Monday, December 11, 2017

Episode from 12-10-2017

It is hard to believe that there are all these allegations against Charlie Rose. It’s sad. You’d think that he’d be one of the most trusted names in journalism. You’ve read me writing about some of the sexual allegations against people this year. I’ll try not to make it so that I’m on the side of any notable person that I like enough to defend. I’m sure that we’ll need to confirm every rumor. While it is dumb if people were to make up such things, it does happen, even if it might be more likely if a person never comes forward about what happened to them. I do wonder what will happen to all of the stories he did with 60 Minutes as a result. They’ll have to replace them with something.

Вот вам следующий параграф на русском языке. Простите, это немного позже, чем я этого хотел. Время 10 октября 2016 года рассказывало о том, как Россия пытается повлиять на выборы. К сожалению, в отличие от обложки предупреждали, люди падали за это. Различные вещи, о которых говорилось выше, были важными, заключались в том, что «государства представили доказательства значительного числа новых вторжений в свои избирательные системы» (см. Стр. 32.) Он упомянул о взломе в штате Иллинойс, но ничего больше в этой статье. Конечно, самое важное, о чем он упомянул, также на стр. 32, было «повторное включение Дональда Трампа в историю США и России», которое, по их словам, «тем более поразительно». Люди знают, что русский был за DNC хак. Почему они не принимают это как факт? Это будет похоже на изменение климата?

Now let’s get to the governor race in Iowa. You see, they originally had Terry Branstad as governor. Only he resigned to become part of the Trump administration. Kim Reynolds, a Republican, ascended to the office as a result. I can find hardly any information about her on her Wikipedia page. What has she done thus far in office? I have no idea.

The other Republicans in the race are both mayors, I think. One is Steven Ray, who is a mayor pro-tem, who is from a place that I heard has trains that I might have wanted to visit back when I cared more about trains and before I learned how dumb and unreliable they are. I still like trains, but don’t ride them ever. That’s weird, right? The other person who is certainly a mayor is Ron Corbett. I can’t find much on him either. While Kim has DUIs on her record, I don’t see a reason why she shouldn’t at least win the primary. Do you know of any reason?

Now for the Democrats in the race, two people in it are Cathy Glasson and Fred Hubbell. They haven’t held or run for office before. John Norris has run for office but not won it. He was a chief of staff to a governor. Jon Neiderbach also ran for office and lost. He’s a former school board member. I can’t find much information about Andy McGuire except that she is the chair of the Iowa Democratic Party. I don’t know much about Nate Boulton other than that he serves in the Iowa senate. The other person in the race is Ross Wilburn, a former mayor of Iowa City. Out of all of them, I’d have to pick Nate as who I think that people should vote for in the Democratic primary.

There is actually a Libertarian primary to carry about in the race for governor of Iowa. One is a musician named Marco Battaglia. The other is Jake Porter who ran for Secretary of State twice. Between the two of them, I’d go with Jake because he’d at least have experience running for office, if not actually in it. It can be hard to find a third party candidate with experience. As for the date of the primary, I believe that it is on June 5, 2018.

It turns out that the Rams did win the game last Sunday which puts them at 8-3. The Chargers are 5-6 now. Will they keep winning now? I guess we will see. But with twice as many losses as the Rams this season, I don’t know if they will have the chance to move up well.

I realize that some of what is posted here is outdated. There was a week without a new episode, which is to be expected this time of year. I never know for sure when that will happen each week. I can only guess at it sometimes. But since I limit the Rams versus Chargers update to once a post, you won’t see another update with that until then.

Something worth noting is that the tax cut monstrosity has passed the House and Senate. At least it doesn’t end there. More still needs to be done with it. But it is hard to believe that a bill can have all these last minute edits and all but one of the Republican’ts still vote for it blindly. Did they even read the bill? I know that the Democrats did, or tried to, with the brief time they had before the vote. You cannot have an extensive rewrite of the tax code on a bill that’s barely even public to people.

Getting back to the highly sarcastic ad that Bruce Rauner has aired against Michael Madigan, it seems like he brought in people who have barely been in office. The governors of Missouri and Indiana just started their terms this year. Can they really take credit for taking jobs from Illinois? I work in Illinois and Missouri while working for companies in Iowa and Kansas (which is kind of funny if you think about it) and it might have been a decision made by Bruce that explains why I’m not working for a place in Illinois anymore. But I don’t know much about different laws passed during this time. I just know that Bruce cannot seem to accept the fact that he is probably the problem.

There are so many people with sexual harassment or worse allegations against them. It is hard to tell with all of them how serious some are and if some are accurate. I wouldn’t blindly fire someone without first verifying the story, which it seems like some people are doing. Al Franken had to resign from the Senate while pointing out the irony that Donald Trump remains president despite the allegations against him. Trump reminded everyone of the Access Hollywood scandal before endorsing a candidate that was accused of sexual misconduct. It’s so bizarre and ridiculous, you’d think that this was a plot point in the movie The Campaign. Only it is actually happening, proving that truth is stranger than fiction.

Before I stop talking about politics, I should note that Trump seems to enjoy insulting people because that is what a mature adult does. (Oh, wait…) One of his insults is calling Senator Elizabeth Warren the name Pocahontas. This is based on the idea that she made up having Native American heritage. I don’t know much about the story, but if I were her, I’d embrace the nickname. I don’t recall Pocahontas being thought of as a bad person. She helped people who weren’t native to her land. She is thought to be a humanizing and life saving person. Plus, Trump has to worry about setting off anyone to a path to win the presidency in 2020. And that includes members of his own party.

I don’t see any football on one CBS affiliate that I check. I check my FOX affiliate and they are airing a game of the Rams versus the Eagles that the Rams are winning 28-24. But there seems to be problems that come up with it regarding one foul after another. I can’t tell who has the ball right now as I’m not paying as close attention as I would want to normally.

The Eagles get a touchdown and then a field goal making the score Rams 28 and Eagles 31. I check my other CBS affiliate and they are not airing football either. Having checked all that I wanted to, I’ll go back to the game until 60 Minutes starts.

I watch 60 Minutes and I see that the score has changed later to Rams 35 and Eagles 34. I do want the Rams to keep winning, although it wouldn’t hurt too much if they lost every remaining game since they are still winners this season for the first time since 2003. It would suck too if they were losers from this point forward since they are close to qualifying for the play-offs.

I check the end of the game and the Rams have 35 points and the Eagles have 37 points. I don’t see how the Rams can turn this back around again. I get glued to the end of the game and the Eagles end up with a touchdown giving them 43 points. And that’s how the game ends. I think that they crossed the 180 degree line when they did this.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with a person who seems to be in a minefield who stepped on a mine, it seems. As long as they get the cool sunglasses, then you know everything is good. She is rescued and the team watching a live stream of the rescue. Elizabeth gives a demonstration about land mines and how some are used to blow up a person’s leg and not all of the person. Of course, if they are a demon, then you’d want them all to blow up unless there needs to be more to the episode of Charmed. Elizabeth wants there to be policy made to help get rid of them.

We learn more about Bo Carpenter, the believed turncoat who might have betrayed the US. He is the senate majority leader. Gee, I wonder where they got the idea of a senate majority leader being a bad person? Elizabeth wants to make it her cause to fix the problem, but needs a two-thirds majority. We learn of a person’s death of someone that Russell didn’t like. Elizabeth doesn’t want to be the president. There is more talk about getting the votes they need. A person who Cat immediately butts heads with shows up to the talk. Elizabeth decides to throw the party that people are pressuring her into doing. What’s going on exactly?

In segment two, we get to the party planning of the whatever the crap thing is going on. I’m guessing that this will not be one of the better episodes. Elizabeth wants there to be a ban on land mines in at least the US, even if other countries aren’t on board. Henry’s team does more analysis on Bo and the people close to him. Stevie shows up having been forced, it seemed, into helping with the party in some way. Why is this happening? Elizabeth’s team works more on the mine issue.

In segment three, Stevie wants her family to help with the party thing. Have I said how dumb this is? Oh wait, yes. Yes I have. Anyways, the weird family dynamics continue. We then get to Henry’s team which is tailing a person only too many people leave there to be a problem. There is a meet with Bo who was probably cast to look like Mitch McConnell. Does he know that someone is after him? They still need his vote before they can go after him. Bo is going to the holiday party that Elizabeth is throwing. Why are they calling it a holiday party? Shouldn't it be Christmas party?

In segment four, Stevie has all the plans that they did in short notice for this party which seems to be a way of showing good grace, even if it isn’t to people that they don’t like. Daisy has shown up again. I wonder if the actress really was pregnant. It would explain a lot. Maybe I should do more research into the matter. The party seems to be as boring as most gatherings like that tend to be. Elizabeth needs to keep Bo at her place as long as possible. Carlos is the name of that senator I can’t remember from other, earlier episodes.

In segment five, people went after Elizabeth’s hunch. Bo gets home and the people are out of the house. What will happen with Bo? Will he realize what’s going on? Elizabeth wants Carlos to vote the way she wants to on the issue. It doesn’t look like things will go the way Elizabeth wants. Stevie then talks to Alexander some more after he was in the secret raid on Bo’s house. How much does Stevie know about who he really is? Bo is questioned with the evidence that they have and Henry wonders how Bo can live with himself. Bo wonders what he has done. But he is guilty in some way. Is the land mine thing done for a good cause? It looks like there is good resolution regarding that. But they are making Russia the enemy again, which makes sense.

On the next Madam Secretary, they might have to make a deal with the enemy in the fall finale. I can get kind of annoyed by those if that means the show is gone for a long while. Hopefully it won’t be too long into the next year when the next new episode airs. I wonder if you’ll see a political post next year before the next new episode airs. I’m still trying to figure out when to do those posts. Be on the lookout for them on Saturdays potentially, but not every Saturday. I’ll try to explain in a main post or an added intro to one of those posts. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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