Thursday, August 13, 2020

Politics: How Much of a Problem are White People?

What is the best way of starting this post? Well, I’m a white person and shouldn’t hate my own kind, right? Well, it depends on the circumstance. It is a fact that white people, at least in this country, have always had an unfair advantage over the other races that they don’t deserve. They deserve to be knocked down a peg.

Should I be hard on my own race? Probably. I mean, it seems that the racists are only whites. But that can’t be right. And I can’t say that without the fact that not all white people are racist being brought up. I’m not racist. I hope people don’t think that about me or that I’ve ever given that vibe to anyone. Ideally, someone like me is only called racist if I correctly call out the racism in others. I talked about why that would be in a previous political post in this blog.

Once, to see if I was right about my idea that white people were a problem, I sent this letter into the Life Sherpa column which ran in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. A man named Joe Holleman, a black person, replied to the letter. First, here is what I wrote:

“As a white guy, I have to agree with the consciousness that white people are typically evil. They are more likely the cause of problems than other people are.” This was just my thoughts at the time and it was long before the era of Trump. I still feel that way in some places and know that someone wrote a book about the 2010s called “The Decade of Shitty White People.” Joe, of course, disagreed in some places with his reply, writing this:

“Congratulations, you’ve combined a ‘look at me, I’m sensitive’ guilt with a Howard Zinn-like grasp of demographics, sociology, and history. Did your analysis only include that area known as ‘Western civilization’? If your position is that more evil has been done in the U.S. and Europe by white people than any other cultural or racial group, I agree. I’ll also contend that more good has been done there by white people. There happen to be a lot of white people hanging around in those places. I ask only because you seem to have left out some serious evil happening in other places, like ISIS in the Middle East and Boko Haram in Africa.” (Who is Howard Zinn?)

There was a bit more to his response that I don’t think is relevant right now. I was, in fact, only including Western civilization in my analysis. More people have died since 2000 in this country because of white supremacists than because of foreign terrorists. And Joe is right that some of the advances in this country over the years has been due to white people. Look at all of the advances that Lyndon Johnson helped bring minorities. Abraham Lincoln was a good person who moved racial issues forward as well.

But there are still a lot of horrible issues caused by white people. Even long before we had the likes of Trump in office and a sudden zombie of followers of him, we had a legislature that seemed to prevent the progress that the first black president was making. Now, we have a lot of people still trying to undo Obama’s legacy, such as the ACA, something that they still don’t have a good replacement for around a decade of it existing now.

One does have to agree that a lot of white people are problems. Just go to a Trump rally and you will see the type of ignorance and arrogance that white people have. Some people think that problems like racial issues don’t exist anymore. It is part of the problem where some say that a problem isn’t real or doesn’t exist anymore, leading people to not have to solve problems or do anything like that. Even without racism involved, white people cause lots of problems as they even try to get their issues blamed on others.

It is hard not to be ashamed of my own race a lot of the time. From the racism to the issues that it seems that these people cause such as blind support of horrible conservative ways all in the support of pro-life issues and nothing else, white people have been in power for far too long and we need better people of other races in office instead.

Still, it is nice to have some of the advantages of being a white person. I still don’t know if I like it given the general negative ways that my race treats other people, including those within their own race who dare try to help out other races or work for equality among other people. I just would not want to change my race if I could because then I could have people call the cops on me for doing a normal thing or be otherwise discriminated against.

White supremacy is a huge problem. From the motherfuckers in the Klu Klux Klan to basically anyone who thinks that their race is superior in some way, we have a lot of people who hate others based on the color of their skin. That makes no sense. We are all one human race and the sooner we all realize that there is nothing that separates one human from another, even if they have different skin colors in the end.

In conclusion, white people suck. Not all of them, if they can help it. But a lot of them and you should be able to know who is on the sucky side of white people and who actually wants to help fix the racial issues or other ones. And you’ll be able to know who is who in most cases. Are they out to divide people like the guy in the White House? Or do they want to fix issues? One can only hope that better people exist in us then the white people of today.

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