Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Episode from 11-17-2019

Ever since DTV happened, I lost one of my FOX affiliates, never to get it again. There were other issues with other channels, but not too many problems with most of them outside of what I already had before all the channels had to go digital. I don’t rescan the channels at all, but have updated what I can to get what I want that would come in. Rescanning means potentially losing channels you already have, an issue you don’t have to worry about with updating channels. Unless, of course, you have a high def TV or a TV tuner, since you can only rescan with either of those.

Why is this a sudden issue and worth mentioning? Well, for some reason, it was randomly decided by someone that the FOX affiliate I largely have no issues with would not be available on the old DTV place that it was at and I had to rescan in order to keep getting it. I’ve also had issues sometimes putting this on my laptop as it doesn’t appear right while it works normally on TV. I have tried to get the new FOX on my TV tuner, but have had potential issues with it. Thankfully, I still have all the other ones. Thus, I may not be able to watch FOX shows on my laptop as I don’t have it as a possibility right now and don’t want to risk losing channels. I want to see something on my TV tuner.

В номере Time от 5-13-2019 вышла статья под названием «Игра Мюллера». После выхода доклада Мюллера мы получили то, что, по крайней мере, может показаться окончанием российского расследования. Хотя это не очищало Трампа от каких-либо правонарушений, оно напоминало нам о стадии до сих пор. Страница 32 указывает на то, что были связи с Россией в отношении людей, с которыми работал Трамп, таких как Джордж Пападопулос, Пол Манафорт, Роджер Стоун и Майкл Флинн. В нем также говорится о том, как Трамп сделал все, что мог, чтобы ограничить полномочия по расследованию его дела, например, уволив директора ФБР, ограничив расследование по Мюллеру и нанеся удар по специальному адвокату.

Несмотря на много лжи в этом, как эксперт по злоупотреблению президентской властью по имени Кен Хьюз говорит на странице 30, что «отчет Мюллера очень убедительно доказывает, что Дональд Трамп виновен в препятствовании правосудию». Многие параллели с Никсоном были подняты на протяжении всей статья, которая должна сделать дело против Трампа еще более вероятным, чтобы работать. В статье указывается, что на Трампа всегда есть еще одна проверка: избиратели. Возможно, им придется с тех пор проголосовать за него в 2020 году, если к тому времени он все еще будет участвовать в голосовании.

In this old Elementary blog post, I talk some about the 2018 Iowa governor race. I decided in the end that I didn’t care who won and their Republican governor ultimately won reelection. I also talk about the fact that I would intentional wear mismatched clothes, such as a red shirt and orange shorts. Sadly, the elastic on these short have worn out and I had to get new ones that can’t be mismatched. I also talk about the mannequin challenge. I might need to post a video of either that or the song that is used for the challenge. I also make a reference to The Flash and the villain of its fourth season.

Sometimes, I wonder if Republican’ts are cynical or if I only think that they are. What I mean by that is that it seems that they would be perfectly fine if the people who don’t vote for them die. I really hope that I’m wrong about this. Their opposition to health care is the main reason that I feel that way. They also seem to be against climate change issues in blue states like California. Many die because of the big wildfires there. But Trump doesn’t care about climate change or a state that wouldn’t vote for him. But he does care about the wildfires in Siberia. I guess he knows that losing California to a Democrat by just one vote is the same as losing by 2 million votes.

As much as I hate Trump, I will always hate Mitch McConnell more. The only person who could possibly claim to have done less and still stay in charge is Michael Madigan. But I know that Mitch is worse. He will do whatever he can to appease the almighty Trump and go against Democrats no matter which of his own policies he immediately would reverse on. Here’s a poem about Mitch.

More problems have happened under him than any other senator
Issues are caused over and over again since he can’t really lead
To be honest, even a lot of Republicans want to get rid of him
Conservatives have no worse person from their party alive right now
He will continue to cause issues until the day he dies
Merrick Garland deserved much better
Can’t he see the errors of his own ways?
Could Kentucky get rid of their worst problem?
One might think he could lose in the near future
Not that karma is working right lately
Nor might he ever lose an election
Everyone should know how badly he sucks
Liberals need to put their best candidate forward for his seat next year so a
Loss could still be in his future

While some polling is suggesting that right now, the Republican’ts will probably remain in control of the senate after 2020’s elections, there could still be signs of bad chances for that party in the future. They have been burning bridges and doing quite terrible things. One can only hope that something will catch up with them after all this time. They say karma is a bitch. Maybe Republicans will face consequences of all their ill gotten ways in the near future.

If you have been following this blog since at least last season, you would remember the Wisconsin lame duck session that lead to the Republican’ts of that state limiting the incoming Democrat’s governor power since one of their own would no longer be governor. This wasn’t without precedent as North Carolina’s legislature did the same thing two years prior. Now that a Democratic governor will be taking over Kentucky, it would seem that they are trying to straight up change the results of the election.

Of course, what we need to do with every story is make sure that we get the story right. It seems that we may not have much to worry about regarding whether or not Andy Beshear is denied his rightful place as governor of Kentucky. There is not much Matt Bevin can do to change his loss.

I realize that since the Republican’t Party hardly represents America anymore, they shouldn’t do the main pledge of allegiance anymore. They should do one dedicated to their dark overlord, Trump. Here is the Trump pledge of allegiance, “I pledge allegiance, to Donald Trump, and his horrible ways that we insist are wonderful and flawless that we hope will stand quite a while despite the fact that they should be gotten rid of by any decent people, one nation, that we claim is under God, but has absolutely no actual way of really representing him, very divisible because we pretentiously think that we are always right about everything and refuse to change our minds except for when we were smart before he got elected and we all rolled over for him, with liberty and justice for Republicans and the rich, white men, but certainly not the accusers of people unless they are accusing Democrats of something, probably not nearly as bad as what we did or were accused of.”

A long time ago in this country, there was a political party called the Know Nothing Party. They had some racist beliefs and were to claim that they knew nothing when asked what their beliefs are. Now, the Republican’t Party seems more like this defunct party than anything good they might have been doing before. At least Republicans have the pro-life support of many people who blindly ignore all of the other, important issues. Otherwise, they might not get votes at all.

By now, Trump has done a good job releasing the transcripts of his Ukraine phone call which happened only because of a whistleblower releasing it first. There are no popular t-shirts by those who still support Trump that say “read the transcripts.” This retort might be common nowadays among the wrong. But I do wonder, if I asked someone wearing that shirt what’s in the transcripts, would they even tell me? Wouldn’t they just continue the usual “you do the thing!” that we typically hear from them. I think that I’ll have to find the transcripts for myself. Besides, when Republican’ts typically tell you to do something that they think proves their point instead of telling you what the thing is themselves, they are typically wrong about that thing. It happened with the uranium one scandal, for instance.

You will have to read my Good Fight blog to catch more of my election coverage that will last as long as the show is on hiatus or I need to publish other posts of it. Thus, I will tell you some about elections and then get more into other ones later. I don’t know which ones I might cover, when I’ll get to covering them, and if all I want to will be covered or not.

This post will now cover the Kentucky senate election for next year. Mitch McConnell is running for his seat again. He and Wesley Morgan are the Republicans running. Knowing nothing else about Wesley Morgan, I support him right now for the Republican nomination. The Democrats currently running are Jimmy Ausbrooks, Mike Broihier, Steven Cox, Amy McGrath, and Bennie Smith. Amy is currently the favorite to win. But I don’t plan to donate to someone until after the primary. And that’s if I can afford to do it then.

When it comes to the class two senate elections next year, there are a few things to mention in it. They are the 3 retiring Republican senators who are Pat Roberts of Kansas, Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, and Mike Enzi of Wyoming. They could play an important part in the impeachment vote. It would take only three Republicans to make a vote secret. (I don’t know if secret vote means that final vote tally would be a secret or just who voted for what.) They have no reason to stay loyal to Trump and vote against impeachment. But that doesn’t mean that they will. Most Republican’ts don’t have backbones in the political world today.

Earlier in this post, I used the phrase Dark Overlord Trump. I decided that I quite like the phrase. I might even try to get it trending on twitter sometime. But I might not return to twitter for quite some time. I might not even return there this year. Dark Overlord is a better label for him than president is. Thus, I will be calling Trump a dark overlord for a while now.

Speaking of twitter, I may post numerous links to facebook stories in this blog that I plan to put on that site and twitter later. Now, I have a story about twitter to share as well. Trump might have engaged in witness intimidation. Some have disputed that the dark overlord had done this. And while they may not be wrong, there should still be action taking by twitter by suspending Trump’s account.

With the Kentucky governor election over for sure now, Matt Bevin has been defeated. This should not have been the surprise that it was considering how he was ranked lowest by approval rating out of all of the state’s governors. I don’t know who the next lowest would be.

There were other things that I wanted to share, but don’t have time for right now. I have been a bit sick these past days and will transfer stuff meant for this blog post to the one after the next one. Sorry if things get more confusing as a result…

Movie update: On Saturday, a family visit prevented me from watching a movie that day. On Sunday, I watched Our Lips are Sealed. I replaced that with Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day. There will not be a lot of time for me to watch movies this year since Christmas will be coming up soon and I’ll be giving up my main movie lists in favor of that instead.

I check to see what games are on at around 5:54. The Patriots are playing the Eagles and the Patriots are winning. Fuck that. Seeking not a Patriots game to watch, I check other channels during this time. Both of my CBS affiliates are showing the fucking Patriots game and the shows will be delayed today. FOX is not airing a football game tonight. I watch The Simpsons rerun that is on. I check the game during the commercials to see if the good guys win or the fucking Patriots do. I miss the end of the game and can only assume that the fucking Patriots won. The shows are starting on CBS.

Today’s episode is brought to you by 48 minute delay. We begin with Blake talking to his fiancée. There are then people from the FBI coming to investigate his place. Here I was thinking that they did a good job when we normally see them from 8-9 Central on Tuesdays. Blake talks about all of his material that was taken. They think that Hansen is behind this. Here I was thinking that Leo Snart got redemption when he saved us from the time master’s manipulations of the timeline. This must be from before when the legion of doom got to him. Jason talks to a journalist woman who thinks wrote a slanderous article about his mother, the president. Elizabeth then talks to Mike about a comedy dinner that is coming up soon.

Mike doesn’t think that she should do the dinner. He thinks she should just show up and then leave. What is up with Mike, anyways? He is such a strange person and only seems to be here to fill the places of those who left. Also, shouldn’t Wentworth Miller be in the cast? I’ll be annoyed if his character is in every episode this season if he is not ever put in the main cast, which I don’t think that he’ll be. Elizabeth talks to the president of Iran on the election hack that they did.

Stevie and Dmitri talk to each other. He is getting tired of all the sex and not leaving the room. They seek to do something else. Elizabeth talks to a spelling bee winner before the journalists ask a bunch of things that they might have only known due to Blake’s laptop being stolen by the feds.

In segment two, Blake talks about how and why he had this information. They want to figure out what to do and seek to go on the down low with figuring out what happened with the leak. They then talk about what all happened with Iran over a recent attack there. Elizabeth sees Stevie and they talk to each other about Dmitri. Stevie is concerned about judgment from others over her quickly changing back to Dmitri as she is concerned more so with her messing up her own relationship. Elizabeth then talks to her husband over an article that was written over what Jason did. Are we seeing Alison this season? It seems that Elizabeth seeks to find a good way of moving forward with her children.

Iran has started hacking other places and things of other countries. They are seeking to raise the price of oil all over the place by causing this chaos. Due to failed measures, she has to go to extreme measures, but is warned that doing so would be an act of war. Interfering in the elections was an act of war. She does want options going forward.

In segment three, Elizabeth is told what Hassan wants in order to survive impeachment. She is hoping to continue doing what the people put her in office to do. She then talks to Jason with Henry about the article. Jason is sick of everyone attacking his mother. That happens with every president. But some of them like the current dark overlord don’t think criticism should ever apply to him. Stevie then goes out with Dmitri while wondering if they are an official couple or not. He says that he is never leaving again. Elizabeth is working at the jokes for the dinner. She is concerned about her future and thinks that the country wasn’t ready for its first female president. Well, they weren’t ready for a black one when they got one, so that’s a valid concern. We thought we were…

Elizabeth is told what to do with Iran and wonders if an invasion is possible. But she wants to avoid a long war like we had in Iraq. What world is this show set in anyways? There could be a mission there in the place in order for someone to face justice. Even if this mission goes well, things could go quite a bit terribly because of this. I think that Elizabeth wants to move forward still.

In segment four, Elizabeth decides to ask for forgiveness rather than permission. Jason does quite a bad apology video online about his apology. Elizabeth doesn’t want to handle it, but figure that Jason will learn a good lesson from doing this badly. She still wants to talk to Hanson. After addressing others, she meets Jason’s girlfriend or whoever she might be. She then talks to Hanson about his offer. She admits that she has made mistakes and is single minded. She knows she might want to compromise. But this is not what he wants. He wants her to surrender. She will continue to work forward. He wants to admit that he gave her a chance. She walks away without a deal.

In segment five, people say that the Marshalls will take people home. Elizabeth says to go forward on the attack. Jason and his girlfriend are made a bit uncomfortable by what some of the jokes are. She talks to the crowd in a more though provoking speech than a funny one. Meanwhile, the attack is going on against the leader of Iran. Hanson doesn’t seem to like it, but he never the less stands and claps for her anyways. He thinks that there is a pattern of secrecy in Elizabeth’s administration. He thinks that all of the people working for her has done something wrong.

What I think this is more of the show’s way of taking down Trump’s way of doing things or how people might view Hilary Clinton still. But her…! He thinks that they should move forward on impeachment. She wants a minute before continuing forward with business as usual. She tells Blake that he is not to blame for what has gone on. How are they going to end this show? There are only three more episodes after this and that includes the very last one.

On the next Madam Secretary, there are still not really any real things seen about the future as they show a lot of clips from previous shows. Maybe they don’t know what to reveal without saying too much about the next episode. We will see what happens later, maybe. The show isn’t too confusing, even if I can’t keep track of some of who’s who. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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