Thursday, April 16, 2020

Politics: Partisanship

Before I get into this post, you might be wondering why I’m not doing another post of Democrats like I said I would. Well, I honestly could only think of those two posts that I did already as fitting with the theme of what I have done and figured that I might as well do a different theme instead. That theme will now relate to other things relating to political parties, but not focus on either party specifically. If it can relate to a party, it will be in this theme.

Now let’s get to the real introduction. There seems to be a huge problem going on with politics in this country today and that problem is partisanship. It seems to be the only thing that affects both parties. They refuse to work with the other party and tons of trouble exists as a result. Is that really what it is and how it seems like? Let’s delve into this issue, shall we?

Is the problem with both parties? That’s a good question, yet at the same time, it is also quite a dumb one as well. No, the problem is not with both parties. When Bush was in office, when the Democrats took control of the House and later the Senate, they were more than willing to work with him and let stuff get done. When Republicans took control of the House when Obama was in charge, they refused to show him the same common courtesy. The Democratic House that we currently have is more than willing to pass bills, but the Republican Senate refuses to act on much, if any, of it. So no, partisanship is more of one party’s problem than the other.

Why is it getting worse? I have no idea. Republicans showed Obama so much disrespect that it is hard to explain why they felt that they shouldn’t have to work with him. Then when we have such a polarizing leader now, we have the same people who disrespected Obama demand that we love and support dear leader now. Why would they let Trump get away with so much horrible ways and yet wonder why another party doesn’t like this? It is hard to tell why things are so worse with how things are getting, but it is unlikely to get better as long as Trump is around or anyone who enables his ways.

Is there any way of saving this country? Can we stop refusing to work with the other party and go back to how it was back when the first Bush was in charge and things operated much better? Can we actually have a country where both parties work together instead of just blaming all of their issues on the other party? We used to have it a few decades ago. You’d think that we could have it again. I’d say that we should make sure that we get rid of anyone who refuses to work with the other party and is a good reason why things don’t get done somewhere. That means ousting the likes of Michael Madigan and Mitch McConnell while keeping moderates who are known for working with both parties all the time.

That’s about it for this post. We are at a dark period of our country due to people who do not work with each other. But I think that not only can we do better, we more or less have to or we will not have a country left to lead any more. Even if I think partisanship is largely the fault of one party, we need to fix the wrong in both parties or we won’t have a country like we are used to having. It would be even worse than what we have now.

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