Friday, December 23, 2022


If you follow my other blogs (and it’s okay if you don’t) then you’ll notice that a lot of them are going on a bit of a break for a while. This will be one of them. I plan to return to this blog with a new cast update on January 20th. But that’s not the only thing worth noting.


I’ve talked about starting a new blog that will have a similar name to the url of this blog. It may be up by now or maybe it isn’t. I’ve generally only wanted to do this since random posts of this blog won’t line up on specific dates so the new one will be brought in to sort of make this better and more okay. Well, there is another reason too. I won’t know for sure how it will line up with the break of this blog factored into it. I don’t know if I’m explaining myself well or can explain it well.


While I’m not explaining why I’m going on a break yet, there will be an explanation. Also keep in mind that since the new blog will be the first to be exclusively political (even in the introduction), you will both not see it on my facebook page (but you might see it in my facebook group I’m so Glad that They Finally Passed Health Care Reform) or in normal posts of blogs that cover politics as I will just be putting them in whatever the next pure political post is.


I’m kind of glad that this is a normal post as one was certain to happen, but I wasn’t sure what and now this will cover what it can be without me having to come up with something else long. There will not be too many normal posts of this blog planned and this was one of them. I’m not making sense, am I? I seem to just be rambling on as I bid farewell to this blog briefly. And I have to figure out how to return to these blogs as if they were still rotating at certain times when it was going to change. Still, once the blog that covers tech now (my one on CSI: Cyber) has the post explaining this hiatus, I’ll link to that blog post here as well. There’s not much else to say so I will end the post here.

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