Sunday, April 30, 2017

Episode from 12-18-2016

My laptop is back to working normally. It wasn't bad, but the power cord was damaged enough that I wasn't able to use it. I did get a new power cord for it and can use my laptop again. I went out of order and don't know for sure when/if I'll alternate posts. I might at some points do episodes that aired recently if they don't fit in with the Sunday update things that I have going right now. Things could easily change regarding that as I could alternate Sundays again. I'll just have to remember that any potential alternating would have to be one time and not another time if it would work out. For instance, 5-7 would work to start but 5-14 would not. I understand what I'm talking about if no one else does. Potential long term updates could start on Saturdays or Mondays among other, future days we haven't seen yet. I am planning on keeping these updates at a much better time and better updated in the future. Now let's get to the blog post that you should have seen last week, if only things were normal then.

I should warn you that before I’m doing this blog post or most of them, I will be talking politics for a while, so if you don’t like this, you can just skip to when the important part starts. I know that, like most things in these long delayed posts, whatever I’m talking about is outdated. Someday, I can hopefully be posting actual recent posts for a change, and this could honestly be one of them if it ends up being a Christmas themed episode. But, I will need some time to post it other than Sundays, although me posting it on Sundays is how and when I started deciding to get ahead and where I should be.

After winning the election, Donald Trump has continued to prove himself to be a total jerk. Why do I say that? Well, you may notice that he went on a victory tour, but only in the states that actually voted for him to win. How pretentious can he be? He’s blatantly ignoring the people who didn’t support him. And he wonders why people hate him. He also can’t come to grips with reality regarding the Russian hacks during the election.

He then complains that the Democrats thought things were rigged and says something along the lines of how we wouldn’t like it if he did the same thing. He seems to be forgetting all his claims that the election would be rigged if he didn’t win. Well, with James Comey, the election hacks, and the Electoral College, maybe things were rigged. Why did people hate Hilary Clinton again? She’s hardly the only politician to have missing emails. Trump has that problem himself.

I have a theory as to why Trump won the election and hear me out: he had more money. Now, I’m not sure if that’s true compared to Clinton, but it could easily be. What’s sad is that you can legally buy elections. Sometimes the worse candidate wins simply because he has more money. Just look at Rod Blagojevich in 2006. He totally bought that election for governor. And when he was eventually jailed for all the crimes that he did, not one of the charges brought against him regarded buying the election as he did that legally.

More Trump complaints- On October 10th of this year, Time Magazine did an issue on Russia trying to influence the election. I haven’t read the issue yet and am not sure that I will by the time that this post is finally posted. But if Time runs an article about it, why is Trump so convinced that it isn’t happening? Trump should think highly of Time since they have probably made him the cover more this year than any other person. Time shouldn’t do this as this will only serve his giant ego. If you had a discussion about narcissism with him, he’d probably want to talk about himself instead. Well, I could complain about Trump and Republicans later. So I’m done with that for now.

I check my secondary CBS affiliate and they are airing a Broncos/Patriots game. The Patriots are winning. Boo, hiss. To make today worse, there is a doubleheader on CBS tonight. Really? This is the night of all the midseason finales on this network. There is no football tonight on FOX, but it doesn’t seem like they will be airing anything interesting from 6-7 which I what I like and expect from them if CBS is ever being douchy like tonight and delaying their shows at least half an hour.

Today was one of the important games between two of the neighboring teams that I could be rooting for now. It was the Tennessee Titans versus the Kansas City Chiefs. I could have seen the game today if I hadn’t taken a nap. But it was the Titans that won the game. As soon as football season is over, I’d need to come up with a potential ranking of the teams to root for by a self-made point system mostly factoring in games played against each other. But I will have to deduct points when possible, like when they cause tape delay, like tonight.

The Patriots end up winning the game and we switch to a Raiders/Chargers game that is tied. While they are both potential new teams to root for, they have already played a game before that decides what might have happened so this game now may only be considered in potential tie-breaker things. I should go through all of the teams to root for and why. I have decided that I will add the Steelers to potential teams to root for as they were almost in the race, but then were eliminated. Regardless, they still might be something that I should consider. The Raiders start winning the game after a field goal. The teams let the clock run out as the Raiders clinch postseason play.

Today’s episode is brought to you by 41 minute delay. We begin with a recap of the issues in Iran. We are now where we left off with Russell passing out. People come in and work to revive him. There is then word that missiles were fired. The vote for the election seems to be moved up, or that’s what they are attempting, at least. I do wonder if it’s supposed to be the old or new Congress who would vote for president should someone be denied the 270 votes. The older one would possibly make more sense to me, but I don’t know what would be the better choice. It would be hard to tell if one side would have the power instead of the other depending on the time of the vote. Elizabeth and Conrad work on trying to fix the Iran problem. Some of the McCord’s family is planning on visiting and they don’t know whether to cancel. Israel’s defense administrator gets kidnapped somehow.

In segment two, a bunch of people from the McCord family visit them. One of Henry’s relatives wants him to talk to someone about joining the army. Conrad learns that Evans has the Alzheimer’s gene. They wonder whether or not they should use this against him. Having already seen the next episode, I now understand what important information is revealed. Just don’t be confused when I talk about it then. I call it an unknown thing, but I guess I know what it is now. In fact, I’ll make it note of it in the next post using comic sans ms. You'll see that next.

It is at this point around the 9:00 mark that I start watching the episode. It is a new act of the show too so that’s good. They are after a person who is being held. Their solution might have to be an act of war. Elizabeth has a less dangerous idea that would also be an act of war, but would work better. Henry talks to some red haired woman that I’m not familiar with at the moment. I would be if I had seen this episode normally.

Stevie is reading a World War II story to Russell. She recaps some of what happened earlier. He seems a bit delirious at the hospital. The US goes through what is basically a cyber attack on Israel. They look at things through a camera in the situation room. Things seem tense and uncertain.

In the next segment, Conrad calls Israel and gives them an ultimatum. Will they follow through with his plan? Sarah, the woman from earlier, is talked about by Henry. Elizabeth gets a call from the president about potential international war.

She goes to jail to visit a woman in prison. I remember her from the first season. I’m still a bit confused by the plot in general. They actually get along for a while until Elizabeth comes with the real reason for the visit. A peace deal is impossible, which is what the person in jail realized in the first place. Conrad then visits Russell in the hospital. They use this experience to bring Israel into the peace talks with Iran.

In the next segment, Elizabeth and Conrad discuss what is going on before they get to the embassy to discuss a peace deal with the other people. It appears that there might actually be a peace deal between the two of them. Henry talks to his niece and brother(?) about her potentially joining the army.

The House starts to vote on the election. Based on a phone call, he won the vote. We then get to a race of some sort. Elizabeth talks to Evans at the race. He mentions a meeting she did with state senators from Ohio. He threatens to sue over that state’s results. Did she do something bad? There are no scenes from next time, so I just hope that the next episode isn’t on January 1st, like so many other shows are doing. I don’t know what I’ll be doing then, I just hope that I have time off then, although I have no idea yet what I might be doing. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

Episode from 4-23-2017

I’m skipping to this episode due to problems with my laptop at the moment. I’ll be back to catching up on the older episodes and should hopefully have the gap filled before the fourth season of this show starts. We’ll see what ends up happening. Now, to the newest episode from tonight:

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with Elizabeth in her laptop in bed. I would never use my laptop in my bed. She and Henry discuss their kids for a bit. She then discusses the next international issue that’s going on. Whoever this Anton person is (has he been mentioned recently? There are two episodes I haven’t yet seen) becomes important again.

Elizabeth talks with the senate majority leader. I hope that he’s better than Mitch McConnell, who I honestly hate more than Trump (and I despise Trump). This person wants something in order to help Elizabeth. Henry tries to talk to people related to the ongoing terrorist plot. Alison is concerned about getting into college. Stevie is present in the episode and that’s notable since we normally don’t see her. There are then shootings between the two sides that Elizabeth was trying to avoid.

In segment two, there is more discussion between Elizabeth and Alison about what is going on in their lives. Henry is taken off of his current case. A person went in to try to make a truce. Elizabeth and her team try to work on a solution of some sort.

In segment three, there are things discussed to try to work out different things. Elizabeth goes to a foreign country to figure out what to do. Alison waits for her application news. Elizabeth has to go to get the information relating to her daughter in the middle of her conversation. Alison got in. There might be some sort of important deal going down.

In segment four, Henry receives information relating to the ongoing case he was let go of. Russell tries to work out the situation that’s going on. Elizabeth gets mad and not telling her about Stevie and law school, but it turns out that he didn’t know himself. She didn’t get into her main law school. There is a ceasefire and it seems to have been resolved as it if didn’t matter in the first place. There is a tense situation in the situation room as always.

In segment five, it turns out things are okay in the end. This reminds me of how they would resolve the cliffhangers that lead you into commercials on The Amazing Race: far too quickly. Henry has more of a theory over what’s going on with the suspected terrorist. He thinks that they are trying to get two sides to fight over false pretenses. Sadly, a lot of real wars were like that. Remember the Maine? Stevie discusses her not getting into law school. Alison doesn’t want to go into her college after all. She is picking a different college to get into. Elizabeth then discusses the next crisis that might be one that is ongoing already in the first place. People could be anywhere with weapons for a war. There is also a helpful thing at the end regarding the real, ongoing food crisis in Somali.

On the next Madam Secretary, an American diplomat is kidnapped. The US might have to negotiate with terrorists in order to do something important. I really hope that the US would negotiate with terrorists should push come to shove. If we wouldn’t, that gives them more power. I should hopefully be back sometime next week with an older episode. I don’t think that I will alternate between episodes like I did before, but I might at some point. Hopefully things will be back to normal soon. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Episode from 12-11-2016

This show has twice gone on hiatus to make room for episodes of Undercover Boss. I don’t know when/if that will happen again. It could be on hiatus now. I guess that I will find out what happens for sure when it ends up happening. I get surprised by what happens/changes with the schedule from time to time and only seem to keep up by checking out a good wikipedia page on the subject. It seem that there will not be any hiatus of this show this year, that is planned for now at least.

Now that it is Christmastime, I might as well tell you some of Christmas show watching that I do. Typically, I put everything except recorded shows on tape aside to watch only Christmas specials and Christmas episodes of certain TV shows that are next in line in order. Well, the only one that I’m currently waiting for is the first season Christmas episode of 8 Simple Rules.

There were others in line in the list that I wasn’t able to get to before December of this year. While I’m on season 7 of NCIS right now, I do believe that the next holiday episode in line is the Christmas episode of the ninth season.

Power Rangers season 3 has a Christmas episode, but I haven’t even gotten to add it to the list yet. At the rate I’m going with watching the first season of Power Rangers, I will probably not have to switch it out with the third season (I don’t like the same letter occupying the list twice, so when that would happen, I switch out the new one with the old one until another show needs replaced, one is removed from list due to a holiday related episode, or I finish one of the two) as I will be done with what I’d need to be of the first season. Another show that I need to add again is NCIS: Los Angeles season 1 which has a Christmas episode in it. While I’m on the first season of The Big Bang Theory, when I reach the second one, there will be a Christmas episode in it which I would watch.

I could probably talk about how I’m updating the blog in the past in some effort to try to catch up to the present. Well, I’m not sure if I will, but I’d need to change when my TV blog is published so that I can change when this blog is published and keep it on that day for as long as possible. It seems bad that I’m this behind in the first place and I am making efforts to change that. Of course, I probably won’t be updating this blog for the rest of the year in the past so this update will be later than usual. I’ll also have to see if there will be switching of this blog and Elementary’s blog later because it won’t have to be during Advent after all.

I start watching things at 5:30. I tune into FOX to see what they are showing. They are airing football, although it is on commercial at first. I see that the Green Bay Packers are playing the Seattle Seahawks, I think. As usual, I have no idea what the score is due to my standard definition TV. I check my primary CBS affiliate and they say that they are airing news. I check to make sure. My secondary CBS affiliate is also airing the news. I finally learn that the Packers are winning the game by a lot. They end up winning the game in the end. I mostly watch 60 Minutes from when it starts. Afterwards, I just watch FOX shows until I can record this for later.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with potential problems regarding the Iran nuclear deal. It bothers me sometimes that shows in a fictitious world use real world problems a lot. I guess that is does work in a way, but it bothered me in The Good Wife and it bothers me in this show as well. The election is officially going to be decided by the House of Representatives, which means that the important election episode was among what I have recorded on tape and haven’t seen yet. Evans is still controversial, this time regarding the deal.

Stevie wants to talk to Russell, but he blows her off in favor of Henry. Russell wants Henry to talk to a congressman about making sure that Conrad wins the election. I’m going to guess that he probably will, but I have no idea what will happen on this show. Also, should I run for public office? I don’t think that I could afford to, but I’d have to look up more information to know for sure about how I could before I do. Meanwhile, a strange man offers advice about how and why Iran would break its deal.

In segment two, Henry talks to the congressman in question over what appears to be a racket ball game. He learns that the congressman is getting divorced. We also learn that it is possible that they might not need sanctions against Iran since someone might have been going rogue when they broke the deal.

In segment three, not much happens again this time around. There is more talk between Henry and the congressman about the failing marriage. Elizabeth talks with an important person about what Evan thinks about the deal. She then confronts Evan about it and an open mike, one she may or may not have known about or wanted to be working, catches his true opinions about the deal and how he doesn’t actually want to destroy it.

In segment four, Evans pays for his comment similar to how Romney paid for his 47% comment. Also, are there really reasonable minded people who think that the 2012 election was rigged for Obama to win? I’ve heard that from crazies, but I didn’t think there was any real evidence that supported it. It appears that the congressman will vote for Conrad. Meanwhile, Stevie and Russell talk some more. Russell tries to dissuade Stevie from becoming a lawyer and it seems, at first, that the conversation is a waste. But, he does decide to give her the recommendation she was wanting. Normally I don’t like whatever subplots they give to Stevie, but it appears that this one, at least, is good. We end this act with people targeting an airplane.

In segment five, we get to a briefing on the airplane attack at the White House. Conrad is afraid that they will remember the Iran deal for the wrong reasons. Russell talks to Stevie some, but then passes out in front of her. Thus the episode ends.

On the next Madam Secretary, it basically shows us what will be happening at the beginning of the episode and seems to ignore anything else that could be happening in it. What will happen to Russell? Will he survive? What did he offer the show besides a lesser version of Eli Gold? Will it be good or bad if he is killed off? What purpose has his character had all this time? Normally, I hate it when they kill off characters that were underdeveloped. I mean, we never get much, if anything, from them and they just get offed like they never mattered in the first place, which one wonders if they really did. But I guess that we will have to wait until next time to see for sure what happens with him. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Episode from 11-27-2016

It seems like every other episode thus far has been delayed a lot due to doubleheaders. I don’t know if this will delay the fact that I am trying to get caught up on the episodes, meaning that the first one that’s on tape may stop the catch up I’m trying to do. Will I ever get caught up? Well, since I still have Time Magazine to read from 2015 and Reader’s Digest from 2014, then the answer is likely no. But, don’t procrastinators still get stuff done, just at a much later time than they should have? Meanwhile, if the date of this next episode’s airing is, in fact, the 27th of November, then it is right after Thanksgiving and I’d probably have to watch it later online. We’ll see what ends up happening with that.

Well, I will have to watch this later, but it will be because it is on a tape instead of me watching it online. I had a crazy, hectic day and was only able to start watching shows sometime after 6:30. I found out that they were still airing a football game. It was the Oakland Raiders versus the Carolina Panthers. The Raiders were winning at the time and ended up winning the game. Earlier today, I was actually in Tennessee watching the Titans play the Bears, which is one of those important games I told you about before. I caught the final score later and the Titans ended up winning.

Today’s episode is brought to you by 49 minute delay. We begin with polls opening across the country. The kids are confused by the possible things going on. Jason is wearing a shirt supporting Reynolds instead of Conrad. Russell gives his people a go get em speech. I don’t really understand a lot of what is going on right now. Elizabeth learns that the Russians are supplying the Iranians with centrifuges.

In segment two, Conrad deals with an international situation. Things might be going wrong the way they would when team Scorpion does a case. But they do find evidence of a centrifuge on the ship that was being investigated. Ohio gets called for Conrad, thus meaning that he can win in the House of Representatives. People celebrate this victory, but is it a premature celebration? Elizabeth wonders if things are going wrong with Iran.

In segment three, Jason is planning on going to the Reynolds rally later tonight. I would never go to the rally of anybody running for office. I don’t understand what is going on with Nadine as she apparently slept with someone that I don’t recognize. Daisy also slept around on election night. Geez, what’s with all that? Reynolds did the worst in the election. Henry shows Jason footage that Jason did at a Reynolds convention. Henry feels that Jason is poorly educated on Reynolds. Russell and Conrad talk to Reynolds about the election, but he seems certain to fight it out until the end right now.

In segment four, Elizabeth talks about the Iran issue going on. There is so much confusion regarding the election going on. There are people who want to support Conrad, but only if they can secure a deal with Iran before the House votes on the election. Henry shows Elizabeth the footage of Jason.

In segment five, there is more talk regarding the election. I don’t fully understand who this random man is that showed up in Nadine’s life. And I’m still confused by the Daisy thing as well. Henry shows Jason around a historical area. This is yet another thing I’m confused by. There is yet another potentially dangerous situation going on in the situation room. Conrad seemingly wants to accept defeat regarding the international situation going wrong. There are no scenes from next time so I’ll be back whenever with the next episode. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Episode from 11-20-2016

I’m really hope that there aren’t any new episodes the Sunday after Thanksgiving, of this show at least. Well, this show and Elementary. I am doing something different for Thanksgiving this year and will be lucky if I’m back in time for shows. I might watch it later on time if I don’t set up shows to record on tape. But we are still in the unreliable part of shows and I might just have to watch it later online as I just don’t see making the potential new episode on time, although I can always hope that I catch some of it. Meanwhile, my personal life has things that need focusing on and I need to make sure that I don’t put any blog of mine ahead of what I actually do.

I don’t know if this show should use more of what happens in real life in the show, but it probably should. For one, I’d love to see how it would tackle a James Comey situation on the show. Then, there is a Merrick Garland thing that they could do as well. Of course, they probably don’t want it to be too much like real life as they have gotten enough of that criticism since probably before the show aired. But I do feel that there is probably a major scandal ready to be revealed with James Comey. If there isn’t one by the time this post is published, then it might just be an oddity that will remain shady. I’m honestly not sure if anyone else, besides Henry Clay, has single-handled affected an election in that major of a way. I’m also sorry if I’m getting too political in this blog, but this blog is about a political show so I might as well do that here if nowhere else. What’s weird is that I’m blogging about the past considering how the posts are behind.

Remember when I wondered who would replace Gary Glasberg as showrunner on NCIS and NCIS: New Orleans? Well, I found out information for one of the shows: writing duo George Schenck and Frank Cardea will be the co-head writers now on NCIS. They have been on the show since season 1, so I’ll have to watch to see how the show will be different. When they stop crediting Gary Glasberg as an executive producer, then I’ll know when his influence ends.

At 5:38 (according to my computer), we get to a Seattle Seahawks versus Philadelphia Eagles game. The Seahawks are winning. This is on my secondary CBS affiliate and it shows that there will be another doubleheader tonight. This means a start time of this show will be at least 30 minutes later than it should be. FOX isn’t airing any games, which I find strange. They also aren’t airing Son of Zorn tonight. Has it been cancelled? I hope not. My primary CBS affiliate is airing the same game as the other one. It is still in the third quarter so I don’t think that it will end on time.

After all this time I’ve spent watching football, I have a confession to make: I have no idea what happens in most of the games. How are points scored? Why are so many moves undone? Why does the clock stop as often as it does? What’s with all the incomplete moves/plays? Why do the referees have so much influence, it seems?

The Seahawks are still winning when I switch to watch what’s on FOX. They are airing the Boyhood parody. I should see Boyhood sometime. I’m not sure if I will be able to see it as I don’t make the time to rent movies much anymore.

The game is still on after 6:30. The Eagles are shrinking the lead against the Seahawks, although the Seahawks are still winning. The clock finishes counting down with the Seahawks as the winner. The game is over and the show will be really off today. I will probably be putting this with the recorded shows on VHS. Since Quantico’s not on tonight, you will see me make use of the font comic sans ms from 9 or when I start watching the recording until the episode is over. I will watch the rest of the episode later and will just see what aired earlier later, if that makes sense. The point is, I will live watch the end of this show and see the beginning later when I do this blog post.

Today’s episode is brought to you by 46 minute delay. We begin with a car accident regarding some people. I’m not sure how that relates just yet. Elizabeth’s brother comes to visit. There is a terrible earthquake in Venezuela. This is why the president of that country and all others in the line of succession wind up dead. Doctors who come to help there wind up held hostage and a person declares himself the president, although Elizabeth’s team doesn’t think that he is legitimate. Someone wants Nadine to help a person named Carla, who we will find out more about later. I had a bit of computer problems will watching this so I had to rewrite some of this. Hopefully, things are okay now. A person wants the United States to publically acknowledge that he is the president, something that the team doesn’t want to do. Elizabeth wants them to find the legitimate leader. But who is that?

In the next segment, they decide who should be the president of Venezuela, but they don’t know where this person is. Daisy continues to look for Carla, who is unrelated to the Venezuelan they are looking for. They are not sure if the person they want would be helpful or not.

In the next segment, Elizabeth wonders what’s happening at her home. Her brother wants to go to Venezuela, but she doesn’t want him to go since it is dangerous right now. Her brother then mentions that he had a talk with Henry that has been used against him. We then get back to the car accident which had happened to her brother and parents when they were kids.

It is at this point around the 9:24 mark that I start watching. Elizabeth’s brother talks about how he thinks that he might have caused their mother’s death. Boy did I pick a strange time to start watching the episode. People think that they have located the person that they are looking for. They want to secure this person’s presidency.

Nadine learns that Carla is safe. Who’s Carla? I guess that I will find out later and talk about it earlier. Julia is the person who says this to Nadine. There was a scandal that affected Julia’s husband. Important information may or may not have been failed to be discussed. An opponent of Conrad (Evans, probably), talks about the perceived failures of what happened. The captives have been released now. But they might have to be sent back for reasons that I don’t understand. Okay, the presidential opponents worked together to create a fake news story in order to help get the right person in office. This can be a bit confusing to me and only when I’m able to see the whole episode instead of just the point where the font changes do I understand what all happened.

In the next segment, Elizabeth’s brother talks to his daughter about the fact that he’s leaving soon. Will’s wife mentions going back to London with her daughter. Or, I think that’s his wife, at least. It’s possible that the whole hostage ploy was just a tactic to keep a terrible person out of office. I don’t fully understand this yet. Will (Elizabeth’s brother) talks about why he didn’t actually go to Venezuela. He felt that his daughter was too used to him disappearing. Will and Elizabeth talk with each other in a meaningful way.

On the next Madam Secretary, the Russians are supplying Iran with centrifuges and the United States will pay for what is done. I missed if that is next week or not. I hope that it isn’t, but they probably are airing one then. I just hope that I can see it sometime, maybe later online. More on this later. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.