This blog post will likely be
posted a day early as you should be able to tell now. This would be done in
order to appease the usual, random time I have to post a blog relating to a
cheat that I have. I guess that we’ll see just how often it might still appear
in the future.
从2018年7月23日开始的《时代》杂志刊登了一篇名为“特朗普的正义”的文章。由于特朗普几乎没有正义感,所以选择一个如此可怕的人在法庭上任职是很合适的。实际上,这很奇怪,因为他在选择Neil Gorsuch时表现出色。文章提到布雷特·卡瓦诺(Brett Kavanaugh)写了一篇法律评论文章,他说:“就职总统不应该在任职期间受到刑事调查或民事诉讼。”即使是名叫乔纳森·图雷(Jonathan
这篇文章指出,“保守的司法危机网络……发动了一个针对乔·唐纳利和海蒂·海特坎普的广告活动”,这两个人都在当年晚些时候失去连任。他们还瞄准了乔·曼钦(Joe Manchin),他也打算在2018年再次当选,他是唯一一位投票支持布雷特的民主党人,并且也因此获选连任。尽管司法危机的名称正确无误,但危机在于布雷特必须出庭,而不是他未必会在那里。
As I talk about in this old
blog post on an episode of The Good Wife, it used to be that I wouldn’t be able
to see a lot of or any of the primetime shows on Mother’s Day. I don’t know what
changed. But I do talk about all the Sunday shows that I watched at the time.
Now, the Sunday shows that I watch are this show (Madam Secretary), 60 Minutes,
The Simpsons, Batwoman, God Friended Me, Bob’s Burgers, NCIS: Los Angeles, Supergirl,
and Family Guy. I do like The Rookie, but don’t plan to watch that again until
this show is over. There’s not much else notable that I talked about in the
blog post.
If I had to guess who some
liberals might be more likely to support through donations, one would be Adam
Schiff. He has made himself the crusader of the campaign to hold Trump
responsible for all of his wrongdoing. I hope the best for him and dedicate
this poem to him.
All of the world is watching
the impeachment news
Democrats should love their
starring man
Americans should be proud of
what he has done so far
Maniacs don’t like him
Some feel that he should go
instead of Trump
Can’t you tell the good he is
He will hold the wrongdoers
If he is successful, he’ll be
remembered as a hero
For much needs to be done
Finally, we could see Trump’s
I can only hope that I’ll be
able to see a Democratic presidential debate in the future. I have yet to see
any of the primary debates thus far as they tend to air on networks I don’t
get, channels that won’t come in, or at times I’m watching other things. You’d
think that they’d air it on all major networks and not have any competition
against it like with regular debates. But primaries aren’t as important still.
What I do know is that either
during a debate or some other time, Elizabeth Warren thought of what would be a
good plan for health care coverage. The pundits (who hate her with a passion)
are quick to jump over possible problems that it has. They don’t have much of a
chance of making a good point, even if the conversation here is hypothetical.
While vaccines are never
really political, that won’t stop it from being brought up in a post like this.
You see, there keeps being more and more evidence that not getting vaccinated
causes problems that just don’t happen if you do get vaccinated. You are a
terrible parent if your kid doesn’t get vaccines because you are ignoring sound
science in favor of a widely debunked theory.
It might honestly be a shame
if Trump is impeached and we’ll never know just how he’ll lose in 2020. I don’t
think that he can win and think that his dismal approval rating alone should be
the sign of that fact. If he is the nominee, states could be bluer than we’ve
ever seen them before. While there is a slim chance that he wins reelection,
his own trade war is going to make that harder for him to do in swing states,
as this article points out. Trump might even do poorly in red states.
After the 2018 midterms, I
said that I would only talk about the presidential race and not talk about any
of the other 2020 elections until after the 2019 elections. Since the 2019
elections are largely over at least before the next post, I will explain more
then about some of the races. I am largely talking about elections in my Good
Fight blog once a month. There won’t be as much time to talk about the future
elections in this blog as the show is winding down and will be gone soon. You
can only hope that there will be more of The Good Fight for me to talk about
current events in or that I create a new blog about another show that I put
political stuff in as well.
Movie update: On Saturday, I
watched I am Sam. I replaced that with Farscape: The Peacekeeper Wars. On
Sunday, I watched Space Jam. I replaced that with something like a movie called
Survivor: Borneo- The Greatest and Most Outrageous Moments. I wasn’t sure that
I was wanting to add it to the list at one point, but a contestant from that
season died recently so I will want to watch it again. I may even put the movie
updates in my Survivor blog if I haven’t seen that special before this year
I check what is on before
primetime starts. One of my CBS affiliates is airing their news after 5:35. My
other CBS affiliate is airing a national news show. I check for a game on FOX.
They are airing a game of the Panthers versus the Packers. The Packers are
I will largely be watching 60
Minutes since it is on time, checking the score of the game during breaks from
my show. I won’t see much of the game. It might get close enough that the
Packers might still lose this. But it doesn’t seem likely that they will.
There is a lot of snow getting
on the field as the game nears its end after 6:30 my time. I will watch the
rest of the game to see what could change, if anything. The Panthers could tie
this which would send the game into overtime. But the clock is against them,
leaving them with too little time. Sure enough, like a timed battle in a video
game gone wrong, the Panthers appear to lose when time expires. After much
review, the game does indeed end with the Packers winning.
While I didn’t catch the game
switching at first due to watching 60 Minutes, they are airing the end of the game
between The Rams and The Steelers. The score is Rams: 12, Steelers: 17. This is
another race to the end of the clock game. A touchdown would win this for the
Rams. But I doubt that they can pull this off. What is pass interference
anyways? Interceptions are a rule, but you can’t interfere with a simple pass
from one team to another? The Steelers do a homophone as they steal the ball
from the Rams and seal their loss. The clock counts down to a Rams loss.
Today’s episode is brought to
you by no delay. We begin with an alarm going off at Mike’s house. He gets
tazed for some reason. Don’t taze me, bro. Elizabeth learns of this weird
thing. We then learn more of what is going on with other things. Stevie is then
on the phone with Griffin, her boyfriend. He shows up to where she’s at. Elizabeth then watches a news
report where a towel is put someone’s head in order to prevent mind reading or
mind control. I wouldn’t go anywhere without my trusty towel. That’s what the
person who had broken into Mike’s house had tried to do with his head.
There is
said to be a sickness going on and Mike is affected by it. Elizabeth then meets
a K-pop star, I think. Shawn then drops a video that is fake that seeks to
negatively affect Elizabeth in some way. This also affects her foreign guest.
Shawn is the name of the person who did the towel conspiracy theory about 5G.
In segment two, we learn that
the video is revealed to be deep fake. It was done by actors and had the
subtitles added so people wouldn’t tell the distorted audio was faked out. The
trade agreement with the foreign nationals who I don’t think was actually a
K-pop person is in doubt, for a moment at least. They cannot get rid of the
video from Yourvid, which sounds like a copyright friendly version of YouTube.
The show then switches back once again to the love triangle with Stevie with
Dmitri calls her. They have wasted so many of the subplots of the show on her.
Maybe there is a K-pop star
mixed in with the foreign trade agreement as well. I’m confused and kind of
tired. I didn’t get my usual Sunday nap today. There are no policy against deep
fakes as some of them are not related to a fake news angle. The founding
fathers didn’t know the modern day people would be a bunch of idiots. That’s
what Mike thinks about it. Stevie talks to Dmitri about why he is planning to
leave the country so soon after becoming a citizen. Elizabeth gets more info
into the algorithms that are letting the playlist of certain views being shown
to others. How can they prevent the fake side from winning? They don’t know
just yet.
In segment three, Elizabeth
thinks that digital platforms need to be regulated in some way. Henry still
works with the social media star who does K-pop into working on a way forward
that needs done in some way, shape, or form. She is married to the president.
She wants a restriction on software to be lifted to help her country. Stevie
talks to Jay about what to do with her romance. He suggests that she stick with
Griffin. Russell talks to a person and it is revealed that she has to appeal to
Shawn in order to help move things forward. Rachel is someone that they
want to get nominated. The vice-president, Carlos, talks to Morrow, who I think
is the name of the senator who is trying to work with impeachment. Morrow wants
to work with Carlos and might even be implying that Carlos could be president
sooner than we think.
In segment four, Carlos talks
about Hanson. Hanson is his name, not Morrow. Hanson was talking about
impeachment. Carlos admits that Hanson wanted to make him president. The inner
circle is told about what had gone on. Mike then talks to two women about
what’s going on. Henry thinks that they might be able to get the NSA to sign
off on lifting restrictions. This could get the deal to happen. Stevie then talks
to Griffin while on a date with him. He wants to take the relationship further.
It’s not revealed what she thinks right now. But she is shown talking to
Dmitri. She wants to say that her relationship with him is done. But they wind
up kissing as he lets her in the house he lives at.
In segment five, the K-pop
star sings one of her songs at an event that Elizabeth is at. We then get to
her talking to a person there. She and Russell talk to her together. There is a
video service that the people of South Korea prefer to Yourvid. They tell this
woman that America might switch to using that if she is not able to shift the
public tide. Mike pretends that he has a son with his name and gets an
autograph of the K-pop star, Mrs. Swan. Carlos talks to Hassan again. Shawn was
banned from Yourvid. He is then on a video where he is freaking out over a
parking space. Stevie and Dmitri are shown again after and then right before
they had sex.
On the next Madam Secretary, they
either can’t say much without spoiling the story or there isn’t much to say as
the next episode might not be that good. It is also possible that they messed
up by not airing the right promo or getting one on time. It is hard to believe
that the show will be ending soon. Whatever happens next, I should be there.
For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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