Monday, September 4, 2017

Episode from 5-21-2017

Well, this should be filling in the long gap that I’ve had for nearly this whole blog’s existence. Unless this somehow isn’t done by next season’s premiere, this should mean that I’m finally caught up on this blog and I’ll hopefully never get behind on it again. I can’t promise that for sure, but it should be the start of an era where I’m actually updated on it for a change. Meanwhile, Elementary was somehow renewed for the next season, but I’ll still have to see the schedule for it to know what, if anything, has changed regarding when things will air. It turns out that this will have the latest airing Sunday slot (a death slot) and Elementary is gone until some, currently unknown time. Yikes. That’s not good. I guess we’ll see what ends up happening with this show next season.

Today’s episode is brought to you by ~3 minute delay. I have no idea what caused it. We begin with Henry preparing for a job interview. He ends up getting the job quite easily. It seems just a bit suspicious to me that he got it so quickly. Anyways, there’s yet another international crisis with a body that was buried in the wrong place, it seems. Russia might be up to evil again, this time trying to annex another country, although the Crimea situation shouldn’t have happened in the timeframe of the show. People get fed up with what is going on regarding the situation at hand.

In segment two, there is more talk about France not taking part in whatever issue is going on that I don’t fully understand. This show doesn’t make as much sense as I want it to. There are continued efforts to resolve the issues, but they appear to go nowhere for now. The person that Nadine has been with since election night might be cheating on her.

In segment three, Dmitri is around to help Henry with investigating the possible Russia problems. Nadine thinks that this person she knows was working with the Russia government. A video was found that revealed more information on some of the shady business going down.

In segment four, the NATO people agree to invoke article 5, whatever that is, although France abstains from the vote itself. I lose track of some of what happened while I was watching this. It seems that Nadine has problems with her lover person since she investigated him.

In segment five, everything has a good resolution, it seems. I can’t tell exactly what all happened, but it seems to have a good resolution. Yay! The McCords go to a cabin in the woods to hang out. The person is buried now in the US where he belongs. That is all for this season. I’ll be back sometime with the next season or sometime this summer with a political post should there be nothing else to post during a month. I’ll see you then, hopefully with a better updating schedule than I’ve been doing. I should stay on Mondays with some occasional posts on Tuesdays. For now, this is Adam Decker, signing off.

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