Monday, August 31, 2015

Episode from 11-23-2014

This was an old episode that I had to get caught up on. I have not seen it as I recorded it on VHS. Why did I do that? You see, CBS aired a football game that overran its programs. I started the tape recording the show 60 Minutes while missing the beginning of the Simpsons. (Thanks to the power of reruns, I was able to see the beginning of that Simpsons episode.) The delay was at a weird time, which is why I recorded it on VHS instead of my laptop. The tape starts with a set of commercials before we reach the second segment of a 60 Minutes episode. After that, then we get to the Madam Secretary episode that I will blog about. It was the episode involving torture, I think.

Well, the matter of me getting caught up on VHS tapes can depend on how far behind I am on them. If there comes a certain time when I have a pile of six different tapes that need to be watched, then I ignore any other TV shows on DVD that I watch and get caught up so that the pile is at a more manageable number. On 2-5-2015, I have six tapes to get caught up on, so I start getting caught up on them. I will not watch anything else for a while until I can get to a lower number. On 2-28-2015, I’m able to reinstate the rolling list, but that might not last too long, depending on whether I have to tape a lot before I can watch more of the tapes.

Using this method, I was able to find the Madam Secretary episode in question. It aired at a 40 minute delay. I don’t know when I’ll post this blog update, but it shouldn’t be too long. Since it is an older episode, that might be part of the problem with me not knowing when to post it since it is late. But I’m sure I’ll post it at some point in time. I also hope that I can get more caught up on VHS recorded shows so I can get back to rolling and watching other shows of mine. I just hope that this blog post isn’t too much better than it otherwise might be. Why worry about it being better? Well, if most of the posts are one quality, then I don’t want it to be a better quality in the case that I recorded it on VHS instead of the usual TV tuner. Watching it on VHS would give me more time to blog about the episode while watching the episode. If you don’t believe me, then check up my Survivor blog. The posts from before the twenty-seventh season would have delayed posts that I watched on my laptop. The VHS option became better from the twenty-seventh season onward so I could give more detailed posts and stay updated with the confessional count. Link to that blog:

Now we get to the episode. We start with a news story of a foreign city taken over by ISIS. (For the record, it is pronounced eye-sis, not is-is. If you’ve never heard of it and only read it, then you might get that wrong.) There is also a plot that relates to what happened to the original secretary of state, a mystery that surrounds the show. Let’s face it, with a lot of new shows, you need a recurring mystery like that to get people to come back week after week. Elizabeth acts like a mother to her daughter Stevie. There is then a lockdown due to a shooter in the area. They are at the white house, right?

So we get to more of the situation. “You might be some deranged guy’s hostage.” “Well, technically, I’m my mom’s hostage.” That’s the exchange that Stevie has about not being able to get to work on time. Also, I should apologize in advance if I ever point out flaws in the show because I am a fan of CinemaSins and that makes me think about various flaws in shows and movies a lot.

It’s hard to summarize a lot of what happened. The subplot with Daisy’s romance seemed strange at best. I’m glad that they are trying to focus on other characters in the show, but it didn’t seem well developed to me. Daisy’s current lover meets her old lover. That leads to a bit of conflict. Also, the conflict with the shooter is taking place at the state department building and not at the white house, I think. Elizabeth also confesses to her daughter that she approved the torture of a man. This episode was less about torture than I thought that it was.

A strange subplot on Stevie possibly donating her eggs is part of this episode. Weird, huh? But I guess without a woman’s eggs, none of us could be here. But I would never donate sperm. Not unless it was in the conventional way by having sex with my wife. Of course, I’d have to find a wife first. But I’ll worry about that later. Daisy no longer has a fiancĂ©e which might put her back with her old lover whom she still works with. Why can’t I remember his name? Anyways, this episode explains why Stevie hates her mother for a while, although that might be solved by now.

I can’t tell if this post was better or worse than others in the past have been. I haven’t posted that many blog posts here anyways. We’ll see what happens as time goes on. I mean, my Survivor blog didn’t find its stride until later seasons after I started blogging about it in the twenty-fourth season. I also don’t know when I’ll be posting updates in this blog as I might have to wait until after I have recently updated my TV blog. I’ll post a link to my TV blog in an earlier or later blog post. Yes I’m confusing and weird. I’m Adam Decker. And for now, I’m signing off.

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