Monday, September 10, 2018

Politics: Following the Wisconsin Governor Race: 2018

If you read these posts from a while ago, then you might have remembered when I talked about the Wisconsin governor race going into the primaries. Now that the primaries have happened, I might as well talk about the results going forward and why I care about this race enough to the point of making one of the two candidates the first recipient of a political donation of mine. Why do I care about this race? Well, it all related to a commercial.

There was a while on Illinois airwaves where there was a commercial where three governors of states that border Illinois, Scott Walker being one of them, where my state’s governor, Bruce Rauner, effectively let them blame the Illinois speaker of house on all the problems of the state. Thus, I have a beef with Scott now. And I never liked him in the first place. While I may have said to vote for him in the primary, that was due to a lack of a good alternative at that level. What are all of the Scott Walker problems I can think of?

Scott is against collective bargaining. You might think that collective bargaining is bad, but if you do, then you might not understand what it is. It is something used to give people more options in terms of work with unions. This is a way that he is against unions.

Another way he is against unions is by supporting the horribly named right to work legislation. He was against this for quite a long time before he made a complete reversal about it and he ended up signing it into law. This makes him even more against unions.

The biggest problem that he tried to cause or, possibly, has caused, was signing voter id laws into law making it harder for people to vote. But I guess it doesn’t matter to him since those who would go without ids typically wouldn’t be likely to vote for him. An id shouldn’t be something that you have to have in order to vote.

Tony Evers may not seem like the best candidate at first. But he was seen in some polls as the only Democrat with the chance to beat Scott. I hadn’t picked him at the primary stage as I had thought incorrectly that he didn’t have enough experience. I also thought that there was too big of an issue with him relating emails, but that isn’t the case. He did something wrong and has been punished already for it.

The main thing that he does well is helping with education. In this day and age where so many people are cutting education, helping make sure that it is done right is good. It is his job now to help with education and I don’t know if Scott has done well or not on that subject. I don’t think that he has, which is another reason why you should support Tony Evers.

I’m not sure if much else will need to be said before the closing endorsement. There are three races in the US senate that I want to do posts on and hope I can do them all. I just need to see if I can figure out a good order on my own or if I should just do whatever order I want to come up with. I did a poll on twitter, so hopefully people voted in that.

Because I feel so strongly about this election, Tony Evers became the first person who was on the receiving end of a political contribution of mine. I might even do that with more people in the future depending on things I’m not going to mention as I don’t want them to do it just to get money from me. The point is, Tony Evers is my endorsement of this election and I feel that he is the best person to lead the state of Wisconsin. Scott has been a failure for far too long as he just wants to steamroll everyone else to get his own way. If you can vote in Wisconsin, then on November 6th, vote Tony Evers for governor.

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