Monday, November 6, 2017

Episode from 11-5-2017

For a TV junkie like me, there can be problems that happen with trying to watch all the TV shows that I like to. Normally it doesn’t matter if I miss a show that I’d like to watch. But I don’t tend to keep missing everything over and over again. You see, NBC has not come in that well if at all for a long time. This means that I can’t watch The Brave to see if that is any good. It also means missing all of the NBC shows that I already cared about like Law and Order: SVU, The Good Place, Blindspot, Saturday Night Live, The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon, and anything else that I might care about. Will any of it ever return? I want to at least keep up with The Good Place and Blindspot. I would watch online, but the website of the network has to be crappy too.

Since there are different elections that I want to keep track of, I should find out the dates for primaries for these elections since they will vary by state. In case I don’t get to a special post later, I might as well mention a different election each post. I’ll start with Missouri’s race for senate. The incumbent in the race who is running for reelection is Claire McCaskill. My brother actually lives in Missouri and while he doesn’t always support her, he said it best when he said this, “Whenever she is in the news, it is about something good she did.” Disclaimer: I’m not sure of his exact words, but they were something along the lines of that.

Who else is in the race? The only other Democrat in the race right now is Angelica Earl who I can’t find much information about right now except that she has not held elective office before. If you vote in the Democratic primary, vote for Claire. The primary is on August 7th, 2018 if I have the date right. She fights against human traffickers. That’s the most heinous crime that I know of.

Now let’s get to the Republicans in the race. Tony Monetti and Courtland Sykes are both retired military people. I don’t know that much about the incumbent governor of Missouri, but I don’t think that he was a good choice because one would need political experience. Someone else in the race is Austin Petersen who was a Libertarian in just 2016. While he is pro-life, don’t think that he’s the Christian candidate, because he’s actually an atheist. It is hard to understand some of his views, but he is for the Second Amendment so I guess he passes that test.

Josh Hawley is the main Republican to look out for, but I think that Claire could destroy him in ads if not the election. I don’t know what to make of him outside of the fact that he could just be someone who wants to work his way up in politics. Still, I’d endorse him in the Republican primary as he might be the only good person on that side. But I’d have to do more research as KMOV will air or has aired a story that seems to relate to something bad that happened under his watch. Whether or not he is responsible for this bad thing (an unpunished criminal) is unknown by me without more research. Josh is currently the attorney general of the state.

I don’t know if there will be many changes into what I watch on DVD for a while. But there is one and there could be another in the near future. Shining Time Station is done being watched and is replaced by recorded shows on tape. I have three tapes ready, although I’d have less if the laptop I am using was working better in the past and I could use my TV tuner. This change also means that NCIS: Los Angeles is off the list and switched out with NCIS.

As a country, we are still not over the Las Vegas attack and then a Halloween one in New York happens. This time, it is a foreigner and not an American. Who cares that this new guy killed 50 less people than the Las Vegas shooter? Let’s get rid of the lottery that lets people into the country! Well, that’s what Trump wants and I need to do more research into this thing. ISIS originally claimed responsibility, only to change their mind when the suspect was arrested. I don’t know why they always claim responsibility for an attack, but it would serve as a constant reminder with why they need to be taken out. Let’s just not get any innocent people mixed in with the bunch.

Since I brought up the Las Vegas shooter, I might as well bring up the fact that people are going after his girlfriend with the idea that she should have known. Most people don’t know terrible things about another. None of the people who knew the shooter thought that he was this type of person. Why should she be any different? If he had an affair, do you feel that she should have known he was cheating on her? Because it seems to me that people always say that the woman is the last to know when her husband is cheating. I don’t know if that’s true or not. It could just be something that people say. But I really don’t want there to be a scapegoat in that shooting.

The ABC show that I watched at the same time as this is supposed to air, 10 Days in the Valley, was pulled from the schedule and “not” cancelled, with burn-offs scheduled for Saturdays after November sweeps are over. Get the ironic quotation marks yet? After watching some of The Toy Box, I learn that they are looking for new people for future seasons. While the doesn’t guarantee future seasons, it means that someone on the network is considering one. I am also a bit concerned now about the show Wisdom of the Crowd since the charges came against Jeremy Pivon that he might have committed sexual harassment. Although, I haven’t watched it as much as I could have.

I learned briefly of a Texas shooting that happened sometime during Sunday. I should know more about it by the time I do next week’s post. Are we going to keep getting one terrible shooting after another? And it was a church shooting. One shouldn’t shoot people regardless of where they worship or what religion they are. Shooting people is wrong. How do so many people not seem to know that?

There was actually another change in the TV shows on DVD that I watch. The next Power Rangers episode on the season three DVD set is a Christmas one. Thus, I’m removing it from the list and replacing it with random episodes of The Andy Griffith Show that my mother got me randomly. This also means that NCIS is off of the list and replaced by NCIS: Los Angeles. I was also pretty busy the day that this episode aired and didn’t get to see many sports. I learn that the Cowboys beat the Chiefs in the game that happened right before the end of the late airing sports game.

Today’s episode is brought to you by 30 minute delay. We begin with updates into some of what has happened so far this season. I don’t fully know what all to mention. Henry is at a briefing where he is telling people what happened. The evil senator (what’s his name?) is back and does different evil stuff than what he did last time. They mention stuff relating to the movie The Godfather. I should see that since I am a godfather. Henry gives an update to the meeting to Elizabeth.

Jay (was that it?) gets used to his new job at the top. It is weird that Nadine just left so suddenly. Plus, when are we getting to Cat? Elizabeth talks to foreign people about important things. Jay is the new chief of staff, like I thought. Who is the policy adviser then? Are we going to ignore that? Is that the role that Cat is going to fill?

Henry talks to his team and tries to get more reassurance from Alexander that he will focus some. There are problems with the foreign visitors, as usual. It wouldn’t be this show without some sort of international or domestic crisis. Elizabeth talks to more people about what to do and they decide that Conrad should go to the country. We see a news report about the senator criticizing the trip instead of what he was doing and Elizabeth points out about what really is going on. Julia, an important person somehow, is being expelled from the country she is in and Conrad is going to. God help us if a country ever expels a person, whether they are a citizen of it or not.

In segment two, Henry talks about spying on his daughter. Julia arrives at their house. Julia was involved with two people in the country she was at. They want to figure out a good way to hide up Julia’s affair with these two people. Alison doesn’t think that she’s good enough to do a project that she’s working on. At least they are giving her some back story, even if it could be better.

The person in Kurdistan wants to get an apology. Elizabeth wants to figure out the human trafficking problem. Only there might not be one since it could be some confusing thing again. Talks seemed to have stalled. Where will they find a place to host this forum? Conrad is no longer going internationally. Matt talks some to Jay about needing to figure out a new way of behaving now that his job has changed.

In segment three, they found a place to host the country and found an important person in Bora Bora. What is that place? Did I spell it right? (I did if I wrote it.) Elizabeth talks to her husband about things. Henry is heading to Kobo. What is that? They take each other’s reading glasses to make sure that they are both safe and have reading glasses. Couldn’t they use each other’s glasses? The news of the affair broke out and the summit seems to have been cancelled as a result.

Alison needs someone to do the presentation. Stevie agrees, despite wanting to stick with work more. Possibly exciting things happen at the White House due to the missing person who might have been found. Is it just me, or does this show do too much at once?

In segment four, they learn more about the breach and Julia testifies for people about her discretions. Does anyone understand this breach thing that went on? Henry talks to someone and they learn that some other problem happened that somehow ties into Julia in some way. There is an explosion. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: what just happened?

In segment five, we learn about a drone strike and more of what happened to Henry’s team, which is that they are all okay as the perimeter was closed just in time. Julia, the ambassador is brought up again as she caused various problems. Why does this guy have a translator if he speaks English occasional? I guess that he only knows some or enough to make it on occasion.

Stevie wonders if what she did was a good or bad idea. She then confesses that her engagement to Jeremy is off. That’s actually good since it never brought much to the show except irritation for me. Alison gives her sister a pep talk as to what she should do. We then learn that the summit to stop human trafficking is back on. The McCord family watches the catwalk that Stevie did. Henry and Elizabeth reunite again. They try to figure out who was responsible for the problem and Conrad thinks that someone from the inside tipped them off. It is at this point that a lemming goes "oh no!" and then explodes.

On the next Madam Secretary, a CIA agent is captured and they have to talk once again about the policy about not negotiating with terrorists. I hope that isn’t a real policy as it seems really dumb. It gives them far too much power, if it is real. I don’t know what else to mention in this post. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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