Monday, April 27, 2015

Episode from 3-16-2015

I had a very busy weekend and am glad that I made it in time to see the schedule on shows. There might have been sports related programming on both FOX and CBS but both ended before they could cause any delays. There might have even been times when sports footage has switched broadcasting from one network to another. You wouldn’t think that such a thing is common as it would probably piss off people who don’t have the network they are moving the broadcast to.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. Someone is under house arrest as I try to make things work having cutting things really close setting up the recording of this and other shows. Also, my computer is running out of room for things on it. I record things for another person but this person doesn’t have the sense to watch it for some dumb reason. There is not infinite room on my laptop.

In segment one, we learn more about the coup that is happening. I’m not familiar with the word or term coup considering how it is pronounced like coo. Also, Matt and Daisy are still together which serves the mostly meaningless subplot that seems poorly developed to me. I’m glad that they are giving side characters stories, but this one seems so random and pointless. You’d want it to go somewhere, right? As usual, is it hard to summarize what happens in the first act.

In segment two, Elizabeth decides that the best way to prevent the coup in Iran is to go there herself to mediate things. She’s concerned that she will not come back. This leads to a humorous scene involving her giving her husband permission to remarry. Of course, since the show is about her, a Madam Secretary, then it seems unlikely that she’ll die. Something bad could happen to her, just not death. I hope that nothing bad happens, but we’ll see.

In segment three, we see more of what’s happening in Iran. The situation seems to be going well at first, but then it gets out of hand right before the commercial break. There is an explosion and shots are fired. The Iranian official that Elizabeth was meeting with gets shot. Is he the one that will die? For the moment, it looks like a main character won’t die.

In segment four, not much happens. What we do know is that the Secretary of State is missing. Is that even possible in this day and age? You wouldn’t think that it would happen nowadays, but it might. It just seems highly unlikely.

In segment five, Alison’s birthday gets more somber. But there is a silly string attack to take people’s minds off of the situation at hand. Elizabeth is alive and well. The prime minister, as expected, is dead. Word that Elizabeth isn’t hurt reaches back to the states which makes her family actually feel good. The president reports to the country about what is happening. A random suicide and note to Elizabeth is how the episode ends.

On the next Madam Secretary, Elizabeth is under trauma based on what happened in this episode. There’s probably more to what will happen, but that’s pretty much all the first promo is talking about. Guess I’ll have to look forward to it. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Episode from 3-8-2015

Here’s an update before I get to anything else in this blog. You might have been wondering why I’ve been waiting so long to post about episodes of Madam Secretary. You see, with this tied into other blogs of mine regarding when I post them, it delayed the posting of this and other episodes. But dreams and possible computer problems leaded me to posting a blog update for the next three weeks. I should be here with every episode in the future, but we’ll see what ends up happening with that.

Okay. I created a new blog. Here’s the link: Why did I create it? Simple. This show, Madam Secretary, once aired at an hour long delay. Since it aired in the time slot that The Good Wife did, when The Good Wife returned to its normal time slot, I decided to create a blog about it. Of course, I only created this blog because of a dream about having a blog about it and the fact that people weren’t reading my blog about TV as much as I would have liked them to. All of these blogs are connected to each other is some way. How? Well, besides the fact that I write them all, some of their postings are linked to my main one about Survivor. But I should get to the point of this blog which I’ll get to after the next paragraph.

CBS can lead one into a false sense of security with their Sunday schedules. Sports always tend to put things on tape delay. There’s a good reason why they do that, but I’ll never like it and wish that they would air no sports whatsoever. Unfortunately, they bring too great ratings to their network so it probably won’t ever go away. But that’s when one might think that if football, the main sport that they show, is over, than wouldn’t their sports showing be over for the season? I have since learned that other sports are typically shown once football season is over making it so that one never knows when Sunday shows on CBS are airing at the right time or not. That’s why I always have to check the schedule around 6 Central to see if their shows are on delay or not. For this week’s episode, there is no delay of any kind. So that’s good.

In segment one, we have more of the fallout from the previous episode. Jason is more or less forced to unfriend someone by his siblings’ pressure. There is a crisis going on as it was in the last episode. Boy it can be hard to summarize stuff in this blog.

In segment two, Jason gets into a fight with the person that he unfriended after said person called his mother a liar. Meanwhile, Elizabeth goes to Turkey to settle the situation that’s happening there. And one of her lies was revealed as she knew that it probably would be. Daisy is also in a bit of a bad situation due to constantly being in press conferences about the situation at hand.

In segment three, the injury that Jason caused was pretty serious. They want an apology from him. It looks like Elizabeth might be hiding different secrets and one that may or may not be true is preventing any progress from happening regarding the Turkey problem.

In segment four, we get to more of the situation in Turkey which seems to have resolved itself somehow. I’m not entirely sure if it has or hasn’t yet as there is a tense situation towards the end of the whole thing. Plus, Jason agrees to apologize for breaking that one person’s nose, but not for the other thing which his parents seem to be okay with.

In segment five, Jason gets expelled from his pretentious school, something that he actually wanted to happen. He decides that he wants to go to a more normal school and his parents are okay with it. The whatever weird situation that is complicated and hard to understand reaches a boiling point of sorts and leads to a cliffhanger.

On the next Madam Secretary, more on the problems in Turkey, the US, and whatever else they want us to focus on about. It’s hard to summarize confusing shows and that tends to happen to a lot of TV shows like this one. Anyways, this is Adam Decker, signing off.