Monday, June 29, 2015

Episode from 4-26-2015

You might be wondering why I haven’t updated you recently on what has changed with my TV show on DVD watching. The watching that I do has (somewhat) recently recorded shows on VHS. When I get backlogged on them, I am not able to watch any of the other stuff that I normally do. So it could be a good long while before I can finish watching one thing and replace it with another. I have a lot of shows to add to the list too. This could be troublesome.

In case you are wondering where last week’s episode is, that was recorded on VHS and will be watched later. For now, I will skip to this week’s episode before I get to watch it on VHS. Some of these posts should have been on VHS but weren’t. Last week’s was put on VHS. That was because the Masters caused a tape delay. It should have ended on time since a winner was already determined, but they aired pointless crap afterwards that delayed the episode.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. It begins with a black family having a meal. Then we get to Elizabeth talking about her PTSD to a therapist. There was a woman who committed treason and is believed to have killed the former secretary of state. I’m guessing that’s what happened, but I’ll have to get caught up with old episodes before I know for sure.

In segment two, people continued to disagree on international policy regarding various issues. Basically, people were protesting what could happen. It’s hard to make much sense of it, but as usual, people aren’t sure if it’s a good idea to do what they are planning on doing.

In segment three, people continue wondering how to handle the situation at hand in Iran. We also have Alison learning how to drive. Meanwhile, they go over the seating situation and the mysterious woman of the episode shows up again. The FBI goes after her family’s house.

In segment four, Jay has a heated conversation with Elizabeth trying to prevent the stoning to death of a man. She says that the laws in that country don’t really work that well. Somebody is then trying to assassinate a president who I believe to be from another country.

In segment five, the treaty with Iran is signed. Unfortunately, a gay person is executed. That does seem like a bad law: executing someone for being gay. In cases like that, I do wonder why he couldn’t lie about being straight, but maybe they would have seen through it. But, surviving the Holocaust probably wasn’t as simple as lying about not being Jewish if you were. Sorry if I go off on tangents like that. Anyways, Alison is still learning more about driving. “The right lane is turning into the left lane.” “That’s its problem.” I like that line. I know that it means that the lanes are merging. Of course, I did pass my driving test the first time I took it. A potential person hired to assassinate the Iranian president is quickly captured before anything bad can happen. Juliet, who was partly responsible, is also captured. Now she’s the reason that the black family was at the beginning of this episode. I still don’t know why there was a man with a baby. What Juliet is supporting makes Elizabeth question her support of this deal.

On the next Madam Secretary, the season finale happens. Don’t worry though: this show will be back for a second season in the fall. In fact, in the first post of the new season, you can probably expect me to do a long post of what TV shows on DVD I finally was able to watch. Every time I think I am done catching up on VHS for the moment, it appears that another tape backlogs me even more. But since I don’t record much of anything during the summer, I will probably not have many tapes left to watch. The promo was far too vague for me to talk about. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Monday, June 1, 2015

Episode from 4-5-2015

This new episode aired on Easter. There were new episodes of stuff on Good Friday and Maundy Thursday as well. I’ll never understand why TV keeps airing new episodes on any of those three days. Plus, there might be two shows that I want to get into now. Both of them air on NBC. One is the A.D. miniseries which interests me because I’m a Christian. The other is American Odyssey, which looks pretty interesting. I should have been interested in American Crime on ABC and even had a chance to watch it. But I decided not to watch it since it hasn’t been getting that good ratings. I do wonder why NBC is doing so many miniseries and why they rely on Dateline so much. Do they not have better choices for midseason? I know that CBS would sometime put 48 Hours Mystery in the time slot of a cancelled show. That hasn’t happened for a while, but could this season.

There was no sports delay that I know of so this episode aired at a normal time. We begin with the McCords visiting their old house, I believe. Stevie flirts with the president’s son. He was in rehab for a while. There is a situation in Greece and they are taking Greece stuff away from the Smithsonian.

In segment two, Henry is offered a job. He thinks that he probably won’t accept it. He is also worried about his wife travelling to another country since the last time she travelled, bad things happened. Nobody is quite sure what is going on, but a former cabinet member seems to have created problems of some sort or another.

In segment three, not much seems to have happened. Maybe some stuff has. There was some sort of medical situation at the white house. A person pees outside and a police car shows up. What is that about? People still don’t seem to know about the situation in Greece.

In segment four, it seemed that not much of anything happened once again. For some odd reason, the episodes lately seem pretty boring. Maybe it will pick up later in the season. Maybe after the exciting episodes, we just need a break from excitement for a while.

In segment five, the situation in Greece is resolved. It seems like people in Greece were wanting to do a secret meeting without the United States present. But the US was able to crash the meeting and resolve everything. I still don’t know how the public urination thing ties into all of this. People seem okay with selling the old house and Henry is sure that he will accept his new job.

On the next Madam Secretary, a sub in Russia may have caused an incident that could lead to war. But the incident was a mistake and they don’t want to start a war over a mistake. There have been wars started by mistake in the past, but it would be best to avoid that in the future. I look forward to the episode. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.