Sunday, May 21, 2017

Episode from 1-29-2017

It is possible and very likely that we are done with tape delays relating to football for the rest of this season. I have heard of rating problems for this show, but this show still seems likely to have a fourth season. I’ll let you know if anything ever happens regarding that. The fourth season of this show is when I hope to actually be more updated with this blog.

Something that you may or may not know about is the League of Nations. I feel that the league was a huge missed opportunity. I’m bringing it up because it reminds me of what they could be doing with Obamacare: getting rid of something great so close to when we first got it. When the US didn’t join the league, we made a huge mistake and the world paid the price with World War II. I don’t think that something that bad could happen by getting rid of Obamacare, but 45,000 people died prematurely each year due to a lack of health care coverage before it was law. That’s a lot of people. That’s way more than the four that died due to Benghazi. Of course, regardless of how you die, you can't vote, and that could be beneficial to either party in the end.

Instead of them, Republican’ts would rather have you believe that people don’t keep their doctors under this plan. Yet they never mention one single person who this happened to. It makes me wonder if it has, in fact, happened. Their efforts to repeal universal health care would mean more if they didn’t have their own version of it due to being elected to office. I used to update a political blog at Obama’s website. I think that they got rid of all of my posts for some odd reason. I’m not sure if I should ever do a purely political one again, but I might have to. I just don’t know if it should be through this account with my real name. Of course, the last one was under this same name, so maybe it should be.

Let’s switch to talking about sports instead. It is official that the Rams will have company in LA next season as the Chargers are joining them. If you are from San Diego, let me know how you feel about the move. I may keep track of both of their seasons next year and see which of them becomes LA’s better team next year. It could be as interesting as a competitive speedrun. (I should post a link here to one so you know what I’m talking about and a regular speedrun as well.) Which team will have the better winning record next season? Meanwhile, I know that the AFC championship game will determine my stance in the Super Bowl. If the Steelers win, I’ll be rooting for them. If the Patriots win, I’ll be rooting against them. I wonder how people in LA like the fact that they have two teams now. I heard that it hasn’t gone over well. Meanwhile, I think that I need to find someone other than Jimmy Kimmel to get opinions on the matter.

While the Super Bowl won’t matter to me as it’s the Falcons playing the Patriots (pah). I doubt that I’ll be watching (due to unrelated things happening) but when I learned that the Falcons would be in the Super Bowl, the moment the Patriots won the AFC championship, I decided that I would root for the Falcons faster than you can say deflategate. I’ll still mention the potential football rankings of the select teams that I care about in the next post. I’ll mention those teams later. I feel that I have already given reasons as to why I would root for any of these teams, although I could circle through them again around the start of next season of this show, when I hopefully have a better long term day of the week to put these posts on. Hopefully I can get caught up during the summer.

I found out information about Tim Daly, who plays Henry on the show, that he broke both of his legs in a skiing accident. This could affect the show. If you see him in a wheelchair for a while, then I guess that you’ll know why.

That Trump guy is going to be in the news until the day he dies. And that speaks for the further degradation of society as a whole. Here’s what I mean: he wants to investigate possible voting fraud into the election. This is the guy who won and tried to block recounts in different states. Well, if he’s right, then maybe he didn’t actually win the presidency after all, although if that actually happened, that won’t go over well in any way. Plus, why is he so insecure about small sizes? So what if not that many people showed up to his inauguration compared to just one other candidate? Why is he so bull headed that he can’t stand being beneath anyone?

Plus, he talked all the time about getting ready of Obama’s executive orders and here he is making his own before his first day in office is over. (Interest fact: only William Henry Harrison never made an executive order as president.) Then there’s even more confusing things going on. How is his cabinet not confirmed yet? That seems unusual. Plus, we should have at least one nominee for Supreme Court from him by now, but this hasn’t happened yet either. Thanks in part to Mitch McConnell, he got a free nominee in a silver platter. Why not tell us who the nominee is? Certainly you have to have one by now, right? Or maybe the court should go back to seven justices like it used to be. Now would be a good time to do it too. Of course, they tried doing that before.

When Andrew Johnson was president and there was a vacancy in the court, he nominated someone, only that person was never confirmed. Poor Andrew Johnson is the only president to have nominated someone to the Supreme Court but not have anyone confirmed to the Court. (He’s not the only president to have never had a Supreme Court justice confirmed during his time in office, but out of the other three: William Henry Harrison, Zachery Taylor, and Jimmy Carter, he’s the only one where a vacancy occurred in the first place.) It must have especially sucked for him when, upon the arrival of the Grant administration, they decided that nine was, in fact, the right number of justices.

Trump’s lack of liking immigrants may mean more if he were Native American instead of one of those stupid white people. (Full discloser: I’m white.) Also, his wife is an immigrant so why is he banning so many from coming to the country? He thought that Obama’s executive orders were unconstitutional, but his most certainly are. He can’t ban a religion. Plus, people can lie about what religion they are. It’s also interesting that his travel bans only apply to those countries without his businesses in them. I wonder if he wants to ensure that ISIS attacks us in the next four years. No one looks forward to the next terrorist attack and he’s practically ensuring that one will happen. Also, a wall along the US/Mexico border isn’t going to solve the illegal immigration problem when many of them aren’t from Mexico and 48% of them come by airplane anyways. Airplanes fly over walls every day.

It is after 5:30 when I check what is on. NBC hasn’t started anything interesting on it yet, which I’m guessing that they would the moment hockey season is over. Since there isn’t much football season left, I learn that CBS shows will be on a usual schedule. FOX will not be airing any of their shows today since they are doing the Miss Universe Pageant with Steve Harvey as the host. Is there some rule that says those who fuck up hosting a live award show must host it again? Just look at Ricky Gervais and the Golden Globes. He did a terrible job once and they brought him right back again. I just hope that his offensive self can stay away from hosting any show.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with Elizabeth waking up five minutes early. Her husband gets home and mentions that she was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. I wonder if any US secretary of states actually won the award in reality. Henry learns of his next case which I don’t fully understand at the moment. Elizabeth feels that a peace deal might be falling apart. What else is new? Jay freaks out about a table for some odd reason. But the main focus appears to be problems that the article has been causing.

I think that I recognize a guest star, but I thought that he was a regular on a current show. It can be hard to tell these things for sure. I’m not sure what the problem is regarding the deal. I do wonder if this could inspire an actual, real life solution to these problems. There appears to be a bombing of some sort in Israel. (You can tell that place exists because it isn’t called Isfake.) Elizabeth learns about the bombing and insists on going forward with the talks. But it seems that someone related to Iran doesn’t want to go forward with the plan over the right to exist that Israel has.

In segment two, Henry discusses the bombing with a man who is not responsible, but believes that everyone thinks he would be anyways. Elizabeth goes after a plan of someone who was wanting to leave right away. He wants to serve his people, so it seems that the deal won’t go through. Or will it? Guess that I will have to watch more to find out for sure.

In segment three, they talk about the assassination caused by the bombing. They discuss who was against the right to exist clause of Israel. Elizabeth goes to a dinner related to the possible nomination she got for the Nobel Prize. She seems to get tipsy at this event for reasons that I don’t understand. There are further problems with the magazine article that I don’t understand. Why is this episode so hard for me to understand? There is a soccer game that Elizabeth wants to do between two teams that was almost cancelled due to the ongoing concerns. This makes me think of what Nelson Mandela did with rugby. What’s the difference between rugby and soccer? Soccer is a gentleman’s game played by ruffians and rugby is a ruffian game played by gentleman.

In segment four, everyone is looking for a way to do the soccer game. I still don’t know who that guest star is, although he seems to have a fairly minor role in this episode anyways. Doesn’t this guy play Rafael in Jane the Virgin? Am I right or wrong about this? I guess that I’ll have to look somewhere to find out for sure. Henry meets with someone in a strange place with possible parallels to Deep Throat.  Once again, I didn’t understand this part. There were possible budget problems.

In segment five, both teams of kids come out to play. They did a mostly good job of casting these extras to make it seem like they would actually be from Iran and Israel. There are people going over the potential new deal as the game continues. I can’t tell if this is going well or not. I also have no idea what happened with the game and if it was any good or not. They said that they didn’t know who to root for. Jay attends to other problems then has a meal with his wife named Abby. There might be some marital problems going on. Daisy talks with the strange guy. I’m not sure if he’s familiar or not. Elizabeth makes amends with her younger daughter over possible problems they had. I can’t tell what happened with the Nobel Prize just yet. There are no scenes from next time, so I’ll be back whenever with the next episode. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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