Friday, July 28, 2023

Politics: Trump ISN’T Popular

You have probably heard tons of places the same sort of poll that never says the whole story. People love to point out the polls that show that Trump is popular among Republicans. It seems that anything and everything supports the belief that Trump is popular then, right? Wrong!


Trump is not, has not been, and never will be popular. You can’t say that of the only president in US history that had a negative approval ratings for his entire administration. People love to talk smack about Biden’s low approval ratings, but he had a positive one when he started out. When people try to claim that Trump is popular, it is only among the wrong. It is certainly not among liberals and it isn’t even among independents, the people that ultimately decide things.


So when you hear con servatives try to tell you that every controversy that the insurrectionist brings is helping him, know that people still hate him. It doesn’t matter if he gets money as it turns out that controversies in the Democratic Party, such as the censuring of Adam Schiff, also give them money, so it doesn’t matter as much since it affects both parties. That is what you should ultimately remember at all times. Trump isn’t popular, no matter what “right” winged or actual news sources tell you.

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