I often start writing the next
post of this blog in advance when I don’t really need to be caught up. But I am
not caught up as well as I should be on the rest of this or other blogs or
other, more important things I have to write at some point. But I figured that this
was important enough to tell you about in one of my introductions since there
wasn’t much else to say.
William Barr is such a
terrible attorney general and person that I still don’t understand how even all
of the Republicans would think that he’s a good fit for the office. I honestly
wish that Jeff Sessions were still doing that job. Here’s a poem about William
Was this guy even qualified to
take office?
Ill fitting for any legal job
Lots of crimes are being swept
under the rug
Lord knows what all he has
done wrong
Illegal activity is caused by
him, not prevented
America is suffering greatly
under him
May things turn against him
Bluntly: Jeff Sessions was
somehow much better
America is suffering due to
this attorney general
Republicans were stupid for
confirming him
Rare is the good thing that
happens under him
I don’t mention much about
things in the Elementary blog post mentioned here. I kept referring to the
flash drive that was in a man’s pinky as a pinky drive, using that terminology.
I also mention iZombie and God Friended Me, both shows that I like still. I
also talk some about shows replacing others that I like to keep track of at
time. I have a document on my laptop about it.
The poll tax was outlawed
under the Twenty-fourth Amendment. People must not have told the people who run
Florida about this as they were doing this in response to the law allowing
felons to vote again. Well, courts have ruled against this law. We can only
hope that this stands and isn’t fought more.
I once thought for a moment
that the Supreme Court hadn’t yet decided whether or not it was legal for Trump
to use the emergency funding to build his wall. Well, they did decide and it
will happen. But I do wonder if more trials could relate to the wall. I hope
that things aren’t over yet. If there are more legal challenges into Trump’s
wall, this should be the song playing on infinite loop in the background.
By now, you have probably
heard about yet another terrible thing that Republicans have done. Don’t worry,
though: this isn’t nearly as bad as most of their stunts. But we should
remember who did this, most of them who didn’t even need to. They should be
punished, but probably won’t be. If only I had a whole lot of money. Their
Democratic opponents would get more campaign money.
By now, you have probably
heard of the ISIS leader death. Mr. Bag Heady Bad Guy is gone from the world
now. I know that isn’t his real name, but why give a psychopath the
satisfaction of saying what his real name is? Trump talked about his death
saying things that might not have been true. But I like the way that Trump
talked about his death, even if it was terrible and mean spirited. They need to
make it a rule now that every asshole should have a different asshole talk
about his or her death. I already think that Michael Madigan should speak about
Trump’s death when it happens.
You might have heard a story
about a woman who resigned from Congress after rumors of an affair with a
staffer. What you might not have heard was the fact that she was the victim of
revenge porn. That throws a whole loop through the story that changes it a lot
more than you’d think it would.
Few Republicans oppose Trump.
Typically, they praise him at the morning, tell him what wrong thing he did at
times in the afternoon, and go back to being his friend again at nighttime.
Even those who say that they will leave office don’t do much against him. But
Trump still has choice words for the vast minority of people from his party who
oppose him. He called them human scum. This is what a man who is in charge of
the country is saying about members of his own party. Is this why people don’t
oppose him? They don’t want this label to apply to them? But it isn’t going to
apply to them even if he says it. People should be outraged at Trump’s
comments. But no one really is.
I have no idea how our divided
government might affect an impeachment. Of course, we act as if there has never
been a divided government under impeachment before. It was always that one
party would have control of both the house and the senate in previous cases.
While some people might not think that Republicans would vote in favor of
impeachment, some might vote for it. Plus, four of them are leaving office on
January 3rd of 2021, meaning they have nothing to lose by leaving
this sinking ship known as the S. S. Donald Trump.
While people standing up to
Trump is often brief and rare, I think to myself about the people who had voted
against Trump’s emergency declaration in an attempt to override his first veto.
There were 12 of them who did this. But we’ll see if I like any of them in the
long term or not.
Daily Kos seems to be sharing
stories against facebook a lot. I plan to share a lot of them on facebook. And I
might post them on my twitter page as well. We’ll see when I do that as I don’t
get on twitter a whole lot any more. I used to be so addicted to twitter that I
would give it up for Lent. Now I normally don’t give it up then as there’s no
real reason to give up something you hardly do.
As possibly stated earlier,
Trump described a constitutional provision that’s been in there since the very
beginning as a lynching. This earned a lot of condemnation from many people of
both sides, including even Mitch McConnell. Of course, there were those who
supported Trump’s comments like Lindsey Graham and Matt Bevin. Maybe he has a
small dictionary.
I try to pay attention to
Wisconsin politics whenever I want to ever since their former governor helped
try to get my former governor reelected by blaming all his problems on my
state’s terrible Speaker of the House. Right now, the only person I feel strongly
about getting out of office right now from that state is their senior senator,
Ron Johnson. He is unsure whether or not he’s retiring in 2022 when his seat
will be up again. But there is a potential scandal with him regarding Ukraine.
By now, I hope that you’ve
heard of what Brian Kemp did to get elected. That’s important now because his
state is set to do it again. I just hope that they do it enough time before the
election so that people are able to register again. Why do people live in that state?
While I maintain that Atheists
are typically wrong to think that Christians are brainwashed into being
Christians, there are times that those who aren’t actually Christian but claim to
be that way say such outrageous things that it would make Joseph Smith question
his way of thinking. There’s a reason that fundamentalists or evangelicals are
often separated from actual Christians.
Whistleblowers might be the
most important thing in the world today. Were it not for a whistleblower, we
might not know that Trump might have asked for illegal help from Ukraine. It
should be a great story for all that a military person reported the wrongdoing
as well. Sadly, the wrong is seeking to destroy his reputation now. I guess we’ll
see how his truth will speak to the greater good.
I honestly will probably never
stop using facebook as long as I’m still alive and there are no other issues
with me in some way. But they are being terrible with how they run their site
recently, allowing things that they shouldn’t. Here’s yet another example.
Back to what I was saying
earlier, there are reasons why I have a hard time trying to say good about the
Republican side of the aisle. A reason why relates to their dark crusade
against making sure that every person can get health care. If you have never
been denied it for any dumb reason like pre-existing conditions, that’s good
for you, but it is not good for those who have it. Until Republicans start
caring about the mental health of others, I don’t see why I should support
If there is any good about the
Republicans is that sometimes they know what is wrong. Of course, they may not
know this unless someone phrases it in a way that makes them not realize that
it applies to their precious leader or others in their party.
Halloween may be over, but
that doesn’t mean that the spirit of a holiday where tons of kids would walk
right past the president of the United States and ignore him has gone away. He
created a terrible game for kids where they would build something like the
border wall right there in the White House. What is kind of funny is that they
have made more progress building that wall than one on the border.
Paraphrasing Ralph Dibny, I smell
a conspiracy. WikiLeaks dumped hacked emails that set to do bad things against
Hillary Clinton right before the DNC in 2016. And Republicans apparently knew
not only that it would happen, but when it would as well.
So much misinformation is
going on with how impeachment works. But a way that it shouldn’t work is that
the person who might be impeached shouldn’t be having meetings with those who
will be voting for or against such a thing. But I’m starting to think that we
live on opposite world where the backwards of everything is becoming what’s
Here’s a good article about
why people need to know what lynching is and how it is very far out of line for
one to describe a legal process as that. It is sad that a simple dictionary can
outdo a president. But this is the world we sadly live in nowadays.
I may never stop hating Mitch
McConnell, even after he dies. I just hope not to get cynical about such things
in the world. What is wrong with the world and why are so many people okay with
it? I would love to see Mitch lose renomination. Could it actually happen? I
guess we’ll have to see.
There is a reason that people
shouldn’t let Trump get away with everything. It sets a terrible precedent for
everyone that they too can get away with what illegal activity they want to.
Otherwise, the terrible world of the Purge movie series could actually happen.
Movie update: On Saturday, I
didn’t have time for a movie due to a family visit. On Sunday, I watched Shrek
2. I replaced that with Space Jam. I’m honestly surprised that I have as much
still left to watch in terms of movies. We’ll see if I’ll be dissolving a list
Later than I was wanting to, I
see a football game on one of my CBS affiliates. They are airing a game of the
Packers versus the Chargers. The Chargers are winning. I realize that I haven’t
been keeping track of the Chargers versus Rams update that I normally like to
do. Maybe I’ll do it later. With the Rams having a bye this week, that’s going
to mess up the whole system, really.
I see that FOX isn’t airing
any football so I check my other CBS affiliate to see if they are airing the
same game or a different one. They are airing the same game so I stick with it.
I don’t see a way for Green Bay to win the game this time. The Chargers have
too many points over them.
I switch to watching FOX. They
are airing an episode of The Simpsons that I have never seen before and it
could be on a tape that I haven’t gotten caught up on. I might be more behind
on tapes this year than usual due to working when shows are on and having to
record them instead.
The game ends with the
Chargers winning. It then switches to a game between the Browns and the
Broncos. The Broncos are winning the game. There isn’t much time left in the
game. But who knows what could change between now and then? When I check the game later,
it is over and 60 Minutes has started. I can only assume that the Broncos won
the game as a result. Maybe I’ll see a sports update or maybe I won’t. I watch
a rerun of Bob’s Burgers that I had seen before in the meantime. I don’t yet
know what this show will start, but find out what the time is later.
Today’s episode is brought to
you by 37 minute delay. We begin with Elizabeth and Daisy knocking on a door on
Election Day. Why is this set at nighttime? Wouldn’t most polls be closed by
then? They say that the polls will close in 20 minutes. Conrad shows up and
they take a person to the polls. Are they able to do that without breaking the
law? This man is named Barry. Have they done all they could?
Elizabeth talks about the dog,
which might be causing issues of sorts. Sure enough, there is a bust of Dwight
Eisenhower that winds up broken (or busted? Eh? Eh?) on the ground because of
the dog. We then get to Daisy talking about an issue we hadn’t seen before. There
was information revealed that was identical to what was revealed in the Iran
hack regarding an affair that their opponent had. But was there something that
Daisy did that was illegal? Can her story be collaborated? Elizabeth needs to
figure out what might be going on. Henry talks to a sculpture
about fixing the bust. I once looked for a statue of a head. The search proved
to be a bust.
Conrad arrives early to his meeting with the new president. He is
writing an album. We then get to the people having possibly found Claudine, the
French woman. She isn’t close to being here at the time. Can they find this
woman in time? The story broke the day after Daisy got the intel. She was not
wanting to reveal that she had information since their opponent would lie about
it and possibly ruin their campaign. Claudine might be working with the
Iranians and could have set up Daisy. Daisy is ready to offer her resignation.
In segment two, Elizabeth
rejects Daisy’s resignation. Daisy takes a leave of absence until the whole
thing blows over. Mike is very worrisome over what is going on. Elizabeth
thinks that they need to wait and see what is going on. Elizabeth then talks to
Henry about what is going on. It is possible that Daisy could wind up in jail
over what went on. There might be issues with Conrad’s marriage. There is a
guest press secretary who talks to people and a woman journalist comes in and
talks to Mike. She thinks that she might get a book deal out of her source or
something strange like that.
In segment three, Elizabeth
talks to the press directly about Daisy’s situation. Valerie, the journalist
who went to see Mike, is missing and the people storm out over this. That was
weird. She was in jail for the crime of contempt. What is going on and why does
this show have to be so strange? Russell seeks to change the conversation.
Conrad is going to be a grandfather. He’s also going to join UNISEF.
is wanting her kids to have kids. That’s a strange thing to want. And none of
them are married or should be having kids just yet. Elizabeth could pardon
Valerie, but doesn’t want to potentially ruin Daisy’s career since it could
have some sort of affect like that. Daisy is alone with her kid. She then
watches the news. It seems that Leo Snart, or whatever his name is, wants to
impeach the president. Did you know that the first Bush was the last president
to face no efforts of impeachment against him?
In segment four, Russell talks
with the senator about him leaking the investigation and other issues that have
been going on. Valerie being put in prison gets back to Stevie who talks to her
mother about it. Henry tells his daughter that Dmitri is getting nationalized
to the US, becoming a citizen of this country. They then watch Conrad do an
interview with Bob Schaeffer. Conrad thinks that senator Hanson is being
terrible with his impeachment crusade. Conrad then performs a song.
Elizabeth doesn’t want to push
her husband away and talks to him about him. Henry reveals that Daisy had
accepted the flash drive while Elizabeth isn’t sure of any wrongdoing right
now. Ethics can’t be cherry picked. Henry thinks that Elizabeth has to let
Daisy go.
In segment five, Elizabeth
talks about Conrad while revealing the portrait of him. The bust of Eisenhower
is seen in the background, fixed from what had happened before. Elizabeth then
talks to Conrad some about what has gone on. Daisy is press secretary for one
last time, explaining the pardon of Valerie. Daisy had resigned and this time,
Elizabeth accepted it. Elizabeth tells Mike that she wants an off the books
meeting with Valerie. A family talks to Henry before
we get to a court. Stevie goes there and gives Dmitri a gift. He takes the oath
to become a US citizen.
Valerie and Elizabeth want an apology from each other.
Who gave the anonymous source? Valerie says that it wasn’t Daisy. Mike and
Russell talk to each other about what is going on what using senator Hanson as
a dart board. Back in the past, they get news on the phone that Elizabeth won
the states she needed to and won the election as a result.
On the next Madam Secretary, there
is a fake video that seems to be causing issues. That’s all I can really gather
from the promo in question. The show is winding down as we are in the final
countdown. If only we knew for sure what could happen in the end and why they
always need a male villain in this show to keep things lasting over and over
again. I hope there’s a good ending to this show as I can’t tell where they are
going with this show. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.
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