Monday, June 3, 2019

Politics: A Reckoning Every 80 Years; Is it Coming Again?

I might not have thought of this post were it not for a Time magazine article that mentioned what Steve Bannon said. It seems weird that he would be an inspiration for this post, but I think that he actually said something that is a bit important and could affect things today.

Let’s start with the first example. In the 1780s, the US was in possibly our most important war as we fought for our independence. We were able to form a brand new form of government after the war as a result.

In the 1860s, the US was at war again, only this time, it was with ourselves. The Civil War was what we needed to get rid of legal slavery in this world. Sadly, illegal slavery exists today. But this was yet another reckoning if you will.

This leads us to the 1940s. What was happening then? World War II had taken over most of this planet leading us to fighting to rid the world of fascism. Very few places in the world still have it today and this war was the reason why.

Now if this sort of pattern continues, something will happen in the 2020s. We won’t know yet what it will be. We just know that it will be a reckoning of sorts. Will it relate to Trump? Will it relate to the US? Will it relate to a third World War?

Some say that Trump’s behavior regarding certain events into the investigations into him might be leading us into a current constitutional crisis. Now we have had these before and I don’t think that they all cover the exact same period. What I do know is that there have been issues that he has caused and people keep talking about impeachment. Is it a good idea? Should they do it? I do not know for sure but based on what I know as of 5-23-2019, nothing he has done yet might be worthy of it in my mind.

You may notice that I mentioned a date that has already passed. Well, I had to schedule this post in advance since I knew that I wouldn’t have time to write about it this date in question. I do not know what all might have changed in this country over the last set of days. Maybe we are now in the reckoning or maybe it is like Watergate (which lasted four years) where we aren’t far enough into the investigation to know for sure what happens with him. If such an eighty year thing really is going to happen, it might be way worse than anything Trump could do.

Well, that’s about it for this post. I don’t know what else to say except hope that we are not into such horrible times in this world or even country that such a thing like a reckoning of sorts will happening, although, all of these things really did need to happen in some way in order to make the world a better place. What will happen next? Time can only tell.

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