Monday, December 18, 2017

Episode from 12-17-2017

Sometimes, but not often, I use the next blog option to find what other blogs are there. I found one called Silent Mouse or something similar to that. I might have to check out this blog more often in the future as it is a political one and it seems that we might agree on a lot of important things.

В статье «Время в журнале», опубликованной 24 октября 2016 года, Массимо Калабреси рассказывает об ухудшающихся отношениях между США и Россией. Печально то, что хаки были лишь частью проблем, которые происходили в то время. Джо Клейн упоминает позже в том же выпуске, что он рад, что мы узнали всевозможную информацию об Хилари Клинтон из-за взломанных писем, которые раскрывают много хороших вещей о ней. Может быть, я когда-нибудь прочитаю их, если найду их.

Now for the next and currently last election that I care about telling you about: the Wisconsin senate election. The incumbent is Democrat Tammy Baldwin. The only Democrat running against her is Mary Walters, who never held office before. I would vote for Tammy in the primary. The primary is August 14th of next year.

Let’s get to the Republican candidates, shall we? There is a name of John Schiess who I know nothing about. If he were important, he’d have a Wikipedia page now, right? Kevin Nicholson is another person in the race, but it appears that he has not held any office before. This leaves Leah Vukmir as the only candidate from this side worth voting for.

I think that since this is the last post of the year that this will thus be the last Rams versus Chargers update of the year. The next post should be the last update of the season until next time. Anyways, the Rams are now 9-4. The Chargers are now 7-6. I wonder if the Rams will lose the rest and the Chargers will win the rest of their games. I guess that we’ll see what happens.

Let’s get to the Alabama election results. Doug Jones won! Yay! Now I hope that this means he is way less annoying in his emails. He would always send repetitive emails over and over again. Sadly, Roy Moore doesn’t know when to admit defeat and thinks that God will change the result of the election. I know that I prayed over the election. I prayed that Doug Jones would win. So I can only hope that God answered my prayer with a yes because this doesn’t always happen with prayers.

Now there could be an issue with the election: when does Doug Jones get to serve on the Senate? It would be a real dick move if the Republican’ts wait to seat him until January 3, 2019. Even if they waited until after the tax bill is voted on, it might be considered too late. This points out more of the hypocrisy of the Republican’ts. When the Democrats lost Ted Kennedy and Republican’t Scott Brown replaced him, Mitch McConnell insisted that they wait with the vote on health care reform until Scott was seated. The Democrats were nice and let him on the Senate before the vote happens. Now the Republican’ts are wanting to do the important vote now before Doug is seated on the Senate. At least they are consistent with always wanting a delay in something if it will benefit them. I will never forgive them over the fact that Merrick Garland isn’t on the Supreme Court right now.

Some of you may not know much about the tax bill before the Senate. What I know is that a tax that only affects people who have more than $5,000,000 is something that people want repealed. This estate tax also affects less than 1,000 people in this country. If you repeal it, where would the extra money come from? The tax cut for the rich has never helped anyone but the rich and it is worth reminding people that George H W Bush I accurately described it as voodoo economics. People don’t seem to know just how terrible our country’s debt became due to Ronald Reagan. Why is he loved? Is it because his administration tried selling arms to the people of Iran?

I tune into football earlier than usual tonight. Since FOX is airing a special and ABC is airing a movie, I’ll only be watching CBS tonight. Both of my CBS affiliates are showing the same game: Patriots versus Steelers. The Steelers are winning. My FOX affiliate is showing a Rams versus Seahawks game and the Rams are winning 34 to 0. While I like the score, I shouldn’t get my hopes up as last season, they shut out a team for three quarters and had lost by the end of the fourth. (I just lost the game.)

I switch between the games as I see the Rams increase their lead to 40 to 0. The Steelers are still in the lead in their game, but their lead is shrinking. I stay primarily into the Rams game should both be on commercial at the same time. The Seahawks get a touchdown and an additional point with a field goal. This puts the score at 40 to 7. I also see that the Steelers have increased their lead thanks to an update on FOX. As long as the Patriots lose, I won’t care about the final score.

The Rams are now 42 to 7. Where do you get 2 points in football? I don’t know so much about football as most of the things that the referees say just boil down to this is what’s happening although I don’t really understand why all the time. What’s all these downs and stuff? I should look up more info on this sport, but I’d probably just be confused by everything.

I see that the Patriots are winning their game now through an update on the other channel. And what is a two point conversion and can you get it without having just got a touchdown? I switch to the game on CBS and the Steelers get a touchdown and are winning. I’ve decided to stay with this game until it is over and not just so I know when shows will start on CBS. I can’t tell if the touchdown is valid, but I can only hope that the fucking Patriots don’t get ahead again. Well, the points are taken away. But they could still score again, though, right?

Well the fucking Patriots intercepted the ball after the touchdown was taken away so they look like they might be the winners. And they are. All this happens because a ball slipped at the touchdown line? It was a pretty stupid call. The announcers think that the Steelers should have gone for a field goal and overtime and that would have been a good idea or it could have meant no change in who won. At least this means that the show probably won’t be preempted. Only it switches to a different game.

The Titans are playing the 49ers. The 49ers are winning by a small margin. I have the Titans ranked as a higher team for me right now, although rankings can and will change after the conclusion of each new football season. (Due to my rules, I have the Titans ranked higher than the Rams even.) But both are teams that I like a root for. Only that is what made the Steelers game more interesting as I don’t like the fucking Patriots. There is a field goal and the Titans are now winning. I do wonder if I should go back and check the Rams game again.

What does it mean to spike a ball, anyways? I think that it might relate to field goals, but like I already admitted, I don’t know much about football terminology. At the buzzer, the 49ers end up winning the game for the third time in a row this season. I’m okay with either outcome. Plus, since I know that the 49ers sucked last season, they could use wins this season. The 49ers aren’t in playoff contention so I guess that a win is nice even if it hurts the other team’s chances. Also, I don’t know for sure who won the Rams game, but it couldn’t have been the Seahawks with the huge difference in the score. The game has probably been over for a while now and I didn’t realize it. I see an update later that proves that the Rams won with the score last mentioned.

Today’s episode is brought to you by 38 minute delay. We begin with Daisy’s official return to the show, after the unofficial one last week. There is a special woman’s conference. Daisy needs to tell more of the family of the baby about what happen. This is probably the worst way they’d written a pregnancy onto a show that I can remember. But at least it wasn’t like it Reba where the actress who played Barbara Jean was pregnant and the character got fat. THAT is the worst way I know it has been done.

Elizabeth and others talk in the situation room. Molly, who works with Henry, talks to his team about what all happened since Bo has been arrested. Alex wants to reveal himself to an asset to try to get him on the side of the US. Alex and Stevie exchange text messages. Daisy wants to tell family about what is going on. She then has to ask Elizabeth for more time off. Elizabeth then talks to Henry. She is worried about him and his upcoming trip.

In segment two, Alex thinks of how his life would be different if he hadn’t taken Henry’s class. Daisy then goes to meet her baby daddy’s mother. (I feel that there should be a better term than baby daddy, but I don’t know what a good one would be.) Alex talks to his old friend, the one who might not know him as Alex. Elizabeth then talks to a random person, it seems, although it might not be. Henry then talks more about what had happened so far on his trip.

In segment three, it is decided that Henry has to stay in Afghanistan for now. Daisy talks more to this woman. I need a good name for her, whether it is her real name or not. It could be a mother in law under ideal circumstances. We get more of the normal “the US does not engage with terrorists” cliché that we see so often from time to time. Please tell me that we would actually do that because it seems like a dumb thing to give them more power. Stevie and Alex continue their weird flirty relationship thing that seems weird yet is her best romance thus far and the only one they seemed to have gotten right in the show thus far. Alex notices that a car is following him.

In segment four, the contact didn’t meet up with the people in Henry’s team. When did he see Stevie and leave Afghanistan? There might be some issues there with when things were happening. Elizabeth talks more to the one woman, whoever that is, about whatever the issues are that they are ignoring while trying like now to talk about. Alex says that he was followed. Henry works to get to the bottom of this issue. Elizabeth mentions how to work with the Taliban. I don’t get all this.

In segment five, Conrad has to talk and appease people in the oval office. The people of Afghanistan do not want to give women all the power, but Elizabeth might have a solution even if it might not be the right one for everyone. The people of the CIA were the ones who were following Alex. It was because he was in rehab. But they don’t talk about how Alex and Stevie are dating. Surely they know, right? They meet again and talk to each other. Alex still won’t tell Stevie the full story about himself. This could only end badly, but probably for just part of an episode.

The compromise of the Afghanistan situation has it so that women can have basic rights, but can’t run for office. Elizabeth then does a speech about this guest woman, whoever she is. There are no scenes from next time so I’ll be back whenever with the next new episode, probably sometime next year. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Monday, December 11, 2017

Episode from 12-10-2017

It is hard to believe that there are all these allegations against Charlie Rose. It’s sad. You’d think that he’d be one of the most trusted names in journalism. You’ve read me writing about some of the sexual allegations against people this year. I’ll try not to make it so that I’m on the side of any notable person that I like enough to defend. I’m sure that we’ll need to confirm every rumor. While it is dumb if people were to make up such things, it does happen, even if it might be more likely if a person never comes forward about what happened to them. I do wonder what will happen to all of the stories he did with 60 Minutes as a result. They’ll have to replace them with something.

Вот вам следующий параграф на русском языке. Простите, это немного позже, чем я этого хотел. Время 10 октября 2016 года рассказывало о том, как Россия пытается повлиять на выборы. К сожалению, в отличие от обложки предупреждали, люди падали за это. Различные вещи, о которых говорилось выше, были важными, заключались в том, что «государства представили доказательства значительного числа новых вторжений в свои избирательные системы» (см. Стр. 32.) Он упомянул о взломе в штате Иллинойс, но ничего больше в этой статье. Конечно, самое важное, о чем он упомянул, также на стр. 32, было «повторное включение Дональда Трампа в историю США и России», которое, по их словам, «тем более поразительно». Люди знают, что русский был за DNC хак. Почему они не принимают это как факт? Это будет похоже на изменение климата?

Now let’s get to the governor race in Iowa. You see, they originally had Terry Branstad as governor. Only he resigned to become part of the Trump administration. Kim Reynolds, a Republican, ascended to the office as a result. I can find hardly any information about her on her Wikipedia page. What has she done thus far in office? I have no idea.

The other Republicans in the race are both mayors, I think. One is Steven Ray, who is a mayor pro-tem, who is from a place that I heard has trains that I might have wanted to visit back when I cared more about trains and before I learned how dumb and unreliable they are. I still like trains, but don’t ride them ever. That’s weird, right? The other person who is certainly a mayor is Ron Corbett. I can’t find much on him either. While Kim has DUIs on her record, I don’t see a reason why she shouldn’t at least win the primary. Do you know of any reason?

Now for the Democrats in the race, two people in it are Cathy Glasson and Fred Hubbell. They haven’t held or run for office before. John Norris has run for office but not won it. He was a chief of staff to a governor. Jon Neiderbach also ran for office and lost. He’s a former school board member. I can’t find much information about Andy McGuire except that she is the chair of the Iowa Democratic Party. I don’t know much about Nate Boulton other than that he serves in the Iowa senate. The other person in the race is Ross Wilburn, a former mayor of Iowa City. Out of all of them, I’d have to pick Nate as who I think that people should vote for in the Democratic primary.

There is actually a Libertarian primary to carry about in the race for governor of Iowa. One is a musician named Marco Battaglia. The other is Jake Porter who ran for Secretary of State twice. Between the two of them, I’d go with Jake because he’d at least have experience running for office, if not actually in it. It can be hard to find a third party candidate with experience. As for the date of the primary, I believe that it is on June 5, 2018.

It turns out that the Rams did win the game last Sunday which puts them at 8-3. The Chargers are 5-6 now. Will they keep winning now? I guess we will see. But with twice as many losses as the Rams this season, I don’t know if they will have the chance to move up well.

I realize that some of what is posted here is outdated. There was a week without a new episode, which is to be expected this time of year. I never know for sure when that will happen each week. I can only guess at it sometimes. But since I limit the Rams versus Chargers update to once a post, you won’t see another update with that until then.

Something worth noting is that the tax cut monstrosity has passed the House and Senate. At least it doesn’t end there. More still needs to be done with it. But it is hard to believe that a bill can have all these last minute edits and all but one of the Republican’ts still vote for it blindly. Did they even read the bill? I know that the Democrats did, or tried to, with the brief time they had before the vote. You cannot have an extensive rewrite of the tax code on a bill that’s barely even public to people.

Getting back to the highly sarcastic ad that Bruce Rauner has aired against Michael Madigan, it seems like he brought in people who have barely been in office. The governors of Missouri and Indiana just started their terms this year. Can they really take credit for taking jobs from Illinois? I work in Illinois and Missouri while working for companies in Iowa and Kansas (which is kind of funny if you think about it) and it might have been a decision made by Bruce that explains why I’m not working for a place in Illinois anymore. But I don’t know much about different laws passed during this time. I just know that Bruce cannot seem to accept the fact that he is probably the problem.

There are so many people with sexual harassment or worse allegations against them. It is hard to tell with all of them how serious some are and if some are accurate. I wouldn’t blindly fire someone without first verifying the story, which it seems like some people are doing. Al Franken had to resign from the Senate while pointing out the irony that Donald Trump remains president despite the allegations against him. Trump reminded everyone of the Access Hollywood scandal before endorsing a candidate that was accused of sexual misconduct. It’s so bizarre and ridiculous, you’d think that this was a plot point in the movie The Campaign. Only it is actually happening, proving that truth is stranger than fiction.

Before I stop talking about politics, I should note that Trump seems to enjoy insulting people because that is what a mature adult does. (Oh, wait…) One of his insults is calling Senator Elizabeth Warren the name Pocahontas. This is based on the idea that she made up having Native American heritage. I don’t know much about the story, but if I were her, I’d embrace the nickname. I don’t recall Pocahontas being thought of as a bad person. She helped people who weren’t native to her land. She is thought to be a humanizing and life saving person. Plus, Trump has to worry about setting off anyone to a path to win the presidency in 2020. And that includes members of his own party.

I don’t see any football on one CBS affiliate that I check. I check my FOX affiliate and they are airing a game of the Rams versus the Eagles that the Rams are winning 28-24. But there seems to be problems that come up with it regarding one foul after another. I can’t tell who has the ball right now as I’m not paying as close attention as I would want to normally.

The Eagles get a touchdown and then a field goal making the score Rams 28 and Eagles 31. I check my other CBS affiliate and they are not airing football either. Having checked all that I wanted to, I’ll go back to the game until 60 Minutes starts.

I watch 60 Minutes and I see that the score has changed later to Rams 35 and Eagles 34. I do want the Rams to keep winning, although it wouldn’t hurt too much if they lost every remaining game since they are still winners this season for the first time since 2003. It would suck too if they were losers from this point forward since they are close to qualifying for the play-offs.

I check the end of the game and the Rams have 35 points and the Eagles have 37 points. I don’t see how the Rams can turn this back around again. I get glued to the end of the game and the Eagles end up with a touchdown giving them 43 points. And that’s how the game ends. I think that they crossed the 180 degree line when they did this.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with a person who seems to be in a minefield who stepped on a mine, it seems. As long as they get the cool sunglasses, then you know everything is good. She is rescued and the team watching a live stream of the rescue. Elizabeth gives a demonstration about land mines and how some are used to blow up a person’s leg and not all of the person. Of course, if they are a demon, then you’d want them all to blow up unless there needs to be more to the episode of Charmed. Elizabeth wants there to be policy made to help get rid of them.

We learn more about Bo Carpenter, the believed turncoat who might have betrayed the US. He is the senate majority leader. Gee, I wonder where they got the idea of a senate majority leader being a bad person? Elizabeth wants to make it her cause to fix the problem, but needs a two-thirds majority. We learn of a person’s death of someone that Russell didn’t like. Elizabeth doesn’t want to be the president. There is more talk about getting the votes they need. A person who Cat immediately butts heads with shows up to the talk. Elizabeth decides to throw the party that people are pressuring her into doing. What’s going on exactly?

In segment two, we get to the party planning of the whatever the crap thing is going on. I’m guessing that this will not be one of the better episodes. Elizabeth wants there to be a ban on land mines in at least the US, even if other countries aren’t on board. Henry’s team does more analysis on Bo and the people close to him. Stevie shows up having been forced, it seemed, into helping with the party in some way. Why is this happening? Elizabeth’s team works more on the mine issue.

In segment three, Stevie wants her family to help with the party thing. Have I said how dumb this is? Oh wait, yes. Yes I have. Anyways, the weird family dynamics continue. We then get to Henry’s team which is tailing a person only too many people leave there to be a problem. There is a meet with Bo who was probably cast to look like Mitch McConnell. Does he know that someone is after him? They still need his vote before they can go after him. Bo is going to the holiday party that Elizabeth is throwing. Why are they calling it a holiday party? Shouldn't it be Christmas party?

In segment four, Stevie has all the plans that they did in short notice for this party which seems to be a way of showing good grace, even if it isn’t to people that they don’t like. Daisy has shown up again. I wonder if the actress really was pregnant. It would explain a lot. Maybe I should do more research into the matter. The party seems to be as boring as most gatherings like that tend to be. Elizabeth needs to keep Bo at her place as long as possible. Carlos is the name of that senator I can’t remember from other, earlier episodes.

In segment five, people went after Elizabeth’s hunch. Bo gets home and the people are out of the house. What will happen with Bo? Will he realize what’s going on? Elizabeth wants Carlos to vote the way she wants to on the issue. It doesn’t look like things will go the way Elizabeth wants. Stevie then talks to Alexander some more after he was in the secret raid on Bo’s house. How much does Stevie know about who he really is? Bo is questioned with the evidence that they have and Henry wonders how Bo can live with himself. Bo wonders what he has done. But he is guilty in some way. Is the land mine thing done for a good cause? It looks like there is good resolution regarding that. But they are making Russia the enemy again, which makes sense.

On the next Madam Secretary, they might have to make a deal with the enemy in the fall finale. I can get kind of annoyed by those if that means the show is gone for a long while. Hopefully it won’t be too long into the next year when the next new episode airs. I wonder if you’ll see a political post next year before the next new episode airs. I’m still trying to figure out when to do those posts. Be on the lookout for them on Saturdays potentially, but not every Saturday. I’ll try to explain in a main post or an added intro to one of those posts. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Monday, December 4, 2017

Politics: Following the Illinois Governor Race 2018

There are different reasons why I would do a political post at some times over another. Be on the lookout for them. I am thinking that if an episode is scheduled to air and doesn’t that I will put one of these in its place. I also might do them on Saturdays at times, but not always every Saturday. If the show gets renewed, I know that I’ll do these during the summer. It doesn’t matter when you’ll see it, just be on the lookout. There are other reasons too. But enough of this transferable introduction. Let’s get to the blog post.

Bruce Rauner is running for a second term as governor. He said that he would not run for a third term. But why give him a second? What has he done for the state? He refused to do a budget for a long time and the legislature had to override a veto of his to finally get one. Now he whines and complains about the tax increase the budget had. What are the alternatives?

Let’s start with the other Republicans in the race. A Republican is running against Bruce. And this guy has no experience, it seems. Another thing he doesn’t have is the money to buy his way into office like Bruce did. He originally picked a running mate who had left Illinois 20 years ago, so maybe he isn’t too smart. Only he isn’t the only Republican alternative to Bruce.

Jeanne Ives is a Republican in the race. I read more about her, but sadly, this source that was supposed to be neutral put her in a negative light. Still, these people might have a point since there is a lot wrong with her. There was an incident of slut shaming, it seems, which you would not expect from a woman. She holds elected office right now so she had more experience than Bruce did four years ago. But she seems like a Trump candidate in the race and we need to avoid a candidate like that having any sort of power. But is that really the case? It was a source that seemed too biased.

Switching to the Democrats in the race, a candidate is running for his second chance at being governor. That man is Tio Hardiman, who lost the primary to Pat Quinn back in 2014. He helped create CeaseFire or Cure Violence. I don’t know what political experience he has so I don’t know why he is running or what good he could do. I would not support him, although I might have in the last election. He didn’t stand a chance then when he ran then as he lost the primary and didn’t even seem to affect the primary, unlike Dan Hines in 2010. I don’t think that he stands a chance this time either.

Sometimes people might just keep running until they can win an election. This might be the case with Robert Marshall. He is a physician and that’s all I can get on him. If you are a person who has not held office before, you are probably not getting my vote for an office as high as governor. I made a mistake when I voted for Bruce Rauner (as did a majority of Illinoisans), but I won’t do that again unless I have no choice.

A random person somehow in the race is a correction officer by the name of Terry Getz. He has not submitted any signatures or even announced a running mate. This is yet another Democrat that I can’t find much information about. I’d be surprised if he is even on the ballot in March.

Let’s say that you don’t want to support a person from Chicago. Well you are in luck. Bob Daiber is from the Metro East. He is the regional superintendent of schools for Madison County. That does seem like a leadership type of job. He doesn’t have any political experience, though, by the looks of it. He is the only candidate in the race not from the Chicago area. But I’m not sure that I would vote for him unless my candidate is out of the race as I don’t think that he even stands a chance of getting elected.

There’s a candidate that I know very little about. And his name is Alex Paterakis. What I do know is that he doesn’t have the experience that I feel he should have as he has never held elective office. Look what Trump has done. At least he doesn’t have the money to simply buy his way into office like Rod Blagojevich did.

Speaking of people who could simply buy their way into office, J B Pritzker may just be another Bruce Rauner. We don’t need a Democratic Bruce Rauner in the race. But he might be the only candidate you know of that is in the race besides him. I wouldn’t not vote for him if he wins the primary. I just hope that I don’t get the change for sake of change thing would get me voting the wrong way a second time.

Yet another person in the race who has never held elective office before is Chris Kennedy. He is the nephew of John F Kennedy. I don’t know what else there is to say about him. In fact, his famous name might be the only reason he is in the race.

I’m saving the best for last here. Daniel Biss is the candidate that I support for governor. Why? Well, for one, he might be the most experienced candidate in the race. In fact, almost no one else has experience. I want someone who I know can do things. If you want to support a person who never held elective office, then you must not have been paying attention to the news cycle and what a president or the current governor without experience has been like. He also has a lot of good ideas and seems like the best choice in my mind.

Well, those are my thoughts on the Illinois race for governor. I urge everyone reading this who can vote in Illinois to choose a Democratic ballot and vote for Daniel Biss. If you can’t bring yourself to vote in that primary, then vote for Jeanne Ives in the Republican primary. I may do other updates on this race later. The primary in Illinois is on March 20th, 2018 so be sure to vote if you live in this state.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Episode from 11-26-2017

Something that I randomly thought of is that I can start a blog about Bob’s Burgers in the event that a planned episode of this show is preempted due to a long running sports event before it. I still don’t know for sure if I want to start a blog about it or not. Maybe I would do it if any show on Sunday that I blog about isn’t on anymore (or on Sundays). But is mentioning football a good enough reason to have another blog? That’s the only reason why I would care about a Sunday show that I don’t already blog about. It’s an idea for the future that may never come to pass.

I think that while Republicans wanting candidates of their party to drop out if there are bad allegations against them when they are running a race or under other circumstances like if they say something so incredibly dumb that a Democrat can easily win a normally red state, there might be a slight problem with this whole thing. What’s the problem? It’s possible that they are only doing this so they can get another candidate who can win this election into it as quickly as possible instead of having to stick with what they know is a sinking ship. Of course, that’s probably not the reason, but it would seem nicer if they did that even if these people still had a chance of winning. Of course, when do scandals not hurt a politician or other person running for office? One can still win with them, but it is always damaging to their chances.

I’ve decided that due to the Thanksgiving holiday, I’m going to wait until the next blog post to do the things that I’d said I’d do in this post, such as the Russian paragraph. I’ll also wait until then to do more information on an election in a state that borders Illinois since I won’t have time to do research. But there are other things I can talk about in this post.

Before I get back to political things, I should mention an update as to who is doing better in terms of the Rams versus the Chargers this season. The Rams are still ahead in wins, but they lost their game last week. Meanwhile, the Chargers won their game. This makes me wonder if they got their wins mixed up as in the Chargers should have gotten the loss that the Rams got and the win should have gone to the Rams instead of the Chargers.

2017 seems to be the year of sexual harassment allegations. There is now one against Al Franken, who is a Minnesotan Democratic senator. It is hard to know what to think of this as it wouldn’t be the first time that a Democrat will have gotten into sexual problems. (People will always give Anthony Weiner a hard time.) One would want to believe the alleged victims. But a now infamous story published by Rolling Stone magazine proves that sometimes these stories can be made up. We’ll see what happens with this story, but I find it a bit odd that since Republicans are likely to lose a seat in Alabama that a Democrat might be in dangerous of losing his senate seat. It’s not like the Alabama seat alone controls who has a majority and Republicans would lose a majority without the seat. Plus, weird things have happened with Al’s seat before. Look up the death of Paul Wellstone if you don’t believe me.

This post is appearing a day later than usual, but I do have a lot to talk about. If you read my blog post a year ago when I did my oldest post that was not yet published, you will have remembered something important that I did in 2015. What was it? It was watching a new performance of Celtic Woman.

I should follow more of Celtic Woman than I do in this blog. I could tell you various updates about the group and the emergence of a new group called CaraNua which has former members of Celtic Woman. Well, the current line-up of Celtic Woman has Susan McFadden, Eabha McMahon, Mairead Carlin, and Tara McNeil. Their newest performance is called Homecoming. It will be on before primetime and I will be blogging about it like I did Destiny. If the performance isn’t called Homecoming, it would be Voices of Angels. I forget if these people are women instead of angels.

Here’s the first part of Homecoming: Mo Ghile Mear (My Gallant Star) with Susan, Eabha, Mairead, and Tara; My Heart will go on with Susan, Eabha, Mairead, and Tara; Across the World with Tara; and Walk Beside Me with Eabha, Mairead, Susan, and Tara.

I check during the pledge break and see a Rams versus Saints game. The Rams are winning, which is good. If they can win just two more games this season, this will give them their first winning season since 2003. That is the game on both of my CBS stations. FOX isn’t showing football now.

Here’s the second part of Homecoming: Dúlaman with Mairead; She Moved Through the Fair with Susan (not Eabha?); Isle of Hope, Isle of Tears with Eabha; Danny Boy with Susan, Eabha, Mairead, and Tara only Tara is on the harp instead of a fiddle; Annabelle Sweeney (a contest winner) then comes forth to sing Fields of Gold; and Westering Home with Annabelle, Susan, Eabha, Mairead, and Tara.

The game has the score later of Saints: 13 and Rams 26, having gained three points due to a field goal. The Rams could still lose this, but I hope that they don’t repeat something like the last season’s game where they shut out a team for the first three quarters only to lose in the fourth.

Here’s the third part of Homecoming: Amazing Grace with Susan, Eabha, and Mairead; For the Love of a Princess with Tara; Ave Maria with Mairead; The Voice with Susan (no fiddler?); and You Raise Me Up with Susan, Eabha, Mairead, and Tara.

I don’t know the final score because when I check later, the game is over and 60 Minutes has started. I can only guess that the Rams won, although I can’t be too sure of that at the moment. Even having double the points of the other team, I’m pretty sure that they won, but I’m not 100% sure.

Here’s the fourth part of Homecoming: some complicated foreign name that I can’t write quickly and easily with Eabha; Time to Say Goodbye with Mairead, Susan, Eabha, and Tara on harp instead of fiddle; something that may not be an actual song that has Tara on fiddle, Susan on spoons, and Eabha on some sort of recorder of some sort; and Téir Abhaile Riú with Susan, Eabha, Mairead, and Tara.

It seems odd that this is where the special ends. It didn’t seem like there was a good finale song. They had tons of them in the special too, just not the last song. I don’t like the new versions of Danny Boy, The Voice, or Téir Abhaile Riú. I still haven’t listened to the Voices of Angels CD. I wonder if some good things were taken out of the special like an ending song. I’d put this as better than Emerald at least and maybe better than Songs from the Heart. But I don’t think that it would be higher than that.

Before I get to this episode, maybe you’ve heard of this guy who said something along the lines of that he’d believe Trump over Jesus. Trump is a well known liar. Jesus never lied once. In fact, Jesus said a good thing about liars in John 8:44-46. Be sure to read all of it. Jesus makes it quite clear what happens when people follow liars like the devil in that verse. So don’t fall for other liars like Trump.

Today’s episode is brought to you by 46 minute delay. We begin with a reminder that Russia infiltrated the top levels of their government. Elizabeth is told to head to the White House immediately, but not told why in the text she got about it. Conrad is concerned about the opioid crisis. My computer doesn’t know how to spell the word so I’ll never know if I am spelling it right. He wants Elizabeth to work on a solution to this problem immediately. We get to yet another Skype event that Elizabeth is doing with some foreign dignitary. #takeashot. This is a person from Mexico who doesn’t look Hispanic or seem to have a real accent. I’m not sure if I have the information right, though.

Alexander and Stevie exchange text messages some. Maybe this will be a good romance. I just hope that she knows who Alexander really is. Cat shows up and I’m not sure yet just what to make of this rather eccentric character. I miss her Grey’s Anatomy haircut. And I won’t admit to a lot of people that I watch Grey’s Anatomy. Elizabeth talks to some important person who seems random to me. She goes off the record for a bit with this journalist. He knows to stop recording. Elizabeth thinks that a journalist like him is tough on Mexico in the way that he should be. There is some sort of prisoner transfer going on and an explosion helps free a person. Do these extravagant rescues happen in real life?

In segment two, we get to the attack that happened before the commercial. Another conversation by Skype is going on (and another shot is taken) about the attack. Henry’s team has who they think are the three main suspects of the Russian hack and they will be told three different locations with the idea that one of them will go to the right place. Jay seems to have problems when his parents come. Why, in TV shows, do all the parents seem to be flawed in some way? Did not one single screenwriter have parents who believed in him or her?

The fugitive does an interview with someone because that totally happens outside of TV shows, NOT! Well, it happens if they are caught, but not this way. Cat talks more about the problems that have been happening in Mexico. Elizabeth talks more with the reporter about what is going on. Alexander finds Stevie in a bar where they are meeting. I have at least three family members who met their spouse at a bar. It makes me wonder if I should ever go to one. And yes, all of these people are still married. Stevie talks about what she wants the relationship to be. I don’t want her to go back to her somewhat slutty side that we have seen in the first season. Give us something good about her instead of an extra person with wasted subplots. A person is attacked, but I didn’t understand all that.

In segment three, Stevie and Alexander talk and possibly flirt some after the bar. He explains that things are complicated and he doesn’t want a potential relationship between them to complicate things. It turns out that the journalist died and Elizabeth visits his newsroom and talks more about the notes that he has that could help. Jay has more problems with his controlling family. If you are a family member of mine and reading this, please stop telling me what to do with my life. Jay stands up to his parents. I still don’t know for sure if I’m supposed to be talking about Blake instead of Jay. I will mention this more in a bit. They look similar to each other and aren’t always identified.

Henry talks to this season’s evil politician. I don’t fully understand what all is going on with this. But did he reveal himself to be evil? I forgot that Henry was, in fact, CIA now. I know that he used to be NSA. Elizabeth talks to Conrad and Russell about what is going on. Why do Elizabeth and Russell disagree on nearly every important issue? They are on the same team!

In segment four, Henry and Elizabeth talk more about Harrison. Who is that? Is that the senator whose name I can’t remember? I wish that I knew this for sure. Alexander has the main thing going on right now that Henry was working on. It is Blake and not Jay that I was talking about who has these family people. I’ll have to remember that Blake has black hair and Jay has brown hair. Elizabeth says that she will fire Blake in a year’s time. The people then find out what is going on in regards to the one problem and find out that Pedro, whoever that is, is the person responsible.

In segment five, Elizabeth returns to the situation room. A raid is about to happen. Elizabeth wants this to be stopped as the raid wouldn’t get their real target. Henry learns that the majority leader, Owen, is the person responsible. Or that’s what he’s telling someone at least. I still don’t know who this senator is that keeps showing up this season. But I do love how some of the evils each season are insiders of the American government who are just out for their own way of doing things. For an episode that I thought was about the opiod crisis based on the initial promos, this sure hasn’t been really focusing on it that much. Conrad is afraid that it will hurt his son. Alexander meets Stevie at a restaurant. I can’t figure those two out yet.

There are no scenes from next time so I guess there won’t be a new episode next week. Just know that you will see more Russian paragraphs from me in future posts and I will talk about various other things in future posts. Don’t be surprised if the next post is a political one. Sorry that this post came on a Tuesday instead of a Monday. The rest of the posts should be normal on Monday until the next potential change. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Monday, November 20, 2017

Episode from 11-19-2017

Too much has changed with my life regarding Thanksgiving. It used to be that most Thanksgivings, we would enjoy a meal made by my grandmother. Only she died this year, long after her great meals were never made again. We have done other things with other family members. My other grandmother is past the age of making great meals (on her own at least). My brother hosted Thanksgiving before. I don’t know if I’d like that to always happen, but it might be good some times. We’ll see what happens, but we are doing a lesser thing for the third time yet it might be the best choice.

I do have a special post ready regarding the Illinois governor election next year which is why I haven’t talked that much about it here yet. That’s one of the reasons why I’m doing these shorter blurbs now as I’m not sure that I care enough to do special posts just yet. Maybe I’ll mention something during the summer if worst comes to worst.

Now let’s get to the Indiana race for Senate. The incumbent senator running for reelection is Democrat Joe Donnelly. He is notable for being one of three Democrats to vote for Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court. I don’t think that he had done anything wrong while in office and I admire him for the vote I just mentioned even though I disagree with it. (The process was too messed up at that point.) He is facing a primary challenge from Martin Del Rio, who is a veteran. Martin has not held office before so if you are voting in the Democratic primary, vote for Joe. The primary is on May 8, 2017.

Let’s get to the Republican side of the election. There are five people currently in the race. One is Mark Hurt, an attorney and former congressional aide. Another is Andrew Takami, who is the director of one of the Purdue Institutes. I wouldn’t support either of them since they don’t seem to have much political experience. They might have some, but not enough having not held elective office before. The other three Republicans in the race have had or still have elective office.

I couldn’t find much about Mike Braun, who is not currently in office, except that he resigned from office to focus on this senate race. What’s interesting about a different candidate, Luke Messer, is that he hold Mike Pence’s old seat in the House of Representatives. He has moved to Washington DC so I don’t even know why he is allowed to run for office back in Indiana. Plus, I can’t support someone who is against Obamacare like he is. Plus, he supported Trump’s travel ban. I find out information about Todd Rokita and he has the same bad views as Luke, with even worse views like denying the reality of climate change being caused by humans. He also might be owned by the NRA, based on what I could tell about it. I’d recommend voting for Mike in the primaries.

Who is doing better between the Rams and the Chargers? Well, I was concerned at first that the Rams weren’t winning any home games since their only losses so far this season were at home. Well, they won a game at home and are now 7-2. The Chargers are 3-6 since they only won three games in mid October. They went from a losing streak to a brief winning streak to another losing streak.

If you are following the Alabama Senate election and have heard stories about women being paid to say that they were harassed by Roy Moore, you should know that these are fake news stories made by Russians. How do I know this? Well, they can’t seem to figure out that the dollar sign goes before the amount of money and not after it. While there might have been a chance that the women were lying, the fact that only fake news sources say this seem to prove that they are telling the truth. Think about it. It wouldn’t be too hard to find out whether or not they made it up. Why make up that they made it up if they had actually made it up?

After the hurricanes earlier this year, it made me wonder if I should add other football teams to root for. The areas hit were Houston, who has the Texans, and Miami, who has the Dolphins. I might add them, but they are not playing each other this season and I’m not sure that I would care enough about last season to add them should they have played each other. Besides, I’d make them a tier two set of teams where I don’t root for any of them outside the nine I already do, putting on a lower set of things to root for. I’d add Florida’s other two teams, the Jacksonville Jaguars and Tampa Bay Buccaneers, to the list this time around and I might come up with other teams in future football seasons.

Как и было обещано в более раннем посте, вот еще один абзац на русском языке. Это происходит из статьи Time Magazine, которая была напечатана 8 августа 2016 года. В данной статье спрашивается: «Есть ли у Путина стороны?» Этот абзац начинается с напоминания об Уотергейте и вступлении в штаб-квартиру Демократической партии. Русские хаки DNC - хорошее сравнение с ужасным событием, известным как Уотергейт. Мне нужно будет сделать пост позже, чтобы обучить некоторых из вас на Уотергейт. Это было 20 000 писем, и это беспокоит то, что республиканцам все равно, что это происходит, и не сделает ничего, чтобы это не повторилось. Статья заканчивается этим предупреждением: «Если кто-то хочет нанести большой ущерб США, это способ, которым они могут это сделать». И это то, что сделали русские.

You might be confused by the previous paragraph. You see, I have decided to put random paragraphs in Russian whenever I want to in this blog. You will see one in the next post as well. So get used to me doing such as thing from time to time and hopefully you can translate it if you want to.

I have time to watch games today before primetime. CBS is annoying me with a doubleheader. Okay, that doesn’t annoy me as much right now as the fact that it is a Patriots game and the Patriots are beating the Raiders. There are no games on FOX and both of my CBS affiliates are airing the same game. Only it changes. The game changes into a Broncos versus Bengals game with the Bengals winning. This is the more interesting game.

I’m mainly watching what I think is the season finale of The Toy Box. I wonder if its timeslot will go to America’s “Funniest” Home Videos. Weren’t they originally going to air To Tell the Truth earlier? That’s concerning that they didn’t even bring it in when 10 Days in the Valley was pulled from the schedule and they doubled up on Shark Tank, another concern for it. Keep track of every show that is needlessly delayed because they don’t tend to be back on the next season.

The Bengals end up winning the game against the Broncos. This will mean less of a delay, although it will be later than the 30 minutes they planned it to be. I can only assume that the fucking Patriots won the game that they cut off the end of in my region. But I don’t need to see them win. This just gets to my show sooner than it otherwise would be.

Today’s episode is brought to you by 35 minute delay. We begin with Elizabeth talking about Jason’s new girlfriend. He is different and nicer around her. Elizabeth is summoned to the white house where she talks with the president and Conrad. They recap the abducted agent and bombing of the one place from earlier. Elizabeth talks to Henry about the dinner and the attack in Afghanistan. This girlfriend of Jason was from Kenya. This is an awkward dinner. Watch the movie Popeye and you’ll see another awkward dinner like that. We get to Cat finally. What is with the weird haircut? I hope that was what the actress already looked like when they cashed her.

Elizabeth has a weird dream about the whole retiring on a farm thing. This isn’t the same type of dream as one you have when you are asleep. Henry meets with that shady, evil senator guy whose name I’m not sure I know. I’m bad at names, but a lot of shows don’t mention names as often as they should have. Elizabeth wants to meet with Cat and hopefully I’m spelling it right. It could be with a k instead of a c. A person wound up with small pox and they think that Russia did it. They made Russia evil already before.

In segment two, people are updated as to the small pox situation. I miss watching some of the opening credits due to a local alert telling us when the news starts. Elizabeth and Henry talk by the phone about how to raise Jason best. Once again, Elizabeth butts head with a foreign national person. #takeashot. This person (a foreign minister) doesn’t have an idea of what went on. Henry and Jason have a talk about his girlfriend and his grades (mostly his grades).

Elizabeth is with her group when Cat comes to the white house. They have a nice talk about things and Cat talks about an oil spill that happened in Siberia about the possible zombie small pox that happened. Henry talks to his students about whatever his lesson was about. There is then this random guy who he talks to and as usual, I don’t understand. Elizabeth thinks that permafrost might be causing the small pox problem due to global warming happening. But can they fight this? And is Russia at fault?

In segment three, Elizabeth talks again to this person and apologizes for thinking that he caused the problem, only they don’t seem to want to look for a solution. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think that only politicians in the US deny the reality of climate change. Elizabeth talks to the person in quarantine about what has happened. Elizabeth and Henry talk more about Jason and what to do about him. Why is he the only child known to be troublesome? I guess it means having less of Stevie’s dumb love life or Alison’s perfectness. The person with small pox died.

In segment four, Elizabeth thinks that there is more that they can do after what has happened. Matt (I think) comes up with an idea that could work. Cat randomly comes in and helps with the situation. Cat thinks that the problem comes from the extinction of the wholly mammoth. This makes me want to watch Ice Age again. Scientists are wanting to clone and thus reintroduce the wholly mammoth. I’ve seen Jurassic Park. That’s not a good idea. But Elizabeth does have some sort of solution to the problem that will hopefully work.

They still don’t know how to give Jason the sex talk. I don’t think that I ever got the sex talk, but I’m still a virgin so I’m not sure that I need one like others do. They want to give the talk together and Jason does a facepalm when that happens. He explains how due to a spiritual connection of some sort that they are not having sex and they think that her parents already got to her with the talk.

In segment five, Elizabeth hunts down Cat again and mentions her terrible haircut. At least it isn’t a Mohawk. That’s the worst hairstyle I’ve ever seen. Elizabeth wants to know how to work with Russia in order to stop a potential pandemic. There is potential solution, it seems. Only it doesn’t seem like there is a good solution to everything. They come up with a deal of some sort that will protect everything. Only there are still problems with the diplomats and other issues.

Cat wants to talk to Elizabeth and wants to keep working with her. Since she is already in the main cast in her debut episode (which does not happen a lot), this does not come as a surprise, since she is already announced as part of the cast anyways. We also talk about the furniture throwing that made her famous or infamous, as it would seem. Henry thinks that only people in the president’s cabinet or this gang of eight in Congress could have known and tipped them off. If they have already introduced this character, then it is probably obvious who they are.

On the next Madam Secretary, they talk more about the opioid crisis and that’s about all of it that I got from the promo. You don’t have to be vague with promos to the extent that we are not that interested in the next new episode. Give us something to get us back. A promo like that gives nothing to anyone except maybe those who care about the opioid crisis. May I never know someone affected by it. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Monday, November 13, 2017

Episode from 11-12-2017

Since the Rams had a bye week and the Chargers had the same thing a week later, I thought that it would be better not to do an update on comparing the two teams until both of their byes were done. Now that they are, I might as well get to telling you about the comparison between them. The Chargers are now 3-5. The Rams are 6-2. Hopefully the Rams can keep their winning up.

From what I know now about the Texas church shooting, it was bad and could have been worse. This is the first instance I know of where a person fired back at the shooter. There are conflicting things with what I read about him. He went to church but may not have believed anything there as he is atheist. I don’t like them even when they don’t shoot up Christians. But this will not help their reputation by any means. He killed himself so there’s no reason to mention any more about him. I do wonder why I heard about this morning attack at night.

Now let’s get to the Wisconsin governor race. Scott Walker is running for reelection. He’s a Republican and a poll had a generic Democrat beating him. However, I’m not sure that I take polls too seriously. Right now, there is only one Republican against him. That person is Ryan Cason. Ryan has no experience and even admits to being a candidate who won’t even talk about the issues outside of the two that he cares about. Stick with Scott in the Republican primary. I’ll have to talk to my senior pastor who used to live in this state about who he would recommend voting for if he’s following this election. I believe that the primary is on August 14, 2018.

Let’s get to the Democrats in the race and hopefully I don’t miss anyone. Michele Doolan and Andy Gronik are two people who have never run for anything before. I don’t know much else about them. Bob Harlow and Mike McCabe are people who have run for office before and lost those races. They have not won any election, although Mike has helped with Democratic campaigns in his state. Tony Evers is a person in the race who is a superintendant right now. He has an email controversy of some sort so he might be best avoided. Kathleen Vinehout is another candidate in the race. I don’t see much that she offers except being a failed candidate for governor before. While I can’t find much information on Dana Wachs, he seems like the best choice on the Democratic side in this race.

I’ve seen commercials for some dumb thing called love has no labels. What is that even about? I don’t get it exactly and it seems dumb to have PSAs over something that everyone already knows about now anyways. You’re here, you’re queer, we’re used to it. What, are we supposed to be okay with it just because society expects us to be? You do realize a major flaw with the Supreme Court ruling on gay marriage is that while it means that laws can’t prevent it from happening, most places still don’t have laws that say that gays can get married, thus skipping a very important step in the legal process. That’s why Kim Davis wasn’t actually breaking any laws.

If you have no idea what I was talking about there, let’s switch back to the strange election in Alabama that oddly doesn’t have Strange in it. I am hoping that Luther Strange enters as a write in candidate as that would make it even more likely that the Democrat wins. I really hope that no one is buying the idea that Roy Moore is Christian because he isn’t. He thinks he is, but he’s not. That’s a very dangerous thing. Look up Charles Guiteau if you don’t believe that a religious nut can affect history. Even then, warping religion was a bad thing and it still is. Now with all these allegations of sexual misconduct against Moore, I just don’t see why this would be a candidate that people would still support, but this country’s lack of intelligence continues to surprise me. Still, Alabama reminds me now of what Illinois was like after Obama won. Will they be in towards a shift for the left like my state shifted some to the right?

Once again, I didn’t have time for football today, although a lot of it was over long before primetime on CBS. I am starting to like watching the NFL if only to get back at the idiots who protest them. I could have watched a game on FOX, but I was busy before primetime and missed it. At least shows aren’t on delay this time around.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with a recap involving the Talban attack and the romance of Stevie. She finally gets her parents together and tells them about the break-up. She thinks that the relationship failure is his fault, although I don’t know for sure. I think that it was a mutual failing. Maybe he was just responsible for the break-up. There is a hostage that people have to deal with now. They don’t want to pay for the ransom. Henry thinks that this will result in the person’s death. Elizabeth talks to her team about what is going on. Henry wants to find the missing person. Elizabeth talks to a possibly random person about the situation. Henry notices that the person tried to send a message. It reminds me of that episode of The Unit where the main black guy was captured.

In segment two, Elizabeth is more concerned with what is going on with her family. Stevie doesn’t like what Jareth, her ex-fiancée, has posted on facebook. Of course, I’m the weirdo who almost never does recent pictures on facebook. Henry learns that the captive they are after did use Morse code. Stevie has to deal with the people at work learning about her break-up with Jareth. Russell tells Stevie about a bad relationship that he was in that he’s glad that he’s out of. We still don’t know what is happening with Daisy’s baby. Why was this a plot they put in here?

Elizabeth is looking for a new policy advisor. Will this be who Cat plays? She then talks to someone who must have been a previous captive or something like that. They learn an important piece of information: land mines went off nearby the place. They think they know the place.

In segment three, they talk about the planned operative and greenlight the op. We see what happens, but it doesn’t seem like much did at the moment. Should they keep up this policy? That seems to be the main focus of the episode. That’s actually a good one to ask. 60 Minutes did a good segment about it. Not much happens this act, although I could just be too tired to focus well enough.

In segment four, there are problems with trying to resolve the other problem. Elizabeth talks about a bad decision that she made in the past. Is this unrelated to the main issue? I’m getting confused here. Jay is having trouble adjusting to his new job. That might be the reason why I am so tired a lot of the time. I should have taken my Sunday nap as usual, but didn’t feel tired enough for it. Matt and Jay seem to do a double team for an idea of some sort.

In segment five, we get back to the captive who seemed to have been moved elsewhere in the rain. What does this mean? She seems to be fine, based on a text that Henry got. But should they change the policy? They think that a person might have changed sides. Alexander is invited to hang out with the family of Henry’s. Who wants to bet that he’ll wind up with Stevie? Also was Daisy’s actress, Patina Miller, pregnant herself? I don’t know what’s going on.

Speaking of confusing things, Elizabeth is upset over the end of the relationship because of boots. Alexander talks about a video game that he played. Henry somehow knows about the game. Alexander and Stevie talk about her break-up. She wants to go out with him, but he is being responsible, unlike how she normally is. I bet that the people who play Alison and Jason don’t like the fact that Stevie gets so much airtime since she wasn’t originally on the show as of the pilot. Stevie puts her number in Alex’s phone so I guess we will see them as a couple. But does she know of his true identity?

On the next segment of the show, there is a person dating or wanting to date someone and I guess that I’ll be confused until the next episode airs. But they have to do things like that. If a promo revealed too much, would people watch? I’ll see you next time where I’ll hopefully have more time to myself the day it airs, but I just don’t know what will happen. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Monday, November 6, 2017

Episode from 11-5-2017

For a TV junkie like me, there can be problems that happen with trying to watch all the TV shows that I like to. Normally it doesn’t matter if I miss a show that I’d like to watch. But I don’t tend to keep missing everything over and over again. You see, NBC has not come in that well if at all for a long time. This means that I can’t watch The Brave to see if that is any good. It also means missing all of the NBC shows that I already cared about like Law and Order: SVU, The Good Place, Blindspot, Saturday Night Live, The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon, and anything else that I might care about. Will any of it ever return? I want to at least keep up with The Good Place and Blindspot. I would watch online, but the website of the network has to be crappy too.

Since there are different elections that I want to keep track of, I should find out the dates for primaries for these elections since they will vary by state. In case I don’t get to a special post later, I might as well mention a different election each post. I’ll start with Missouri’s race for senate. The incumbent in the race who is running for reelection is Claire McCaskill. My brother actually lives in Missouri and while he doesn’t always support her, he said it best when he said this, “Whenever she is in the news, it is about something good she did.” Disclaimer: I’m not sure of his exact words, but they were something along the lines of that.

Who else is in the race? The only other Democrat in the race right now is Angelica Earl who I can’t find much information about right now except that she has not held elective office before. If you vote in the Democratic primary, vote for Claire. The primary is on August 7th, 2018 if I have the date right. She fights against human traffickers. That’s the most heinous crime that I know of.

Now let’s get to the Republicans in the race. Tony Monetti and Courtland Sykes are both retired military people. I don’t know that much about the incumbent governor of Missouri, but I don’t think that he was a good choice because one would need political experience. Someone else in the race is Austin Petersen who was a Libertarian in just 2016. While he is pro-life, don’t think that he’s the Christian candidate, because he’s actually an atheist. It is hard to understand some of his views, but he is for the Second Amendment so I guess he passes that test.

Josh Hawley is the main Republican to look out for, but I think that Claire could destroy him in ads if not the election. I don’t know what to make of him outside of the fact that he could just be someone who wants to work his way up in politics. Still, I’d endorse him in the Republican primary as he might be the only good person on that side. But I’d have to do more research as KMOV will air or has aired a story that seems to relate to something bad that happened under his watch. Whether or not he is responsible for this bad thing (an unpunished criminal) is unknown by me without more research. Josh is currently the attorney general of the state.

I don’t know if there will be many changes into what I watch on DVD for a while. But there is one and there could be another in the near future. Shining Time Station is done being watched and is replaced by recorded shows on tape. I have three tapes ready, although I’d have less if the laptop I am using was working better in the past and I could use my TV tuner. This change also means that NCIS: Los Angeles is off the list and switched out with NCIS.

As a country, we are still not over the Las Vegas attack and then a Halloween one in New York happens. This time, it is a foreigner and not an American. Who cares that this new guy killed 50 less people than the Las Vegas shooter? Let’s get rid of the lottery that lets people into the country! Well, that’s what Trump wants and I need to do more research into this thing. ISIS originally claimed responsibility, only to change their mind when the suspect was arrested. I don’t know why they always claim responsibility for an attack, but it would serve as a constant reminder with why they need to be taken out. Let’s just not get any innocent people mixed in with the bunch.

Since I brought up the Las Vegas shooter, I might as well bring up the fact that people are going after his girlfriend with the idea that she should have known. Most people don’t know terrible things about another. None of the people who knew the shooter thought that he was this type of person. Why should she be any different? If he had an affair, do you feel that she should have known he was cheating on her? Because it seems to me that people always say that the woman is the last to know when her husband is cheating. I don’t know if that’s true or not. It could just be something that people say. But I really don’t want there to be a scapegoat in that shooting.

The ABC show that I watched at the same time as this is supposed to air, 10 Days in the Valley, was pulled from the schedule and “not” cancelled, with burn-offs scheduled for Saturdays after November sweeps are over. Get the ironic quotation marks yet? After watching some of The Toy Box, I learn that they are looking for new people for future seasons. While the doesn’t guarantee future seasons, it means that someone on the network is considering one. I am also a bit concerned now about the show Wisdom of the Crowd since the charges came against Jeremy Pivon that he might have committed sexual harassment. Although, I haven’t watched it as much as I could have.

I learned briefly of a Texas shooting that happened sometime during Sunday. I should know more about it by the time I do next week’s post. Are we going to keep getting one terrible shooting after another? And it was a church shooting. One shouldn’t shoot people regardless of where they worship or what religion they are. Shooting people is wrong. How do so many people not seem to know that?

There was actually another change in the TV shows on DVD that I watch. The next Power Rangers episode on the season three DVD set is a Christmas one. Thus, I’m removing it from the list and replacing it with random episodes of The Andy Griffith Show that my mother got me randomly. This also means that NCIS is off of the list and replaced by NCIS: Los Angeles. I was also pretty busy the day that this episode aired and didn’t get to see many sports. I learn that the Cowboys beat the Chiefs in the game that happened right before the end of the late airing sports game.

Today’s episode is brought to you by 30 minute delay. We begin with updates into some of what has happened so far this season. I don’t fully know what all to mention. Henry is at a briefing where he is telling people what happened. The evil senator (what’s his name?) is back and does different evil stuff than what he did last time. They mention stuff relating to the movie The Godfather. I should see that since I am a godfather. Henry gives an update to the meeting to Elizabeth.

Jay (was that it?) gets used to his new job at the top. It is weird that Nadine just left so suddenly. Plus, when are we getting to Cat? Elizabeth talks to foreign people about important things. Jay is the new chief of staff, like I thought. Who is the policy adviser then? Are we going to ignore that? Is that the role that Cat is going to fill?

Henry talks to his team and tries to get more reassurance from Alexander that he will focus some. There are problems with the foreign visitors, as usual. It wouldn’t be this show without some sort of international or domestic crisis. Elizabeth talks to more people about what to do and they decide that Conrad should go to the country. We see a news report about the senator criticizing the trip instead of what he was doing and Elizabeth points out about what really is going on. Julia, an important person somehow, is being expelled from the country she is in and Conrad is going to. God help us if a country ever expels a person, whether they are a citizen of it or not.

In segment two, Henry talks about spying on his daughter. Julia arrives at their house. Julia was involved with two people in the country she was at. They want to figure out a good way to hide up Julia’s affair with these two people. Alison doesn’t think that she’s good enough to do a project that she’s working on. At least they are giving her some back story, even if it could be better.

The person in Kurdistan wants to get an apology. Elizabeth wants to figure out the human trafficking problem. Only there might not be one since it could be some confusing thing again. Talks seemed to have stalled. Where will they find a place to host this forum? Conrad is no longer going internationally. Matt talks some to Jay about needing to figure out a new way of behaving now that his job has changed.

In segment three, they found a place to host the country and found an important person in Bora Bora. What is that place? Did I spell it right? (I did if I wrote it.) Elizabeth talks to her husband about things. Henry is heading to Kobo. What is that? They take each other’s reading glasses to make sure that they are both safe and have reading glasses. Couldn’t they use each other’s glasses? The news of the affair broke out and the summit seems to have been cancelled as a result.

Alison needs someone to do the presentation. Stevie agrees, despite wanting to stick with work more. Possibly exciting things happen at the White House due to the missing person who might have been found. Is it just me, or does this show do too much at once?

In segment four, they learn more about the breach and Julia testifies for people about her discretions. Does anyone understand this breach thing that went on? Henry talks to someone and they learn that some other problem happened that somehow ties into Julia in some way. There is an explosion. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: what just happened?

In segment five, we learn about a drone strike and more of what happened to Henry’s team, which is that they are all okay as the perimeter was closed just in time. Julia, the ambassador is brought up again as she caused various problems. Why does this guy have a translator if he speaks English occasional? I guess that he only knows some or enough to make it on occasion.

Stevie wonders if what she did was a good or bad idea. She then confesses that her engagement to Jeremy is off. That’s actually good since it never brought much to the show except irritation for me. Alison gives her sister a pep talk as to what she should do. We then learn that the summit to stop human trafficking is back on. The McCord family watches the catwalk that Stevie did. Henry and Elizabeth reunite again. They try to figure out who was responsible for the problem and Conrad thinks that someone from the inside tipped them off. It is at this point that a lemming goes "oh no!" and then explodes.

On the next Madam Secretary, a CIA agent is captured and they have to talk once again about the policy about not negotiating with terrorists. I hope that isn’t a real policy as it seems really dumb. It gives them far too much power, if it is real. I don’t know what else to mention in this post. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Episode from 10-29-2017

Since I didn’t get to mentioning which of LA’s football teams is doing better in the previous post, I should get to the good news. The Rams have improved on their record from last season and have five wins. After losing the first three games of the regular season, the Chargers have bounced back and won the next four. The Rams are still doing better for now, but they are having a bye week this week so we won’t know for sure who will do better for a bit.

I don’t know if I should do a special political post on the Alabama special election for Senate or not. But I don’t live in or near Alabama so I’m not sure what the point would be. However, if you or someone that you know can vote there despite their voting suppression laws, then be sure to vote for Doug Jones and not Roy Moore. Roy has a warped idea of Christianity and seems to think that all laws in this country should benefit that and no other religion. We already have an angry white guy in office, we don’t need another one. Doug has shown to be the better candidate of the two. The election is on December 12th of this year so be sure to vote if you can for Doug Jones. If you want an example of the type of lunacy that Roy Moore believes, then watch the following video.

I’m doing more research into why Bebe Neuwirth, who plays Nadine, has left the show. I did learn that there will be a replacement that you might have known from Grey’s Anatomy. The new character that is called Kat will show up starting in this episode. There is not a reason as to why the actress has left just yet, but you can see more in the following two stories.

It is dumb enough living in Illinois where of all the candidates running for governor, only one has held elective office so far. I have seen political commercials before I saw back to school commercials this year and the primary isn’t until March 20th. There weren’t that many bad commercials until a really dumb one started to air. It has Eric Greitens, Eric Holcomb, and Scott Walker, the Republican’t governors of Missouri, Indiana, and Wisconsin respectively, all talk about the jobs that have left Illinois for their states during the tenure of Bruce Rauner.

Why is the commercial dumb? Because it is one that Bruce Rauner made and is airing to attack Illinois Speaker of the House Michael Madigan. It isn’t Mike’s fault that Bruce won’t comprise with the other party. Why would a Republican’t get over Republican’ts to do a commercial criticizing job loss during your own term? You can’t pass a budget and they have to override a veto for one to get passed. Plus, where I live isn’t where people can help vote out Michael Madigan. So what’s the point? Why blame him on your problems? And why not include the Republican’t governors of Kentucky and Iowa who are Matt Bevin and Kim Reynolds respectively?

Now, thanks to the ad, I will be keeping track of all the races that are taking place in 2018 in every state that borders Illinois. The states of Missouri, Indiana, and Wisconsin have class one senators so they will be electing someone this coming election cycle. In addition to Illinois, it would seem that Wisconsin and Iowa elect their governors during the midterm elections. I might even keep track of the race for attorney general of Illinois since I randomly got an email from one of the candidates and it appears that former governor Pat Quinn is in that race.

Before I switch to sports for this article, you might wonder who I am rooting for in the World Series between the Houston Astros and the Los Angeles Dodgers. I would be rooting for the Astros since their city needs a win after the hurricane earlier this year. This makes me wonder if I should root for other hurricane ravaged places that have football teams at least this football season. I could root for the Miami Dolphins and the Houston Texans. That is the Houston football team, right? But are there any other locations that I’m missing? Doesn't Tampa Bay have a team? Should I root for them too?

I tune into one CBS affiliate and they are airing the news. The other one is airing a different news. I tune into FOX and they are airing a game of the Cowboys versus the Redskins. The Cowboys are winning. I wonder if they ride a steel horse and are wanted dead or alive. I know that Schrodinger’s cat is wanted dead or alive. The Cowboys are from Dallas, right?

The game continues and I switch to watching 60 Minutes although I’ll check on the score of the game later. Since the World Series is on FOX and replacing that programming, the only thing that I’d have to worry about is what is on ABC. Well they are preempting 10 Days in the Valley tonight. It might be over, but I don’t know for sure just yet. The Cowboys are still winning when I check the game later.

I don’t know if North Korea is something that we should actually be worrying about. Why would they attack us? Maybe if Trump is dumb, they would. If they just for no reason attacked us, then we would have justification for striking back. I’d just worry that we’d be fighting a war with them that would last for too long like with Afghanistan and we don’t need to make that mistake again.

Via a CBS sports update, I learn that the Cowboys won the game on FOX. I will not have much, if any reason to watch something other than CBS tonight. I won’t have to record something either. Let’s get to the episode next, shall we?

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with Elizabeth and Henry talking about various things. Eliminating the national debt isn’t what I would call an ideological notion. Of course, they might not be Andrew Jackson supporters (understandable) and he was the only president who got rid of it. Jason continues his mostly dumb teenager ways. That takes me back to a time that I didn’t like as much. Everything sucked when I was a teen. Anyways, Elizabeth talks to her team some about what all is going on. Also, is it just me or has it been a while since we’ve seen Matt on this show? We get to Blake who introduces the next Nadine, who is Kat. Well, she isn’t on the show just yet.

The show then tries to make us care about Stevie and her fiancée again. He wants her to travel to England and meet some of his family. They also have fun creating a signal to use in case she gets into trouble. We get back to the White House where Russell and Elizabeth talk. I don’t understand all of what is going on here. Henry then talks about a case of his. An important person is brought up trying to get a reaction of some sort out of a possible known criminal trying to come to the US. Of course, when it comes to sandbagging, the best way to do it is to bring up a little known thing. Like, how can you not know about the uranium deal that I will tell you nothing more about?

In segment two, there is a hectic dinner at the table, like in the Popeye movie. A political commercial airs against a secretary of state. If they hold no office, then what’s the point of a commercial? I’d know why if it were over a potential Supreme Court justice. There are just too many problems with the world nowadays and constantly having to deal with politics is a major one of them. Henry talks to Alexander as I’m supposed to be calling him. He is still trying to recover from the drug addiction that he has struggled with. I’m glad that this show is addressing a serious topic like it even though I don’t know why I should care about the opioid crisis, since I don't think that it affects anyone that I know.

I am getting a bit confused with Blake and Jay (or other people entirely) and wonder who has the kid and why. Matt does show up again. Also, why do so many characters on the same show look alike? I know that they are getting whoever they think works well, but they confuse people like me when I can’t tell who is a Ross and who is a Joey. There is more talking as I find it hard to keep track of anything and I’m not even eating to the side as I’m watching this live.

In segment three, we get to people talking in the McCord house. People then go to Peoria, Illinois. I forget if I’ve been there or not. Matt and whoever talk about various things that are going on. There is a news report on refugees. I should do a report on sanctuary cities and states as a political post. Of course, now that I have at least five races outside of the Illinois governor one to follow now. Elizabeth is told not to check twitter which makes her want to check twitter. I’m not sure that I would care about it if I were in some sort of elective office. Elizabeth was concerned that her husband blew off their son. This leads to a heated discussion. Remember how things elevate. It goes from disagreement to heated discussion to arguing to fighting. You want it to stay as low as possible because no one wins a fight.

In segment four, Elizabeth thinks that they have a way to end the shutdown. Russell wants to destroy the person who caused the shutdown who might be an allegory on Ted Cruz. Would I want him to be president now instead of Trump? Both are hotheads, but I doubt I’d be hearing about Cruz’s tweets in the news so often. Elizabeth is taken to where the senator is and she tries to explain how she doesn’t want an Ebola crisis. She does something akin to blackmail regarding his foreign born wife. I don’t really understand all of what happened. What else is new?

In segment five, Elizabeth talks to Jay and Blake. I think that those are the two people. She wants to hire a person right then and there, but he seems to want to refuge despite her objections. Are we going to get to Kat in a different episode? And is she going to replace Nadine or someone else now? Jay is how she wanted to hire, I think. Who was kidnapped? I’ll have to check the archives of this blog to make sure that I know I’m talking about the right person.

The shutdown is over, but I don’t think that Russell likes the way that she did it. Jay is the policy adviser and will probably be doing something of some sort. Stevie doesn’t know if she wants to go since there are too many problems in her life. She might be breaking things off with this person. At least it would be a welcome change to the show since it isn’t a good part to it.

On the next Madam Secretary, no one is safe in the world of espionage. This makes me wonder what will happen, who it could happen to, and if we will lose more than just Nadine this season. I think that Conrad will be killed off in a dramatic fashion at some point. It might be a season finale cliffhanger, although it might not be since each season tends to be self-contained. But it will probably happen within the next four seasons, if I had to venture a guess. But it might not happen at all. We’ll have to see. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.