Monday, February 24, 2020

Politics: Are the Democrats Too Nice?

In my mind, at least, if not others, the Democrats might be considered the nicer party. Now this is not a bad thing per say, but some may wonder if it actually is in some ways a bad thing for the party to be as nice as they are. Some nice people get walked all over as they can’t realize that they are constantly being used by others in some way. This makes me wonder, are Democrats too nice in what they do? Are they even nice at all? I guess we will see and I will state in my own opinion what I think of this whole thing.

When the second Bush was president, the Democrats would eventually take control of both the house and the senate. They worked with him, despite him being a member of the other party. And things worked well even as partisanship began to rise.

Some say that the Democrats got too cocky as things moved along. In the first part of Obama’s presidency, for instance, some felt that we weren’t willing to work with the other party as much anymore as we worked to advance the future of much needed health care reform. But we were always seen as the party that was moving forward, in my mind, as the Republicans refused to work with Obama and were inexplicitly rewarded for it by winning the house back and then the senate and then the White House as well.

Maybe we weren’t mean enough when it came to besting a bully like Trump. But maybe we are doing better than the other party’s tactics. Michelle Obama said that when they go low, we should go high. We shouldn’t beat others by stooping to their level of indecency. We should do it with class and dignity.

Even though you might not hear about it on the news, there are tons of bipartisan bills that are being approved of during the Trump administration. People are still working with him and getting stuff done instead of throwing their hands up in the air and refusing to do anything since he is a member of the other party. That is what they should do, of course.

If Republicans continue to not work with the Democrats but the Democrats keep working with them, then we are doing something right in the end. We want to be on the right side of history even as this world and country continue to unravel.

So while I think that the Democrats can be too nice at times, I’m not sure that I want to see them in any other light. If they are the nicer party committed to getting things done, then I am sure that I want to see them succeed and continue to win office. If they lose their niceness, then I’m not sure if I could still support them in the end. It is up to them to continue to be the nicer party, even if it does result in the meaner side winning at times.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Politics: Biblical Reasons NOT to Vote Republican

I have a rule in all of my blogs now that if not enough people read them and another blog has to be updated, I would discontinue certain posts in that blog. What that boils down to is that this will be the last of the Republican based posts in this blog at least. It might find new life in my Good Wife blog at some point. Now let’s get to the introduction.

If you read my blog on The Good Wife, you might remember a post where I brought up parts of the bible and did a paragraph as to why this part of the bible means that you shouldn’t support Trump. Well, now I’m going to do this in this blog where I mention bible verses and bring up the reasons why one shouldn’t support Republicans as a result of that verse. All of the verses that I’m bringing up will come from the NIV or New International Version of the bible. This will not include all of the potential verses that could be used as I won’t be able to bring them all up nor would I know them all offhand. Now let’s get to them.

Exodus 20:3- You shall have no other gods before me.

A commandment so important, it is the very first one. Republicans often claim to support God, but often put their own interests and the interests of their donors ahead of themselves. The almighty NRA is often put over saving people’s lives by having common sense gun laws.

Exodus 20:14- You shall not commit adultery.

Another of the Ten Commandments, Republicans would be quick to say that Democrats are also guilty of this or, perhaps, more guilty. But there are enough Republicans who do this by getting divorced or cheating on their spouses or having sex outside of marriage, which many often forget breaks this commandment.

Exodus 20:16- You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

Simply put, this means one shouldn’t lie. One of many bible verses about it, it is one of the things that Republicans are often getting wrong nowadays. They lie so much that you have to wonder if anyone even believes the obvious lies they say when they pander to their base.

Leviticus 19:18- Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against one of your people, but love your neighbor as yourself…

Republicans seem to often enjoy revenge or bearing grudges against people. It doesn’t matter what the wrong was. They’ve completely forgotten about what the bible says on forgiveness and worry about what they will do to win the next time.

Leviticus 19:33 & 34- When an alien lives with you in your land, do not mistreat him. The alien living with you must be treated as one of your native-born. Love him as yourself, for you were aliens in Egypt…

So often, we see racist attacks by the Republican Party and they love to mistreat illegals or others who aren’t white. They put kids in cages and do other, inhumane things to those who are not from here. They want to take away minority votes at times by disenfranchising them. They treat minorities quite badly, completely ignoring this verse.

Job 8:13-15- Such is the destiny of all who forget God; so perishes the hope of the godless. What he trusts in is fragile; what he relies on is a spider’s web. He leans on his web, but it gives way; he clings to it, but it does not hold.

One of my favorite bible verses, this is something that everyone should remember because if you stray from God, you stray from tons of fragile parts of life. One could say that the Republican Party is often losing their way nowadays, forgetting that God is the reason we are all here and doing what we do.

Psalm 5:9- Not a word from their mouth can be trusted; their heart is filled with destruction. Their throat is an open grave; with their tongue they speak deceit.

I’m not sure offhand what this verse is referring to. All I know is that it is a good rule in life not to follow those who like to lie. And if you don’t think that Republicans lie, then you need to keep more in touch with fact checking sites that will tell you more about their various misinformation campaigns that they do over and over again.

Proverbs 12:22- The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in men who are truthful.

Again, it is important to remember not to lie and just blame everyone else on your problems in the world in question. One shouldn’t lie ever, be it about how impeachment works or tons of other things in life.

Proverbs 17:15- Acquitting the guilty and condemning the innocent- the Lord detests them both.

Focus on just the first point for a moment and remember how Republicans had no reservations about voting to acquit Trump when they knew that he had done something wrong. Whether or not they thought it was impeachment conduct isn’t the point when guilty people shouldn’t be excused of their egregious behavior.

Proverbs 27:24- …riches do not endure forever, and a crown is not secure for all generations.

People are often forgetting this as they tend to think that they will always have power now matter what happens and what they can do to try to rig things in their favor. There was a time that the Democrats existed without the Republican Party being around. Maybe we could be lucky and it could happen again. But one day or another, they will be out of power again.

Proverbs 28:13- He who conceals his sins does not prosper, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy.

So many people don’t confess to their wrongdoing. One has to admit that they messed up and then turn from their evil ways. The bible makes it clear that forgiveness is what one should get after one admits to their sins, not after one refuses to admit to doing anything wrong.

Ecclesiastes 7:10- Do not say, “Why were the old days better than these?” For it is not wise to ask such questions.

If you think that things were better in the past, you’d be foolish to think that. Republicans are often trying to take us backwards with the way they do things in this world, such a taking away voter rights or claiming that American used to be great but it should be brought back now.

Ecclesiastes 8:14- There is something else meaningless that occurs on earth: righteous men who get what the wicked deserve, and wicked men who get what the righteous deserve. This too, I say, is meaningless.

That’s not to say that it is pointless that the wrong get what they don’t deserve and the right don’t get what they do deserve. The verse is here to point out that such a problem is and has long been part of the world’s problems for quite some time. Do you know how long ago it was written? And the problem won’t go away. But I’ve seen the terrible things that Republicans do and the lack of punishment they seem to get for it. Thus, they don’t get what they deserve in terms of the punishment bad people often get.

Matthew 5:9- Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.

Why aren’t Republicans more in favor of peace in the world? They are pro war and it makes no sense. People die because of wars. Injuries happen. Destruction happens. PTSD happens. And yet, this is what Republicans want? What? Why? It doesn’t make sense. And it isn’t what God wants to happen in this world.

Matthew 7:1- Do not judge, or you too will be judged.

This begins a very good section on the basis of judging others that one often sees Republicans do. They judge those who get abortions while also judging those who don’t get them and are otherwise sexually immoral in their eyes by having kids outside of marriage. They judge those who are LGBT. They aren’t supposed to judge, yet always do such things.

Matthew 7:22 & 23- Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evil-doers!’

One of the most sobering parts of the bible, this basically says that there will be those who think that they are following the Lord, but have been mislead in some way and won’t get in to heaven. This can be the problem with the Republican Party as they often think that they are following the bible, but aren’t in some way. They need to remember that when Jesus came, he went after the religious hypocrites of the time or those who claimed to be part of the religion, but weren’t.

Matthew 25:45- …’I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’

Many people focus on a different part of this section, but this one is important to. Republicans do not seem to care nowadays about helping the poor or others who won’t help them. They don’t care about those with mental health issues unless they want something to blame mass shootings on. What they don’t do for others, they don’t do for Christ.

Mark 2:17- …Jesus said to them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

While Republicans don’t care about helping those that have health problems, they tend to ignore that those who have health problems are the ones who need a doctor. They do whatever they can to strip health care coverage away from the sick and those with pre-existing conditions all with the pretense of saving us from socialism, whatever that is. But the sick need doctors.

Luke 11:35- See to it, then, that the light within you is not darkness.

This is another important verse. Is what you have really light? Are you sure that what you are doing is, in fact, the right thing? Will you be on the correct side of history? You should make sure that you are advancing what will ultimately help the world in the end.

2 Thessalonians 2:10b- They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved.

Again, it is a well known fact that Republicans lie nowadays. That is all they do most of the time. Democrats call them out on it. Conservatives remain certain that they are not the people who are wrong about things but they have to know that they are lying most of the time because what they say if often so ridiculous that no one should believe that it’s true.

1 Timothy 5:20- Those who sin are to be rebuked publicly, so that the others may take warning.

Look at all the times Trump has done or said something wrong and those in his party don’t say or do a thing to let him know that what he did was wrong. They refuse to call out wrongdoing, at least in their own party, like they are supposed to.

James 4:17- Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it, sins.

I may start sounding like a broken record here, but if someone knows what to do that’s right and they don’t do it, they are wrong in so many ways not doing what needs to be done. Sloth is considered one of the seven deadly sins and this is one of the reasons why.

1 John 4:8- Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.

Republicans don’t seem to have much love in them despite what others might claim. They care about advancing their own agenda or the agenda of those who support them financially, but not many others in the world. And if not loving means not knowing God, this is a good way of letting Republicans know that they are not the Christian party they claim to be and many mistakenly think that they are.

3 John 11b- Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God.

If you think that what conservatives do are good, you would be wrong on so many levels. Thus, they are not doing what God wants and do not see God in the end. If they were doing good, they would not be supporting unapologetic people who refuse to see no wrong in themselves as they continue to do what is wrong. They don’t seek repentance or ask for mercy.

Revelation 9:20 & 21- The rest of mankind that were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the work of their hands; they did not stop worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone, and wood- idols that cannot see or hear or walk. Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic arts, their sexual immorality, or their thefts.

God warns of those who are being unrepentant for their wrongdoing even to the point of saying that they still won’t turn from the evil ways at the very end when plagues are causing issues in the world and the time of this world is coming to the end. People need to admit when they do wrong or this world is not going to last.

Well, that’s it for this post. I’m sure that I have more than enough examples of verses from the bible that explain why the current Republican Party has nothing to do with God or Christianity. Stay tuned in this blog and you will see a new post in the future. I may only do the new post twice just this year while doing more changing posts in the future. I will be doing Democrats in political posts for a while. Stay tuned and you will see what’s going on.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Cast Update 2-1-2020

Since I have cheats in this blog now that says that it has to be updated on certain dates unless or until it moves to another blog or back to the original blog it is meant to, the day of the week when I post this blog is going to change now. It will now be posted on the first Saturday of the month in addition to other, random updates. I might also want to do some updates of this blog that aren’t a cast update or political, if I’m able to see certain things and write about them in this blog. I will see you then and let you know if the cheat moves to another blog like it has before.

Tea Leoni: She will be in a project called Endangered, which will be a movie. There are no other things that I see her in right now besides that. I don’t know when they finished filming the show, but you’d think that those who are still doing projects will have stuff right now to do (if that makes sense).

Endangered: This is a movie about the lives of threatened species. We’ll see what role she has in it. The website I’m checking makes it seem like she’ll be lending her voice to it so maybe it will be some sort of documentary. The release date is unknown now.

Bebe Neuwirth: She’s had a recurring bit on Blue Bloods and may show up on it from time to time. There are other minor things that she has done. It appears that she will be in a new movie called Modern Persuasion. It turns out that she’s in Jumanji: The Next Level. I wonder what else she’ll do.

Modern Persuasion: This movie has an unknown release date at this time. The plot is about a woman’s ex-boyfriend hiring her company which forces her to deal with various things in her life. I don’t know yet what role Bebe will play in this.

Jumanji: The Next Level: This is in theaters now. I might review it in this post or one of the later ones at some point in time. Or I could wait and hope that I can see it on DVD, although I more than likely will see it in theaters if and when I can. It will be on DVD in April of 2020.

Review: Movie Name- Jumanji: The Next Level. Genre- Supernatural, action, adventure, teen drama. Rating- PG-13. Noteworthiness- This is the third movie in the Jumanji series, fourth if you count Zatheria. Description- The boy from the previous movie thinks he can get more out of life by going back to a cursed game he was good at so his friends go in to rescue him as well. Madam Secretary Alumni in it- Bebe Neuwirth, who was also in the first movie in the series, plays a minor role towards the end of the movie. Pros- The plot is easy to follow and understand. Enough of it works on its own without having to see the earlier movies before it. Cons- Parts of it seem cartoony and don’t make as much sense as it should. There isn’t much of a sense of danger to a lot of it. Note to Parents- There is bad language in it such as swear words being said. There are some minor sexual situations in it, but nothing too bad. There are some sorts of deaths in it, but nothing too graphic or permanent. Recommendation- I think that this might be worth seeing, but more if you have seen as least the second one first so it will make more sense. IMDB Ranking: 7.0. My Grade: B-.

Catch up on the first Jumanji by watching this:

Catch up on Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle by watching this:

Geoffrey Arend: He hasn’t really been doing that much yet. Maybe he will later. I guess we’ll see what will become of his career. Maybe there will be something in the future. I can only hope so. Until then, just wait to see what happens.

Kathrine Herzer: She hasn’t been doing much since the show ended or now, it seems. Maybe she is going back to a more normal life. Not all the child actors or actresses continue into the field when they get older as they want to do other things in life. Remember the people from Shining Time Station?

Evan Roe: Again, this person has not been doing much after the show ended. I guess it hasn’t been over long enough or a lot of these people just haven’t found a new job yet. You’d think that the filming would have ended long enough ago, but maybe not.

Tim Daly: I might easily run out of ways of saying that people from this show haven’t done much of anything yet now that the show has ended and it hasn’t been over that long. I can only hope that there are a lot of people who have something in the work at some point.

Zeljko Ivanek: He also has no new projects in the works right now, although he could be wanting to retire in the future or something like that. I won’t make assumptions and just wait until the next time I see something potentially in the next post.

Erich Bergen: He’s also doing nothing yet as of the show ending. How recently did filming wrap? Was it not that long ago? Why is no one that I’m looking up doing anything yet? I don’t get it. Whatever the reason, he has nothing yet and maybe that will change later.

Patina Miller: She is the narrator of a show called Word Party. That’s all that she’s doing for now. I think that she’s a mother so that may affect how much work she’ll be able to do. We’ll see what goes on in her life and I hope she can do something I can watch.

Word Party: This is a Netflix kids show that is available now. Patina is the narrator of it. I don’t know much about it. I doubt that I will be able to see it in the future. This show is about teaching others how to talk and learning simple things like that.

Wallis Currie-Wood: She has done very little outside of the show. Maybe she will do something more in Hollywood or maybe not. It will be hard to understand some of why I’m not seeing much in terms of what the cast is doing in the future unless or until more time passes.

Keith Carradine: He has two projects in the works. One is called Sallywood. The other one is called The Daylong Brothers. We’ll see what happens between those and anything else that he does. I look forward to hopefully seeing these films at some point in time.

Sallywood: This movie romantic in some way, but I don’t know if it’s a comedy or not. It is about a man who moves to Hollywood and becomes a woman’s personal assistant. They’ll be more to it than that. It has an unknown release date at this time.

The Daylong Brothers: This has an unknown release date at this time. It is about three brothers who try to get revenge on their father for selling their souls. This could be interesting, even if I don’t really like to watch horror films. But this could just be normal supernatural.

Sebastian Arcelus: It looks like he will appear in a TV movie or perhaps potential pilot called Blanco. That is currently the only thing that I see him working on right now. He’s doing better than others in terms of projects in the works.

Blanco: This has an unknown release date at the moment. It is about a criminal who seeks to work with the cops only to build his criminal empire. I have no idea what network this would air on, if any. This might be just another in a long line of passed pilots that I get confused about and wind up in this blog for a long time like what you might have seen in my CSI: Cyber blog.

Sara Ramirez: Despite not appearing or even being mentioned in the final season of this show, she has not done a thing since leaving this show. The others I can understand as they haven’t been off the show this long, but I want her to do something. And I hope she improves her hairstyle for the future.

Kevin Rahm: He has almost exclusively done just TV shows in some way. As most of the cast thus far, he has not done anything yet since leaving the show. But I look forward to seeing what he might do and if he appears on a show that I like.

Barbara Hall: On second look, it appears that she will be a producer in a project called Tommy that is set to air later this year. I don’t yet know how involved she will be with the project. She might only be helping with just the pilot.

Tommy: This is currently set to start airing on February 6, 2020. It will be on Thursdays at 10/9 Central on CBS. Despite its seemingly male name, it is about a woman who finds herself in charge on the NYPD. We’ll see more about what happens with it soon.


Available now- Word Party (on Netflix)

Currently in theaters- Jumanji: The Next Level

February 6, 2020- Tommy (Thursdays at 10/9 Central on CBS)

Unknown April 2020- Jumanji: The Next Level (DVD release date)

Unknown year- Endangered, Modern Persuasion, Sallywood, The Daylong Brothers, Blanco