by Thursday at the very latest. Of course, if you are reading this, the world hasn’t ended yet. Sadly, that’s actually a disappointment.

I decide to switch to CBS around 5:55, before 60 Minutes starts. I’m not entirely sure what is going on with football right now. I know that it is postseason football. I’m just wondering if it is the divisional playoffs now, followed by the AFC and NFC championships, then the Super Bowl later. Maybe I’m just a bit confused by some of how football works, despite me watching it all this time.

I learn that the game is tied via announcement by a commentator, or whoever he was, when I check it during a commercial. I’m not sure if I’ll know the actual end score until the end of the game or unless it is shown via CBS sports updates. Of course, I should just check the score upstairs where I’ll be able to see it. I just wish that they could be like CBS and put the score in the middle where everyone can see it. What gives, FOX? I want to see the score on a regular definition TV.

Speaking of FOX, due to their strange schedule, I’m not sure if I’ll be watching it from 8-9 today. I probably won’t since I don’t want to watch The Mick, unless I have no other options available. I don’t know why they are airing it at 8 anyways. As for what they are airing at 8:30, it is Family Guy, and even if it is one I haven’t seen, I won’t care as much because it has been a poorer quality show from quite a time now. Plus, if the game isn’t over soon, FOX will be screwing itself over by doing tape delay, in which case I won’t care about any shows they are airing this time. I would if I blogged about any of them, but I could care a lot less about TV than I do. What’s sad is that when I’m dead, I’ll be sure to ask those that come after me what happened on shows that I watched.

I’m not sure if I’ll be able to see what happens on the football game. I get really confused by what happens on the game and start watching NCIS: Los Angeles. I’m going to be really confused by what’s happening in the episode as I’ve missed last week’s. I almost want to recap it here, in this blog, but I know that I won’t be doing that. As for the football game, a good kick which would have gotten points is counteracted by a time out right before it. That’s gotta suck. I am officially not watching anything on FOX tonight. I’ll have to make sure that ABC is coming in so I can watch Conviction. I learn that the Packers ended up winning the game. Guess this means that I will be live watching this.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with the FBI preparing to storm a location for some, unknown reason. There is an explosion that knocks some of them out. They capture a guy that seems a bit crazy. It’s always a crazy person, isn’t it? The team prepares for their first trip of the administration. Daisy wonders if Africa is the right place for them to go to. Henry wants to eat with his two, younger children, but they are distracted by their phones. Henry receives a call on his phone about the bomb that was in Illinois earlier. A man named Mayfield is the suspect. Who is Mayfield? Is he new to this episode, or someone that I don’t remember?

Elizabeth talks to girls in Africa and inspires them to stay into education. The girls like the talk. I forget where in Africa she is. She then works on figuring out a problem caused by a potential bad agreement that Senegal has with China. When Elizabeth and various other people are on a plane, the plane has problems before it has to have an emergency landing in Togo.

In segment two, Henry is talking to people about the case at hand with the crazy person and it relates to, what else? the apocalypse. Elizabeth tries to get on a commercial flight, but gets distracted by people at the terminal. They can’t get replacement parts for the plane. Having missed the first flight, they have a new option for going towards Nigeria in a quick time, although it isn’t the best option. You know, there could be a great movie idea in the plot of this episode, if you change certain details. There’s not much to be gathered from this act. I will say that I missed some of the beginning of this act and I’m still eating supper as I’m writing this. We’ll see if this is a problem or not. I normally eat something while watching these blog posts anyways.

In segment three, Matt and Nadine talk about the airplane problems that they find to be ridiculous. But Nadine has some sort of authority that she uses to help progress the plane problems. Elizabeth has problems that she learns of when she arrives in Nigeria. Daisy has problems with whoever she is with when they get into the embassy where they are staying in Togo. Rex Mayfield is the person who they suspect used a bomb from earlier. They talk to his wife (is she his wife?) about the case. Elizabeth talks to the Chinese diplomat we’ve seen before about this oil deal that she thinks is bad. The diplomat is suspicious about the trip to Togo that they took. This gives her the idea to head back to Togo.

In segment four, Elizabeth is back in Togo and talking to the diplomats there. Since China apparently wants to outspend the US in Africa, Elizabeth talks about a deal that could benefit all of them. Henry talks more to the possibly crazy person. He learns that the suspect isn’t a Muslim like he said that he was. I’m not sure that I can make out what’s going on with him for sure. I’m more amused by the scene than I probably should be. Daisy visits somewhere and feels the suffering of it. I wish that I knew for sure who she’s talking to. Mr. Chen, the Chinese diplomat, arrives in Togo. They seem to have a nice back and forth that seems pretty awesome, yet civil. Why can’t modern day debates be that way? If they are, they certainly aren’t for president. Maybe I'll see some like that on PBS for the midterms.

In segment five, Elizabeth tells them all the plan of what’s going on. There are problems with the plane again, but, by the looks of it, all get to go back home. Elizabeth reunites with her family after her plan appears to have worked. There is a random scene with a guy named Thompson, that I’m guessing we’ll see more about later. I don’t fully understand what is going on here, but I’m guessing that it is danger, Will Robinson. There are no scenes from next time, so I guess that I’ll be back whenever with the next episode. What will happen? We will see. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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