Sunday, January 8, 2017

Episode from 4-24-2016

Sorry for the lack of an introduction in the blog post of the previous episode. (The added introduction that explains about posting it doesn’t ever count in my mind.) I’m also sorry that I always have these stupid introductions in the post. I honestly didn’t know what to say last time. I also never thought that I’d never be able to avoid doing that in one of my posts not about TV in general (well, those have introductions), but they tend to actually make sense and work for the most part. I’m not really sure what else there is to say about this. Maybe I'll change, maybe I won't.

Remember how I have far too much recorded to watch on VHS? Well, I also have enough choices now that I could create a third list of TV shows on DVD (and things close enough to it) if I wanted to. Of course, there’s only supposed to be one list despite however many choices I might have waiting to be added to the list. The main reason that I changed this was to ensure that a particular show could be rolled from in the meantime since it getting rolled means updating various other blogs such as this one. I’m not sure if this will work in the future or not, but I’m going to keep doing it for now.

Today’s episode is brought to you by no delay. We begin with Elizabeth and Henry in couple’s therapy. They seem to want to work out issues of some sort. There is the usual drama going on with work for both of them so their therapist suggests not talking about work. There is a problem going on as usual and Elizabeth as usual works on possible solutions as usual.

In segment two, Murphy Station comes up. Who or what is that? I’ve never heard that phrase before so I’m not entirely sure what it means. Henry talks about his problems with Demitri’s death and there are also issues with Demitri’s sister that are important. I’m not sure that much is happening.

In segment three, they keep talking about this foreign something or other that I probably couldn’t even pronounce, much less say. There are issues with Pakistan over various problems, one of which was the dirty bomb from a previous episode. Henry and Elizabeth come up with a cover story of some type to tell their kids about where their father is and why. I still don’t fully understand what is going on.

In segment four, Elizabeth and Conrad talk to a Pakistan official about the possibly rogue person. This rogue person proves that he can cause problems and he uses twitter to do so. They then have to evacuate the embassy that Henry is at.

In segment five, the president’s team looks at the footage of what is going on in Pakistan. They try to work on a solution to the problem by getting their people to safety. One of the persons is taken from his car and beaten. The episode ends with Elizabeth trying and failing to get in touch with her husband over the phone.

On the next Madam Secretary, they are hunting for a terrorist. It appears that Elizabeth will make contact with Henry or possibly someone who knows more information. What will happen? I guess we’ll have to wait to see to know for sure. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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