Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Politics: Sellout or Lack of Backbone? Republicans’ Main Problem

It seemed like it was a simple thing to do. All Republicans had to do was say how bad Trump would be and stick to their guns with why they shouldn’t stick with him. Now that Trump is in charge, rarely do you hear Republicans continue their complaints about him. Those that do are ostracized by their own party. They lose their place in office. But why can’t they agree that Trump is terrible and shouldn’t be in charge? Why are they often not doing more than they are? Is it because they are sellouts or a lack of backbone?

While they might not have courage, it is more likely that they are sellouts. They will accept all the open and legal donations to do whatever terrible things these people want. The NRA makes it so that the Republican Party has far more power than it otherwise could. Sure, we have the occasional mass shooting, but why prevent someone on the no fly list from buying a gun? It would make their campaigns have less money than they would like.

And why solve the dangerous crisis of climate change or even admit that it exists at all? You should not anger the dying coal industry that gives the rest of their money to our campaigns. They are hurting the environment, but who cares about places we never visit in the cities that we live in? Why even care about plants? They may give us life, but we won’t be here for long with all these disasters to take over. They’ll be the next generation’s problem to solve.

Of course, it could be that Republicans are invertebrates or creatures without backbones. That might not be the case in every situation, but they seem to be full of talk and not actually doing anything to support what they say. Jeff Flake may have talked about all of the terrible things that Trump liked to do, but barely stood against him. He didn’t even run in the primary since he might have just lost it anyways. We’ll never know. But he could have been a vote against Brett Kavanaugh or various other issues. Instead, he lack the nerve to do anything.

I could be wrong about a lot of things regarding the Republicans. Maybe they are nicer people than I would believe that they could be. Or maybe they care too much about their legal donations and the people who give them this money that they wouldn’t dare cross them. All I know is that they have problems nowadays that I can only hope are solved in time.

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