Sunday, January 26, 2020

Politics: Why are Democrats Considered the Lazy Party?

Since I had been switching between talking about Republicans and Democrats in the main posts of this blog before the show ended. I thought that I might as well continue that theme in this post by talking about Democrats. This will continue in posts in this blog for a while, where you will see posts about the Democratic side of things. I figure that I might as well get started with this starting with this post.

You see, a common misconception about the Democratic Party is that they are lazy. Maybe this is just what the Republican’ts want others to think about those who vote that way and not the actual politicians in that party. Or maybe they want to continue the myth that it is actually their party that is hard working. Well, I might as well explain why I think Democrats have this unfair label about themselves.

Republicans present themselves as for the farmers and the hard working people while they dismiss the Democrats as not for the everyman. Of course, Republicans are more likely to be part of the elitist communities while not caring that the tariffs that Trump does hurts farmers as they give them handouts for the harm that they themselves cause.

Let’s face it, the Republicans are for the rich people. But the rich are not lazy and that is why they believe that Democrats are lazy. But the Democrats want to help the poor and unfortunate because they know that many rich people won’t. While there are some rich people that do help by giving away their money to worthy causes, it is worth noting that trickledown economics are a myth that doesn’t help those of lower classes. George Herbert Walker Bush knew this himself. He called such a thing voodoo economics. Rich people aren’t going to give anything away that they don’t want to. Thus, we have people like Trump in control of things, only using his and other’s money to advance his own causes.

I might be losing my point here. The point that I want to make that it is not the Democrats who are lazy in my mind. Look at what happened with Merrick Garland. His borking was due to the efforts of the Republican’ts, and yet the Democrats are the lazy ones? There were all sorts of judges that were borked under the Obama administration. Borking isn’t done if you want to get things done. The only time Republicans want to get things done is when it benefits them.

When it comes to things not getting done in this country, it is often the Republican’ts that are the ones responsible for things not getting done. The best example of this is evident right now with the current Democratic House of Representatives versus the Republican’t controlled Senate. The House keeps passing legislation that the Senate refuses to act on. Since Trump won’t act on all this good stuff, Mitch McConnell blocks it by doing nothing with it. And yet it is the liberals who do nothing? Remember when, before the Democrats took charge on the House, nothing was getting done as well? The Republican’ts had a national trifecta and yet, they did nothing. Can this myth that the Democrats are lazy just die?

What else is there to say? I don’t think that there is much else. I hope that I made a point in this post that people can agree on. If someone tells you that the House isn’t getting stuff done, then you let them know how they are wrong. And don’t let anyone tell you that Democrats are the party that’s lazy in the end.

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